Hopes? Expectations?
Hopes? Expectations?
that zhugeEX faggot already said it's basically nothing, if he's to be believed.
50 minute banjo
Nothing and nothing.
Shit at this point I just wanna hear about a PS5 announcement to see if it'll be fully backwards compatible with PS1 through 4, with handheld compatibility being extra.
TLoU2, Dreams, TloU w/motorcycle and Ghost of Sekiro. That's it.
Ape Escape x Gravity Rush crossover
All I need is a Dreams release date
My only hope is they 100% rip off Directs and show trailer after trailer.
Fully expect it to be some shitty podcast talkshow where they talk about how fun PS Now is though.
A huge nigger dick in my ass
A dick in my ass
Release date for Joker. Maybe some Animal Crossing details or more about the next Smash DLC fighter.
guess what i've got cooking down here for you :)
Ghost of Tsushima release date
I honestly have no idea what I want from Sony anymore aside from Dragons Dogma 2, a non-neutered Catherine and possibly news on Bad Company 3.
>will get
A podcast with a "diverse" cast, more TLoU2 bullshit with forced lesbian action replay, and a teaser of more news in the future to hype PS5 without actually announcing it. Either I'm getting too old for vidyas or Sony is drastically fucking its fanbase.
Updates on Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion 3
Interesting games coming out relatively soon instead of trailers for games at the beginning of their development cycle.
Wholesome family-friendly boredom.
ape escape 4
indies and trailers of games we already know about
Medievil Remake news, Concrete Genie News, More PS2 Classics, [spoilers]Playstation All Stars 2[/spoilers]
more info on the same four games we seen a gajillion times already, with maybe a couple of new things.
Something from Japan Studio that isn't vrshit.
Something from Japan Studio that is vrshit.
An update on WiLD, even though it's sure to be censored at this point. I just want to know that Michel Ancel isn't a total hack and can still make a good game. Beyond Good & Evil 2 looks like trash
>yfw when vrshit is a new ape escape game
The team working on MediEvil rn were actually the same guys responsible for porting the PS2 classics, so those are probably on hold till MediEvil's shipped.
Considering they said they would do more throughout the year, I expect this one to not be much. There is only so many games that could possibly come out this year, and doing multiple of these seems like a waste