>yfw RDR2 is NEVER EVER coming to PC
Yfw RDR2 is NEVER EVER coming to PC
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Good. We don’t need another fucked up gta online experience.
What would you do if it was announced for the epic store?
>sony is cuck turk (roach)
checks out
Snoy nigger thinks he’ll get any (You)s
Everything comes to PC, eventually.
Sorry mate, but there's a designated shitposting thread already up:
shitpost on Yea Forums about it
feels bad i have it on ps4 and would love to shoot with mouse
not true. they will get it in 2036
lol yes it will
Ps4 players literally attract cockroaches
Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do!
All electronics that produce heat and have dark spaces attract roaches.
Wait ive never seen my ps4 have roaches....does it have roaches....
Bugs infesting consoles and computers is nightmare fuel.