03/22/2019 The day Yea Forums was proven to be casualshitters

Glad Sekiro is thrusting the bone to the throat of the soulsborne community

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Looks good but im not a fan of grappling hook shit. Is it constant grappling?


>im not a fan of grappling hook shit

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You barely use it in battle, it is very fluid and used to reach places

Most of the vertical movement is based around it and it has uses on some of the boss fights as well.

No, but it's shit regardless.

How do I unlock the door in the Hirata Audience Chamber? I believe it's the one that leads to that Lady Butterfly boss fight.

Sekiro is Sekino
The only people saying otherwise are mad shitters or contrarian retards

Did you kill all of the mini bosses on the way?

Do you fight the heavy armored greatsword dude later after you kicked him off the stage? ROBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERT

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I killed Ashina elite boys.

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guys... I don't think I'll ever be good at this game.
you won't ditch me in the scrub club, right?

Cured him already but he looked like this before

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Talk to your father

>walk into castle
>start stealth killing some guy
>suddenly BULL
holy fuck, that scared the hell out of me, can i actually beat that fucking thing? jesus

I would if I knew where he was. Also I don't know where Sekiro's father is either.

You have to, try to dodge and hit him in the head

he's so scary though

Grappling hook is much better than I expected it to be.

>Game tells me to use the drag feature on the loaded spear to fight the armored knight
>Use the spear on the armored knight as instructed
>The armor doesn't break and the guy makes fun of me
Fuck you too From Soft

kek. hes after the monks with spears

What I don't understand is the bosses, there are no boss arenas so there's nothing stopping you from just walking away to reset and get a free kill with stealth, seems like they are going backwards when they had a solution for this in the souls game with having walls come from behind so you cant run away

The way I beat him was bait out the charges from afar then run behind his ass while hes stuck at the wall, you should be able to go fucking ham in him for a while until he charges again

how the fuck do I beat the kicking guy in the bamboo area

do I have to run and take cover in the building here?

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Just beat Long Arm Centipede Giraffe, where do I need to go now? Do I need to progress in the memory?

t. hasn't played the game

>guy makes fun of me

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just sprint around to dodge his attacks and hit him when you see him rest for a second.

It’s such a garbage souls game. Can’t believe it.

look to your left and you can grapple around them

I haven't finished it but I was able to do this on first 3 bosses

nigga what you talking about, boss arenas literally have fog walls blocking exits, straight out of souls

theres a way around him

Just go around and stealth kill him.
That's only for minibosses, and most of them it's not even possible to do that to them.

Go left and you can sneak up on him

Use the firecrackers

Its not a battle tool unless an enemy has a certain gimmick that lets you grapple on them. Its just for traversal on buildings and cliffs

Reminds me of Nioh DLC where really strong NPCs would use the slow clap/point down animations if they killed you.

>he thinks the random mook enemies/minibosses are actual bosses

yeah I just realized it I'm dumb

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How were people having such trouble with Butterfly? I beat her in 3 tries without the snapseed

absolutely loving how mad this makes casuals
we need to make a bingo sheet for spotting retards-

"I can't find X (item in plain sight)"
"It's just parry!"
*continually rolling around*
"It's always 5v1!"
*mentions Tenchu*
*mentions BloodBorne*
*refers to miniboss as a boss*
*complains about stealth*
*doesn't use the tools*
"it's boring!" *only uses sword and dodge*
"it's too hard!"

minibosses regain all health if they lose aggro which will only happen if you try to cheese like you mentioned
none of those are actual bosses

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Yea Forums is on full contrarian shitter force
even /vg/ thread is full of children playing with cheat engine
there are literally people askingg for cheat engine ID in the thread
I never expected this place to fall so much but after this game I reached the conclusion that Yea Forums is somewhat at 9gag cringe tier of tardness

I already beat the game last night
its not a good game
theres one weapon in the whole game

those are minibosses

where do you get the firecrackers?

>Yea Forums is playing without the demon bell

Single player games are shit and always will be

did anyone else swap the controls around? i felt prosthetic cycle was more natural on d pad up and triangle for using an item

anyone know what to do with this fuck?

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The merchant in a tent before the chained ogre

Redpill me on dragonrot

kind of miffed that they made that decision at all

tranny and weeb cove

Started the game some two hours ago, got to the estate and grabbed the axe.
Not sure what to think of it, I went in expecting a proper stealth game and what I got is Sengoku Soulsborne with some actual stealth function that should have been implemented long ago, but it's still the same old barebones Soulsborne it has ever been, with none of its flaws fixed, if anything, more added on top of it all.

Like, what the fuck is even the point of stealth if the enemies don't even react to see their comrades' corpses or hear noises or your footsteps?
Why even bother with stealth when most of the times enemies are in groups that always cover each other and the only lone enemies out there are just chumps you can spam R1 on as usual?
Why are there pointless RPG mechanics to it all?
Why is jumping so bad when even the first Tenchu got it right?

I mean, I enjoy the combat and all (shield using mooks aside), the game is surprisingly optimized and there's some nice vistas here and there, the footfag dev still managed to cram in his fetish just right and the young lord is cute, but it feels like I'm playing yet another Soulsborne with just a tiny, little gimmick as a novelty, and finally a jump button and proper verticality.
And why the fuck didn't they hire Asakura holy shit, the music is the same fucking boring, generic Souls garbage I've been hearing since a decade.

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i only have so many emblems

It's still possible to use it to get the first life from them if you can't stealth them in the first place

I'm really enjoying it. Damn is it rewarding to beat a boss, and brutally finish them off. Also made me real nostalgic for souls, had to pop in DaS3 and BB if only for 10 minutes.

Its fun but I feel like the combat is too overly reliant on parrying, grantedI only played a little bit but what I did play made it seem like you have fewer ways to approach and kill enemies beyond the stealth not-backstabs and parrying. And of course no co-op or anything hampers replay value, but I knew that going in.

Not something I'm going to buy right away but definitely when its on sale in a year or so and the DLC is all out.

Except those minibosses regain all of their health if you do this. I advise you to play the game.

He fucked off after I killed Genichiro and there's something you can do at the altar then

Was Lady Butterfly supposed to be the first boss because that shit took me like three hours and I'm not sure if I'm ready for the rest if that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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okay but how do i get down there

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I mean, nice attempt at deflecting all critcism I guess, but nah.

It's just not a very good game. It lacks the atmosphere of Souls, the char creation, weapons and armor sets you find and so on, it has zero online (rip invasions) and the level design and stealth aspect are rather shoddily made and implemented imo.
Dunno. Feels like this was made by the C team.

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he only had the upgrade for the shuriken for 3k and no firecrackers

where the fuck is he
you unlock something later on that let you "chain" stealth kill

Niggas here dont play games bruh

Why did people expect this to be stealth? It's always been marketed as an action game like souls

Hi fellow reddit incel manchildren. This game seems really good. Aesthetic, combat, story all seem solid and refreshing for a "souls" title. But are there other main weapons besides the starting katana?

So? Those are normal non-respawning enemies roaming around, not bosses. Stealth killing tougher enemies and going back into stealth is a strategy used in literally every stealth game apart from the ones that give you a straight up game over screen from getting detected once.

D-did anyone manage to save the guy in the estate just before the giant poison guy?

I managed to finish off the "boss" after he died and now there's only a corpse, but until then he respawned when I died too.

u havent played the game

>kill the drunkard, the spear guy and chained ogre on first try
>go on twitch
>see people keep dying against them
the absolute state of videogames

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So I made it to the main hall in the temple on top of the mountain and talked to the undead dude and now I'm completely lost.

I can't open the door in the gun fortress after the giant centipede dude and I have no clue where to go from here.

Also how do I avoid the bad ending?

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you can typically get it from them without cheesing, too. stealth is in the game for a reason.

It has better level design than Dark Souls 3 and far, far better than Dark Souls 2.

was waiting for a boss fight that would actually let me push dudes off the arena. Wonder what that dude's deal was

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Jumping is great, try jumping off of enemies. You should also use wall jumping for escaping fights gone wrong.

Nope, now the next boss should be a cakewalk for you. You did that shit early.

Is the combat anything close to Nioh's? I've played through all the Soulsborne games and Nioh and am just curious.

How are its keyboard+mouse controls?

Game felt more like if pic related was made by a triple A studio rather than a dark souls game

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I don't think so. It has extremely linear levels and its placement of grapple points is more than questionable.

The vertical aspect is nice, but when you end up creating corridors with one stealth path and one "fight everything" path more or less then it doesn't feel that well thought out.

it's DDR with 3 panels

Are you sure you're at the right guy?

I like this game but Nioh is still better.

I don't think it's meant to be a Souls game. I don't find Souls games enjoyable, and I'm having fun with Sekiro.

casualshitter detected
try breath of the wild, might be more your speed.

>watching people play a game you're playing but havent finished yet

among all criticism you can say toward this game these are the most idiotic.
And I truly mean it, you are a contrarian baby who can't form an opinion. All you are saying is "it's not dark souls".
But it's not called dark souls you retard.

This game feels like the result you'd get if someone asked a non-From studio with a background inaction games to make a Souls game


Nioh feels like a Diablo game, Sekiro is a full fledged action.

mt kongo
thanks mate

That already happened, it's called Nioh.
It's better than Sekiro

I'm not going to dignify you with more than the fact that I actually listed multiple points while you said absolutely nothing other than "no ur dumb"
You could instead have told us why it's a good thing that the game has zero weapons or armor you find and can equip or why the corridor level design is a positive in your eyes, but no, you didn't. You shitpost.

Don't bother responding unless you start talking like an adult person.

convinced that 90% of the people talking about tenchu have not actually played tenchu
it's like when people namedrop the velvet underground while you're talking about [insert rock band here]

Bing bing wahooing around the roofs and killing everything without a name like it's fucking nothing is not particularly fun level design. The levels don't even need to exist. It might as well be a boss rush.

this is 100% scripted right?they weren't sick

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Where Can I farm Divine Confetti? I ran out dying to Headless and his brother.

You will be presented with a choice later on. Take the one that doesn't sound like you being a dick.
Don't betray Kuro by obeying the Owl
The good ending route goes on even further and things start getting weirder:There's a Divine Palace full of Pthumerian-looking dragon people

I completely missed that
goddamn every area of this castle look the same
thank you kind user

t. hasn't gotten past the first levels

They actually did get sick. Did you never go back and get the blood sample?

When will I get 3rd skill tree? Killed both horseman and granny, didnt found it yet.

>It might as well be a boss rush.
actually yeah
areas are linear as heck too

This is how I know you're shitposting and haven't played the game. The levels are massive and very open and well thought out. Ashina Castle alone is more complex than the vast majority of Souls levels.

I'll admit I'm having a real rough time, this game requires a lot more precision and consistency than any other Souls game. These first few areas and levels are a hell of a lot harder than say, NGB's first few.

i honestly wish it would've fully committed to being an action game rather then have rpg elements. Still fun tho

>you unlock something later on that let you "chain" stealth kill
Ah, like Shinobido's chain kills, cool, I'll look forward to it then, so far I'm just skipping fights, especially since they respawn for some unknown reason and it seems like a total waste of time.
Because it's a game about a SHINOBI, with marketing that made a big deal out of stealth and it being some kind of spiritual successor to Tenchu?
I don't know dude, I feel pretty disappointed.
Nah man, jumping feels awful, actually the whole game feels very slippery overall, more slippery than Bloodborne even, I'm still not used to it.
I really like the idea behind the Mikiri for thrusting attacks though, seems Miyazhacky actually read some budo and did his homework this time.

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I wonder if we are playing the same game at all

the true casual filter has arrived

did you guys not get past the first real boss? game opens up a lot after that

>proceeding through the ashina rooftops
fucking nightjar asshole scared me

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>Nioh feels like a Diablo game

Can I block/parry the ogres attacks or am I supposed to focus on dodging?

It has far less in depth offensive gameplay but the defense is neat its like rock paper scissors but you see what your opponent is picking and you have half a second to respond with the right thing

aw fuck i tought that they would be ok after i cured them with the anti dragon aids
sadly the chain stealth kill isn't infinite,it's tied to the spirit eblems

Don't listen to this user, Give Emma that sweet penetration

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you can jump all his attacks and grab especially. Don't dodge.

Don't bother. These are retards that never played Demon Souls and only saw footage of Tower of Latria, the most linear and easiest game From has ever created. These are also retards that haven't gotten past the first area in the game or even first 3 hours. Bloodborne is linear as sin at the start.

you can parry his swings but the second he starts going for grabs you should be jumping

isshin sword saint is too hard

incels rise up

even before that you can explore alternate routes and meet the snake and apparition guy
also there are alternate routes pretty much everywhere
I just reached first boss and I'm at around 5k and 5 skills unlocked and I've never really stopped farming, I've simply explored non-stop

One thing Sekiro made me realize is that I much prefer the more deliberate and slower gameplay and combat of classic Souls.

Sekiro is all over the place, almost like an action game with crazy mobility of the character

>extremely linear levels
falseflagger detected, fuck all the way off. Ashina castle alone blows most of dark souls 1 out of the fucking water.

Holy fuck play the fucking game past the tutorial.

Its more used to traverse levels. You can use it to surprise enemies, but the usage in battle is minor besides running away or gap closing

Fucker knocked me off the roof to my death after I was spooked by the banshee scream. I laughed so fucking hard

I disagree.

figure it out yourself you fucking loser. Its just a normal fucking enemy. No one has problems with this area

I just beat the samurai guy who cut off your arm at the start of the game

i think his face still looks alright

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I see why fans hate that there is no multiplayer.

They can't have other players beat bosses for them.

you are kind of late lmao

how's the port? Do the button displays actually match keyboard inputs finally?

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sure buddy

It's very loot heavy, and levels feel like they are randomly generated.

oh i fucking knew something was odd about her

Or maybe they dislike the lack of invading other people?
Something I got 80% of my playtime from.

I've cleared like 5 whole areas already and they're all linear
"bonfires" are fucking everywhere and have basically become the checkpoint after clearing this pack of enemies on the course

Exactly why I prefer Sekiro over Souls.

looks like pc is the only way to play with 60fps

ok this shit keep spreading all over his face

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>playing action games on M&KB

why do this to yourself

Souls is often faster than it should be. At least in sekiro you're as fast as the enemy, and can go blow for blow clashing swords like a fucking baller. Souls is full of enemies that are way faster, one hit you, never give you a chance to breathe, constant sneak ups, and other annoying shit. Sekiro is a challenge yet it feels much more honest and fun.

Why the fuck dont I understand the revival mechanic? I cant access the tutorial prompt anywhere and from what I recall it said you die once, revive, kill another enemy to get another revive

In reality it hasnt worked at all like that for me and sometimes I seem to build up another revive with a different icon

I loved Nioh but the loot was actual low drop rate constant inventory management cancer.

ok shitter
the actually good souls players had 90% of their playtime on pvp

Which is totally fine. Some people like this, some like that.
I hope we'll get another game like Bloodborne in the future. Maybe in Ancient Egypt, would be kickass.

>it's tied to the spirit eblems
Should have guessed that, not that big of a deal since they seem to replenish just fine by killing things, at least so far.

I've been thinking though, the prosthetics feel more like hard counter tools than proper weapons of their own, am I wrong on that or what? The shuriken throw is only useful for archers while the Axe is so slow it's not worth using on anything but shield mooks.

Sekiro is the "more deliberate and slower gameplay"
too many people are overthinking the combat when it's just rock paper scissors for massive damage

doesn't look like it's spread any for me since the start

Play the game

i sometimes use the shuriken to keep up their poise damage when I have to back off a boss but other than that yeah pretty much

they are hard counters that can sometimes help oneshot an enemy
they are nott meant to be used as weapon, hence the "soft" limit of the spirit origami dolls thingy.

this shit isnt fun

>tfw finally killed Lady Butterfly

Am I no longer a casual?

Sekiro actually might be the hardest one yet. Too bad it's so stale without the character customization, diff. weapons, stats, armors, and no PvP...

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git gud

I dislike the setting too.
Something about Sengoku Japan with its trope ass Jap castles, cherry blossoms, samurais, onis, wooden pagodas etc. is just so boring and uninteresting.

Was she your first real boss?

go play ds for your pvp then fren

Never played DaS, why do people say DaS is easier? Is it because of shields? Or rolling?

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Invasions were the 1 (one) thing that made Souls game worth more than a single playthrough and are some of the most fun casual pvp of any video game

how does the game look worse than Nioh and Bloodborne?

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I just throw ashes to the big guys who regenerate posture, I guess that's what they're good for since I found no other reason to use them so far.
Still, I'm barely at the beginning so I'm sure I'll find some nuance to it all once I get deeper in and unlock more arms/skills.
I have to say though, the combat feels like a mediocre rhythm game where you can spam a lot of shit, pretty brainless so far but outside of Kaiba I haven't fought anything but midbosses and he eventually pushed my shit in so I guess it will change for the better later.
I actually wish it didn't have any of that RPG shit like EXP grind for skills, but alas, Miyazaki couldn't stay his sinful hand and just had to reuse Soulshit for the sixth time in a row.

it's a lie.
Sekiro is easier.

nioh mechanically was fine, just grinding the same levels over and over

How is the storyline in Sekiro? Sekiro DMC5 or RE2 for a storyfag?

they get a lot more useful later on, with upgrades. I use the spear quite a lot

Meh. Nioh was harder. And more fun, frankly.

Because it's been out for 8 years so every retard knows the mechanics really well, and your defensive options in those games are really powerful.

The game is new, your defensive options are quite a bit weaker, and attacks do much more damage

>whew laggy pvp
people still playing DaS

>want to play souls again
>want to buy the recently released Souls Trilogy collection consisting of all 3 games with all DLC in all remaster versions etc.
>only have xb1x and not ps4 pro
>it's probably dead on xbox one x and barely has anyone playing online which would suck if I ever want to have invasion fun in any of them


Can we all agree the setting and worldbuilding is absolute kino?

to be fair once you stop playing it like a dark souls and learn the new mechanics you realize that sekiro is the easier game

Definitely not

>weak defensive options
>when buttonmashing block will parry almost any attack with no timing required

>Guardian ape
Huh did see that one coming.

>literally a white congalala
FROM you motherfucker i never missed that cunt

how do you get to granny?

Yea Forums how often do you use Combat Arts as opposed to just fighting normally?

Hmm.... I'd say get RE2 if you want the story.

Rarely cause I stopped playing this mediocre game

>cant find the purple guy in the Hirata Estate
>cleared the map of every single enemy from Lady Butterfly's boss fight to the spawn

I forgot about them theyre so shit

I always wound up doing them by accident

Swim under the bridge with fatso and 2 shield users.

[Spoiler]go for a swim

I only have the big sweep one which is the first one, and I've used them on the shield dudes and on dog packs

>alt tab to shitpost on how easy it was
>he gets up

Its all I know. what controller do you use?

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Why do so many souls fans hate this game?

I was afraid that sengoku Japan would be boring after a while but I must say that when it start getting "weird" it really gets interesting
They managed to balance the classic with their style, it truly is a thing of beauty

Their preferred playstyle doesn't work here

It is specifically designed to fuck with muscle memory developed by playing soulsborne.

it's not dark souls 4/another DS1 copypaste

It's quite different from Souls in some ways. Personally I like Souls more
>more enjoyable combat
>chat creation
>online (I love invading and griefing people)
>much, MUCH better atmosphere and setting
>can find weapons and armor sets etc.

The heavy attack which does tons of posture damage is great

Tbh this has already been exposed. There's not a single video of someone beating O+S on the entire internet without 1) a summon 2)being overleveld and or 3) being overgeared. This is after years of these faggots telling others to git gud. Being a highly successful tourney player on tons of fast twitch games like SF, CS, etc I found this a bit confusing until I realized they were all lying. Then BB platinum in 10 days poster pretty much forced them to shift their whole narrative claiming they never thought souls games were hard. It's just a bunch of pathetic autists who have no skill at anything, let alone these games. Just leave them alone. They are miserable enough as it is.

One from combat arts book? It looks horribly slow, even if it gives poise I don't feel like getting hit while doing it.

What kind of idiocy is this post, I did O+S at fucking SL1 multiple times already

Souls game can be cheesed by simply farming souls and pumping vit and stamina
Most people are clearly shit at the game
Go look for example in the /vg/ general how they are exchanging cheat engine id and such

The others are mad because there is no multiplayer, which is frankly a shame, and how there is no customisation, which is frankly retarded and it makes me think that these idiots should go play the sims instead.

Pretty sure that's a pasta.

Post 3 things you like about the game and 3 things you did not like.

Contrarian shitposters fishing for (You)'s need not apply

No fashion no buy

>Hug wall

>I went in expecting a proper stealth game

Are you retarded?

1. Runs well even on my old GPU
2. Nice music
3. Sometimes grappling around is pretty fun

1. No online whatsoever will severely limit my playtime with the game in the end, kind of a "play once and be done" deal
2. Combat isn't as enjoyable as Souls for me somehow, I prefer big slow swords though
3. Feels like there's very little cool things to find by exploring, also no weapons and armor sets to find

Can my pc run it ?

Operating System
Intel Core i3 2120 @ 3.30GHz
Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology
8,00go Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz
Hewlett-Packard 1495 (SOCKET 0)
SyncMaster (1280x1024@60Hz)
2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 (ASUStek Computer Inc) 35 °C

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DAE thought this nibba was hitting a dab

Yeah and you probably glitched them out on the pillars.

So, got that "good" Immortal Severance ending. Know about Shura one.
How do you get two other endings and what happens there?

I didn't even think they were THAT hard. I had more trouble with 4Kings on my SL1 runs somehow.

Fuck off Miyazaki


Tell me you didn't use any magic so I can accuse you of lying.

the first dark souls is strange
I did various runs and found the same bosses easy or super hard on different runs

Reinforced club and resin my man

>the fucking monkey kills me with a ball of shit while i was jumping

Oh then yeah sorry, I'm literally moving the goalposts so you dont have to call me out. That's not a skill win. I mean you certainly have more skill than the faggots I'm talking about by virture of the fact you were simply fucking honest. The fact remains there's no cheese free way to beat the bosses. That's more From's fault than anything but the amount of backpedaling that has happened form the fanbase over the years and especially today, is insane.

Did you fight your daddy 2nd time? You have to eavesdrop Emma say some shit to access the fight and the reward that probably has something to do with the endings

I can't even get basic encounters down. This is so annoying.

Has anyone managed to confirm how dragonrot spreads? I'm not really enjoying the game with that hanging over my head all the time.

shota and enemy design good
annoying moon rune on top of weapon glint for enemy step counters instead of only glint to avoid confusion
dodge distance too short
fucking 1 combat skill and block+attack activation is stupid

>ashira outskirts
>lots of open space and vertical level design that allows you to move around as much as you can so that you can make use of your stealth and mobility as an option to take down enemies
>hirata estate
>lol what the fuck is stealth? here have these corridors with very little leeway full of tons of enemies that you cant sneak up on. just play the game as barebones as possible and dont think about doing anything interesting

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>The day Yea Forums was proven to be casualshitters
everyone has already known that for over a decade now, OP

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ok i need help with the big monkey
i can't land hits without getting myself hit
other than firecracking his face,any other tips?

Remember to pick the loot.

There aren't 22 months in a year, retard.

Is the game poorly translated or is the guy in the full set of Portuguese armor not supposed to be Portuguese? Because in Japanese he says "Roberto" but it's translated as "Robert".

how do i beat this seven spears dude? he does an absurd amount of posture damage when i parry him and his attacks are really wide so i can hardly dodge

>Because in Japanese he says "Roberto" but it's translated as "Robert".
I can tell you haven't listened to much nippon

wait,what loot?
i'm at the phase 2

No. Didn't know about that (thought two more endings may be connectedd to dragonrot levels. Like 0 dragonrot/full dragonrot).
Is it also in memories like Lady Batterfly?

I just tried to bait you to die to the 2nd phase

It's literally in the same place as Lady Butterfly and yeah in another memory.

No, i know that's how they might pronounce it, that's why it's confusing. It would make a lot more sense in the setting if he was a Barbosa, he's wearing the armor and his son's name the way it is said in the original voice acting is legit. It's entirely possible for it to be a translation misunderstanding, no?

It's possible as well, or just small liberties in localization

>go through the game
>see larger samurai guy, he has multiple health bars so I think he's the first boss
>lose to him quite a few times, trying to learn the mechanics of this game
>"Man that was tough, the boss also dropped one of the amulet things"
>go further, killed another one and the shinobi hunter and drunk guy in the dream
>finally get to Lady Butterfly
>my fucking face when I realized all those "bosses" I thought were just mini-bosses

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DaS rewards slow and methodical players above all else. Sekiro is 99% about twitch reflex. If you're dumb but fast, Dark Souls will be hard. If you're tactical but slow, Sekiro will make you cry.

There is one more place when the story can split.
When Kuro tells he wants to destroy immortality, there is an option to refuse (but I couldn't select it). Maybe on the secondd playthrough Wolf can pick that option (as he has already broken the Code last time)?

If you can run DS3 you can run this fairly well.
But >i3

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Multiplayer have a toxic community and always will

You can download the game from torrents and check if it runs good enough to buy from Steam.

>trying to kill shinobi hunter of miso soup
>need the special thrust counter skill
>he does a thrust
>I counter
>he walks backwards and his posture restores

how to kill this guy seriously?

People play sekiro like DaS and think sekiro is harder. I had a hard time first in lady butterfly because the game baited me to thinking I should wait for her and dodge, like in Das, because the tutorial popup before her.
Then I realized I'm playing sekiro, and light spam 1 2 3 deflected her to oblivion.

Fucking beta. Man up or go jerk off to your single player beta experience.

March 22, 2019

which one?

Yeah, no. It’s fine but it handles like dogshit in terms of the animations

Is anybody else loving the difficulty? I am. Makes it more satisfying when I finally beat a boss.


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he's hard. you can sneak up on him and plunging attack him to get rid of the first health bar, and circle around him when he does his big wind up spin move to get a charged hit or two in. other than that no real gimmicks

This desu.
Its more Bloodborne than Souls.

Yo I just got another gourd from some fish fucker in a barrel.
How many gourds are there in the game?

Just started playing and just got shuriken prosthetic. Loving it so far but in the back of my head I worry about the length of the game. For those who got further in, how big does it seem t be so far?

so is the twist supposed to be t the sculptor is actually wolf from the future because the dialogue makes it seem like he's foreshadowing something every time he opens his mouth

This, I love how punishing it is, makes succeeding way more rewarding.

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Got it,holy fuck i hate how i get stuck on the easiest shit that just requires patience

the fuck is that webm

Wah wah I cant play dress up real mature critiques retard

I still think people should be able to select difficulty. You know, different people need different amount time to learn and not everyone want to spend hours memorising boss patterns (or to die in an area because of one mistake and redo it from the very beginning).
For example, if I am playing DMC and want a challenge, I can always get it from higher difficulties. And if I want to do some flashy combos/just play for fun there is normal difficulty.

And Souls games are not ONLY about "git gud". The most interesting (for me) part is exploration. And well, high difficulty almost destroys that part...

By the way, on PC I need to press parry button really early (if the attack is fast like some of Batterfly's kicks, it should be pressed BEFORE the attack even starts). Don't know if it is a bug, but it makes bossfights not a test of reaction, but a test of memory.

So do I lead this soldier to the creepy dude in the abandoned dungeon?

Where the fuck is Emma? I have Issin's letter but she disappeared from the shrine before I could show it to her.

Also are people shitposting or something? This game is way easier than any soulsgame I've played, including Ni-Oh. It's just Simon's Says.

This game is too hard! I can’t even get past that first-ish general, the one after the dogs, with the sweep and grabbattacks. Also I keep dying and spreading some kind of disease around - is that as bad as it sounds ?
Otherwise enjoying the game very much, I love its Realism with little glimmers of surreal ness poking through, and the mists of ancient Japan look very beautiful.

Why is the Seven Spear General so fucking hard. Mechanically he doesn't function the same as other mini-bosses since the Special Gook Deflect on his thrust attacks doesn't work as he just pushes you away then either jumps backwards and recovers poise rapidly or he follows up with a swing attack that you can parry that MAY stun him. His basic attacks deal insane poise damage, he's hyper aggressive, has huge AOE swings and he does the FROM snap rotation to land hits.

successful false-flag, FROM bot

He's pretty easy if you just keep attacking him, which usually forces him into a predictable counter. In general you don't want to play too defensive with spear enemies.

Also game sucks.

The ogre's tracking is objectively bullshit. Also I keep hearing people say that a fire tool helps with the ogre, where do I get that? It seems like the path to the ogre is the only way to begin with.

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She is near Kuro (one room above, I think).
Want to hear ssomething weird? You show her the letter, she sends you to search for Issin in Snake Valley near Ashina Gate, you spent an hour looking for that bastard (I backtracked the whole snake platforming part), then you return to Emma and she forgets about the letter and sends you to Issin's tower again.
And yes, this time you will find Issin there.

It's from the anime Shigurui.

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somebody explain to me what I lose when I die if I dont resurrect, and if there's a reason n why i wouldn't want to resurrect

>another purple shinobi
>he has two healthbars
oh wow
you can mirikari his kick attack

Wow Blazing Bull is horrible.

This game is honestly DaS2-tier unpolished, it's just not immediately obvious because the environments and animations aren't anywhere near as janky.


Someone said that dying when you don't have the option to resurrect leads to dragonrot sso ypu need at least one resurrection node when you die.
I haven't checked that.

there's no reason not to resurrect

if you die you lose XP and sen.

Have you actually tried that? When a boss exits combat they regain all their health.

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>wipe the floor with lady butterfly
>"what was everyone on Yea Forums whining about that was ez"
>second phase with one charge left in gourd and no prosthetic charges left

also worried about the length, feel like i've barely scratched the surface but that it won't be as long as any of the souls games

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What happens in each dialogue option when thanking or apologizing to training dummy? Dont wanna fuck something up

If any death give you Dragonrot then it is a bad design as you only get finite amount of healing. A game that makes you die a lot can't punish you so much for learning stuff.

>Bump into bell wielding giant retard
>See that the bell is attached to some rope
>Engage him
>Back up to heal
>He launches the bell twice as far as the length of the rope would allow

Just fuck off, that shit behaves like elastic

The only time you should die ever is in boss fights where you can't teleport out.

I tried.
They heal to full health if they forget about you.
And all bosses have walls (only minibosses don't stop you from running away)

its every like 10 deaths or something, you have to die a lot to get dragonrot

You can heal dragonrot, I'm not sure what the issue is.
>die a lot
>you have to get more shit to heal dragonrot

yeah, i fucked her up first time, then she smugly chuckled at me and i lost my shit, took me like 6 tries total to get her.

>Spent 45 minutes trying to kill the Drunk
>Ended up going ham on the mobs and rand around until he lost focus
>Cheese off one bar from a sneak attack and kill him shortly after
>mfw the next boss

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So you are trying to say that the game should be played like "Run-run-run-oh-bonfire-run-run-run"? Because actual fighting means learning, making mistakes and dying (well, we CAN copy savefile and replace if we die but it is just as bad as teleporting from a battle)

he laughs at you if you apologize

post yfw >the headless

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Don't worry; the game has like 2 enemies in total. If you can fight swordguy A then you can fight swordguy B C D E and F without practice.

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Blazing Bull is actually a polished version of a Bloodborne Pig

jesus christ just take a look at his eyes
this is hollowing 4.0 if you ask me
this is the lower end of what I've seen, way worse out there

So does the Drunkard NPC show up later in the game if he survives the fight? Mine died when he accidentally aggro'd.

Do we have a chart or list or something of the skill trees? which one is good? can I reset my skill points if I fuck up?

Just look at here. You literally have people calling the Drunkard artificial difficulty when the game is literally routing a winning path right in front of you.

>Expect him to be really hard to handle
>Stab him in the ass for one full health chit
>Circle around him and slash him thrice every time he tries to drink his booze

There is no way people lost to the Juzou. He's easier than anything in any of FROM's titles.

For Dragon's Blood droplets, do you just just consume them normally to cure dragonrot?
I don't know why people had trouble with him either. He's slow and he only has two extremely telegraphed attacks that can't be deflected.

>crappy mid-tier PC with RX480 built in 2016 with no upgrades since
>plays game smoothly on High at 4k
I love Japanese games.

Why in the FUCK did they make prayer beads not purchasable somewhere? So there is literally no way to grind up any stats at all? I'm stuck on a boss and I just have to give up because I can't get any items/stats/fucking anything? What the fuck were they thinking?

spin to win lad

literally just get good

Have you considered getting good?

three options:
1. go a different route and beat another boss / mini boss

2. find one of the few hidden throughout the world

3. _______get good________

>the soulsborne community
They are the bone of their blade, after all.

you can purchase one after blazing bull

Where do I find the axe prosthetic?
I got to The drunkard boss, and there's ton of fucking plank faggots there.

>enemy jumps around and wriggles out of lock on
>they get 2-3 good hits in before you can turn the camera and lock back on
jesus christ onii-chan

>less healing options
>enemies guardbreak you easily
>infinite stamina enemies
>tracking is next level to a point where they spin mid air if you run under them
>hyper armor moves everywhere
>unblockable attack move spams
>multiple lives
>scripted blocks
>scripted ranged interrupts on certain bosses for item usage
>have to farm shinobi tool items
>have to farm consumables
>punished if i die
>punished if i res
>punished if i res and then die again
>res needs an insta sippy since half hp
>genichiro is a fucking nigger

Thats an uninstall for me famalamborgini,hyper armor bowshots and the arrow even tracks me is artificial difficulty.

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Whats the trick to killing the headless ogre in the hidden cave?

>>less healing options
there are more actually
>infinite stamina enemies
you also have infinite stamina
>tracking is next level to a point where they spin mid air if you run under them
aahh, so you're just shitposting, thanks for making it obvious that you're here to waste eveyone's time including your own
you need a special item it's right before it if you didn't run past it

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Suck his dick and bite it off. Attach it to where his head should be and call him dickhead, he'll kill himself immediatly.

Have you tried reheading him?

>bb has 20 hp pots
>ds3 had 15,5 as starter
>sekiro has 5 in total when you finish ashina castle
>thanks for making it obvious that you're here to waste eveyone's time
Prove me wrong first,i believe my own eyes more than a faggot on the internet.

I guess I did miss an item?

Follow the bamboo forest trail after the shortcut open gate dont jump in to the river.
You will eventually find your dad who will give you the key.

>tfw i perfect parried lady butterfly
>her posture meter shot up like crazy

Get owned you dumb old bitch

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>implying I'd read a shitposters replies
here is your last (You)

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You can stealth a mini-boss only once.
After that its a full fight and if you levee he just regenerates all hp but you can try stealth again.

muh neegus
kill that bitch for me

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Why did they decide to take inspiration from Dark Souls 2 bosses ? Literally every boss is just some fucking guy with x weapon and armor or fucking nameless king lite. Tell me atleast i get to actually fight the snake.

This. Fromfaggots don't realize what huge incels they look like when they spam "le hard game" and "git gud" memes. This game has such fucking shit mechanics it is impossible to play and enjoy. Every single fight is basically over with a single fuckup.

>Chained Ogre
Ah yes, I forgot how fun it is to take potshots on a dude mith magnetic grabs and dropkicks for twenty minutes.
Miyazaki should stop listening to the "hardcore" souls fanbase, the more I play this game the more I'm disappointed.

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Just wait until you have to fight the monkey, you'll have a fun time, I don't want to say more because it'll ruin it

I cannot understand the mikiri counter timing for the life of me; it seems to vary every time I use it. Can anybody explain what window I should be looking for

Grabs are pure bullshit in this game and you know it.

The snake is an Ancient Wyvern callback. Better get used to fighting ninjas and samurai

You need to dodge INTO the attack, not sideways. Also I believe the timing window is bigger than the parry, just practice with the undead swordsman

what's with all these retards not listening in on the random mooks and learning to use fire on the ogre

This game is great. Im having fun so far. Just beat the horse guy.

Much like Bloodborne the first few areas are relatively normal and then suddenly the crazy starts, around the third boss things start to get weird

I havent been paying attention to this game, likely won't be getting it for a while either, what happened exactly?

Just wait until Demon of Hatred

Nothing happened, just the usual Yea Forums hyperbole complex.

I did that, you think I'm dumb?
Used both that and the firecracker, still a garbage fight.

So, when does it get fun ?

yes i do because apparently you ended up taking potshots for 20 minutes instead of 20 seconds stunlocking the ogre like it's supposed to be
your words, not mine

all the gitgud tards seething because they have to learn new mechanics

The problem is he have like 3 different timed grabs, and basically if you risk more than 2 sequential attacks you're open to being rekt.

i'm convinced at least 70% of the reason this game is hard is because literally every (mini)boss will kill you in two hits no matter what move or how many vitality upgrades you have

any game thats compared to furi cant be bad desu

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stay seething; PvP in Souls was only a footnote that spergs and trannies cared about

That's because it's not a fucking souls game you dumbass. You can't complain about it not having shit like character creation and invasions.

Can the shield guys with Juzou even be killed?

This game could have been good if they made rpg elements
>base building


>because apparently you ended up taking potshots for 20 minutes instead of 20 seconds stunlocking the ogre
I had only 9 spirit emblems, I could only use the fire trick three times and given how you pretty much chip away its health it took a hell of a long time, especially given how again, he has the usual FROM bullshit with magnetic grabs every two seconds, which force you to play defensively unless you farm spirit emblems, and of course, each blow takes away 90% of your health, it's the usual shitty Miyazaki design of boss fights you people eat up and pretend it's hardcore or well made.
Oh and for the record, I already found out how you can still circlestrafe him to death by running, because as usual, the AI is complete ass, but I bet you'll also defend this.

If you've played the previous games DMC5, otherwise RE2 I guess.

Which literally no one has found it yet.

Indeed it feels really incomplete. It would be so much better with armor, weapon upgrades, weapons, stats, merchants to buy shit, ability to grind enemies to buy shit to level up, MOTHERFUCKING PVP. They were pretty fucking lazy. The game engine still showing some of the same old bugs too. Like when you turn off the game after dying and then resume to a death screen. Pretty sure that shit has been there since Demon's souls.

so apparently i skipped the entire area with lady butterfly and went straight to ashina castle. am i missing something by just ignoring that place entirely or should i go do it? i've been dying to kuranosuke matsumoto for the past 45 minutes and think i should go try something else.

Was lady butterfly not suppose to be the first boss? All npcs act like she wasnt. I dont understand , the bell is like the first item you get.

post yfw you saw the fucking snake

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Before heading to the final fight you backtrack to where the horse guy was to find it, the whole field is the arena again for that fight. It has 3 phases

spirit emblems are so fucking easy to get what the fuck, like each random mook drops about enough to buy 2 of them

i had a bell and then i died and it was gone forever

What counts as a boss? Multiple deathblows, special healthbar in the top left?

I haven't played this game yet, can you get different weapons to use or are you stuck with the katana the whole time, and the Axe works as a prosthetic for fighting shieldfags? if that's all you have then I'm just gonna try Nioh instead.

Honestly the Playstation souls fans who have been playing since DeS are not struggling at all

It's the slobbering retard cheetos fingered PCux that can't handle the game. They would have had the same problems with BB if they had ever gotten to play it

I would consider anything that requires the extra shinobi deathblow to be a boss.

>just in a re-used area
Damn, i was hoping for some eastern hell aesthetic surprise area, is the fight at least good and not gimmick tier like the dragon? Is it in any way related to the other 2 endings?

wait so your appearance changes when you die too much has anyone pushed this???

>there are people ITT who still defend sekiro

What a completely meaningless post with no purpose beyond stirring up shit.

Name on the black background top left.

How do I beat this guy? His armor doesn't seem to break.

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>reddit tier response
neck yourself fag.

Would you recommend Sekiro for someone you love and care about?

imagine whining about a miniboss LOL

Uhhh, I guess this guy is only beatable through perfect parry spam?
It's a lite version of World Tendency from DeS, events also change, you'll notice more stuff if you explore and talk to people, the first thing being emma taking care of the sculptor.

Afaik it's not related to the endings but it's missing a left arm as well so who knows. Just a big fucking demon who has like a dozen different fire attacks.

so is this casual shit or a real game?

it's harder than any souls game by a lot

>making the deflect mechanic require either missing and losing the fight instantlly or absorbing attacks into you pathetic meter so you get staggered and lose the fight instantly
such great design...

for casual to brag about being "hardcore gamer" and posting "git gud" when someone doesnt suck nuked cock.


You guys haven't even played the game you fucking fags.

You get strength upgrades from killing major bosses. Lady Butterfly is a major boss. You should be able to kill her after killing the horse dude pretty easy.

Meh so was the dragon, i doubt it means anything.

>Just a big fucking demon who has like a dozen different fire attacks.
You seem to have fought every boss (at least known in the achievement), what was your favorite one? Just curious to see if i have seen the best the game has to offer.

I didn't have fire when I fought him, so I thought it was telling you to lead him to that campfire to the side.

How the FUCK do you get good at this game? This is fucking retarded. I've died for the last hour on the stupid fucking walk in Hirata estate trying to kill the fucking elite enemy. The shield dudes are fucking bullshit. The poker dude is fucking bullshit. This game is fucking horse shit. What the fuck am I doing wrong? Enemies do not telegraph their hits well. The shield dudes are just complete bullshit, the only way I can kill them is to rotate around them and try to back stab them.

God this is so fucking frustrating.

I love this game for being as hard as it is. My heart beats so hard after an intense fight and I haven't felt adrenaline playing a game in a long time. The mechanics are so well thought out and there's only a few deaths I can really blame on the game.

just have to buy skills to actually fight them. Axe upgrade for shield enemies and some parry skill for spear enemies. artifical difficulty is shit and always has been shit.

should I buy this?

controller or mouse and keyboard?

its like 20 hours and no replay value. You decide

1. Find the axe
2. Get the spear thrust parry

Shields are a pain without the axe, but the spears are doable just tricky.

>The shield dudes are fucking bullshit
Sit in their face to bait an attach then step backwards and do a charged stab to poke them before they can put their shield back up. Or just use the axe prosthetic that you get in that same area before you even reach the shield guys.
>The poker dude is fucking bullshit
Use the Mikiri Counter. It's literally one of the first two skills you can buy.

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Do you use the dude in front of the area?
Also just use the Axe, you destroy the shield one easily with that.

You got a lot of replies which doesn't surprise me, but man, this is shitty bait.

your shield breaker is a shinobi upgrade, after you find it just outside of the hallway before the first set of shield guys it literally oneshots their posture after you smash their shields

My bad, same area but not the same part.

You're talking about the spear dude? then see the other

Later on in this area, you'll find another elite, don't be a blind retard like me that miss the npc, he help you a lot here

Shield enemies need the axe prosthetic otherwise you'll need ashes the break their guard.
Spear wielding enemies need you to buy a specific counter skill otherwise you won't beat them anytime soon unless you play footsies for like half an hour like I did.
Honestly, the design is all over the place, on one hand you do not give players enough RPG mechanics so you can be more hardcore but on the other you force them to grind for specific hard counters, it's kinda garbage.
And the worst thing is, the mooks are even more brainless than DS, something like Lothric Knights unironically take more skill than the mooks in Sekiro, which are pretty much EXP. Spirit mark pots.

>Meh so was the dragon, i doubt it means anything.
maybe they're both symbolism for Sekiro's potential choices or some shit

I can't really decide, most of the bosses felt really good. I'm never really good at deciding so subjective things at a whim. I'd probably go either with the final boss, the demon or daddy second time

Not as good as any of the soulsborne games. No replay value. No build diversity. No PVP.

Damn, I feel like a pussy but I guess he killed himself...

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>Game looks decent
>I thought the same thing about Nioh
>I just don't like Samurai/Ninja shit.
I know for a fact I'll play 10 minutes of this game and be bored of it. I just don't like the Ninja stuff. Being unable to make a fuck off heavy build is off putting honestly. Hope you anons enjoy the game.

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Nioh was a ton of fun but yeah if you never liked ninja shit you're gonna have a bad time. This game looks just like nioh in some aspects.

>mfw fought genichiro underleveled for 3 hours and when I finally kill him he has a phase 3 and proceeds to oneshot me

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>maybe they're both symbolism for Sekiro's potential choices or some shit
Maybe, but i feel they wont answer that.

>daddy second time
How the fuck do you fight him a 2nd time?

eavesdrop Emma, he talks about some shit, confront her about it and you get another memory. You need to do that shit to get one of the endings. That fight is much harder than the first daddy fight btw.

Beat the butterfly (her name in my traduction, the one the old woman that use genjutsu).

I cheese the fuck out of her. 3 hits -> dodge -> 3 hits --> dodge ... that blocked her in a loop somehow. She didn't even had time to use her illusions during phase 2.

Do you eavesdrop her at the castle after Isshin dies?

Alright, these tips helped. This game feels way less fair than soulsborne. It's very frustrating.

>Cute giant snek
>He kills me

youre skirting the line reaallllll close there buddy

I did it before the palace area, I don't know what's the time frame for it.

I've only encountered one thing so far I would call unfair (blazing bull), and even then I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong. Everything else felt like something I just wasn't doing right. I'm getting my shit pushed in by a Seven Spears optional right now but I can see what I'm doing wrong, I just need to improve.

Don't get frustrated after repeated failures. Take it slow, play it safe, and see what you're doing wrong. Things will click and you'll find yourself bodying enemies/encounters that gave you trouble before.

>get into the abandoned dungeon
holy shit this entire place is horrifying, i feel like i really shouldn't be here - nothing dies, not permanently anyway - I killed seven spears and the lone swordsman dude, should i actually be here?

The biggest problem with Sekiro is that it doesn't guide you enough. I'm all for experimenting and learning, but sometimes figuring out the boss' weakness (often ends up being cheese) is completely by luck.


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S

>Big ass snake
>The screeching tengu fucks
This game sure does like introducing things with a jumpscare

>tfw 6 bosses down and murdering everything in my path

god Yea Forums is terrible lmao


What are the benefits of the charge thrust attack over regular swings? Just started.

I'd say it guides you, but doesn't give you enough time to learn if you fuck up. Encounters I've struggled with for a while are ones that also had a good amount of build up. When it came to Blazing Boar, I would spend more time running to the fight then doing it. This is why I emphasize taking it slow. I've had too many deaths to me rushing in irritated and making mistakes because the lead up to getting there was annoying.

I killed the looter because I'm a good boy. Does he come back later if you don't?

>tfw you get past this initial level of frustration and the combat starts to flow nicely
i was getting my ass handed to me from pretty much everything but once you get enemies attacks down and know what prosthetics to use it starts to feel great

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>Nightjar Slash
Is this thing legal

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>Jumping off an enemies head while they're doing a sweep does a ton of damage
Wat. What this ever mentioned?

is it good? I just use the final thing of the first tree, that wrecks shit, especially on minibosses

Oh I don't know about that but Nightjar slash is a jumping overhead with massive damage.
I'm just upgrading randomly really.

if you did the combat training

>get to hinata estate
>get axe and flamethrower
>axe turns game into puzzle game and flamethrower is point blank 1 dmg fart coming out of arm
I uninstalled there boys
this game is so fucking retarded boring

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No mod yet?

Die you degenerate Barneyfag
(remove the first period)

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7 hours in. Taken down horse rider guy and the bull. I've gotten to where the drunkard is in Hirata but haven't totally tried taking him on yet.
Really liking the map design, and the combat is challenging but also incredibly satisfying.

You're not very smart.

? ok thx for the update

of all the retarded things i've heard Yea Forums bitching about in the past day this is definitely near the top

Ps4 or pc tho

the grappling hook is super retarded

>climbing castle
>can grapple angle of roof
>but not opposite angle because NOT INTENDED XDDDD muh levol designzzz

why even give it to me if you restrict it so much cunts

Die you degenerate Barneyfag
(remove the first period)

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

Where do I get more divine ceremony
I accidently used like all if them

>using tools
Casual shitter. Bet you leveled some skills too

stay mad console fag I'll 1 shot the bosses and have actual fun

>Why did people expect this to be stealth
nigger you play as a literal shinobi that's faggot for "ninja"

>placement of grapple points is more than questionable.
this lmao

>reach castle
>can grapple on 3% of ledges even though they look identical to the ones you cannot grapple to
>all of this because devs can't build level around it
>every other town level has magical rocks that are high JUST ENOUGH so you cannot jump over them

lmao they should've skipped the grapple and jumping to begin with, you use them a total of 5 times in the game, against the ogre, against the horse fag and against the snake, that's literally it, the rest is just fancy traversal that they could make into normal walkways if they wanted (which they did in dark souls 3)

should i get the mask piece or save up for the skill book from the carp man?

>no ragdoll physics

Fuck this game



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Funny enough you'd have no proof of anyone being shit cause there is no multiplayer.

checkmate soichiro faggot

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I'm a gay retard who uses summons allies in Dark Souls and I've been having a pretty easy time with it myself.

>beat Ashina Elite in 1 try
that was scary as fuck when he first came at me, but it wasn't too bad when you get the timing down. Just parry two IAI!!! strikes and just wail on him.

Fuck the spear guy that guards where the kid was held at the beginning of the game

If the only souls games I enjoy are Bloodborne and Nioh would I like this game?
>webm unrelated

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Just toss a shuriken when he's recovering posture to stop it.

Okay what's the deal with the little midgets with the bamboo hats? How do I fucking deal with them because they just dash through me if I try to axe them.

this, its shit

>beat him first try
>"wow that was easy what's the big dea-"
oh no



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Honestly it feels like playing any of the Souls games before will put you at a disadvantage going in. The game punishes you hard if you try and play it like one

I wasn't paying attention and missed the anti-air death blow tutorial prompt. How do you do it?

Deflect when you see the sword shine not when he atacks, cheese him with the spear, his stance meter is very small, so keep pressuring him

I just started the game, but its pretty obvious that the Ninja Prostehtic guy is yourself right?
He's missing one arm, wears a robe that kinda looks like yours and kinda looks "wolfish". Loong limps and hairy. I remember seeing a video some time ago, mentioning the game is implied to have some time travel shit going on.
Or am I just reading too much into it.

>cheese him with the spear
haven't come across spear yet

have feathers/axe/shuriken/flame/crackers

Then you missed it, explore more son.

when are you supposed to fight genchiro
i spent 6 hours on him so far, i can get to phase 3 50% of the time with one flask left but the lightning rng fucks me up or something
i only have 2 attack the only boss i've killed was the horse guy I don't know where to go other than the castle

i really need to know whether he's supposed to be a midgame or endgame boss i've learned him really well but with my gourd count and health and damage there's no margin for error

have i actually missed it or just not gone to the areas you have? as soon as i saw the castle i just climbed it and figured I'd do the offshoot paths afterwards

More or less yeah, Ashina castle is like reaching Anor Londo, there are like 4 branching paths that you can follow

why didn't you get the bell from the old lady and go back in time?

Butterfly is generally the first/second boss

wait what
where is she
i've been trying to find her but the dying guy said i need to help her in hirata's estate but I haven't found a path there

Go to Ashina Reservoir

>i cannot break the iron code
NO i want to help the BOY no matter the COST what is THIS

Are you blind, she literally one jump away from the dying guy

she's literally right next to the dying guy in the house with a bunch of roosters around right near the start of the game

heh 10/10 thread. will try it in the future when im rich.




I literally almost had a heart attack because of this, I need reaction videos of when this happens

Just beat Ginichiro and reunited with my shota lord. How long till Emma gets off her fat ass and can upgrade my healing again?

>literally pulls a soul bead out of your ass
Is Headless not actually an ogre but a kappa?

Attached: AAAAAHHHHHH.gif (480x270, 2.78M)

This game honest to good feels severely overtuned. I died maybe 10-15 times total in BB, but I've probably died over 300 times in Sekiro about halfway through the game now. It's almost similar to DKS3 where your character feels too slow to match enemy speed but it's actually worse than that game. The block system is super tedious too.

you’re playing it like Souls, also, you’re to make use of the first ressurrections in battle, don’t think of it as a death. ayou can also retreat after ress if you feel you’re gonna die.

Can you cure the dragon rot and does it get worse?

yes, yes

Fuck, is that Buddha crafter guy going to die?

Honestly, This is the same shit with a different skin.
It looks nice, it plays nice.
but its boring as hell. i´ve already seen this game before.

didnt even get to the first real boss before uninstalling.

I'm in the ghost forest area and the guy said to go into the shrine from the second floor. How do I get onto the shrine? I cannot for the life of me figure it out. There's a giant tree with two green hanging bodies that has branches that go onto the shrine, but how do I get onto that tree? I was wandering around the shrine endlessly for what felt like thirty minutes or an hour before finally giving up.



>when you learn a bosses attack patterns so you can perfect parry an entire combo string and bounce off their sweeps

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There was another path earlier. You can't get to the 2nd floor in the same "room" as the building.


tfw lady butterfly does that sweep attack and you jump over her and take her to pound town

Should I play this or Bloodborne first?

maybe ;)

literally just shuriken lady butterfly
that's her gimmick
falls like a brick

Fresh OC, fresh off the gimp

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which is that?

tfw when you know you have to do that but Souls muscle memory makes you jump away instead of jumping towards

this one is much harder, so BB.

Where do you find the spear mentioned for the resevoir key? I've been looking everywhere and I cannot figure out where I need to go to use this key. I already beat the armored knight, but I want the spear.

He's the big guy with the sword in the first area past the 3 dogs. I FUCKING CAN'T BEAT HIM, I DIED LIKE 10 TIMES AND NOW THE SCULPTOR IS SICK AND GONNA DIE! FUCK THIS

Yeah except when she's 100ft away.
Apparently it doesn't work if she's close to the ground either. No fucking idea who these fags are saying they did her easily.

I'm so glad I didn't replay through all the soulsbourne games in preparation for this.

I could already tell that the muscle memory from those games would fuck me up so fucking hard.

in the building near the well you come out of in the beginning of the game. you have to kill the guys on the bridge to get the key.

Seconding this, how the fuck do you enter?

Im honestly not enjoying this game, idk why, just very "meh".


I realized the resevoir is an area. How do you even get back to where you were in the beginning of the game?


>Can't get past the bound ogre
I don't think I can play this game...

>tfw critically failing intelligence check
how the fuck do you get to the monastery from the bell demon temple
it sure seems like it's just a "secret" spot you can't access from the monastery itself directly and if that's the case where's the actual entrance to it

Just found Headless but didn't have any divine confetti. What's a good place to get those? And do any of the later bosses get even spookier or crazier than him?

Not really you will quickly find there are things that use exclusively grabbing attacks or mix it up with sweeps and other shit you can’t parry.


>Just realized the items you can obtain to cure Dragonrot are very limited
Shit. I've fucked up big-time.

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