Bloodlines 2 is gonna be propaganda

God damn it. We can't even have a sequel to a beloved cult classic without them shitting things up.

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Other urls found in this thread: white safespace/ white safespace/5505929 white safespace/5506248 white safespace/5507186 white safespace/5508236 white safespace/5508548

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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epic and baybaypilled

lefties will pretend to be hyped for it until it comes out and then they'll realise it's actually shit and stop caring after a few weeks.

Nice try. B*sed is a right-wing code word. Off to gulag with you two

Is this the thread where we tell trannies they'll never be real women?

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A few months ago I would have told you to fuck off but now that /pol/ is shitting on Mitsoda, I have no other choice.

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but it got big boobs so it based unironically





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>we also ban
>we also censor
>we also get funded from that exact 1% which we pretend to hate
I would never join the hypocrites.

If you were really one of us you would know the term is dog whistle, not code word. Looks like we're gonna need two tickets to Siberia.

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Thanks for this post. You reminded me I decided to leave this place for good. you all are about as pathetic as reddit, gaf, or resetera. Your just one side of the same fucking coin. Peace out bitches. The internet is dead. There's no fun place to go anymore

/pol/ on permanent suicide watch

Hard to say with this one, lefties love faggy vampire shit but overall don't buy many video games. Guess it really depends how much of a walking simulator it ends up being.

Just don't think that anything nice will happen again with vidya. At ebst pirate it since it most likely won't be worth the money.

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>Yet another game we get to enjoy and /pol/ has no choice but to seethe over

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their game would suck (there's a 0.1% chance any developer could make a worthy successor) and nobody of us would buy it, so they pander to idiots
wise financial decision

Just look at Deus Ex. IW sucked dick and it took them forever to make a halfway good successor (HR) just to throw it all away again (MD)

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So your argument against organized shilling is organized pretending to be retarded? That makes it worse when you do it for free

well rip

Holy shit. Why are /pol/tards so fucking stupid?
That was obviously fake even if there was no admission.

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discord trannies are such embarrassing creatures

I can't wait to kill every tranny I find and not even drain them

Never stops to amaze me.

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very based and redpilled
finna go get some ice cream with my wife's black son

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Are any of these a lie or is this all true? If so, our industry is lost.

shill your blog somewhere else, fatass
we already have a thread on this

slavs and japs can still make good games at least.

>Looks like we're gonna need two tickets to Siberia.
Fuck off, we are full.

>japs can make good games
Doubt that.

Fuck off already. This industry belongs to us. RESETERA, BAY BAY!!!

Full of frozen, malnourished corpses?

DMC5, RE2, Sekiro, all in the past month or so.

>>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
Can you blame them?


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No, full of people. The traffic is horrible.

Meh. Call me when they start making actual games and not interactive anime.

Today, I will remind them

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Honestly, stop complaining or make your own games. Or change the world and people will make the games you want as a consequence. That's what these people have done, why can't you? That said, by all means complain, but do something about it! It's only going to get much worse.

RE2 does railroad you a bit after you leave the police station but before that it's 10/10

>/pol/tards actually doing anything
lmfao good one

When he bitches about not being able to play as a non-degenerate trad Catholic was the cringiest shot ever. It’s cyberpunk my nigga, what did you expect

I don't have a gorilla image but it really bothers me how many people use the word "based" intentionally incorrect.


>It's only going to get much worse.
Nah, the bubble that gives these people the ability to have these sheltered worldviews is about to pop.

every now and then they actually do

Attached: ss+(2019-03-15+at+03.47.56).jpg (1703x934, 201K)

Behold. The intelectual prowess of /pol/

>muh happening
nice wishful thinking, my dude lol

oh no hahaha

look pal, these articles pop up for whatever is currently relevant in the news because they are baiting for clicks, stop getting upset by this, ignore it, and move on.

All the samefagging in this thread is pathetic

it's not wishful thinking, it's just inevitable.


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stop complaining about bullshit all the time, fuck, just play the fucking game or dont

>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
It's dying. 500k viewers to 70k in like a month.

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Fuck the right, fuck gamergate, and FUCK white supremacists

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>i want all my media to have political commentary written by sheltered netflix bingewatchers
no lol

>15 year old game with liberal use of satirically written political jokes is getting a sequel that's also involved with politics
Wow, I never would've guessed

Typos exist, user. Everyone makes miss steaks.

Every vampire is biscum and, as such, deserving of a bullet in the neck. What's the problem?

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if it pops it's only because other people are doing something. So why aren't you?

Lots of right wing folk aren't interested in playing RPGs or Vidya as a whole so shouldn't be a big deal.

Is this article sarcastic? These words just sound like satire

why do you speak like this you fucking faggot

The same guy complained about Cyberpunk's hairstyles being SJW man

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I apologize for making you upset little bitch.

hm yes guess i'll worm my way into positions of power to hasten that

the fuck are you talking about

>You just won't BELIEVE what the SJWs are doing this week! Take a look at this RANCID LEFTIST CENSORSHIP and these BRUTAL ATTACKS ON MASCULINITY AND THE WHITE RACE. Truly, SJWs will stop at nothing to-
>Drones on and on
>Doesn't get to the point
How is this any better than the publications it's bitching about? Where's the objective reporting?

I can't wait to punch Nazis!

Yea bloodline never had current year politics

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Jokes on you I never got excited for it in the first place. There's no way I'm paying money for it might try it someday

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Jap games, not Sony US.

Literally not political at all

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>this fucking picture

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why are you so stupid?

>Jokes on you I never got excited for it in the first place
Why? I like RPG games.

Why are (You)

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They've already went too far once, and you saw what happened.

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I hope there's trump jokes to piss off the MIGAPEDES

I was talking about jap games.

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i mean feel free to post these images in every thread but it just makes you look stupid

IS it another "Uhhhhhh this isn't political its funny" post?

who cares, vampire games are for women anyway

How does it make him look stupid?

Fake news

Y'all got a problem with his writing style, partner?

Retards believing cut articles, they were talking about the same fucking politics as in the first game you retarded sheep.

>picking quotes out of context to prove a made up argument
Let me guess, you also think that pic related it is another example of the "always present" commie propaganda embedded in the writing, right?
Play the fucking game at least once, hell watch a video about it since playing is most likley too diffilcult for your pea sized brain before making more shit up.

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Thanks OP. Removed from my wishlist.

>the fuck are you talking about
Keep sitting around wating for everyone to do everything for you. Good boy.

Kyle doesn’t have a role? That’s fucked up

>9 years ago
>a sequel to your favorite childhood game gets announced
>feel no excitement because they made games too dumbed down and handholding then

>a sequel to your favorite childhood game gets announced
>feel no excitement because you know the writers and developers will worry more about pushing their fringe leftist agenda than making a good game

Boomerism is suffering

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They weren't tough I'm not suprised you don't know that seeing howe not one of you ever played the first one let alone knows what WoD used to be like.

How can you take someone calling another person Misogynistic and making fun of Republicans out of context? Literally replace Bush with Trump then watch this board bitch and moan for about 3 weeks

kys bleating """"redpilled""" cucks

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I still think he gets laid, but he is a retard for not shaving bald.

Imagine being so contrarian that you defend censorship and SJW for the sake of (You)s

If you don't have a reason, why do you insist so much?

you are going to be really disappointed by this game

>choose only other american city worse than San Francisco and Portland because of democrat pozzing
>dude it's gonna be about progress man, no dnc endorsement

I played it before you were born, zoomer shitter

Jesus Christ the /pol/tard meme is real

White Wolf games were always hard left. This is the same thing with Star Trek. Just because you were too young and stupid to notice the political bias in the original product doesn't mean it wasn't there.

wtf bros the trailer fucking sucked

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Most media does have political commentary and always had, all you did was just started noticing it.

difference is in the past it was done by intelligent people like D.W. Griffith now it's done by fucking twitter & netflix addled maggots.

It was a reveal trailer.

So, what pronoun y'all allies choosing?

To be honest we dont know anything about paradox really

They make grand strategy games so are probably an all boys club
You could interpret all this as them hiring a single woman just for some brownie points

I didnt see any "current year gaming" red flags in the trailer
Hang in there for a bit longer bros

If you want a good comparison for star trek that applies to this.

Look at Star Trek TOS or TNG and then look at STD.

Nigga are you fucking dumb, political commentary always was stupidly transparent and unsubtle you cant just pick an example of it done right and act like thats how it worked for all the past. Especially on the topic of Mainstream media where stuff like the inane bullshit of star war's original trilogy or pretty much any movie form the 1980's were making political statements that make our modern movie industry look subtle.

So in the lore is Seattle a Sabbat or Cammy town?

Joke's on them, that's my fetish

That's just ridiculously tacky. It doesn't matter if that's the message they want to send, but putting in a political rant in the middle of a rulebook just come off as juvenile. They have to struggle not once but twice to tie it back to the actual subject, too, and that really takes you out of the experience. It'd be just as dumb if it was some screed about socialism and leftists.

Nope. Media was definitely different back then. Just watch the Sopranos they have you rooting for sympathetic openly racist, homophobic and mysogonistic characters.

Nowadays they also have you rooting for murderers, but a hint of racism is like the worst thing ever only the worst of the worst characters that deserved to be violently murdered aren't progressive

All it takes is a glance at the article to tell it’s wrote by some neckbeard beta male who says he’s for consumer rights but just such a fucking faggot who can’t stand tits in his games. Opinion discarded.

Yeah I’m waiting for the release to either get hype or disappointed desu

Nah you're in denial. Nothing is worse than today.

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Expect they don't actually buy games. Just reee and rant about them. This game will be the definition of get woke go broke.

If you want an A-political videogame, just play no story 5 second gameplay loop games like destiny or fortnite and fuck off

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Static Shock also made racism seem like the worst thing ever and makes the racist father apologize. That's sjw as fuck

What shows have you rooting for murderers?

The problem with STD isn't the politics, it's the shit writing. Regardless of right or left nothing saves bad writing.

lets see if your faggot ass will be saying that when the pendulum swings.

>isn't the politics, it's the shit writing
it's the same fucking thing, how do you not get that by now, the same people who hold these views are the same people who are writing.

Shut the fuck up you dumb discord tranny bitch. You know exactly what the problem is, faggot. These soi commies are infiltrating everything that we love, I refuse to support even my favorite game of all time if these libcucks have their filthy fucking soi numale hands all over it. Stop playing coy. The world learned of our anger last week. I don’t think they should push us any further.

>n-no resetrannies aren't on Yea Forums!!11...

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>fucks your daughters

Nothing personal paisan

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Holy shit you can see the /pol/ cope even in the replies to this post lmao

Not all new-left identity politics influenced writing is bad, not all neoliberal or conservative influenced writing is good.

back to /pol/ larpers

>can't be a traditionalist Tremere

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>Not all new-left identity politics influenced writing is bad
it absolutely fucking is

>difference is in the past it was done by intelligent people
What about when Mr.Rodgers hired a black man on his show and let him wash his feet during a time when interracial pools were being raided and torn apart?

It blatantly fucking isn't, Don Quixote is not a bad fucking book but it's political as fuck
Bad writing is bad. Ham fisted writing that tells you you're an evil being for disagreeing with the author's politics is bad. But politics itself is only disliked by brainlets who get angry when they see media that disagrees with them.

politics don't equal writing skill. Jordan Peele is very left wing but Us and Get Out were very good movies. There are centuries worth of well made art by left wing creators throughout history.

If I had to choose whether to share the board with /pol/niggers or these fucking faggots, I'd go with /pol/niggers any day of the fucking week.
Jesus christ.

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Isaac Asimov's works feature influence primarily from old left politically but features some new left as well.

you're an idiot with horrible reading comprehension

>but Us and Get Out were very good movies
jesus fucking christ lol

Why would anyone be surprised at this? Does no one remember cammie spouting communism all game?

Wait till you tell them that the best conservative thinkers still appreciate lefty art because art is great in its own sake.
Bloody hell, Battleship Potemkin and Birth of a Nation are both equally considered masterpieces, and they are as extremely opposed to each other as it's possible to get.

VtM has always been a SJW franchise.

Let’s begin with the simple fact that it is a tabletop game, a medium that is almost exclusively liberal. Partially because it requires creativity, and liberals are more creative than conservatives, but also because rightists chose to disown the medium from its inception. As soon as D&D was created, anti-SJWs immediately decried it as Satanic. There was even a whole Chick Tract dedicated to it.

World of Darkness takes this even further due to its premise, in which you play as a freaky social outcast and literal monster. Who is that more likely to appeal to: straight white Christian males, or traditionally marginalized people who know what it’s like to be treated as if their very existence is an assault on humanity?

Anti-SJWs don’t give a shit about VtM, and Paradox shouldn’t waste any time trying to appeal to people who will never buy it anyway. You want a game with anti-SJW values, play Bible Adventures or Ethnic Cleansing.

>zero chance that VTM threads will be free of shitposting
This board is a fucking joke; too many outrage culture addicts.

>having to reach as far back as Asimov

you're joking right

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>Jordan Peele is very left wing but Us and Get Out were very good movies.

Holy shit, how low was the bar?

Sorry, I should have clarified. Don Quixote is anti authoritarian and, by the standards of its time, left wing (as we know it nowadays) and pro immigration.

Whoops I meant damsel

>Let’s begin with the simple fact that it is a tabletop game,

I don't give a fuck

Since it's someone I knew you'd recognise.

It's different when even her own comrades are calling her a dumb hippie

>Place my bet on you being a hypocrite with the pendulum call
>Get called /pol/ cause you can't handle your emotions
>Get proven right
Lets see if you also delete your posts in shame

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To be fair you can be white and still have an extreme sense of otherness and face cultural pressure and be degraded by society. If you don't adhere to Victorian puritan WASP values you have a hard time in Australia

To be quite honest, I do agree, but only because almost all politically motivated art is shit compared to explorations of the human condition.

Tbh user I have no idea what you were trying to say with your schizo comment
t. another user

OAG is usually rights version of fuckin polygon and kotaku or resetera.
But seeing that shit about Rudi, if its true, Is really fuckin disappointing and makes me agree with OAG this time.

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>If you don't adhere to Victorian puritan WASP values you have a hard time in Australia
where do you get this dogshit

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This, except you should've used a colon I think


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>it's real

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you can always tell when /pol/ is triggered when they start word-salading you.

Could also name that pic "v on resetera" faggot

What’s word salad about it

>Yea Forums is now full of Republicans

What happened?

and the right will cry apocalypse until it comes out and then they'll realize nobody's coming for their penises and stop caring after a few weeks

>doesn't understand the pendulum comment
Should have signed off with t. retard

By living in Australia, particularly Queensland. If you don't act 'properly' and repress yourself enormously sexually here loads of people act like complete cunts to you and ostracise you. It extends to generally acting non wasp and non consumerist as well. The chink immigrants at sunnybank are literally more welcoming.

>>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than shitlords that "want politics out of video games"

Attached: tenor.gif?itemid=9789067.gif (498x372, 969K)

Um, no sweetie. They're "mature"!

Every time I've been on Yea Forums in the past two weeks there has been a cropped one angry gamer OP up.

House Schrekt

they openly shill their website here and the outragefags of Yea Forums eat it up

Somebody said that if you want a-political games go play fortnite. I then said lets see if you will be saying that when the pendulum swings (pendulum being how society switches being left one decade and then right leaning in acceptance). The point being when conservative politics get into games then user that said go play fortnight will be screaming to have politics out of games. Because I disagreed with that guy I get called /pol/ proving he is probably lefty leaning and enjoys his own politics in the game so he is telling others to shut up about it.

Starting the campaign this soon, /pol/? Yeah, we know, the game is gonna suck because of pink haired faggots... But please, stop. There was hundreds of threads like this today.

Why don´t you take these threads to /pol/ or something?

This makes me want to gather a few of my NS buddies and run a game just for shits and giggles. I bet if I were to write it up and mail it to them, I could get them to lose their shit.

You live in the same country where Melbourne exists, you're full of shit.


you are delusional mate

Do it senpai

>How can you take someone calling another person Misogynistic and making fun of Republicans out of context?
So oyu've never played it, just as expected.

Have conservative politics ever been in games that much? I guess Call of Duty and other military shooters but other than that what is there?

You do realise that Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane have completely different attitudes, yes? Not to mention Melbourne is still sexually repressed. They hate BDSM with a passion and the number of people willing to do munches and shit is under 30. Melbourne is SJW, but you still get extreme otherness from not being English there or not being vanilla as fuck.

The national media publicly lynched a kid because he smiled around a minority, while there are ton of anti white racist attacks and beatings caught on camera that were actively supressed.

I don't know what kind of victim you think you are but you probably aren't whatever faggotry you do in your free time is actively encouraged by education, media and political elite



fucking based

Getting spat on, being bashed as an adult, having case law go against BDSM in the state so the community always goes underground when someone gets arrested for it (case law says you can't consent to pain), and more is all in my head. Got it.

>have dozens of playtrough of this game ever since it came out
>haven't bought a western game in five years
>not gonna change my way now

Fuck western developers.

genuinely sounds like you act like a total freak and assume it's because people are all hardline puritans.

>the entire first paragraph is a single sentence
Jesus fuck my eyes

>/pol/ in charge of not being even worse than mainstream gaming journalism

Fuck neil druckman and fuck naughty dog and fuck anthony burch and fuck chris avelone.l I'm hoping this entire industry goes down

>anti-SJW is the same as strict religious conservative
I'm left and okay with LGBT, but I fucking hate SJWs and everything they stand for. I've played tabletops for close to a decade.
What now?

Video games will never be conservative because conservatives don’t give a shit about video games. Their pastors told them video games are tools of the devil, and your hands are for praying, not playing.

This. I don't even care that videogames start getting good again at 88 years old. Fuck these pieces of shit traitorous little shits, I dont fucking care about their political views, write me a fucking pure story.

But then I realize its impossible because the world in momentarily flipped.
Until all the wealth is spent.

Stop shilling your /pol/taku blog you faggot.

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What? I've never even been to /pol/ and I've voted left parties my entire life. What the fuck is wrong with you user?

Technically bondage and flogging is against case law here, even in private. It goes through cycles of being enforced and not. I've had friends jailed and I've been threatened with legal action since the neighbours called the cops while I was having consensual fun.


>Anti-SJWs don’t give a shit about VtM
But the game is most famous on Yea Forums, a known alt-right neonazi breeding ground.

>I’m the left, but I hate the left and everything they stand for.

t. False-flagging Republican

I was agreeing with you. OP is a /pol/tard website and they can't write for shit.

Been saying this since day 1. Any fuckhead can get their friends together and make a discord screenshot out of context for trolls. It's not evidence of shit.

you sound creepy as fuck mate

Its not about about grandad conservatism anymore and you know it.

Its about replacing those old farts with a brave new world puritan on the outside but degenerate on the inside hypocritical world.

Deus Ex to some extent touched on conservative conspiracy, anti-globalist and anti-government sentiments. It also addressed wealth inequality and corporate power, which is something more in the left-wing camp but right-wing populists can touch on it as well. The first things mentioned are something leftists can of course also talk about but it's typically from a different perspective and naturally there's the question of how serious Deus Ex actually is about the illuminati and FEMA shit.

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>forget deep economic issues and social structures
>just focus on identity politics
>buy/watch this corporate product! That will show dem nazis haha!
The absolute state of the new left.

>In 1972, Allan Alcorn invented Pong as a rally point for a new community: "Gamers", the first and primary bastion meant as a respite from 2nd-wave Feminists.

If you find mild bondage and flogging creepy there's something wrong with you.
I've been living in Prague for 9 months now and shit is so much better here.

>like a 5 month old screenshot
>only one he has

back to discord you tranny chasing nigger

there's a reason why you dont see the screencaps from /pol/.
its actually resetrannies pretending cause they cant do it on /pol/ due to post IDs. I've lost count of how many times a newfag tard tries to pass himself as multiple people in /pol/

Is that what they call orgies nowadays

Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?

Attached: Liberals_reacting_to_a_fake_hatecrime_on_Resetera.jpg (2775x3307, 1.78M)

>I've had friends jailed and I've been threatened with legal action since the neighbours called the cops while I was having consensual fun.
if you can read this and not see anything weird in it you must be fucking autistic
creepy bastard

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Honestly it dosn't even have to be right leaning now, just straight down the center is enough to stand against todays politics.

The new left doesn’t stand for that at all, and in fact sees social issues being co-opted by corporations to sell shit as evidence of late-stage capitalism at its worst.

Listen to Chapo.

>giving a shit about westacuck games
You only have yourselves to blame.

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>>buy/watch this corporate product! That will show dem nazis haha!

Oh fuck I forgot about this , leftist activism is now defending Disney movies on twitter.

Actually, Democrats founded the KKK and Republicans freed the niggers. That’s why I am a proud Democrat.

Democrats are based and redpilled. Republicans are anti-white.

Vampire shit have always been full of letftist garbage. stop deluding yourselves. the first one is probably full of it too. the difference is that the left wasn't the shitshow it is now

omg, this is actually real.
Didn't know OAG was peak incel...

fuck off

Yes, it's creepy as fuck that people are fine with other people being jailed for consensual stuff they do in their own bedroom.


Alt-right and failed normies don't deserve our sequel.

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post yfw you're not a t_d shitskin /pol/tard

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World of Darkness has always been leftist at its core. They didn't change. You did. You got radicalized by /pol/ because you're a brainlet.

>repress yourself enormously sexually
>if I can't abuse mentally weak people, what rights do I have?

Fucking /m/aggots always were the snitches.

>listen to my anti white podcast!
Why do you leftypol subhumans support white genocide?

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Just like with cyberpunk, faggotry is part and parcel of a vampire story.

Bloodlines was that GM who inserted every cool shit that he saw on TV, internet, movies, games, series, animes, other books, he preferred to use the whole World of Darkness, adding werewolves, keui-jin. ghosts, rare clans, and you became close friend with him, once a year you played this elaborate VTM campaign with him and your friends, and every time, was amazing, he had this dark sense of humor, making some areas a nightmare to traverse if your character was too focused in a single thing, but, overall was fun. Then he got a girlfriend, this tall point nose goth girl, she was the daughter of this local rich dude, owner of some famous locations in the city, you never liked how he ran his business, but, you never payed too much attention, one day she discover that your friend had a VTM table, and your friend, as nice guy, let her be the GM.
She followed some of his steps, using the same setting, using the some of the characters from the old games, but, you discovered a few things about her, she had some friends, one of them was big tiddy goth girl, which somehow was interested in you, and that she was LARPER, hardcore one actually, and she hated the rest of WoD, only VTM existed, she would go on these autsitic rants about how stupid the mages, werewolves, demons and fay settings were, but you learned to ignore her for your friend.

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That about sums it up

The writer was a pretty interesting guy and his books are good.

Deus Ex was not only a much better game than HR and anything made in fucking Canada. Even smaller npcs had really down to earth sometimes hilarious shit to say. They felt real.

Npcs in HR never felt like that.

So this is how you convince normal people it's okay to burn witches at the stake

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>the difference is that the left wasn't the shitshow it is now

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The "SJW" he mentioned are usually a mix of neoliberal / neocon/CIA establishment policies mixed with identity politics and lately a head full of conspiracies about Russia

Must have been really beating the shit out of someone to get the cops called on you, huh

Because white people fucking suck.

>not wanting to genocide your own race is bad
Why do you hate the white race, leftypol?

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>mfw watching /pol/tards pretend they know jackshit about Bloodlines while being confronted with reality

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Have you tried not being a disgusting pervert? It works wonders

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>full year ago

You realize that site's just a far-left political comic without pictures, right? And an exceptionally bad one, at that.

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The worst part came during the game, since you were all using the same characters, you expected something interesting, something cool, like the protector with some Scooby Doo like plot, but no, she said, no combat, the game was a philosophical journey, trying to find the meaning of vampirism, the reason behind the violence, and the monster that inhabited the vampire, she also invited some of her friends, including the big tiddy goth girl. You tried to argue with that using the same characters for a unrelated type of game was a mistake, those characters were made for balls to walls fun, not some slow burn philosophical game, but no, she got angry with, calling you names, that you barely gave a shit, you decided to leave, you best friend also get angry for disrespecting her, some of your friends follow you and the big tiddy goth girl.
Later you start to date the big tiddy goth girl, you hit well with her, she have a nice personality and was more pervert than you, you build a health relationship, and started an indie studio with her, making porn games, until both of you decided to retire.

Here is the moral of story
>Bloodlines was a parody, not a mature serious game for mature gamers like me, was balls to the wall
>Bloodlines 2 is a cunt GM trying to write a mature plot for the current society
>The name Bloodlines 2 was used because is has a "nostalgia" behind it
>Big tiddy goth girl never existed, you will never meet her, you will not going to make a porn games with her

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Why does leftypol want an anti white safespace?

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>stuff they do in their own bedroom.
>was loud enough for other people to hear and call the cops

Will we ever go back to the golden days when your choice of characters was 4 white dudes, one white girl, and a black guy? Are they gone for good?

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>they didn't change
That must be why their core books always proclaimed the validity of diverse gender identities and the legitimacy of mpreg.

Because whites are obnoxious fuckheads who refuse to let me talk about video games.

If white people are so weak and pathetic that the mere presence of other races is enough to literally kill them all, they deserve to be genocided.

>expecting a good western RPG in the year of our lord 2019

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Europe is a cuck'd woke continent.

Well since you're being honest about it, you first, nigger

Back to the /pol/ discord you fuckhead shill.

Why do you hate the white race?

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>the absolute absurd amounts of seething in every Bloodlines thread
it's perfection

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Thin apartment walls, and she was a screamer. Could have been normal sex with her desu. Have you never had loud sex before?

that is a previous version of the wall before trump, and it is too short fag.
>make a big deal about wall models
>uses old midget model.

>reddit immigrant uses reddit spacing

>leftypol shill literally crying for an anti white safespace

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Can you explain me the world of darkness incident? Why some people claim it's neonazi and other claim it's soviet propaganda?

Because they’re weak.

Listen, (((my))) fellow whites

>boob cheat

I always forget about that.

they werent seething before.

What change /pol/cucks?

>smug face about being a legitimate bona fide cuckold
Given the cognitive dissonance, that is about right.

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And this is a problem... why?

The original game did this, and its loved. Why is it suddenly not ok?

What trash rag is this screencap from?

>roleplay as crusaders online
>get so assmad over a video game you have to spam the board with your butthurt
I mean, I guess I understand why people refer to you fags as "seething" now.

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>she have a nice personality and was more pervert than you
Literally not possible.

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>no argument
Why do you leftypol npcs support white genocide?

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They outright said they had to change to meet today's culture.

The original wasn't an advertisement for Kerry disguised as a videogame.

This medium of entertainment is dead.

That’s why I pirate more than ever

>rpg includes politics

They’re scared because they know they’re on the way out.

The same Boomers do devoid of critical thinking they regularly share articles about how Crooked Hillary killed the dinosaurs are old enough to start dying en masse soon. In their place will be a new generation of voters so disenfranchised with late-stage capitalism, religious fundamentalism, and living on a dying planet that they’re willing to bring about real change.

A glorious new age of fully automated luxury gay space Communism is nigh.

lmao enjoy your tranny muslim vampires Yea Forumsedditors

>They outright said they had to change to meet today's culture.
I mean yeah, half of why the first one worked so well was because it was a fucking period piece. The goth subculture is basically nonexistent in 2019, even compared to 2004. A major quest in the original involves going to a fucking porn movie store over a VHS tape.

That's a yangshill, they're there to turn the board blue before trump is re-elected by Yea Forums again.

She changed everything. She created the ultimate persecution complex that is still boiling nearly as strong as ever. It's been 6 years and her influence corrupted so many brainlets into becoming unironic radicalized /pol/tards

Her power is immense and the entire industry quakes of the aftershocks caused when she merely glanced our way

2012 was the start and 2014 was the end, we will never get over this

She just wanted what she viewed as a kinder representation on women. And she got it. But at what cost?

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There was no incident

The book said "neonazis could be brujahs"
It didnt even remotely imply neonazis were the good guys, then like one guy on tumblr complained about it and the company said "huh? Are you serious? No obviously they arent the good guys"

It was the biggest nothingburger i've seen in years

>anti white shills still crying for a safespace

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Videogames always reflect the culture they're in anyways regardless of how apolitical they claim to be, may as well own it in some respect.

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>point out the tweet was written by a kike calling herself a white
>get called leftypol
Excuse me?

>they werent seething before.
They've been seething for fucking ages, at least as long as the wall failure has been known.

> "As soon as D&D was created, anti-SJWs immediately decried it as Satanic''
SJWs didn't exist back then, never mind their counter-culture, you fucking brainlet.
The tiny number of moral-panicking, Christian neo-con boomers are so completely detached from anti-SJWs. I mean holy fuck how retarded are you?

We can just mod all of the bullshit out of the game can't we? Just wait for the day 5 denuvo crack and mod the progressive bullshit out, maybe even add in some sort of high score level to really rile them up.

Why do you support keeping the weak alive at the expense of the strong?

Do you starve the snake to save the mouse? Do you starve the wolf to save the deer? Of course not. It is a perversion of the natural order.

If white people cannot survive the presence of superior races, they do not deserve to survive.

Heil vampire Hitler desu

The new-left had taken over the American left a few years before the primarily AD&D/BD&D based scare.

Based and modpilled

>day 5 denuvo crack
It's releasing on GOG and you should pirate it, though not because of this stupid shit, but because it has a shitload of day 1 DLC and a season pass.

>implying it's not still larp
At least half of the niggers spamming this garbage are underage, I guarantee it. A decent chunk of the ones that aren't are probably Brazilian.

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I read this post while listening to the Terminator music

— Evil white cis men shouldn't be allowed to make/influence games!
— REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!1111oneoneeleven

A game has retarded shit for diversity points, including some of the staff:
— Leftists shouldn't be allowed to make games!
— Le based and le pilled, fellow oldfag! Internet was always right-winged! IS /pol/, you newfags!

Also take note how literally the same pics are posted in literally the same order thread after thread after thread. Normally when things like that happen a certain """visiting""" group starts crying about shills and whatnot. I wonder who could be behind those autistically similar posts and what kind of incentives they receive for such vigilance and reaction speed.

Also friendly reminder when pink socialists started coming up with Orwellian ideas or shit like "weaponize nice", brown socialists adopted them lightning fast. Same with COINTELPRO.

Also saw someone post that the goal is attrition, to make actual userbase leave due to fatigue (so that later you have "but Yea Forums hated/loved X! wtf happened?")

I hope the next US elections make the entire Internet completely unusable because at this point the only good that can come out of it is watching it all burn. Shame socialists can't literally burn along with it IRL.

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Bethesda’s kryptonite..

>have I ever had the cops called on me for fucking someone
No, jesus, what's wrong with you that this is normal?

>years of great VTMB threads, sometimes there were nonstop threads for a week or two
>sequel gets announced
>tons of shitposting because nu-neo-Yea Forums wants another TORtanic
If Bannerlord gets released and gets this much shitposting, I'm fucking done with this board.

>says the faggot who supports unlimited non white invasion into white countries
Why should I hate my own race, leftypol subhuman?

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What cost? Do you wanna know?

>nu-neo-Yea Forums
don't get it twisted, it's r/t_d

Anita wasn't a tipping point, she was a symptom of Obama era politics and progressives tainting everything.

>30 feet high
>midget model

Attached: BUILD_THE_WALL_AND_CRIME_WILL_FALL.webm (640x360, 1.55M)

You let one person stop you from having fun? You must have a boring life.

"Oh no, someone we disagree with is giving us free advertising"

>anti white shill still crying for an SJW safespace

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BASED and cutepilled, stay seething redditor

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>le "TORtanic ruined Yea Forums discourse" meme
>Not being able to tell /pol/tards and actual Yea Forums apart


I don’t really care what you think of your own race, Whitey. It’s not like your opinions will matter for much longer.

That is why was fun, was balls to the walls fun, didn't care to make sense, was a parody, Bloodlines 2 is "mature" game for today standards, that is not what I want, I want the juvenile jokes about penis and bestiality, I want boobs and dongs, I want to fight zombies, vampires, tentacles ghost demons, I want to talk to a weird old man who gives me assassination quests, I want to fight the mafia, and than fight a doomsday cult, I want balls to walls fun, not some philosophical vampire LARP bullshit.

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Pol is just another tool of the left, they work hand in hand dividing the masses until said objective in establishing a new norm is complete.

Technically the only superior race to white is chinese for building a much longer lasting empire

Right, but then the more accurate thing to say would be that they're always changing, not that they didn't change.

I never said it's normal, it's rare, but some girls are super fucking loud.

Newsflash it's not her it's the decline of western culture. Television, movies,comics, sci-fi have all went the way of video games.

Don't blame her

Lads, this shit is a nothingburger. World of Darkness as a setting was always about politics + urban fantasy (be it vampire, mage, hunter, changeling, or werewolf), and Seattle got fucked by the tech boom. It absolutely makes sense that it would be a central theme. The pronoun shit is just an option, and if you've read any of the old pen & paper books, WoD lets you be gay as fuck if you want. Is it any different than Saints Row 3 letting you mix+match all voices/bodies?

You should be fucking celebrating. It's a single player game, free of any online bullshit. The only time you'll see pronouns is in your character creator for a few seconds. It's not like you'll be taking orders from a nu-male Ventrue that drinks Onions blood through a pink straw.

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wait, the tranny discord thing is actually real?

>literally "You are not allowed to have X political ideology and play our game, you are NOT ALLOWED to humor the other side, WE ARE THE FUTURE"
And people say they are exactly where they used to be.

I'm calling it now. There will be no jiggle physics.

>it's rare
>implying it's even in the realm of possibility
Thanks for convincing me to find a church, what the fuck

>try to complain through peaceful politics
>called a nazi
>react to tranny attack
>called a nazi
>react with extreme violence
>get guns banned
You see why nobody actually likes liberals like you unless you're in a sanitized hugbox like resetera and r/worldnews?

Among /pol/tards, you're the reasonable 1%. It's no use.

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>Why do you support keeping the weak alive at the expense of the strong?

The fuck are you even talking about? The reason you crusty lipped baboons flock to our countries is because we're better. It's not that we "can't survive", it's that we don't want you here. At least the sane ones among us don't. I want to live in a safe country with a strong, united people that aren't divided by race, culture, and poverty.

VTM was always about unconditioned support for the current DNC candidate? I really need to replay the game.

So it's going to be like Twitter.

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>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Bloodlines 2 will milk money out of degenerates after calling them mentally ill while keeping tit monsters
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?

And while being balls to the wall, it had really nice horror homages in there.
It had fucking tiamat for fucks sake.

I want a Masquerade game where the first music you hear in a club is Laura Branigan Self control while I shoot innocent humans with my machinegun while looking over my shoulder at for Hunters.

Also that I want a Hunter rpg.

It's a game about vampire secret societies, the setting is inherently silly and over the top and is already basically a parody unto itself.

Stop kneejerking.

This is why I'm a stalinist :^)

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Hahaha holy shit that's the fencing pose he gave that fucker brain damage

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Why do you leftypol subhumans think white genocide is reasonable?

>traditionally marginalized people who know what it’s like to be treated as if their very existence is an assault on humanity?
who would that be exactly?

Attached: blw.png (923x689, 650K)

>Forgot to post his gay pepe image
Resetera wins again

I know. This delegitimizes any other opposition because the average Joe subconsciously puts you into basket A or basket B, depending on whichever extremist group is closer to what you're saying at the moment. This is the reason binary mentality when it comes to politics (and government in general) is spreading like wildfire across the globe. Us vs. them, good vs. bad and so on. And there can be no third option, citizens, you have to listen and believe! Maybe it's time to permanently go offline and work on making a bunker or something like that.


fuck fishmalks

And yet the whole Brujah clan has basically become the clan for Nazi.
Whats with this mixed messages?

Very based

The game isn't out yet, we've literally seen nothing of it but a trailer, what makes you think this shit is going to be serious? The original wasn't Borderlands tier meme shit either, it was subtle.

>Seattle got fucked by the tech boom
Good point. I'm honestly curious to see how they try to keep the same "grungy" style as the other in a radically different world and American culture, not to mention pretty much no city in the world is as fucking gross as LA.

Go listen to the radio in 1 again.

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It's funny because Damsel is one of the most blatantly irritating characters in the game, to the point where she becomes endearing due to her lack of self awareness. She's a dried up flower child from the 1960s who still dreams of Che and still thinks communism could work even for vampires. If Troika was trying to propagate communist sympathy with her character they did a pretty laughable job.

These aren't the kinds of political insertions most of Yea Forums is worried about, anyway. Most of us are more concerned about Hardsuit using vampires as an excuse to plaster their personal agenda into the story and being forced to agree with them by not offering dialogue options that disagree with their narrative.

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You sound like you're kind of into /pol/ culture. How does it feel to see this complete outrage at Bloodline from people politically aligned with you? Do you ever feel even a twinge of shame? The crying is not gonna get any quieter until the game is well past release date.

Actually we will stay irritated that the sequel to one of the best examples of the western pc rpg got pozzed to hell by lefty propaganda.

Go fuck yourself

Based. You can have this frog

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You mean the anti white state that funded Black supremacists, feminism, and made anti semitism a capital offence?

Its going to continue after the game is out, are you kidding? I guarantee there will be months of screencaps of anything remotely triggering to /pol/tards, or twitter screencaps, or something for shitposters to spam.

>TFW this happened
>TFW the "manifesto" was poorly written, cited mostly memes and half-stated actual concerns real people have about globalism, enforced migration, population displacement, crime stats, and erasure.
>In response, New Zealand completely bans all guns, period.
>And an ENTIRE COUNTRY observes a Muslim call to prayer, and dons muslim religious garb.
>Religious leaders praise that it is "impossible to tell who is muslim and who isnt".
>The world cheers

This dude was controlled opposition.


Why do you anti white cucks want to shut down people against your propaganda?

They mocked everyone.

It was a game about going Pariah. Giving the finger.

Can we take a moment to remember how sexist and awful the first game was?
You literally get a female slave who you can dress as a doll.
Sorry sweety, but this has a lot of problematic wrongthink to make up for.

Based tankie

>black queer muslim vampire that fights for minorities and female representation in scandinavia
did they hire people writers from among those who fled tumblr after the porn ban?

I dunno do you feel any shame for how absolutely fucking retarded modern lefties and SJWs are?

No, I know. That's why I said "well past" release. Discourse around this game will become tolerable around one year after the game is out.

>alt right trying to lay claim to goths, anti-bush politics, vampires, and sexual degeneracy

nothing about this makes any sense

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Tell me more about how American businesses are doing better under Trump than before.

>No frog

Still correct tho

Tranny plz go

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Yes, which is why I avoid them and come here where the prevalent retards are on the other side. Makes me feel much better.

Don’t worry, they’ll never take my guns.

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Why shouldnt discuss this anti white propaganda?

That rate is 1% higher

>politically aligned with you

I'm a social democrat lol

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I have a feeling you are cute
Hi cute

have sex

A lot of alt right people were former lefties. They got pissed off at the corrupt DNC and blatant anti male anti white rhetoric of the left. Many were Bernie bros but then he turned out to be the establishment he criticized so much and backed the most incompetent Democrat of all time, betraying them forever.

> what makes you think this shit is going to be serious?

Because of this

>“It was very of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”

>muslim in the US shoots 50 gay people
>homophobia in the US caused this
Every tragedy is just an excuse for more government control

Hi user, you're cute too.

Attached: the best.png (1920x1090, 1.94M)

fantasy politics aren't real.

This is literal garbage-tier fanfiction writing, but I think this one part literally encompasses liberal "discussion" on these topics in a nutshell

>Hey, how exactly can you be gay, but also part of a religion that hates gays?

WoD has been suffering from hugbox rot for a long time.

So you support unlimited non white immigration and white population replacement?

>Implying having a ghoul isn't being a slave owner
>Implying having child vampire isn't also a form of slavery
Sweety, Vampire is problematic as fuck. It doesn't even deserve to have another game with how archaic and wrong it is.

I mean, nothing he says here is wrong.

No you arent. You're a nazi.

the saddest part about all of this is that they might have been exaggerating just to get a bigger press buzz
which is insane, since there isn't a single person in the fanbase who wouldn't have been talking about this for days
now all we can talk about are the politics

Is this why the rulebook went out of print for revisions for several weeks and the ones who wrote it fired?

That's the impression im getting. A lot of subconscious leftys getting triggered into reactionary right leaning pawns.

meet your dev, sir trannyfaglord xir the 3rd of gendervania

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Im half spic half black. Please force your wife to fuck me

Shit, that person used the other N-word, shut it down, that's not allowed, that's badthink wrongdo. Doubleplusungood wrongactions don't make feelgood headtimes.

>Blaming the developers for /pol/tard outrage culture
Pathetic. Grow a spine.

To be fair, the Democrats are fucking awful user.

paradox is swedish aka faglord central, do not touch lest you contract the ghey

This is based and mod approve

I agree. The irony is, it's only one way. No one argues that Muslims should be banned after a Muslim commits a terrorist act. But you can 100% guarentee that they will argue that not only should guns be banned if a white person does, but the entire country gets on their knees to suck off the "victims", with liberals literally pretending to be Muslim for a day just to show they're compassionate and not racist at all.

The irony is, THEY DON'T WANT TO DISARM THE MUSLIMS. They want to give up their guns, pretend to be Muslim, and then when the real terrorists come to kill them they just say "Welp I guess this is just part and parcel of living in a multi-cultural society" as they bleed out.

>being forced to agree with them by not offering dialogue options
This. Modern RPG's are like VN's where all dialog options are the same

he just did


Is there anyone who isn't a fucking pawn? Or is it just "Everyone aligned with me is a free thinker who came here to support my RIGHTEOUS CAUSE" like everyone else thinks.

I wont buy it unless it is an Epic exclusive.

I still don't understand why people expect that if you shut down /pol/ the regulars will just disappear into the wind instead of flooding every other place even worse than currently.

The disturbing thing is that we have any left wing politics in the nation: The United States of America.

The country was founded on right wing politics and ideology as evidence by the Amendments and the Constitution.

Do you really think things like the first and second amendment would exist in any left wing nation?

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Fucking hell I hope we all turn Nazis.

I bet then we would have our inquisition Hunter rpg. I want to be Bach for fucks sake.

>Bernie supporters turning conservative
>I’ll have a Coke
>Is Pepsi OK?
>Nah I’ll just drink poison instead.

game dead in the water kek
why even develop at this point you will sell exactly zero copies. sjw's don't play, they are only here to poison the white man's well.

that being said, play angry goy 2.

Attached: file.png (600x442, 47K)

>developer proclaims that they are making anti white propaganda
>anti white npcs like you get mad when people talk about it
Why do you leftypol subhumans hate the white race?

why not?
they knew what would happen talking the way they are
you don't throw gasoline on a tire fire

I'm sorry, but, fuck you, Bloodlines had a fucking tentacle beast, you could wear a gimp suit or a sexy police outfit, had a house made of pure flesh, you fight chinese mafia in a night club, leave an exploding building and gives the finger to Rodrigues, fuck sensible.

Attached: 1533005448463.png (480x882, 319K)

The entire concept of “left-wing” was based around overthrowing monarchy.

where can i download vtmb

depends on the context really

It's the DNCs fault dude. They are fucking evil.

They are part of a live ongoing ritual to summon the abyss.

My detestation is hunger, and I will never eat it.
My detestation is thirst, and I will never drink it.
It is indeed I who will give bread to those who exist, for my foster-mother is Iat and it is she who nourishes me, it is indeed she who bore me.
I was conceived in the night, I was born in the night,
I belong to those who are in the suite of Ra, who are before the Morning Star.
I was conceived in the Abyss, I was born in the Abyss; I have come and I have brought to you the bread which I found there.

The Tremere are the future.

All governments that are not feudal are inherently left.

>where it fails with humans
Sounds like she's redpilled to me.

>Implying that Hillary is to Pepsi what Bernie is to Coke

I don't even like Bernie, but if you came off having your primary rigged in favor of the shitty warhawk, con-man who take hundreds of millions of campaign dollars from literal terrorist training nations, and you're like "Yeah I guess I'll vote for her, she seems fine." then you're probably the reason the DNC is in such a shit state right now.

Sure, why not? What the hell is 'white' anyway? I've seen Polish people moving in by the thousands to England to pick fruit, mop floors, and scrub toilets for peanuts. England stole Irish land, forced them to make cash crops and starved them by the hundreds of thousands, just like they did to India and at the same time. Again, what the hell is "white"?

All I see is the rich exploiting the poor. Trick them to fight among themselves while they cut taxes and starve everyone to death, to pay for their 5th mansion.

Does it, or does it only depend on the context because there exist certain contextx that you also align with? We're fucking playing chess and everybody fucking thinks they're the player, but it's clear they aren't.

The Republican Party wants to render the entire Earth uninhabitable through environmental destruction, but sure, the DNC is evil.

That's something they're unable to understand, even with their group identity politics. They can't understand how a united nation is bound to create the great things he is currently consuming at the same time that he complains about them. When the cards are down, these persons are the most individualistic people ever and would gladly throw their peers under the bus if there is some worth to it for them. They can't understand the potential of society because their origins are nothing but mud, selfishness and conflict. The only thing that drives them is envy, laziness and weakness.

HR was worse than IW and you'd know it if you ever played it instead of parroting internet opinions.

bloodlines has the shittiest lore, the only reason troika took it bc they were desperate to make moniez at that point, the entire ww universe is ghey as fuq. no one in his right mind except tranny company would "develop" a sequel haha
well enjoy getting bankrupt lol

Based and reasonablepilled

>400+ posts of conservative heads exploding over a video game they were never going to play in the first place

It’s days like this that make me love being a SJW.

All governments that aren't Empires are inherently left
All governments that aren't big chief fatcock are inherently left
Ook ook eek cocoking inherently left

>They should just avoid talking about politics to not trigger the crybabies
That's exactly what /pol/tards want


Anyone who uses "white" as an ethnic marker is fucking retarded and probably american as well.
They can't reach the casual racism of an average european family birthday.

>pol has forever ruined comfy vtmb threads

>While the demo of the early stages of the game I saw hinted at conflict and the politics of warring clans, Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers (who include Brian Mitsoda, narrative designer on the original game) are actively taking a political stance in this sequel, with its themes of art versus commerce and technological advances versus tradition.

>“One of the reasons why that particular conflict attracted us so much was because it’s an inherently political conversation but it’s one of the few ones where it’s hard to… there are valid approaches. The world has to move forward, right?” says Clooney.

Good god the SJWs have won, such a radical leftie thing to focus on!!!!!

More like
>oh boy more bloodlines
>this is what White Wolf is now
>aw hell

>anti white subhuman crying for an SJW safespace

>when Mr.Rodgers hired a black man on his show and let him wash his feet
ew wtf
t. /pol/y woly white safespace/ white safespace/ white safespace/ white safespace/5505929 white safespace/5506248 white safespace/ white safespace/ white safespace/5507186 white safespace/5508236 white safespace/5508548 white safespace/


what i want to see is angry goy 3 with a +30 mil dorrar budget and a shitload of fag killing glory in my face, now THAT is how you make a killing (and piss of the jews at the same time lel)

The more fanbases that get ruined by /pol/, the closer we get to Hiro finally doing something about it. I hope.

Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?

You should lurk more secondary

Another conservative head exploded!

user just because one apple is rotten it doesnt make the festering peach next to it any less rotten.

Go ahead, defend the DNC and their corruption. Pretend they're fucking saints. It just makes you look retarded.

Whats with the politicizing of Video Games?

Its so unoriginal and extreme now, fucking Battlefield 5 was such a pathetic attempt at inserting politics and manufacturing controversy that it backfired. Why is everyone so obsessed with current day politics? oh my god get a fucking life.

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Thank god that guy on Yea Forums told me what to think

I don't think that's what that is. I think it's just immense disappointment.

Can you please answer the following question:why do you nigger worshipping leftypol shills want an anti white safespace on Yea Forums?

The trailer looked somewhat shit, yeah it was announcement no-gameplay trailer but still.
Then there was that black muslim gay godless bloodsucking abomination that was fighting for minorities...

And now this. They may as well go Epic exclusive at this point.

Attached: 1551270900611.jpg (1100x800, 170K)

The original Bloodlines was also about politics, the difference is that they were the politics from back then, before retards got radicalized into being /pol/cunts

>and liberals are more creative than conservatives

This is the biggest load of BS in the world and you know it.

Is this bait

mosque obliterator
coming to the shitstore of your choice

The world is accelerating to war, Rome is burning, and everyone's morals and standards are being revealed to be spooks. Everyone must grab everything they can before the hole opens up beneath our feet.

I've tried arguing with you before. Not you as in /pol/tards, I mean YOU specifically. The person. You're mentally ill and well past the point of reasoning. Alternatively, you're a leftist false-flagging as hard as possible.

The answer to that comment is a perfect example of psyop.

Attached: discord tranny liberal psyop.png (1672x171, 14K)

Fortunately all lemmings have short attention spans.

> Follow the mini map to the Ventrue prince with a giant exclamation mark on his head

> "Please go to 4th and 10th avenue and bring me 25 fedoras"

> while going to the marked location, you see "DaRkSaSuKe2007" bunny hopping past you

It's a single player game. Be thankful for what you get, and what it could have been.

Attached: cancelled_VTM_MMO.jpg (1920x1080, 248K)

>tfw only watched the trailer and nothing else on it
I refuse to associate the people behind the game with the game itself. Otherwise I'd think every piece of media was terrible.

Attached: 1539395255429.jpg (602x287, 37K)

>someone using sailor moon for this faggotry
at least pic one of the dykes or the actual trannies

>before retards got radicalized into SJWs

Poltards and altrighies are a reaction to the insanity of the left

Yea but politics were never the center of a story, if anything developers and writers tried their best to make it as vague as possible.

Attached: 1551033865860.jpg (238x212, 5K)

The people making the game are the best indicators for how the game will turn out at this point, and it's not looking good.

this is actually a good philosophy to live by

And by the way, the people who claim the original VTMB had shit politics shilling like Horizon are also yangfags for that matter. 100%. They all gathered on discord and prepared the material to "correct the record".

White liberals play pretend because it gives them satisfaction and pleasure

"Negroes have been used and exploited in many ways by white Americans, but it is only recently that they have been asked to satisfy the masochistic craving of disenchanted liberals for flagellation and rejection."

Why should I hate my own race, you anti white cuck?

>if you're not an anti white that means you are mentally ill

>leftypol shill pretending to be a cowardly centrist
Old trick

user, I'll be dead in less then a century, why should I care what happens to Earth after that?

Ironically nobody is making the argument FOR progressive politics in games, the only people arguing for anything is people who hate politics and somehow want the world to become apolitical even though it's basically impossible to do something like that.

>game devs talk politics through their game
>yeah all good

>posters online talk politics about the game


Attached: sociopaths.jpg (640x480, 54K)

Have any of you ever opened a WoD rulebook in your lives? This IP was never on your side my guys

Monarchy and empires are good things.

But all left wing governments are evil.

There should be a lot more to talk about than politics yet it's 99% of the discourse here.

The actual articles we're grabbing shit from had a way lower percentage dedicated to politics. Yet we only focus on this bullshit because of our /pol/tard outrage bullshit.

Show me something from someone who will actually be making the game

>identifying yourself as white
>not caring about the country from which your bloodline actually hails
mutts are fucking disgusting

Its not about politics. its about posturing and hubris.
The social experiment the west is undergoing is like choking yourself to have a better orgasm.

Culture in all parts of the western world even the not so wealthy is like turning into a big vampire ridden desert LA, like a novel out of bret easton Ellis, full of hedonist, spoiled, meaninglessness lefties and poltards.

>Then there was that black muslim gay godless bloodsucking abomination that was fighting for minorities...
That has nothing to do with the videogame.

user. Calm down already. This topic isn't worth it. Do something else with your time, anything is better than arguing with people on their ideological agendy online.

The rulebook wasn't as fucking silly in the past. Hell, the rulebook wasn't as silly during VTMB. The studio has simply festered.

and from the trailer, even if you ignore all the kikery, i can tell it's going to be HORSE SHIT
>waves of blood my ass lol

Everyone’s getting tired of you