Other urls found in this thread:
i have never played a souls game
Way better than "soulsborne".
is this game the dark souls of the metroidvania roguelike indy sub-genre?
go away, dumb Sburb poster
no one will like your fucking shitty 2.5 hats game no matter how much you shill it
Vriskchads > Karkucks
>Terezilords > Vriskashits
Reporting in
Tavros is my favorite. Karkat and Dave were both cool too but they fell really far toward the end.
Daily reminder that everything act 6 and beyond is not canon.
>implying anything post Act 4 is canon
Went to shit as soon as trolls were introduced as actual characters
Tell me 5 memorable moments pre Act 5
>mfw Knight of Space
The gay frog minigame is worth having this kind of power
vriska was the best character, easily.
>mage of hope
what the fuck am i even doing
Better than homosuck
Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?
Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.
I haven’t read through it in years so honestly I couldn’t tell you any other than the apple juice piss page.
I just think pre trolls homestuck was a lot more focused since it didn’t have 20 characters to worry about.
Homestuck has always being a mediocre webcomic, not because its concepts were dumb or inherently pretentious but more because the author couldn't decide what tone he wanted for his story.
It's just a lot of potential with no control.
>Hollow Knight
Yeah that shit fits in. No wonder that shit is popular.
For me it's Vriska.
jade introduction
dave vs bird
[s] jack: ascend
trolls start trolling in act 4
can mayor and his cronies in the post-apocalypse
Before he fucked it up it was legitimately great.
Vriska was good for awhile until she fucking died and came back several different times.
That said, blind girl STILL has a fat ass.
Hussie, from his commentary in his books:
>“All this talk about insidious malefactors whispering in Vriska’s ear and warping her thoughts, and Word of God admissions that this is exactly what’s happening to her from multiple fronts at once, should help stoke the fires of Vriskourse and give a lot more ammunition to her apologists, who like to point out that nothing Vriska does is ever really quite her fault.
>There’s a word for these people: heroes.
>They are absolutely right, and if you take one lesson from these notes, let it be this. Vriska has done nothing wrong. Not even once in her life, and she never will.”
I’d say my main issues were
>FUCKED pacing, some sequences go on for far too long and plot critical information is sometimes just a passing line in a sea of dialogue
>character bloat making it difficult to establish a proper storyline
Yeah, Vriska fans are the fucking 8est.
That's why most Karkatfans abandoned this shit character and went to her.
Reminder that literally nothing was good about the retcon, and anyone who thinks otherwise should be fed feet-first into a woodchipper.
>jade introduction
>dave vs bird
>[s] jack ascend
One of Homestuck's peak.
>trolls start trolling in act 4
Good one
>can mayor and his cronies in the post-apocalypse
Mixed bag with that one.
>indie rogue-lite kickstarter
>if we reach 1 million sheckels they'll port it to the ouya!
>not just calling him WV
Davekat shipper detected
>we will never ever see caliborn's masterpiece
>It's the dark souls of (insert genre here)
We did, it was Act 7
I like Feferi the most. Her design anyway.
It literally doesn't happen in Act 7.
For reference, I'm talking about the events depicted in the claymations in Act 6 Act 6 Act 5.
that vriskagram flash was good
Damn thats one hot parsee
Why was he so based?
I think I'm something like the Prince of Blood
the dialogue was almost always fantastic and funny, though
only 19 more days until the epilogue
Literally the worst flash in the comic.
Homosuck is not vidya
basically any flash with vriska in it was good
It almost got John and Roxy together, and made for a good fairy tale, good enough that alt-Calliope told Jade it.
>favorite character is knight of time
>take the test thing
>also a knight of time
how about that
Surrender Your Soul To The Ruinous Pleasures Of Kanaya Domination
Go away, Louise
The Intermission was the best part, and Problem Sleuth is better than Homestuck anyway.
Every page with Vriska was solid gold
Caliope is terrible though. I'd call her the worst character but she's not a character.
John > everyone else
>he likes Dave
I'm so sorry.
What are these good for? Are they just meant to be a "fuck you" for anyone in the session?
Did hussie even make this one?
doesn't look like his style
>that part when John literally murders all of his friends for being faggots
wtf hussie
>that part where John mating presses Rose in front of the entire meteor crew
It was pretty odd but the minigame was fun at least
nah it was that period near the end of the comic where he got tumblr artists to draw it
he still "wrote" it it, though
I'm not gonna lie Karkat and dave are actually a decent pairing
that being said Husie ruined both of them
>le epic orange horns people comic
cringe and tumblrpilled
>I'm not gonna lie Karkat and dave are actually a decent pairing
Please get into the woodchipper.
I want to start reading Homestuck, what should I know about it?
alright fellas im at act 6 act 3 and things are looking up since myststuck and getting to know dirk and roxy
when does it inevitably go downhill again
Act 6 is mostly awful except for Caliborn, luckily Caliborn is like a third of it
It's better than anything with Vriska
I never mentioned Vriska. You now need to take your closest friend into the woodchipper, as further penalty.
there are always funny gags around to keep you going, I found. even when the main plot is in absolute shambles
You've reached the point of no return
Read the rest of it
It's bad but It's not as bad as people say it is
>funny gags
No there aren't. After the retcon the comic ceased to be funny. All the conversations were toothless and read like Hussie was trying to avoid getting anyone angry. That's the most damning thing, it wasn't funny. And Friendsim Vol 1 proved he could still be funny.
I just reached act 6 and it's fucking painful, when does it get good again?
a lot of the early stuff may seem random and nonsensical, because up until Act 5 Hussie was still taking user commands. the readers would submit commands for the characters, and hussie would draw a page according to the command.
End with Cascade, pretend the characters escape through the fourthwall out of Homestuck as it collapses unto itself like the clusterfuck of discordant elements it became.
I'll admit I barely remember much of it, but stuff like the "proposing to vriska" gag was funny
it never does
>when does it get good again?
user, I...
No it really wasn't.
the entire bit with lord english and hussie was pretty amazing
>friendsim was funny
>friendsim did anything but further destroy homestuck's reputation
>i don't like the character so I don't find the joke funny
such a shame
How was Problem Sleuth so god tier?
Vol 1 was written by Hussie and was good.
Here, you can play it yourself.
Small scale + user submitted commands only stopped during the very last leg of the comic.
It's more like metajokes are rarely funny, and "so bad it's good" jokes are never funny
>le hotdog kid
>Vriska 2
Heir reporting. Where my blood brothers at?
Though, as a Prince, I likely wouldn't get along with you
different strokes I guess. I think that hussie is just so funny as a person that it can shine through even the most terrible parts of homestuck
it's just the dramatic parts of homestuck that were often lacklustre. would anyone be able point out dramatic moments in homestuck that were genuinely affecting? [s] wake and the jade slapping her clone, maybe?
>he doesn't want to dick the tick
Last time I checked I was an Heir of Doom
Didn't Heirs have a sort of "become their element" power? I recall John both controlling and turning into wind, so maybe I'd be able to manifest or turn into the black fog monster from that Harry Potter prequel
The best dramatic parts were the ones that mixed in humor, which is why Seer: Descend is so great
I wouldn't say that, maybe throw a wrench in the teamwork machine if you're having a bad day, but we could be quite the pair. I bring em together you destroy WITH blood. We just gotta make some friends.
What is the general consensus on this panel?
>that disgusting art style
Every time
don't remember this shit at all
but my reaction right now is: based.
>Vriscucks and Karfags arguing over who's better
>Aradiachads just watch and laugh
Feels good to be the best.
My best guess? Zombie mode. Sounds pretty cool user. Alternatively, maybe you become judge dredd.
Why did Homestuck have to go down the shitter boys? I miss the days when it was just the 4 kids vs the game.
Nah, negative aspects just mean a good player is supposed to avoid them or use them to their advantage. Like a Seer of Doom would know how to avoid doomed timelines in theory.
Felt kind of random/forced. I like the broad strokes of it, but like most late-comic stuff it just lacked finesse
Remember how Hussie wanted to show us the kids could have good relationships outside of their immediate family circle? And how he failed and everyone still considers them the core group, even Viz media?
Lots of tongue in butt cheek jokes directed at the fandom.
That felt like most of the retcon style stuff. Like he kept telling us to laugh, or telling us we should like a relationship. Hussie was always bad at showing rather than telling but it became really painful there.
Nah, he didnt write or draw most of the end game parts.
Aradia, puta argentina.
Deja de aparecer tanto, que te vuelves muy CANSINA.
I remember the chatlogs between Vriska and BetaJohn being quite moving.
/Mageoftime/ here. I am a self destructive fuck.
i want to FUCK jade
Surrender To Kanaya
Who would be the best fuck and why is it Nepeta?
I think Princes in general fuck up the party dynamic. A Prince of Blood in particular has huge destructive potential and would probably be better off doing his own thing to try and help behind the scenes rather than stay with the group. I can say this now because I'm a bit older and wiser but as an actual age-appropriate player I probably would've been a nightmare to get along with.
>Newfag forgets how Yea Forumscore Homestuck was in the first few acts
You gotta go back
I never looked into those faggy threads unless Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff were involved
i just said jade
Terezi because she'd be really grabby and bitey given her blindness, and also lots of bloodplay.
Vriska for mindless hatesex with lots of hair-pulling.
And Condy's probably just insatiable.
Aayyyy fellow Prince of blood
Honestly yeah. I'm convinced it's a mental issue. Looking at anything Homestuck just instantly makes me want to slam my fists around like an ape.
It's just so infuriatingly ugly and disgusting. I can't stand looking at it.
I wouldn't really call those the best examples tbqhwyf
Again, you really are retarded.
>I'm not gonna lie Karkat and dave are actually a decent pairing
>tfw you will never cull thousands of xeno scum in service of the empress
>I'm not gonna lie Karkat and dave are actually a decent pairing
They're both chill non nonsense bros
I can see why they would get along
Mages have it rough, tendency to get fucked over by their aspect. Just try to learn from the shit that's fucking you over, you should be fine.
Yeah sometimes, but you dont have to be together to be part of a team. I mean look at the hulk in the avengers movies. Fucks stuff up sometimes but direct the fuck in the direction of the enemy, youd be invaluable.
Also, I'm ordering Chinese what do you guys want?
who /TIMENIGGAS/ here?
iirc the first 4 Castlevania were side-scrollers
just accept that some parts of a story can be bad
Get along and intimate fucking are two different things. It is canon that nobody would willingly fuck Karkat unless there's no other viable option.
Fuck off back to tumblr please.
Thank you. Keep your garbage art there.
One of the better late act gags
Time is the Chad aspect
>same monotone garbage artstyle
>same garbage insult.
Why do you SJW Tran-Wrecks have to mimick the media you consume? Get a personality, shithead.
Bard of Breath, I got a cool codpiece and am not entirely too sure what I'd do
The codpiece or the title?
so lik ei'm confused
is the ending still fucked
like do we still have caliborn's masterpiece happening i.e. john and the others go fight him and get fucked forever in the fuck box or does vriska opening it bring them back out to kill him but even then wouldn't they all bite it from the fucking black hole
is the ending really this dumb or am i just misunderstanding it
You're a pretty dumb cunt, huh.
Just clueless on what being a bard of breath entitles in general
It really is that fucking dumb. Don't worry. Everything past Act 6 Act 4 is horrendous. Except Caliborn.
Powers wise? Breath is commonly associated with direction, while bards fuck shit up by just being alive. So maybe youd be a good slight of hand magician, master of misdirection?
Karkat can just watch Vriska fucking all of his love interests.
It's even canon.
Bard is the wildcard class, and breath is the wildcard element(kinda), so you're like, wildcard squared. That or you picked random meme answers instead of being honest
bards are one of the four we know anything canon about, which is that they invite the destruction of their element, and since breath is direction and maybe freedom if you believe in the EZ, a bard of breath allows other people to have their direction destroyed.
basically, you can lock people into place or make it hard for them to escape traps. you're an enabler for devious plots and people who try to stop you from doing whatever you want will probably have it backfire on them by destroying their own freedom
It literally just isn't finished yet. Supposedly Hussie has been working on a monstrously huge epilogue featuring the real final battle and stuff. But it seems unlikely to ever come out at this point.
Obviously they play the saxophone
no, the kids haven't averted the masterpiece, which is why the happy ending isnt actually happy.
also by killing LE in a place outside of time vriska ensures his immortality because we know when he dies, and thus it's impossible for him to die any other time. thanks vriska, cunt.
Nah I was honest, though I do remember getting a different result years ago, something with rage I think
sylph of light unfortunately checking in
i like to think i have a pretty cool handle on what classpect powers do so feel free to throw your questions about "what cool god powers do i get" to me and i'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities
what would a Mage of Hope get?
I've been getting that nowadays and have zero fucking clue what that'd entail since it's one of the least explored classes and one of the most vague aspects
>Caliborn was the last attempt for Hussie's old soul to escape its prison
It's not fair.
from my personal theories that i picked up, mages are the active seer which means they get information but purely for themselves and use it to decision-make.
hope we actually have a pretty decent grasp on through jake - it's the aspect of believing in things, in the shonen-style "believing in something makes it real" (hussie mentions something like this in the commentaries), and its very involved in the REALNESS attribute of an object.
so, basically besides the typical information gathering, which would let you, say, know inherently what people believe in or stuff about their hopes and dreams, and you would definitely be able to give the best motivational speeches in all of paradox space. at a high enough level, like, aranea-tier you might be able to physically reinterpret objects by believeing in alternative ways of viewing their REALNESS attribute or not (like looking at a sword from head-on and it appears thinner than normal, well, that sword is a rapier now, and it is that thin all around). But that one's purely speculatory and only for the "i need a really cool combat power" stuff.
who else /life/ here
How about heir of blood? I have ideas but I like hearing other perspectives.
You are fucking worthless
>early access
>indie pixel
>walking simulator
even jade?
heirs invite manipulation of their aspect or invite manipulation through their aspect, so, in terms of powers, an heir of blood becomes a real easy person to make friends with. There's nothing there being created or destroyed but once you're friends with an Heir of Blood you're part of their big friend group and they'll never let you down (unless they do).
heirs all generally have a lot of aspect related strength so an heir of blood might naturally have a ludicrously high vitality stat that will only get higher as they god tier. you dont even really need armor when you can just facetank attacks from endgame weapons, and you can bleed forever and ever without dying or even passing out.
if we want to go with the popular headcanon that heirs can become some kind of manifestation of their aspect, then you could have it as a literal "blood monster", or maybe by becoming a manifestation of bonds you sort of amalgamate together the powers of your closest friends for a temporary super-mode.
also, this is just a personal thing that i like to imagine is that all heirs have one Big One-Shot feat that they do, like john's wind drill or mituna's great act of heroism or equius fucking dying. im not sure what an heir of blood's might be but feel free to get creative.
Spades Slick deserved better. He never got to avenge his casino, never got to fight Lord English, and he got beheaded by a dumb kid he never met with a shitty anime sword.
I'm not talking about Calliope though, just alt-Calliope. The shadowed deity.
Knight of Light
oh nooooooo
Why you gotta be like that?
Pretty good user I can dig it.
knights are weird because we only ever see one of them god tier and actually fight in comic so this is, for the most part, kind of blind speculation, but i hear a lot of people say that knights "equip" or "imbue" themselves or "fight with" their aspect or whatever and i mean that works for me.
so i imagine that knights can sort of apply aspect-like qualities to themselves and their equipment. dave can rewind his weapons back and forth through time (or at least the snoop dogg snow cone machete or whatever) and fights, at least early on, with a lot of shortly closed time loops to summon a bunch of clones.
so a knight of light can "equip light". what sort of properties are light-y? well, they could obviously glow on a whim but that's boring unless you're in a dark cave. a knight of light probably has a super high critical hit chance, and can imbue stuff the "idea of information" or the "idea of fortune", like a sword that seeks out weak points or even talks to you. a knight of light might even be able to turn a blank hilt into a lightsaber, if you wanna go that far. they probably just passively have a super expansive strife portfolio and can switch between weapons super fast for some crazy confusion-fu.
Using zules.com
catchy and pretty nice
Descend is the best song and the best flash.
What would an Heir of Time do?
this test is both retarded and from 2014
Still boring
an heir of time invites manipulation of time or through time, which means not only can they probably go into adrenaline bullet time when shit gets serious, but they also don't really *do* a lot of their power stuff themselves.
however, like a VIP, the heir of time is protected by everyone else through time. selves from both the alpha and doomed timelines will be jumping back to make sure the heir doesn't die. at some point in the future it's highly likely that the heir accidentally or on purpose gives their time materials away, or even lets the other players captchalogue them, and then they basically are constantly surrounded by a bodyguard squad of time hoppers as they sort of leisurely stroll their way to the endgame.
Knight of Mind?
Technically he did avenge his casino by subverting the Felt and immobilizing Jack English.
>liking hussie's personal mary sue
She shouldn't have been that relevant to the plot and you all know it. Shit's dumb. She also caught Lesbianitis iirc so that makes her even worse in my book.
She's not even likable
is there a better alternative, dipshit?
Mage of Heart
Didn't know this site existed, pretty neato
Prince of Life
literally any other quiz, especially considering that this one was probably from before hussie retconned the idea of gender-exclusive classes because he realized they were fucking dumb
page of breath, this is an answer that i got frequently years ago when i was a very different person and still deep in the Homestuck fandom before the comic ended
i supposed, deep down, a man's nature never truly changes
Bard of mind what the fuck do I even do with that
i've already given my knight spiel so i'll just cut to the chase. knights of mind have a super high accuracy stat because your weapons will always be swung or shot in the correct path that leads to a hit. it might not be critical but it's nearly impossible for a knight of mind to actually miss. mind has a loose association with electricity so go ahead and make your weapons tasers, who gives a shit. if you like making trick-shots, being a knight of mind is for you, since you'll always ricochet that bullet just where it needs to be. need to hurt someone non-lethally? no problem, your sword knows what to do.
i actually have a prince of life NPC in one of my campaigns so i know a lot about this one. princes destroy their aspect or destroy with it, so, on the surface level you can point your finger at something and go "Die" and it dies, but you can also do cool shit like summoning a tide of carnivorous plants, or possibly mutating local flora/fauna into gigantic monsters. life also has an association with wealth and "lack of rules", so you can drop piles of money on people or just destroy all their gold, or set them free from rules and limitation and let them burn themselves out.
Seer of Void here my dudes.
How fucked am I?
you know there is an official one right?
>life also has an association with wealth
I thought that was light?
you cause people to overthink themselves to death, allow choice and logic and reason to be destroyed. arguments start around you. people revolt, things go crazy. this will probably be a tough session but once you god tier you'll likely be able to restrain it and direct it, so you just point your might hand of arguments at derse and watch as everyone starts freaking out.
not fucked at all but possibly liable to go grimdark. as a seer of void you can see nothing, which is obviously useless and may imply future blindness, but you can also see secrets and hidden things. nobody can hide from you, and if someone or something doesn't want to be found, you can find the shit out of them.
nope. jane, feferi, and meenah are all super rich, meenah is greedy as fuck, and all of them are heiresses to "royalty", as it were, and never struggle for much monetarily (although it doesn't come up a ton in comic). jane even has a shitton of boondollars stored up from before act 6 starts, if i recall correctly.
My guess is that you can see where things have no value. Maybe through process of elimination, you can find the way to progress and avoid red herrings.
it's not made by andrew hussie and it's only the aspect
>tfw still have memories that haunt me from the many pauses and just in general the shit andrew hussie did
>tfw gigapause
>tfw omegapause
>tfw failed kickstarter because of some company stealing the money
>tfw that fucking dating sim hussie advertised
The last few years of the webcomic was an absolute shit-show and it's a wonder how I managed to hang in there until the very end
It's aspect class and sign
I found it to be pretty accurate
I don't think you know what class means.
>it's not made by andrew hussie
Neither was Homestuck
>tfw I waited through the the giga and omagapause
>checked the site everyday
>that ending
Only ME3 can match the rage I felt that day.
hi karkat!
jade was never interested in karkat and people who think davejadekat is a thing are retarded.
Though that probably didn't need to be stated, it's already obvious.
see you soon!
I wonder whos behind this post...
>its a platformer/shootemup/fps with meta progression
Karkat is the kind of guy who would read homestuck and complain about how he is portrayed
Karkat is the kind of person that would raise another man's kids
Is Eridan Ampora /ourguy/?
How the mighty have fallen.
Needs a homestuck edit
>karkat seething that his gf left him for her
it may be made by some dipshits from mspfa but comedy dot gold is actually pretty funny in a TSO kind of way, somehow
>rape mill
this wouldn't be appropriate for Hussie's current fanbase
Nothing is appropriate for them except death.
is there a quiz for this or something?
this art wouldn't stand in homestuck's fandom
i know there's a couple of people who will perform minimally psychologically invasive interviews and diagnose you with classpects, but if you look around you can find probably a dozen quizzes that will give you two dozen possible answers, so, yes.
The hemospectrum is bullshit
Purple bloods are supreme
>The hemospectrum is bullshit
>people higher on it have vastly greater lifespans and others get insane psychic powers
Seems pretty non-bullshit to me. Actually the whole racism or caste criticism in general isn't really effective when you make each blood color actually distinct or make some clearly more powerful than the others.