What did they mean by this
Blacks at Xbox
What, you weren’t happy with the two or three You’s you got ten minutes ago with this shitty thread? Pathetic.
im gonna say the n word
is it just me or the name "BLACKS AT XBOX" sounds really bad
Okay. Okay. I got one guys. I got one.
Malcolm Xbox.
Uhh, uhh, uhhhh... Blacksbox, am I right guys?
Probabyl exactly what it means.
They want the Sony audience.
meanwhile in mexico
>Negros En Xbox
one black guy worked on this, all by himself without any help from whites or chineses.
Wew, real subtle there.
Pass the coontroller bro
He came up with the idea of changable cartridges for video games which is a great idea, but on the other hand I don't see anyone celebrating white inventions saying "check out this white man inventing [thing]" or whatever. It's the typical leftardation at work. Trying to appeal to those poor oppressed fucking fucks yet it results into more diversion.
I'd be more offended by some tech yuppie calling me black then some user just shouting nigger, at least they're honest with their intentions.
Nah, it's not just you. It's like saying "Orientals at Xbox"
Oof, yikes!
Nigga what the fuck do you think they mean by that ?
Are you stupid?
>Tries to get the message that blacks are "people like us"
>Constantly undermine that message by giving them trophys for doing mudane things that we all do.
>Blacks put a tie on
>Blacks put the garbage out
>Blacks work at a game company
Just seems to me like the left is afraid the blacks may get a bit uppity if they don't constantly shower them with praise.
Are lefties the most racist people on the planet?
i love it. BLACKS AT XBOX.
Goo stuff. BLACK PEOPLE. Okay!
Are these people colorblind? That is brown, not black.
are midgets "little xboxers"?
>Expecting leftists to grasp the concept of different races
They all look black to a tumblr cat lady.
life imitates memes
What the fuck DID they mean by this?
>I don't see anyone celebrating white inventions saying "check out this white man inventing [thing]"
We literally do that in history class even down to the cotton jin
I was almost angry at first but then I realized that hey, wait a sec, this is a good thing right? You americans have these ghettos or some shit full of blacks so you know you should probably help them to get education, right? This is good, right? Of course they are gonna stay as stupid niggers if they don't go to school and instead deal drugs, right?
more like BlacksOnXbox
Are you?
The drugs were put in by whites and a prominent NRA member took guns from the ones trying to stop gangbanging. He also put drugs in the community.
Better yet here are the trials
You aight whiteboi
yeah "blacks" is generally seen as insensitive or racist or something
it's why everyone says black people
you crackers got some nerve blacks at xbox wtf is that?
>black guy making sure his friend isn't doing something stupid like climbing a tree and falling from it
>asian guy kamehameha'ing a motherfucker for his stupidity
It's not that hard to get
What the fuck is this shit, I was just saying that it's a good thing that xbox is helping blacks?
Nah, that would have been "Negros at Xbox", it's the more antiquated term. I was actually in a store yesterday and some old guy was like "where'd all these orientals come from" (I'm in a college town so there are lots of asians), and I was just kind of confused for a bit. "Blacks" is just like saying "whites", it's just weird to hear people described by the color instead of more PC terms like "caucasians", "african-americans", etc.
>It's duh wypipo fault we on drugz yo! We wuz gud bois and KANGZ n shiiiiiiet in Wakandan Ejipt! YOOOOOOOO
Shut up you smelly, dumb nigger scum.
user I was showing why blacks are at such a shit point right now
Dare I say they are /our/ blacks?
that sounds racist lol
this is it, chief
Yours, huh?
That's not what I said but ok, tell me how the CIA protecting cocaine shipments isn't weird especially since it was right before the war on drugs.
>our blacks
Why does it matter?
Because the shitstorm that will ensue soon. You were my conduit and I apologize it had to be this way
That's right. That was another reason I sold my Xbox.
What seems to be issue here, sweaty? Don't tell me you don't own a bunch of nigge- I mean "blacks".
it's actually
niggers can climb trees better because they are closer to monkies
You little shit
I see.
Theyre trying to say that the nigs on their staff are robbing them without being racially insensitive.
whitey on the right looks like she fucks Tyronhe
At least they didn't call it Xblacks.
Tyronhe and Danisha look like they want to kill themselves.
Imagine going through day-to-day life, working hard at school, making an effort on your tests, and you get a reward only to find it was only because of your skin.
>our Blacks
>how they are
based microsoft
Look at these blacks
all identity politics sounds bad and is incredibly racist if you think about it for a minute
the people who push it depend on you not saying anything or offering any resistance to their dumb ideas
Oriental is a race, negro is a race
Black is a colour, it's like saying yellow at PlayStation
I hope they had some black person throw that image and title together or they've left themselves open to some low hanging "DAS RACIST" accusations.
Having a black person do the dirty work creates a deflection sheild.
Hey at least they call us "Blacks" and not "People of Color", I want to gut a White or Black person every time they say that.
>That cortana
but I already fapped today...
We be x-blacks and sheeeit