Buyer's remorse thread
Buyer's remorse thread
I pirated it and still feel robbed
Releasing it on PC was a mistake.
It's tenchu tier. Nothing special. Would not be on any list of must-haves, that's for sure.
New game bad
I don't hate the game, its just not a game for me man. Chill, what do you gain from shitposting in favor of this game anyways?
no they weren't, what the fuck are you talking about?
Most enemies would wreck your shit if you didn't listen to Navi's tips.
When your 10 in 1998 and you first play this game your cautious.
Then after that you just spam.
OOT was programmed for enemies to go one on one with players.
Hey Sekiro shills can I refund skill points or should I restart? I purchased a bunch of combat related abilities but realized that they're useless and impractical. I would very much like my 16 points back.
Tfw I picked this over DMC V
another shit game just like dmcv. oh well back to dota 2 and csgo i guess
first game I ever refunded on Steam
What isn't good about it?
>i'm watching the game
Game feels like DaS2 but with good combat and bad stealth mechanics.
I love being swarmed by 50 dudes the moment I assassinate someone
It just doesn’t feel right on PC
stay there pleb
>oh no these games are shit better go back to my shit games
Just pirate retards.
I suck at this game. Definitely should have waited for a price drop on this one.
It's like they took the very worst souls mechanics and made it into a game. Every single boss is like royal fucking rat authority. You spend like 15 minutes taking down all the dogs.. cough I mean humans and then you get the privilege of playing OSU with some enemy where one fuck up and you instantly die. So fucking tedious holy shit.
>Filler enemies
Do you niggers even try anymore?
As soon as it got 89 on Metacritic I took it back and got a refund. I was enjoying it too but it hurts my autism if I have vidya on display with less than a 90 score.
You guys are just shitters.
It's awesome, the only subpar thing is the death blow mechanic since it's repetitive.
Is this the worst dudes in armor FROM game yet? Is this the worst tryhard edgy bullshit dragonrot FROM game yet?
>Game feels like DS2
Sekiro is the complete and utter antithesis to Dark Souls 2.
DS2 is the slow numbers-heavy game while Sekiro is close to a pure action game.
>What if we just threw the decade-long goodwill we built up as a studio of making good action RPGs out the window and made our own low-rent Nioh for the AC audience
I love the game so far and it's just icing on the cake that this retarded board is doing exactly what it did when Demon Souls released. Waaaah it's so hard. I thought you faggots were elite muh difficulty pros.
I like the combat but my fucking god why does everything take so long to kill
boss fights should not be longer than 3 minutes
The combat. Katana wielding enemies will always reflect your attacks. So you have to wait for them to attack and reflect their attacks to build up their posture meter.
Once their posture meter is full, you then go for the visceral attack to damage them. Of course your own posture get built up when you reflect as well, usually at greater speed than the enemy. But yours recovers faster.
Essentially every fight is the same
Souls fanboys take any criticism about their sacred games as a personal attack on themselves in the same way Muslims do
im like 5 hours in and havent beaten a boss yet only mini-bosses and that drunk dude and I'e already died a ton of times that cough thing is bonkers atm. why am I so shit. Glad I pirated it desu.
>hehe yeah its nothing special... did I mention that I played tenchu?
every single time
Now just IMAGINE a wild new world where they bothered to color code different warnings for thrust and sweep attacks. Bam, game instantly made 50% better.
If anyone so much as criticizes it he feels deep down that his money was wasted. This the nature of the mindless hype beast.
This tbqh
>nothing special
Cringe at this board to be honest.
parry was the worst mechanic in souls why would they make an entire fucking game based around it
The game is not hard, it's just boring. There is no excitement or satisfaction in anything.
Shitters absolutely roasted that they can’t summon or over level themselves
Can’t 1hit kill mobs by spamming greatswords
Can’t spam lifegems
Can’t wait for their regen item to heal them
to force you to get good, scrub
You can tell a game is good when Yea Forums gets this mad about it. It's BotW all over again
Should've made it like in nioh, high risk - high reward style.
>Playing OSU
Kek, and true
Holy shit the pathetic cuck on Yea Forums are literally getting BTFO by Sekiro HAHAHAHHAHA
Guess this thread is good enough to ask in. Are any PC players using ps4 controller with DS4? I can't get my PS4 controller to work, might just need to update DS4. Been playing with M+KB which honestly hasn't been a problem overall.
>boss fights should not be longer than 3 minutes
why not? can't focus on anything for more than 5 minutes you spastic retard?
>All people can do is praise how tight and responsive the combat is
>Reviews flooding in about how amazing the combat is
>Pirate game
>Boot it up
>Get to first boss
>Watch as he 180 degree snaps into position to land a hit
Well, glad I didn't pay for that.
Mine works, but I didn’t pirate it
disconnect your mouse, deconfigure any mouse options on the controller, and the controller will work
It's better than the Souls/BB games, but it's still FROMshit. They seem to have gotten better though. Maybe there's hope for the nips yet.
its shockwaves
Turn off nvidia everything. I had to use msconfig and restart, now it works.
Incels were literally seething the minute it was announced. They tried spreading lies for months trying to kill its hype. Its sad really. I honestly wonder what goes through these types of persons heads. Is it actual, non meme, autism?
>bosses kill you in 1-2 hits, are disproportionately spongey and are surrounded by other enemies, and have worse hitboxes than any Souls game
Game's great besides this. Did Fromsoft not learn their lesson from shit bosses like Royal Rat Authority and Kalameet?
Also, the parry mechanics are fucking weird. Sometimes my timing is absolutely perfect and I get hit anyway.
How is it better?
This game is way too hard. Anyone saying otherwise is either trolling or haven't played the game/got far enough into it.
You are just shit for making him do that, if you played the game properly it wouldn't happen. And don't lie, you were dying like a bitch and that's why you quit.
at least osu is fun
Noone in this thread has played the game. Except me. It's good. Better than BB. You're just all bad because you can't summon others to defeat bosses for you.
Im 6 hours in and hate the skills i specced into
Should i restart
Where are you?
Lmao assblasted that people don't suck your new favorite game's dick. Get over it.
I give up
It looks cool an all, but the gameplay itself gets pretty stale a few hours in. I imagine playing dark souls with the same weapon the whole time is a similar experience
>Moving out of the way of an attack causes the enemy to snap into position so the attack lands anyway
>My fault
You probably end up with most abilities by end game, and some of those you want to get rid of may branch into something you might actually want. Regardless, skills wont help much if you cant into core combat.
What parry should be
>A satisfying reward for taking a risk, doing the counter intuitive thing and opening yourself up
What parry is
>The only means of real offense in the game
I'm five bosses in and it's not particularly hard but it's frustrating sometimes. It like playing Russian Roulette but you can generally spin the barrel how you want if you're dexterous. Also doing a zero Dragon Rot run just because and it's really doable. I know theres items to cure it but I also just don't want to fuck with it
It would be like playing the same area with the same enemies over and over again.
most people play dark souls with the same weapon the whole time, since the game encourages you to follow a single upgrade path.
I just find the combat arts useless
Just use a trainer and reset the skills and redistribute what you have. No need to restart like a lowly console bitch.
yep, this. BB is trash compared to this. BB just feels like DS if DS was dex only. This is completely different in how you approach stuff.
>Beat the horse rider boss before I even knew you could go into the bell memory
>No skills or arm upgrades
Holy shit you're bad.
I like it so far but the stealth is dogshit and out of place.
This wreaks of the type of game people want to like but four months from now they will admit it was disappointing.
Seven Ashina Spears. When I deflect his attacks he breaks my poise, when I land a mikiri counter on his thrust he follow up with a tracking blow that's nearly impossible to dodge. Fuck this guy.
You didn't move early enough obviously. You were inside his hitbox.
>swarmed by 50 dudes the moment I assassinate someone
desu what's up with this bullshit? I'm starting to run through levels skipping most enemies now.
Any tips on how to build up posture damage without parrying?
fromsoftware trademark, it's a "feature" for the drones
That's a shame. I had hoped for more than just the usual FROM formula..
That's the easiest boss in the game though. Easier than all the other mini bosses either.
Try jumping and attacking during fights.
Bought the collectors edition along side a brand new "prepare to die" tshirt (will wear in class next week).
Game is tough but fair, not for the faint of heart.
You guys need to... git gud.
The stealth is there for a reason, the game is hard as fuck.
I think I might be retarded.
you'll get dragonrot from the bull desu
I'll give it another day tomorrow and if I don't improve or something I'll just use a trainer and give myself max stats.
i dont know if am enjoying it or not, but one thing is for certain the story is shit and i dont know why mizaki invested on having it done the way it was done.
demon soul was more engaging
How is that different than Dark souls, you just hit and roll lmao all the fights are the same
I knew this game was gonna be fucking shit when the shills came out full force spamming GOTY releases in X hours threads
It's obvious when the dev isn't confident in their own game
I want my bandwidth back!
Why not just progress through the game and come back there when you got stronger? Besides after beating him you just get a way harder boss instead.
Ill just restart
Does the atmosphere ever actually get ds1 tier good?
Other than the default control scheme being close to Bloodborne, this doesn't really feel like Souls or Tenchu. Don't really know what to compare it to.
You're all playing the game wrong. Stop trying to do full clears
Try pressing jump during fights. You don't have to strafe and parry like souls...
You can dodge some attacks user but not all. You also need to parry or jump. This isnt Souls.
Axe prosthetic, oil + flame prosthetic + smack em for a while
I thought this was the first real boss encounter is there something I'm missing?
You can sprint in combat while keeping a lock on. Win battles with bosses that have grabs/wide reaching attacks with attrition and your speed.
If you can't, acquire skill.
shut up, you stupid slut
i think miyazaki forgot how "show, don't tell" works.
i was expecting not to get any backstory on the sculptor unless I went looking for it myself but no less than 4 hours into the game he literally infodumps everything on you for 5 minutes and all the mystery is gone.
1. Some attacks aren't parryable.
2. Posture meter goes down with time so you have to keep up the pressure.
That makes it fairly different.
Actually good smooth combat that encourages you to vary up your approach and switch between defensive dodging and punishing to a hyper aggressive playstyle constantly depending on enemy type and situation. It doesn't just boil down to tap roll button and follow up with a short combo to win for every single encounter.
Bloodborne has been dethroned
Horse guy and the flaming bull.
But I ran out of spirit emblems
Dark Souls 1 > > Bloodborne > Demon Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > > > Sekiro
don't respond to shills.
make me faggot
sekiro, from does das2 twice
I guess.
I am not used to leave areas unfinished. I don't like getting cucked because of damage difference and enemy numbers. Feels really cheap
Miyazaki didn't write this one.
He wanted to let other people in from try their hand at writing one of the games.
Yep I'm the lead designer of an upcoming still unannounced massive game, parry will be a risky maneuver, attempting to block attacks on hard difficulty or higher risks more stamina loss on regular enemies and is always a complete break or knockdown on bosses, parrying is a mechanic meant for experts only with a small window that can be increased by equipping a shield. Shields stay relevant on harder difficulties for people that want to parry and carry an encumbrance modifier, you can still parry with certain regular weapons with a smaller window, you also lose general move-set from moves that would've taken those button slots, you can turn off shielding as a button entirely on hard or above and have only parry for shields. I can't believe the game design abomination that Sekiro is
Lol wish that happened earlier in the game.
Is there kind of a timer for animal enemies like the bull to not be affected by back to back firecrackers? In other words, can you immediately the effect of firecrackers as soon as the first one ends?
Reminder that your average Yea Forumsirgin is no better at video games than your average Polygon writer.
It's not hard to dethrone mediocreness
How hard is juzou compared to them
Sekiro > RE2 > DMCV > every game released in 2018
Good year so far
Wow wtf, WOAT
That's a miniboss.
The memory is an optional side area, clearing it just gives you an attack upgrade (like all normal bosses, the first real boss is the horse riding dude) and an item that lets you trade it in for a third revive after beating Ashina
go on
Game really doesn't do itself any favors with how terribly it explains its own combat system. You'd think with all those tutorials in there it'd actually be worthwhile.
Lmao imagine being this big of a contrarian just to fit in with Yea Forums. hahaha
So there's actually more variety in combat than DS? Cool.
>Finally kill grandma
>Jk that was phase 1
Fuck I'm so bad
>Everyone calls Dark Souls games too easy.
>FROM makes a much harder game sort of like souls but not.
>Everyone loses their shit.
Maybe don't brag and act like a game is too easy then you fucking faggot.
>But it's not just the difficulty!
Sure, fuck off.
I'm not even going to that annoying >le reddit spacing bullshit. Stop typing like that because it's annoying to read and makes you look like a sperg.
I know the fuck out of this goddamn feel.
I'm looking around for somebody else.
Probably go back to horse guy.
I'm already giving people I haven't met fucking dragonrot.
Are you 12?
>finally beat the second phase of the faggy samurai that cut of your arm
>lmao if I strip naked I become stronger
>get oneshotted
>have to do the first two phases all over again
what is the point of making games so difficult
>more variety
>1 weapon
>cant use axes or spears just a katana
If you can beat phase 1, you can beat phase 2, it's 90% the same
Normal enemies fall over and die and pose no threat whatsoever. You can only die between bosses if you're brain damaged.
All Bosses and minibosses have ringed city level health pools it feels like but one or two shot you. So you're moving between mindless action """Stealth""" game and VERY challenging soulish boss fights with serious tracking that feel kinda unfair to me.
You're always getting bored because it's too easy or frustrated because the thing that kills you is a bullshit unblockable that you have to spend 4 minutes dodging that ends your life if you fuck up once.
It's never in that comfy level of challenge of souls games where you feel like it's doable you just need to improve. It feels like you're either walking though it like it's nothing or you have to completely perfectly learn a bosses move set to stand a chance
What is the point of the coughing shit.
so people can feel better than others for no reason
This combat is like nothing I've ever experienced before. Seriously this makes souls combat look like a joke.
I haven't even seen horse guy. I'm just running around blind and killing whatever I run into.
Game is pretty meh and it has nothing to do with the difficulty and everything to do with trying to make a true action game out of a souls basis.
Bosses are a ton of fun but the rest of the game is boring.
t. beat butterfly in 3 tries with no snapseed
losing your souls and humanity is nothing to this, why did they add all this stuff? I feel like making a new game every time I die.
It's exciting and overcoming a challenge while having to use all the mechanics you have is satisfying
>don't talk to the samurai
>go kill all the minions
>Go talk to the samurai
easy peazy
There is an upgradeable axe and spear in the game
>one weapon
>no builds
>"tools" are just glorified throwing knives and fire bombs
for fun
Horse guy is further on in the present day. Past Snake.
>Deflect Drunktard
>He takes pitiful posture damage and I get half of mine broken
>He just continues attacking anyways
Literally what's the fucking point?
>muh WRPG statspamming
get good
>go into past
>Wolf still has devil breaker arm
really activates my almonds
Nailed it.
I actually like the parrying thing, but the health to damage ratio just makes it either boring or frustrating.
>Implying those give the game much variety as it plays out pretty much the same with all weapons
>So actually you have a big weapon, smaller weapon or mage
>So much variety
Your timing is bad. Get better timing.
Posture also restores more slowly at lower health. Try wearing it down a bit. Drunkard isn't the blocking type.
And yet the actual combat requires different approaches to different enemies and rewards experimentation, it isn't just braindead time roll to win that's why Souls fags are getting their shit pushed in
he also regenerates posture way too fucking quickly
I was bitching about this yesterday and I didn't get any good answer.
deflecting does shit to the meters of several enemies/bosses.
it really is a more intense type of fun. I think adults generally enjoy challenging games more
yes 3>1 user
glad you can count
its why I have 300 hours on Dark Souls but will only get 10 on Sekiro
Good or bad?
Finally killed that motherfucker. I had to spam firecrackers on his face until his posture broke and I landed a deathblow. Every boss/min-boss in the game so far has been like that, either you use this one cheese tactic and make the game ridiculously easy or you torture yourself for hours.
For me it's:
Some people have been playing games for 20 years. Every year I complete at least 20 games. Don't you think that I also would need a game that would hold my interest?
go to the training NPC and learn about vitality/posture.
>its why I have 300 hours on Dark Souls but will only get 10 on Sekiro
All of those spent dying on the ogre
This. I feel like I don’t get a chance to learn the bosses movesets since they kill you instantly, it’s not satisfying at all
already beat the game
its not hard you pussy
only hard if you're a low skill video player already like all of froms games
Do you niggers not even read the tutorials? Enemies have varying posture recovery rates. Drunkard and Grandma both have high rates and need to be worn down with physical damage to slow that rate down.
You have to mix your strategies up depending on who you're fighting.
Literally how is that going to help. By the time Posture drain becomes significant their health is low enough where you might as well just spam R1/Shurikens.
But you can revive?
>get drunkard and butterfly on second try
>get shit pushed in by wrestlemania
I think you guys aren't aggressive enough. I think I'm too aggressive. You can parry midway through most animations
What fucks me are grabs.
Also axe and the follow up combo is dope
>Deathblow on tough enemies just finished their current life bar whether it's full or at 1%
That's ten kinds of fucking stupid. I should be able to take off half a bar, death blow, and start halfway through the next bar. Fucking try to defend this shit.
Ogre is the only hard boss in the entire game.
No idea why they put him at the very beginning.
You're supposed to use the cheese tactic. In a game like this, nothing is "off limits". Fucking up the enemy by exploiting their weakness is where the strategy comes in.
sure you did lol
Haven’t played BB but this is my ranking so far
>I didn't get any good answer.
You weren't looking for one obviously. Otherwise you'd have found your answer in the game itself.
>I think adults generally enjoy challenging games more
Other way around for me.
The older i get the more I want relaxing chill games, after a hard day.
I enjoyed hard games more when I didn't have any other stress in my day to day life.
so can do sweeps have any sort of counter move to them or does the game really expect me to just jump around like a cuck whenever i'm getting gangbanged by 5 dudes spamming them over and over
Honestly I feel this game isn't as hard as it seems, its just tedious and frustrating. It only took me like 3 tries to beat the lightning samurai guy, but each try involved running past shitty DS2 gank squads of enemies, and going through his tedious 1st two phases.
Dark Souls always gave me that high when I beat a boss. This game just makes me feel empty and frustrated, even though I haven't really been roadblocked by any difficult boss.
i haven't even killed one of these fucks on land yet
>Salty casual thread
it's day fucking two you fucking casual, you're whining so much
>with no snapseed
Is that supposed to be an achievement? Those illusions literally don't do anything, they disappear in 10 seconds.
imagine taking longer than 8 hours on this game
what the fuck is the point of the Vault Over combat skill?
bad answer
>Bait out big attack
>Repeat as needed
Gee sure is fucking tough. Granted, his grapple is just shy of a 1HKO and can toss you off the edge. That some bullshit, but given how telegraphed it is I'm never gonna call it tough
DS has different weapons, builds, magic, more items to attack with/consume, more side areas with relevant items, more types of enemies.
Sekiro has, a single sword and consumable skills that you can only use once or twice
You get punished for it and it's basically just worth one extra charge on your gourd.
you are actually brain damaged
It's literally a basic move, press jump button again in the air and try to connect the mini kick and you should do flip counter.
>It's never in that comfy level of challenge of souls games where you feel like it's doable you just need to improve.
That's exactly what it feels like and you're being a baby.
>You get punished
You don't
>t. didn't pay attention
>Pop attack pill
>Oil him up
>Burn him
>R1 spam
>Easily take 1.5/2 health and the rest you can bait his grabs and go for the Grapple attack
Glad I waited to buy and see Yea Forums's reaction first... prob going to buy it on steam sale for 15 bucks a year from now but from what I've seen DS/BB and Nioh are better games anyways
>mash r1 on normal enemies
>dodge when the red symbol appears
>parry when it doesn't
Flaming bull ain't so bad.
it's pretty good imo, just different from DS games and people aren't used to it. no rolling like in DS is really the big difference in gameplay while you're playing FS game with the same engine as DS3/BB. I'm watching The Happy Hob now, even he is struggling to forget about DS combat mechanics
Play the game first, user.
See , , and These are all good answers that you have clearly ignored, just like the good answers that you probably ignored in previous threads. Never tell anyone that you didn't get a clear concise answer to the posture question again.
Pirating is always an option bro.
Never pay for digital goods.
I don't agree
i like it.
im at the kunoichi hag but ill take a break for today.
>consumable skills that you can only use once or twice
At least play the fucking game if you're gonna talk about it.
>Trusting Yea Forums
Here is an reaction image to replace yours, it's ok, we sometimes post wrong one accidentally.
>deflect better being a good answer
I don't care.
How are you supposed to tell the ching chong symbols apart? I can't tell what the fuck is going on when I'm fighting a group that has enemies that do both thrust and sweep attacks.
so deflect is pointless sometimes, great
Yea that's the main thing.
The combat feels fun enough, but when bosses 2 shot or 1 shot you but have enough health that the fight is going to last at least 5 minutes of you dodging the same few attacks it turns into a total slog
wow, am I glad you faggots can't use your shield, cheese the game with some spell or fucking summon someone to kill you the boss
let's be honest, that's why you're mad, the game is harder than DS and you can't do anything about it except git gud
Deflecting badly is part of your problem, yes.
You intentionally forgot "lower their health if their posture recovers too quickly" as well.
You're a whiny faggot and your garbage reading comprehension isn't making you look clever or cool.
For me it's not that the game isn't good, it's just too difficult. I practiced with the undying guy by the temple and i just do not have the reaction time and skill to see this game all the way through. $60 down the drain for a game i will never get to experience the full content of? Fuck that
Spamming r1 is also pointless depending on who you fight.
It's called enemy variety.
buyfags getting dabbed on nonstop
fuck no its the weakest From game in that regard
only thing it has over souls is that it provides quite a challenge
Why bother with Posture damage then when it's completely uneffective until health is sufficiently low and depleting a health bar has the same effect?
Posture should've been permanent, on both sides, and depletes/increases depending if you time a proper deflect or you block. Goddamn this is probably the worst implementation of this system they probably could've done.
Fallout 4
Fuck you using the grappling hook to.fuck around and using jump to dodge is fun as fuck
Also all the death penalty things are interesting like the dragonrot
no, I think it's called Simon Says
>Why bother with Posture damage then when it's completely uneffective until health is sufficiently low and depleting a health bar has the same effect?
Why are you pretending that every enemy in the game has high posture recovery?
Divine Confetti/Terror is a shit design choice.
Learn the difference between your and you’re you fucking monkey
>I have to learn how my enemies fight and respond accordingly and that's bad!
You're right, it probably is a harder game. But that doesn't make it more fun. It's pretty boring/tedious to be stuck doing the same actions the whole game. No different weapons to try out, spells to use, armors to equip, and no stats to play with...
I don't understand the point of it.
It's like an awkward mix of healthbar and stamina bar that doesn't achieve what either do
I don't know, so far I've only beaten Ogre and Drunktard and Posture is completely worthless on both. It's good on the human-sized minibosses, but for these other two it's completely useless since it's better to just zerg their healthbars.
Holy fuck you’re a mongloid
>Simon Says is fun!
Every new Miyazaki game has threads like this.
Angry faggots blaming the game for being bad.
Every single time.
So I gave up and decide to watch some videos on how to kill some of the bosses. I just noticed that in my game the bosses seem to be waaaaaaaaaay more aggressive and fast, could it be the pirated version is like modified to make the game harder? or am I just out of fucking luck? wtf
Yes, large, heavy enemies are going to be harder to knock off balance. Same story with graceful enemies.
Part of the game is figuring out how to take advantage of a wide variety of enemies. It's very fucking simple.
Not even the same guy faggot. Deflecting better doesn't stop stamina drain. In fact you shouldn't be even deflecting some strikes because they are too heavy and side step can dodge them too even if they don't have the sign.
>Deflecting better doesn't stop stamina drain
kek yes it fucking does.
I can only respond to this with "get gud" because it's literally your problem. A perfect parry doesn't drain your posture.
Have you tried doing more perfect parries?
>cant use status inflicting items
>cant use terrain to your advantage
>no different weapon types to make use of extra range or speed if needed
>cant use different approach like going full glass cannon or heavy tank
>ranged combat is worthless
just another brainlet game for people who enjoy dying 50 times to a boss until they learn every pattern by heart
Perfect parry the big over head jump attack from Corrupted Monk then.
Simon Says has nothing to do with anything. The game is literally about doing what the other person says, as long as they precede it with Simon Says.
You're so goddamned stupid it hurts.
my friends are gay
first post best post
Deflecting Corrupted Monk is the easiest fucking boss to deflect attacks for.
You're just digging deeper.
What happens if I go to the past and strike down the thief who becomes a merchant?
yes it does.
the game says you can only handle certain enemies in a specific manner. there is no combat variety or personal player expression. the game is tedious, the combat is simplistic shite.
As for me?
We all know DMC5 Special Edition is inevitable.
Why bother with standard?
>personal player expression
>in a stealth action game
You wanna express yourself, play fucking My Time at Portia.
I am saying to try deflecting it you insecure faggot. It will both drain some of your posture and I think it was the one who will send you back regardless. Stop with your insecurities and realize that it's about your shitty ass advice being against the logical thing to do (side step).
so you agree the combat sucks.
you must be absolutely memeing me. the stealth is complete trash.
Why would I be insecure? I know how to parry and there's nothing you can say that'll change that.
or Nioh or DMC hell even MHW
games with variety
The guy died as I dealt the last hit on the boss. Is it serious, doc?
dragon ball fighterz
why the fuck did i buy it
what the fuck to do against HEADLESS guy in the spoopy cave after the ogre fight
I beat the Guardian Ape, but then I went to Ashina Depths and now I have to beat the ape again, except now he has another ape with him too...
Because you're projecting your insecurities by bringing up someone's ability to parry in discussion that has nothing to do with being able to perform a deflection.
Didn't go there, but throw confetti at him. They told you about ghosts, bro.
need something to deal w/ his fear status effect
Cared enough to post
How the fuck are you supposed to fight multiple enemies? Do i just have to be patient and try to kite them and take them on one at a time?
More like hard game bad
really good
OK I got through the headless in the cave.
The only difference is the second phase where a second ape appears. Use fireworks on that ape and it'll get stunned pretty bad, whack him a few more times and it'll be out of the picture. Otherwise it's really easy since I got a damage upgrade for beating the headless originally, so now it's like he barely had any health.
When the fuck does that happen in BB?
Some basic stealth game shit like being able to aim your ceramic bits would be nice. As it stands you have more stealth options in Dark Souls 3.
If the gameplay is fun it is awesome to have high difficulty because you get to keep playing and getting better at something you enjoy. Difficulty for the sake of difficulty is dumb though,
is it just me or has the amount of double spacing increased exponentially in recent months?
Temple area was beautiful. The only place in the game when it had DS/BB level of atmosphere. The boss there was terrible (monkeys), I still want to unsee them.
The only bosses I really remember are Butterfly and Corrupted Monk (I expected more because Monk was in demo - weird to put the best one there). Divine Dragon, Monkeys and armored guy were the worst. Final boss didn't feel that epic or final, but there are 4 endings and I got only one (and saw another one). Maybe we didn't see the true final boss yet?
Too many human enemies/bosses without any lore behind them... Don't remember most of them...
Plot cutscenes in Souls game... You either don't explain anything so players can build their own theories or you make a real story. Sekiro is somewhere in between.
Stealth is absolutely horrific but old souls strategy (run,run,run, there should be a bonfire nearby) works even better here.
Oh, and yes, exploring Ashina Castle once more because all checkpoints vanished was sooo bad...
And, of course, making such game when Nioh is not that old is strange. I see a lot of hatred (like "From made a game like Nioh but many times better" or "wtf, Nioh clone but far worse") because of that. Why, just WHY??? It was a pretty rude move... From, please, don't be like that.
b-but i play games to passively relax after work
muh 7AM-5PM workdays
challenging games do not sell 75 million copies
how is our CEO supposed to get his yearly wage of millions upon millions of bucks without those sales?
fair enough
Im at the part with the snake and the monkey. Im assuming i need to make it dance with the finger whistle but its not doing anything. Do i need to get the final upgrade for it or something?
guys I'm fucking stuck
I just killed the big ape and got the flower, I also got the stone and the nigger shota won't tell me what to gather next wtf do I do
It doesn't
It's the original Moon Presence. Very unfinished.
It still exists in the game in a very buggy but unique chalice dungeon, along with a number of other ridiculous developer chalices
You can find the codes on /bbg/
base game is comfy sengoku tenchu
the bosses literally ruin this game
Not really sure. You need to get the blade of Mortality if you don't have it (the end of the Temple area), then you burn the incense in the room with Kuro, then go to the place you got the stone and sit in the palankin
Regret buying overwatch
oh yeah I miss the fucking sword lol I'm retarded, but what temple area? the one with monks? I'm sure I finished that when I accidentally unlocked it by going there as soon as I reached the castle, maybe it's the thing the old lady kept bitching about rice?
I really like the game so far, but it really bothers me how everything looks the same. I played the game for about 11 hours now and saw exacrly 4 different areas. The music is also pretty lackluster for a From game. Soulsborne have godlike music, literally 10/10. Sekiros music is pretty mediocore with some tracks that get recycled. The thing I'm mosr afraid of is that I'll finish the game tomorrow, I'd be really disappointed if the game is that short.
>Yea Forums shitting on a possible GOTY
nothing new to see here guys, move on.
Git gud
>watching the game
>contrarian opinion
>reddit space
>caps lock
>how do i scream i need even more attention? i know! ill shit on an old ass zelda game
literal kids and retards hating on a game not even out for 24 hours
Nailed it, the number of Souls players who turned out to be utter faggots because of shield nerfs when parrying became easier revealed to me how pleb Yea Forums actually is. i.e leddit crowd lurk here too much
He literally told you to perfect parry you mong, get good, in cause you have no fucking idea, its the literal point of impact you block you fucking twit.
>Normal enemies fall over and die and pose no threat whatsoever.
another redditspacing faggot who hasn't even got to the half way point. Will you Yea Forumsirgin shitters actually beat the game first before saying dumb bullshit like this. The game eventually stops giving you tutorial enemies.
You return to that area, teleport to Main Hall bonfire and ring a bell near the big statue. The worst bossfight in game is waiting for you...
Well STRAFE was a mistake
You knew this sounded bad when you typed it right?
>tfw feel fucking retarded because the can't get away from the ogre's dive grabs
what the fuck man
Here's a guide on the Ogre
>Sneak attack for half of his health bar
>Oil+fire spam and R1 button mashing
>ez win
I seem to be lacking oil then, where do i get it?
Yea Forums being a bunch of contrarians as usual, nothing new here
>expected difficult game
>another pisseasy soulsborne game
Just wait a few weeks. Someone on Youtube will explain, why THAT was a beautiful idea, what place does it have in game lore and how good is the story.
Well... immortals loosing their minds again, dragons and their weird powers again... They just needed something new. Something fresh, you see. Like monkey-monks which appear when you see the truth of that place:)
can't wait for lorefags to try and explain the monkeys with rocket launchers
yes they are a thing
Dunno I just had 10 of them by normally playing the game. Probably in the memory. Just fire should do the job too though
Iv already opened up a ticket for a steam refund.
54 minutes played.
How the fug do you sneak attack him? Is the any way to him other than the stairs?
The wall to the spear man is too high to climb and the branch to the right leads to nowhere.
>pirate the game before release
it’s good
>play the game after release
it’s shit
what did Yea Forums mean by this?
Aggro him, then just run away and hide until he isn't aggro anymore
>my potato can't run this game i can't afford!
everyone pirates. you're not special.
>we could've had this cute loli to protect and escort
>instead she got WORMED and we are stuck with a faggot shota
not fair