
Attached: 1552379310210.png (1092x549, 408K)

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I mean, comparing an Eevee to two legendaries fused together is hardly fair.

>left: soulless
>right: soul

Take mew or articuno then

mew and articuno aren't two legendary fused together

stop being a bitchnigga

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I don't even know what I'm looking at on the right. SHit just looks like yellow and blue fractal designs.

I like this thing

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Is this the "Fuck you, I like it" thread?

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why the fuck is design so apeshit now? can't they deisgn something that's supposed to look powerful without making it look like its straight outta deviant art
what crosseyed wunderkind decided to outsource the pokemon design to the sonic OC community

The easiest answer is that people like it. A lot of people just like that the legendaries have more complicated designs now.

The orange thing I can kind of see some sort of lightning dog in, but what's with the blue thing? I can't find any sort of head or tail or... anything, really. It looks like a bunch of jaggies.

i've completely given up on pokemon. the pokemon design is awful. the character designs is awful. the stories are awful. the legendaries are awful. megas are awful. fusions (wtf are those even?) are awful. alolan forms are awful. the replay value is awful. the multiplayer is awful. the gameplay is stale and awful. the handholding is awful. the minigames are awful. and game themes are awful and the difficulty is just getting lower and lower because the series is meant for children

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>mew and articuno
kill self

>left: furfagshit
>right: coolkino


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>had to add in some attack animations as if they're part of the character because he knew his point was weak without them

pls no

Groudon still has the best design out of all legendaries.

Legendaries fusing is part of the problem that shits stupid

it's supposed to be a bat

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Why do Kantofags pretend that all Pokemon not in gen 1 look like the right in pic related? Inferiority complex? Trying to pretend that they didn't just jump onto Pokemon for the trends in the 90s and immediately jump off when it became uncool to like Pokemon?

Glad you liked it Anonymous! I would have prefered if you upvoted my original reddit post instead of stealing it and reuploading it here though...

I haven't played the later generations, but judging from the designs I've seen, the current generation of Pokemon seem to be a lot less humane and more animal/alien.

I think it's mostly to do with the eyes. In Gen 1, about 90% of the Pokemon had white sclera. They seem to have moved away from that. Pokemon definitely look a lot more like the monsters they are called.

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No one on Reddit actually gives a shit if you do that, nice bait though. My shit gets posted here all the time.

left is a lion who represents sunlight, the right is a bat that represents moonlight. both have been fused together with another pokemon that represents the light spectrum itself

fuck you kike

>current generation of Pokemon seem to be a lot less humane and more animal
In your dreams

Attached: Tsareena_Dom.png (2326x1500, 1.29M)

Unpopular opinion: most Legendaries have retarded designs, this goes back to Gen 2. The only ones who really look cool imo are ones like Ho-oh and Rayquaza, simple but striking designs instead of goofy chimeric abominations. Like what the fuck is Suicune supposed to be? Or Giratina?

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I thought at least Chikorita was safe.

>Giant kawaii cutesy eyes
>paws are just round blobs with lines
>tail is very simple round shape
>head is basically a circle with ears and a tuft

>angry intimidating eyes
>detailed claws and anatomy
>detailed effects
>dynamic, soulful poses


Gollisopod is the best pokemon from Gen 7. Fight me.


I hate Game Freak so much.

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No need to fight when you're correct.

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The only one I liked in gen 7 was Vikavolt
Shame he was so slow

It's more half n half nowadays. In gen 7 alone we got Incineroar and Tsareena vs Mimikyu and Dhelmise. And that's not even dipping into the Ultra Beasts.

>Make a bug type look like a futuristic jet/part Gundam
>Make it slow as shit
God damn, thanks for reminding me.

>not first post
Good effort tho

>compares simple drawing of pokemon that is purposely undersigned due to its evolutionary gimmick with legendaries doing special attacks

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