Okay, Google, LETS GAME

Okay, Google, LETS GAME

Attached: 1551204032528.jpg (1293x1292, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:


get fucked

Attached: 1553292625760.jpg (1024x1024, 248K)

How do Nintendofags enjoy playing the same rehashed shit 5000x times and not get tired of it?

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That’s disturbing on many levels

where have you been the past 2 days?

This is the best Google wojak
All of these are ok except google should be replaced with the yellow hat guy

What does have to do with them though?

Just wondering how they it do?

I been here a while what I was trying to say was
>imagine getting fucked by all of them
even the spoopy one

Google help me! This level is too hard!

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god i wish that were me

Which one?


Why would you care?

This post is funny. The smug look on Wojak's face, combined with how stupid he looks with the yellow hat and eye piece, combined with OP's genuine enthusiasm all make for a good comedic strawman. Most of these kinds of posts look like where all you can see is the poster's desperation for their least favorite brand to be seen as stupid or smelly, at the expense of being actually funny.

beep boop

Snoy's face looks weird but besides that I like this version.

the entries are spaced far apart enough to feel new every time

besides Pokémon

It's a girl. Artist confirmed it today. Get fucked, fags.

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I actually like this version better, the other 2 ones were too biased one way or the other

girl (male)

Imagine the STDs

Attached: braaap.png (205x246, 7K)

Do a tiny bit of touch up on the snoy face and I think we have a winner


The original wasn't intentionally biased though

Google, who's a nigger?


>Hunterfag brings up Nintendo for no reason