What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: Sinful handholding.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Nomura unironically cannot write worth shit

she got a haircut.

She’s been a bad character ever since the end of KH1.

KH1 was peak Kairi so I don't think short hair is the problem.

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her design was fucking perfect in 2, no reason to change it

KH3 happened too late and lost the touch it had.

Nomura hates us. Even my boomer father was pissed about the ending

Personally I always found it kind of bland, I actually like 3's outfit but what little personality she had in 1 took a nosedive in 2 and never fully recovered.

Her face looks weird I don't know what it is but it was better in 2

Not becoming a strong woman who need no man.

New artstyle, almost everything got fucked because of it.

It's not short hair as a whole, but the haircut that they chose to go with, since the other short haired girls are 10/10

No porn, where the fuck is all the good smut of her, or anti-Aqua, or fucking Namine? GIVE ME GOOD PORN GODDAMN IT, it's the only thing that can salvage this mess for me.

I feel like Normura decided to make up for the lack of Kairi suffering in one go. While it was a good idea on paper, it was the WORST time to pull it off.

Attached: KH_Kairi_Battle_Pose_2.jpg (1200x1200, 412K)

He should seriously stick to art, Kingdom Hearts was, and can be, kino with him having a smaller role in its development.

It's out there, just look harder.

What was it?

Some good porn.

what the FUCK is Xehanort a good guy wtf

C'mon man, don't leave me hanging like that.

It was a bad crop of the anti-aquas (4 or 5 of her) gangbanging light aqua.

>bad crop

Bandwagon fans
Idiots with overly high expectations

Game is excellent and the true GOTY while soiboys circlejerk to last of us

Took too long to release. Most of the original talent has either died or moved on.

Also this. It's no coincidence that the games he had the most writing control over have the worst stories. There's no one there to filter out his retarded ideas.

>it's not Nomura's fault he fucked up and couldn't manage a schedule
>it's you damn entitled gamers, you're to blame for KH3 being disappointing
How about you fuck off?

>What went wrong?
Sora didn't slam that pussy at the end of the game. He went through hell and back and all he got was a damn fruit and a handshake.

>He went through hell and back and all he got was a damn fruit and a handshake.
Someone make this a t-shirt.