How do you feel about indie games Yea Forums?
How do you feel about indie games Yea Forums?
>this thread again
nah we're good
Only Minecraft influenced mainstream games, rest influenced only 1-5 man indie hipsters
Fun and widespread but I would say Super meatboy was more influential
>Cave story
Not sure honestly but it did inspire some things from Undertale
>Gone home
>Dwarf Fortress
I don't see many games taking influence from this other then maybe being complex
>Yume nikki
More and more games are going for the surreal walk in the park thing so ya.
I only played Isaac on this list
I feel no differently about them than I do any other game. I think that you should always judge them case by case, as opposed to always trying to compare everything.
What the fuck is Gone Home
>Gone Homo
>yume nikki
i pirated celeste because of the tranny manhating dev
Did you really think this was worth saving?
replace gone home, which has influenced 0 people, with undertale
>Super Meat Boy
>Cave Story
>Touhou Project
>Yume Nikki
Also get rid of DF. No one cares about that shit outside of Yea Forums.
>removing Undertale
What kind of absolutely anally annihilated poster made this
>FTL not listed.
Isn't celeste also a Canadian game?
What did tumnlrtale influence, gone homo at least influenced more walking sims
Indie games are awful, they pretend to be different made by humble people who just want to realize their own dream but the reality is a bunch of bigots in bed with the media that just follow different trends (survival!, 2D sidescroller!, Roguelike! inspired by a SNES classic!)
Honestly if the whole indie industry disappeared it would be a net gain as a whole
Imagine gaming without more Kickstarter scams
So whats the kickstarter that scammed you user? Tell us.
>...but the reality is a bunch of bigots in bed with the media that just follow different trends
> Media conspiracy to make 2D games
What are you doing out of your cage?
>gone homo at least influenced more walking sims
Yume Nikki did it first.
>Gone Home
Does anyone even discuss this anymore? Seems like it got its good boy points for a couple of years and then drifted into obscurity. It doesn't have any replay value, does it?
Not firsr person walk sim
Remove Gone Home, replace Isaac with Spelunky for starting the roguelite trend
>Making bait this obvious
It would have been better to put up Facade. Yeah, there are no other games like it, which is a shame since it really was messing with some neat ideas.
Wasn't Rogue Legacy the one to start the trend, since it birthed the name?
Yes, Spelunky tackled the idea, but modern Roguelites seem to take more from Rogue Legacy.
I have never backed a single Kickstarter but as a huge MegaMan fan i screamed on top of my lungs that it was going to be a Trainwreck and to this day I still feel bummed about it
Bloodstained will be the same shit
I guess Shovel Knight and 20XX don't exist~
I like Indie games. They're fun, inexpensive and you don't need to have a powerful machine to run them.
They're the main way I can get more games in genres I like, but have been abandoned by the mainstream industry.
Minecraft didn't change anything about how games were played. It was at the right place at the right time.
>popular kickstarters from past veterans turn to shit.
Eh you should know that by now.