Which Yu-Gi-Oh! game is the best one?

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! game is the best one?

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This picture is making me uncomfortable

Is there more art of girl Yugi

WC2010 or WC2011

props for TF6 and TFS, any ohte choice is nostalgiafaggotry.

I usually don''t care much for genderswaps but I am 100% behind this one

>WC2010 or WC2011
I've always wondered why they stopped making those. Were the sales really that bad? I bet it had something to do with the title.

Honestly they are all the same, they are like Madden in that only the card roster get updated, either pick the last tag force on PSP or the last world championship on DS

>WC2010 or WC2011
lagfest and laggestfest

ArcV Special is the way.

>I've always wondered why they stopped making those.
They slowed down mobile YGO in general so that it wouldn't compete with Duel Links, which makes mad cash.

loli Yugi is qt

Legacy of the Duelist on Switch is going to be good as fuck

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WC2010's one of the best just because of how Speed Duels worked in it vs wha they did to retool them in 2011.
I just hate how in NONE of these games I can run Endymion in any real amount. LET ME FUCKING RUN SPELL COUNTERS YOU COWARDS IN THE ERA IT WAS ACTUALLY USEFUL TO USE THEM IN!

Dueling book, as long as you're not a fucking weeb that jerks off to dark magician girl or a retard that screams "x mechanic killed the game" while also providing to evidence to their claim. DB is the best simulator and the best way to experience the game, other than irl, obviously

Spell Counters has always sucked.
If you wanted a Spell Counters deck, you were better off making an Arcanite Magician deck, which used Spell Counters and actually did useful Card Advantage+ things with them.

Do I need to learn anything past special/fusion summons for this game? I just wanna play with a simple fairy/lifepoint gaining deck or my generic dragons.

Would... would her boobs get bigger when they switch?

For the DS, I'm gonna go with WC2011 then. Quick question: does Tag Force 5 has Berserker Soul? TF3 has it, but apparently is on the banlist. I wanna use that card because of autism.

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Girl Kaiba is top fucking tier, but Girl Joey seems like the nice casual fuck.

>He doesn't like having a field card that can't be destroyed, feeding his shields counters to prevent all of your monsters from ever being destroyed, while nuking the opponents field left and right.
The sad part is they give you all of the tools BUT the field card, the most important one! LIKE WHY GIVE ME THE OTHER CARDS IF YOU DON'T INCLUDE THE ONE CARD NEEDED TO MAKE THE GIMMICK WORK FUCK!
Breaker isn't the same unless he can just burst the entire field in a single go, and without the field card I can't have like 15+ counters after a single turn ether. Only problem is nowadays nulling destruction means fucking nothing, having a field card doesn't prevent the opponent from playing one, and OTK's get going with far less cards, so they don't have a use anymore.

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but isnt there already pretty much a girl kaiba?

you can if you build a strong deck

i did the entire game with a fusion deck

It gives you a basic tutorial on how to play the game and all the summoning methods introduced in each series, so you shouldn't have trouble playing since the game retells the stories of each series so you get practice in for when you go online

God tier:
>Tag force(s)
>Duelists of the roses
>Nightmare troubadour
>World Championship 2006
>World Championship 2008
Very good:
>Eternal Duelist Soul
>falsebound kingdom
>Forbidden memories
>Sacred cards
>Yugi the power etc.
>Dungeon dice monsters
>mobile garbage
>reshef of destruction

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>>Tag force(s)
isnt that that game where you play cards and then you fuck best girl?

I'm a big fan of Worldwide Edition. Obviously it has less cards, but you're exploring Battle City in that one and that's the coolest way to hold a card game tournament.

Sadly the dating sim element is usually grindy and very underdeveloped

>literally the first pic on google
Wait what? You can date Goddess Alexis?

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This is actually kino taste, keep this in mind lurkers.

>Forbidden memories
>Very good
Put that into shit my boy. Winning 1 card per duel, when they start you with the WORSE possible deck on the planet, a good YGO does not make. If the rate for winning cards was higher, or they at least give you better starting cards, that'll be one thing. No abuse of the fusion system saves that first 5 hour grind of "trying to not be shit" though.

its a perfect recreation of the show
now you know what yugi feels like

I was a bit disappointed with TFSpecial because even though it includes every single card up to the game's release and they come in their real life pack distributions, all cpu opponents use modern decks anyways. Not that I dislike the modern mechanics but I wish I could play some old school duels too.

You'll need to learn how to summon link monsters, but it's not complicated. All you need to do is read the requirements and look at the link rating number. If the rating is 2, for example, you'd use 2 monsters on the field to summon it. And it should have a usable beatdown/lifepoint gain type deck in Aromages, since they should have their link monster in game.

Why are the games so comfy?

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It doesn't sound so bad when you put it that way, I suppose most of them just look really complicated?
Alright, I will give new Yu-Gi-Oh stuff a try. Thanks for the input.

I don't suppose it has local co op though? I would love that.

get this abomination tranny bullshit OUT OF HERE AND TAKE YOUR FUCKING MEDS

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I doubt it since the first Legacy of the Duelist had only online multiplayer

>Very good: falsebound kingdom
You are a cool and good person.

Rule 63 isn't trannyshit, meme spamming newfaggot.

>doesn't know about rule 63
based retard

That's a shame, I don't see how it could possibly take any effort to add.
It would've brought me hours of fun on top of singleplayer.

What's the best Yugioh game if I want to play GOAT format?

WC 2010 had arguably the better story, but WC 2011 feels more complete in terms of card roster, and the Tag Force games were super comfy too. Overall, 5Ds had a great era of games, which matched an overall great show in Yugioh’s lifespan.
Arc-V had some great characters and a lot of potential, but the story turned to complete fucking garbage due to executive meddling, it’s the unchallenged worst series in Yugioh series history, and I feel like a moron for ever having believed in it from its beginnings. I wrote two fanfics for fuck’s sake, I never do that for anything, that’s how invested I got in this surprise trainwreck.

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Gender Bender =/= Tranny

Looks like having actual Japanese developers on board is smoothing out some of the rough edges. Only thing I'm hoping for is a better deck editor.

It's still sad you use gender bent guys over the girls

It'll have local and online play but doesn't look like multiple people on the same system.

It'll have local, but probably not on the same system? So like LAN?

Any art of sukeban Yugi with a long skirt?

That's the one thing I liked about Legacy. For newcomers or people that dropped off, it's cool to see the progression of the game. I wish they allowed you to pick a ban list and time period so you cna more easily build time appropriate decks.

The switch can connect to other units wirelessly without a network connection.

>God tier
>Nightmare Troubadour
Sorry, but as someone who actually owns and likes that game, it's fucking insanely busted. It's also extremely slow, and you can actually get lost in it if you forget where you left off in the story and what you need to do. Also the translation is completely fucked.

Oh, I didn't know that. Sucks for me, but that's not a bad feature.

>atem wears the school jacket as a cape
This was the coolest fucking shit.
Although I am glad I didn't have any coats/jackets like that because I 100% would have worn that shit in public.
doesn't help that I'm a literal egyptian sand person
I own it and beat it several times too. It's the only game that does battle city (including the kino virtual world) right.
Everything is a self insert where you replace yugi like the sacred cards, but NT just has you as a random guy competing.
Mechanically it's easily better than the GBA games barring maybe WC 2006.
I've played every yugayoh game until 5Ds where they lose the egyptian shit completely and the mechanics become retarded.

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tranny-shit is still tranny-shit, no matter how you paint it

tfw i do wear my coat as a cape sometimes when alone

i'm super cool in my head

It's not painting it faggot. Everything about them is female.

atem was a cool motherfucker
niggas like ash had no fucking chance.
I legit wanted to do Egyptology for years because of a gay anime pharoah. Parents killed my dreams though and memed me into medicine.
Now the only real social interaction I get is from trannies on 4shit.
video games about card games

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fuck the colouring is so good on that.

Are you gonna get the new game Yea Forums or wait for Konami to update the older versions

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I have no interest in it and it's not because I hate all the new mechanics (I don't) but because it just looks boring. Retellings of stories aren't for me.

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tag force special is the apex of yugioh games. Konami will literally never top it because they want the games to follow a service model .
Just like the faggots at namco killed ridge racer over the same kike shit.
That being said Tag force 3 is probably the overall best yugioh game if you're not looking for the gay bullshit they tacked onto the game.
>tfw yugi probably enslaved jews

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>update something that isnt Duel Links

didnt they ditch the last Legacy of the Duelist after they dumped they dlc, the banlist was even old for the time

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>Very good: falsebound kingdom
You're good people.

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I hate how they can't keep the coloring of the characters consistent though.

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Yeah but the game is still Legacy Of The Duelist and it would be way too bullshit even for them to not update the old game. I mean, they are the same shit

>Duelists of the roses
Isn't this that really weird chess-like thing that basically just had Yu-Gi-Oh branding? Not that I disagree with it's positioning and all, but it's always weird to see it on any lists.

>no mention of best game

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>YuGiOh games
Are you fucking serious? I'm assuming they're all digital tcg games.

WC2011 easy


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He's absolutely right. Duelist of the Roses is one of the greatest YGO games ever made, even if it has little to do with the standard game.

For the most part. There are some oddballs though.

Was Bakura apart of there friend group, he always felt left out due to the whole, yami Bakura thing in him, in fact now that I think about it, did Bakura have any friends, I would always see him maybe pop in once in a while to hang with the main group at school but not much else. Yami Bakura manga when?

>I'm assuming they're all digital tcg games
and you would be wrong in that assumption

He was considered a friend but usually isolated by being the hot foreign kid.

What decks do you guys own IRL that you play for fun? I seemingly shock people for running Arcana Force using Synchro era rules.

spirit caller is pretty good

I haven't played I years and years but I still have my Gradius deck. It was fucking awesome when Honest first came out and I was pulling Lord British and Vic Viper OTKs but I can't imagine it would even get past turn two these days

WC2008 is the same game with more cards and less grinding.
user my list is highly curated

Oh? What are the exceptions?

Off the top of my head there's Falsebound Kingdom which is a real time strategy RPG for Gamecube, Duelist of the Roses for PS2 where it's a sort of chess game with Duel Monsters, and Dungeon Dice Monsters for GBA

These games are all usually very well liked for shaking up the formula instead of it just being the OCG/TCG


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they look fucking hideous holy shit

Tried Falsebound Kingdom again recently and "Tactics Ogre with actual combat" is really fun. The survival mode less so, since the combat is simple by itself, but putting them together makes them both better.


I too like Nitemare Troubadour for being a nicely presented send-off for the original series (translation flubs and that darn Pegasus glitch aside), prefer the shaded manga-esque art to the flat TV-promo style illustrations we get now. But didn't it have a weird card pool? Also 1064 cards if I recall, funny total.

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That's... very unusual given the source material. Neat.
>Chess Duel Monsters
You mean lik-
>Dungeon Dice Monsters
-e that shortly lived game that Mokuba played (in the manga at least). huh.

I liked the idea of YGO thanks to the manga but the moment they shifted from the varied "Monster of the Week" games of chance / tabletop games and the resulting nasty series of punishments into "HEART OF THE CARDS ALL DAY EVERY DAY" I ditched the series out of sheer annoyance. Remember the Dragon Jar kid? Heck, I learned a new way of playing solitaire thanks to the ferris wheel bomber.

>sort of chess game
>weird chess-like thing
There has to be a better way to concisely describe this game. There's a variety of monsters to build your board out of, some kind of leveling system, a pokemon-style type-affinity chart, and arena effects.
The best I've got though is that it's a "Yu-Gi-Oh themed turn based strategy RPG".

I'll be damned if I let this thread die, it's the only YGO thread to actually talk about the games on this board

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I got so many viruses on my computer trying to download dark magician girl porn on limewire back in the day

There's also Destiny Board Traveler, a weird board game that's shit. And some borderline games that are about the card game, but use different rules like having a rock paper scissors system with the types and card effects that are closer to their manga/anime effects(for example, to get Thousand Dragon you activate Time Wizard with Baby Dragon on your field)


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Dark duel stories best worst game

Bless VRAINS for creating new summoning animations


I've been playing the original Duel Monsters. It's rather shit, if your whole deck has high enough atk then winning becomes a matter of mashing the A button, but the grinding for stronger cards and multiple copies of them is addicting. One day my deck will be ultimate.

i remember playing falsebound a few times as a kid and being really confused
but duelists of the roses was one of mi favourite games as kid but i nevar got past like the 3rd duel and kept restarting and picking a different deck