Can YOU name one balanced multiplayer game?
Can YOU name one balanced multiplayer game?
Csgo unironically assuming the teams are balanced skill wise
Tekken 7
Shitposting on Yea Forums
a mirror match in any fighting game
Ace of spades
This but only on Dust 2. Every other map is defender sided unless it's stupidly attacker sided.
Dota 2, up to 1 day before 7.00, was THE most balanced game on the planet
Watch it Sthcooby.
I'd argue that whoever gets the 1P side has a slight advantage because most people practice from that side more
Nuke town head shots only
The original Street Fighter. Not the first edition of Street Fighter II, I mean the actual two player mode from the actual first Street Fighter. Player one is Ryu and player two is Ken, but this is only in name and appearance, you are utterly and completely identical. There are zero random elements at play and you are both exactly the same with access to exactly the same tools.
a lot of games (online or in arcade) allow both players to be player 1
This. It's the best kind of balance as well where every race has outrageously strong shit.
Rainbow Six Siege.
League of legends
Halo swat mode
The most balanced maps are Mirage and Cache though
CSGO is shit balanced when it comes to weapons. some weapons are downright useless like the R8 or the Mac 10.
>literally only one viable weapon
Every character is equal in power
>R8 or the Mac 10
Spotted the MGE
You mean the BR everyone starts with? You could also one shot with the pistol
You're basing how balanced the game is on guns people buy on eco rounds?
RIP pre-nerf R8, it was the first and last time Comp CS was fun
No data for cache, but Mirage is wrong
The entire game is balanced around the Dust2 fags who make up like 60% of the game. I don't like it either but it's the truth
I thought only Halo 2 did BRs on spawn
Super Smash Bros Melee
Rock paper scissors. Rock’s frame one advantage makes paper viable, and paper’s viability makes scissors viable too.
>waveshines you on Pokemon stadium for 5 hours
user, those are MR73's, the gun in CSGO is an R8.
That's the data from 12/20/2013 to 1/20/2014.
Both Cache and Mirage received ton of updates and not to mention that Dust2 is completely changed.
you really think I am going to scour the internet for a similar situations with people holding the actual gun? revolvers are close enough and
that's not a fault of the game
starcraft broodwar.
But am I incorrect that a huge chunk of players simply only queue for Dust 2 and it receives a ton of attention compared to the others?
Mario Party. All characters play the same.
No, because nobody actually uses the R8 IRL. It's a cheap civilian home defence gun.
Jedi Academy: Movie Battles 2
Enjoy you unsavory stinkfish
Scouts and knives with low gravity
>he doesn't know
dust2 basically defines cs, with the rework I lost interest and stopped playing after a good 2k hours
you mean the one that added the iron bars to the doors or did they fuck with it again since I last played
Kirby's Dream Course
Tekken 7 is probably the most balanced fighter out right now
a fucking bear player won the tekken world tour
No you're not incorrect.
But if I may add, those huge chunk of players mostly do not consist of skilled players.
No, I meant this one.
Have you actually played it?
Bowser can suck my dick.
And team battle is absolute shitfest. Team that has the first turn always wins.
Unreal 04
first move advantage is negligible
most people just don't like defending
They reworked the entire map, giving it an "update".
Long is different, both bomb sites are different. Weird new angles, the car on long was ruined, doorways have been changed, and the crates on site have been changed into stacked piles of rock to avoid awp shoot-through. This last detail was too much for me, why would the terrorists go out of their way to bomb piles of rock? 2/10
Mario Party, any game old or new because it's so luck based anyone can win at any moment.
Mw2 with half health
You kill in one hit, you die in one hit. Always
Gears of war
Halo 3
Nice joke
Upvoting this
based toribash boomer
Fucking Snipperclips.
I win.
Actually this
/thread. There is nothing remotely imbalanced about it
Came here to say this.
>being balanced at any point
You must be new to the game.
Healing is OP in fight mode
Starcraft Broodwar
TLOU Interrogation game mode. (provided you don't have children playing, dumb blacks blasting shit music over the mic, or dumb trolls wasting ammo and getting killed on purpose)
Nope why? because playing with niggers 12 year olds autistic kids or faggot is a HUGE waste of my time nor would i ever. The first person to gg to me will have his face caved in! i will literately break every fucking bone in your body then stuck a spiked bat up your ass. Blowing your head is illegal (to bad) so i just need to make you regret fucking with me.
>he says while posting on Yea Forums
Dota 2 has always been the most balanced ASSFAGOTS there is, just compare it to LoL were some characters could go unpicked an entire season.
There's no such thing as a perfectly balanced game.
I agree that it's the most balanced one but it's still far from balanced.
Any online game where teams switch sides during half-time
TF2, cause crits are balanced as fuck
Halo 3.
I might as well ask here, is Dota 2 worth getting into now? Idk if it's one of those cases where it's been too fucking long.
The game has balance tweaks through map rotation, with new maps made to reflect the ever developing meta. It's sad that the SC2 developers were completely blind to this.
All characters are free from the getgo, but the entry level for anything else than rightclicking heroes is higher than in other games. I really recomend you to download it and play some bot matches and decide for yourself. There are a lot of tutorials and guides if you need them like Purge's.
Hearts of Iron 4
Mario Party 2
movie battles 2
Aren't crits just headshots?
Now that Remastered is here, is it really that sad? We don't need 2 identical games
tic tac toe
Halo 1 and Halo 3
>Can YOU name one balanced multiplayer game?
there is no such thing
a game has to have a winner and a loser, so right from the beginning all games are already imbalanced
Whoever goes first can not lose. The second player can only ever hope to tie.
Every Quake game until Champions
The fact that it has fucking bot matches is honestly a huge step up from League so I'll give it a shot
If chess is balanced because both players have the exact same tools then any multiplayer game where that is the case is balanced.
One team gets to start before the other giving them a one move advantage. Balanced my ass..
doesnt actually give an advantage if you cant win
That's also kind of boring honestly. Maybe that's why most multiplayer games aren't balanced perfectly in the first place.
Goldeneye proxy mines only
Could you make a fighting game with a single character so versatile that they could encompass many different strategies and functions for years to come?
Overcooked 2?
Then we'd have a balance problem in terms of the tools.
Tribes Ascend before they added pay-to-win weapons
Gears of War. Although not all maps.
>seth/vat/phonon still existing
>enkido still garbo
unist players have a common misconception of their game being really well balanced due to the relatively small competitive scene. it's still ok tho.
quake 3
>video game multiplayer
whats the point? the only balanced games are the ones that give everyone the same shit no matter what with no upgrades, boosts or abilities, otherwise you need unbalanced gameplay to keep the game exciting to play with different strategies and playstyles best suited to something like K-style
I don't think Phonon is at the same level as Seth or Vatista, she has enough flaws to help balance her out, but I do agree that Enkidu needs a few buffs or new tool to work with.
ascend wasn't even remotely balanced even before the pay to win weapons. a decent sentinel could completely shut out the entire team on their own and orbital strikes were stupidly broken
Dead by Daylight assuming you dont face a SWF group
well yeah, true balance would require total sameness. but when people talk about how balanced a game is, the implication is "how close does this game come to true balance while still maintaining variety?"
I love Battlerite, but it turned into fucking Looney Tunes after the new season patch
>first real answer gets no replies
Classic v
Yeah, played only a few matches since the update but I've heard they fucked up