>Game lets you crossdress
Game lets you crossdress
>Game forces you to crossdress
>Game lets you choose your sexual orientation
>real life makes you crossdress
>Game lets you crossdress
>Other characters will constantly tell you how cute you are
>game DOESN'T let you crossdress
Hey girl, gimme them 6 digits
Being gay is a sin and God will punish you for it on the day of judgement.
god is a human fabrication made to deal with the unsettling reality that life has no purpose
Literally most games
But is it gay when a girl forces you?
Big fucking deal. Barely anyone gets into heaven anyway.
>game lets you fuck crossdressers
Artificial Academy 2 with mods is p neat
in what games can I play and get a crossdressing bf
fucking botw
What are some multiplayer games for this feel where you can tease horny anons?
Name 5 (five) games
>villain takes over your character's body
>you still see everything happening to you in a cutscene
botw dlc
sims 4
artificial academy
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh some other illusion game probably
South Park Stick of Truth
Legit question:
Why are the users of Yea Forums so obsessed with making offtopic threads?
Holy fuck, what are those knee length undergarments on the maid called? Please help.
I don't know why but they're fun.
vanilla wow
if you legitimately have to ask that question then you need to go back to where you came from
Underage Panty Quest: Otokonoko edition.
Underage Panty Quest: Otokonoko edition II.
Underage Panty Quest: Otokonoko edition III
Underage Panty Quest: Otokonoko edition IV.
uh... Jackie Chan?
god i wish that were me
Dragon's Dogma
Entering Gerudo Town is not mandatory to beat the game.
>game lets you crossdress
>men come to rape you
>they find out your crossdressing and beat the shit out of you
based and redpilled and obviously been browsing for years
cringe and bluepilled and obviously trying too hard to fit in
Nah it's fucking hot
Final Fantasy VII
Yea Forums users discuss every topic better than their respective boards. this is a well known fact.
Only the greatest rpg of all time, ffvii.
I always picked both Lady Killer and Confirmed Bachelor for maximum damage. In retrospect, it was indicatory of something...
yikes pilled
Is the only way of getting some serious discussion here.
Games for this feel?
To add onto this. We're fucking terrible at actually discussing video games. But we're elder god tier at everything else.
I love this game but fuck it for putting me on this slipper slope
Nothing to be ashamed of, user. You just like cute boys. :3
those sex games you always see advertised on dodgy websites
Do they make games about eating sweets with some guy's sister?
>every topic better than their respective boards
>oh shit Yea Forums is talking about anime
>let's discuss the good ol toonami
>oh shit Yea Forums is talking about hentai
>let's discuss about our favorite fetish
you only think it's better because off topic nonsense becomes an echo chamber.
Game lets you turn into a girl
I don't think that's his sister...
If you expect you everyday fantasy paladin to look like God Emperor, your expectations are waaaay to high
stop making me want to fuck traps Yea Forums
im serious
Baldur's Gate is overrated.
We don't call it funposting for nothing
is it ok to make girls jealous?
if something like that did that you were already a fag lmao
I don't, but I was too lazy to crop the image to just the WoW character
there's a difference between being something and being aware of it
Kinda liked it in Animal Crossing New Leaf.
Tfw the perfect and most handsome guy I know lives in another country. We're good friends at least I wish he was gay Games for this lonely feel?