TODAY IS THE DAY LADS. Just a few more hours to go.
Will we see smol bunnies? Shota bunnies? Muscular man bunnies? Lion men?
Will we get dancer? Chemist? Geomancer?
Also trailer hype. get in here fags.
TODAY IS THE DAY LADS. Just a few more hours to go.
Will we see smol bunnies? Shota bunnies? Muscular man bunnies? Lion men?
Will we get dancer? Chemist? Geomancer?
Also trailer hype. get in here fags.
male viera aren't happening, shotaposters will kill themselves.
Anyone else gonna serve hop to get a plot on a low pop server?
we just had this discussion, there's literally nothing else to talk about that isn't just shitposting at this point
How the fuck do I overmeld?
need to be a crafter
That's fucking gay
It's happening
Hrothgar are going to be short and stout to contrast the tall lithe Viera, shota and bara fag will be simultaneously btfo
No one gives a fuck about your autistic obession over a """"house""" in a video game you fucking mongoloid I wish you and your ilk would shut the fuck up already and stop wasting precious dev time and money on your sim's shit. Clean up your cum rags off the floor.
please sauce, searching isn't giving me anything.
So you're saying you are
You'll need someone who's max level crafting for whatever part you want to overmeld (goldsmiths for accessories, armorers/leatherworkers/weavers for certain armor, etc.) and somewhere around 50-100 materia V per piece of gear you want to pentameld
To put it another way, if you have to ask this late into the expansion, it's not worth doing it.
1 race
2 sub-races
4 clans
take the bunpill
>Your retainer has found 2 pots of General Purpose Jet-Black Dye - items most rare!
>black dye market crashed by undercutting, only make 200k
Happy with my apartment
>don't rp in an rpg
So when is stuff getting announced?
3 hours and 48 minutes
Chemist so we can get a better looking gun class
>mueller report and bunny bois on the same day
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
One thing's for sure, SOMEBODY will get BTFO.
I pray for this. It would cause sooo much butthurt...and porn.
What if, somehow, no one is BTFO?
>tfw there's a fucking fuckton of Male Viera fanart, both of them being shota and them being tall sexy males
>tfw people still think there will be a bararace
Well Gayorzea hold a national emergency when there's no femboy rabbits?
>short and stout
So dwarves basically? bara enough for me.
lets face it, Square isn't based enough to give us a race where the males are smaller than the females
Lions and Dancer. We've known this for a year.
The OF will be a warzone.
Why the fuck do people want shota shit so much. People who had shit childhoods I guess?
Male viera isn't happening, stop being delusional.
>FFXI's housing system is still better than FFXIV's
Sure FFXIV has better customization, but at least in FFXI you actually had a place to customize :^)
FC mate of mine told me all the houses were taken on Midgardsormr. I didn't believe him at all, because I counted well over 200 plots in just Goblet only a few months ago.
But sure enough, people must've transferred because literally ever plot is taken now.
Too bad, I just made 750k. Still not quite the 1.5 mil per I was making when Heavensward first dropped and every edgelord absolutely had to be dressed as dark as their tormented soul but still not bad for literally zero effort
>Male viera isn't happening, stop being delusional.
it's probably Dancer but I will flip my shit if they bamboozled everyone and it's Chemist
Gonna post some lore in anticipation.
Yoshida has said multiple times that he finds them weird, and that if they make viera they're going to add a genderlocked race. What more proof do you need?
Lore bread?
>Using aether to make a fuck huge wall is canon
Nice source faggot
Oh yes, make a full fucking sandwich.
An original job
graphics upgrade
neither. Enjoy your dancer you shitheads. How much further down the barrel do we have to dig before we try something else?
>Why the fuck do people want shota shit so much.
Because they want to fuck kids that look like kids instead of potatoes like lalafells
isn't that basically what Seiryu's Thingy is
The game won't let us do anything else.
Shit, they made a DPS unable to do most lvl 50 content just because you can get skills out of order.
Limited races for the internet drama it would cause
The same content cycle as SB
Gameplay is what makes the job original, not whether it happened before in final fantasy or not. Who cares about that? Scholar was NOTHING like it is in XIV in any of its incarnations. Wanting different things just for the sake of being different is a sure fire way to end up with terrible shit nobody wants.
Based lore user drowning out the fags
God please let dancer be assassin like, fuck ninja.
Anons, more than one.
If only Blue Mage didn't turn out how it did I would be with you on that.
>malevierafags so upset they have to spam the thread.
Everything about Blue Mage is a travesty you'll hear nothing from me on that.
Bitch I'm a NIN and I'll be ecstatic if Dancer is actually a jester. I get to use my gear on two classes and glam as a fucking clown.
The Enchacing Sword and Ritter Shield are from Castrum Abania right?
ugh, looks like I will need to grind that for those things, really shit that you don't get weapons as part of automatic dungeon drops
>wanting another melee support DPS instead of a support tank
What the fuck is a support tank
>PLD gear themed to be protection against the sun and thanalan heat
That's pretty neat.
I saw one of those lantern shields in a museum once. I think there was a bit about them being terribly impractical because wearing them you'd risk getting oil all over your arm and setting yourself on fire.
Based loreanon. If I had the disposable income, I'd consider getting one or maybe both lore books.
Yeah weapon drops are a huge bitch to get in dungeons, that's why I've given up on the baldur blade.
>Not wanting two support DPS so your whole party is nothing but support and the boss won't die.
Guess I'm rerolling as a bunny now.
Is there a Yea Forums free company already?
>tfw it will be at least two more years till we go to Sharlayan, possibly longer
I want to see the sort of crazy magical shit they have back in the homeland, according to the lore thier arcane mastery is so great even Garlemald knows not to fuck with them.
Yup. The lore book includes all the Abania weapons for each gear.
>Will we get dancer? Chemist? Geomancer?
I'm going to get an erection whichever one they go with.
I want shotas because they cute.
Take a shot every time you read the word aether in these.
What RDM should have been.
>black magic enmity generation
>white magic protection, healing, and defensive cooldowns
>melee skills with stuff like debuffing enemy defenses, increased parry and dodge rates
>party-wide support skills
>dual-casting letting them chain any two of the above
>excels at off-tanking and pumping the party full of buffs
I don't know what the other user meant but I'm still a little mad at the missed opportunity. I hope RDM get something nice in 5.0 that gives them something else to do other than being rez-sluts and jobs you use to learn a fight and then abandon.
This game is incredibly unfriendly to new players unless you buy the story skip.
Why can't we have this lore in-game?
Sorry user but we have to visit the imitation of every single universe that SE owns before seeing more of what was already established to exist on Hydaelyn before.
WoW faggot
stormblood sale where
That's mostly because of two things that hopefully they will address in Shadowbringers.
Most of the pain comes with,
- All of your important rotational skills coming at the very later levels
- The great majority of ARR being a fucking slog of unnecessary fetch quests
I think I saw someone mention once that items don't have lore descriptions ingame because some localization teams didn't want to deal with it.
I mean he's not wrong, even as someone who loves this game to death I've made two seperate alts to replay the MSQ and both attempts stalled out in the ARR to HW slog. That shit really does need to be trimmed down.
Ivon Coeurlfist was one sick mofo.
It's a FF Game first
MMO second
I love the fact that Ragnarok is what became of a sword after many battles, it doesn't make sense but the idea of a warrior weapon forming through violence fits so much
God dammit.
Lame, it would add so much.
He was, his boss fight was pretty dope for a 4 man.
None of the actual zones aside from Gold Saucer have been like that though, the zones themselves are pretty much the only part of this game that are 100 percent original.
There's houses in midgard. There was one in the goblet last week.
It wont be too bad once demolition starts again
>The Goblet
Well no wonder
Post yfw they give a reveal trailer of the next new job that starts off showing a slutglam dancing catgirl...before panning over to the real new job
Yeah I was (mostly) kidding. Still there are places in Eorzea we haven't seen yet like the volcano the Hellsguard are supposed to guard or the Amal'jaas' homeland.
Enjoy lads. See you all on the other side in 3 hours.
I have no face, just lore.
Yeah but like only the goblet. My bud was trying to find a plot not too long ago and we couldnt find a thing
That thy turn it into a game with good combat like eso and get rid of weeb shit lolol. Seems unlikely though.
Red Mage
Red. Mage.
Mage. Can you fucking read? Being a tank class would have been absolutely retarded
Are you mad you didn't get a large?
Will they ever bother explaining who or what are the Elementals?
That's only because ARR was shit.
Will you off yourself if they do happen?
gonna stop soon, unless anyone wants to see something specific that can be found in the lorebooks
If I move servers y'all can have my small plot it's down by the beach in the mist
>That thy turn it into a game with good combat like eso
This is the funniest thing I've read all week, thank you so much for this
>the gloves are mismatched for the purpose of triggering the opponent's OCD and distract them
Absolute genius
Something something aetherial beings something something.
I'll carve maleviera into my arm and post it.
>nightly comfy thread and fanfest
who here /comfy/
DNC reveal
Female-only Vierra
Male-only Hrothgar
The new 8-man series theme to be Ultimicia’s Castle
A Savage+ Dungeon system and more meaningful overworld content to do at endgame
Pretty much the exact same cycle of content we’ve gotten in both HW & SB, except with a new skin and a few minor differences.
Also how can one man be such a gigantic cuckold??
>pic related
Not even remotely true dumb wow refugee.
>Also how can one man be such a gigantic cuckold??
By not giving context
I mean I'm no fan of his but not wanting to make an ass out of yourself in a foreign country seems pretty reasonable.
>not wanting to offend people in a foreign country is being a cuck
Jesus Christ, you need to go outside dude.
can't fucking wait for the new DRG AF gear
I don't think japs care about gaijins being gaijins.
>t. r/ffxiv posters.
Hopefully they'll drop a couple renders or a new skills clip where we can spy it.
>magic can do virtually anything
>but not cast a few protection spells
Aside from the fact that red mages have always been wizard-warriors since FF1 who could equip just about every kind of armor and weapon and stand in the frontlines along with other melee jobs. I hope you're not the kind of idiot who also complains about the game being unoriginal.
are we getting more cinematics? because I honestly thought the "shadowbringers extended teaser" feels incomplete somehow compared to Stormblood and Heavensward
>Castrum Abania has the coolest weapons
>you're only there for one fucking level
who authorized this
Don't you lie like that to me boy. I would cum buckets for phoenix and Edgar toolkit for MCH.
It's pretty cucklike to think that they would freak out over him being an emotive gaijin, as if they've never seen gaijin before.
Sure there are limits but you can get away with a lot, just make sure you take your fucking shoes off at the door.
>Savage+ Shitposter
>Is also a genderlocked shitposter
That wasn't the full trailer.
>[duty completion][duty complete]
>clear for one
>it's the party leader
It is missing segments on purpose. SB and HW feel complete because you see all parts now.
I think Yoshi said there'll be a final cinematic and the music will be completely different. It'll probably have ShB's leitmotiv as per usual.
Yeah they've confirmed that we're getting the full trailer, and that the full one even has a different music track with it.
They specifically split the cinematic into 3 versions this time (Heavensward and Stormblood were 2), with more to be added at each fanfest.
One thing we've yet to see that's been in all the previous trailers is a hub city. (ARR had the City States, Heavensward had Ishgard, Stormblood had Rhalgr's Reach and Kugane)
Just re-checked, and literally every plot in Goblet is still occupied. Before the server transfers, there were hundreds of plots available.
No skin off my nose though, I've got a Medium in Shirogane that I love.
should get the full trailer tonight
Everything you've said is retarded, fuck off
This is what I found.
No comfy for me, stuck at work during all this
I know Yoshida wouldn't dissappoint, thanks broses
We're already getting an original job. Gunbreaker.
I never realized the Bard AF had such a slutty skirt this time around
You mean lorewise? I could see that. Gameplaywise? Not a chance.
If they don't happen it wont stop the shitposting. When has anything been disproven that has ever led to people admitting they were wrong?
Bards have always been hooers
>they picked the most autistic au ra face for this shot
Bards are proven sluts.
Second only to Dancers
You mean White Mages.
All of WHM gear is compliant with giving emergency sexual healing.s
We all know WHMs are the biggest sluts around let's not kid ourselves here
They're generally pretty understanding of foreigners in my experience.
remembered other cool things
you done spamming faggot?
>Sidurgu quiere ser hardcore pero Rielle no lo deja
the design simply under "greatsword" isnt in the game anywhere as far as I know.
Is this lore for ants?
fuck off
I hope the cutscenes have actual animations. I was rewatching thancred vs WoD and that was embarrassing.
What's the set on the bottom right?
I swear to god I have seen a sword just like that, but you might be right
The art above Balisarde is the wrong sword lmao.
>Ishgardians when they see the WoL talking to a fucking rotting corpse
can't find it any bigger
2 more hours.
Aoidos Attire, Bard AF 2. On the first Bard Lore page up there.
AF2, you can buy it in Foundation from the bar for Centurio Seals, one of the old couple behind the counter sells it
Disgusting. The "Ghrah" elemental in this image is literally a roaming enemy from Al'Taieu, the sunken angelic land of the Crystal Father, Promathia in FFXI. Absolutely retarded that they're using the ripped model for them and calling them elementals. How unoriginal can they get?
>*nods at you*
>why aren't you shitposting about Viera! Pay attention to meeeeeeeee
Fuck off tripfag cancer
So usual Yea Forums mood.
-Chad-bunnies, Hrothgars were planned but axed.
-1 dungeon odd patch, 2 dungeon even patch.
-Some new gimmicky kind of mechanic/feature like the mecha PVP mode, triple triad, ect. Not sure what it'll be.
-Third full class, DPS.
-Male Viera and Female Hrothgars are added 5.1-5.3, Male Hrothgars join female Viera for 5.0.
-2 dungeons every patch
-Make roulette dungeons scale to the lowest level in the party, raising enemy damage/HP and the ilvl and ability level you can use accordingly.
-Dance male animations aren't just copies of the more girly bellydancer nonsense of female dancer. Make male more masculine flamenco or whatever dance style it's meant to be instead of Roegadyn or au ra men twerking and shaking their hips.
-1 Dungeon every patch
-Shitty asymmetrical JRPG fuckboy-y looking gear.
-8 man raid will be entirely remember-berries like Omega's bosses, not homages but 1:1 imitations.
-Alliance Raid of Nier will be entirely Nier Automata and it will be entirely membah this 1:1 copies of nier automata bosses.
If the 70-80 Scholar questline isn't about fucking/breeding your fairies, Scholar will be confirmed shit.
Holy fuck this is unreadable.
>you're the one who's been spamming this same fucking image nonstop for weeks
Oh fuck off you obnoxious cunt
I think I can make out some of it.
>70-80 BLM will inevitably be about that Lalagirl lusting for that WHM catfaggot's cock
I'm already prepared to suffer
here's ur race bro
>ishgardians watching the WoL spend ten minutes shouting into the air at Camp Dragonhead, start screaming, and divide into a copy of himself and subsequently fight that copy to the death then re-absorb it into his body
Here's your hrothgar bro.
isn't his fondness for Lalai completely one sided? I hope she shoots him down
but I'm prepared for the worst
One of these three will be the other new job revealed tonight. Hope you can choose the correct one here before it begins.
>retard not only thinks the Mueller Report will do anything but thinks male viera are a thing
Nigga BLU already said we're getting dancer.
man the Mad King commissioned some badass looking weapons to use on his fellow Mhiggers.
BLU lied.
Healer Necromancer would be my dream job.
We're getting dancer, it's way more requested than any of those jobs.
Big T.D. ain't afraid of going all out to style on his subjects.
Someone joined my party finder the other day lookin for that, was that you?
They're obviously playing her as tsundere for him and I fucking hate it, I'd rather go back to my beastman super friends.
No, it was me.
I didn't join any pf's for it, so that wasn't me.
Oh, and one more as a desert.
Fucking Wowfugees. You're getting to be as bad as Ala Mhigans.
>Why yes, Yugiri is my Waifu of choice, how did you know?
>Necromancer uses dark magics to heal people but at cost of their own health
>can summon skeleton minions as pets to fight with or for you
>dark spooky magics allowing for a cool new way to play as healer
>cool as fug outfits made for them
>someone inevitably figures out how to game the system and keep summoning skellies that can attack other players in the world until you literally have 9000 power liches with over 9000 skellies each going mad with power in the overworld
No reason to take in it raids over any of the existing healers
How did you get this picture of me?
brb namechanging to Sandro
As I sit here bored without any leves to grind out my crafters i'll go ahead and ask? is Eureka worth starting at all at this point? My main thing is I want Ozma and the BLM weapon doesn't look awful.
When they finally sell her outfit on Mog Station will we get the hair to go with it?
Woah, calm down there, WoWfags are at least humans.
>trait gives the group 1% crit per active skele
I did it for the Elemental Fending set and it was alright. It's good if you want to catch up on podcasts or have a lot of videos you want to go through.
If all you want is the mount and a glamstick sure. The stats on the weapon are largely irrelevant and will get trashed at level 75 anyway.
Probably not, will take a a bit to get to max level and then you'll be late and the only guys after it will be dumbasses looking to get carried.
>of course I only use my grand company chocobo as my only mount, he has been my bro ever since 1.0, uh, what did you mean you didn't play 1.0 bro?
>Ala Mhigo
Faggots made Ishgard put their 1000 year crusade on hold to come fuck them up.
I hope not. Krile is too good to have imitators
>pointy hats came into fashion once voidsent started being a regular feature in Mhach
>Shattoto immediately takes off her hat whenever she shows up
quality lore
I still glamour my Anima over my bow. I love it too much.
Didnt they say that they wont ever be putting it up? I could have sworn I saw someone say it was because it conflicts with miqo ears or something
just in case this niggah is for real. dis shit needs to fucking start already!!
What the fuck, are you me?
the legacy chocobo is actually your 1.0 grand company chocobo
Mhiggers are less civilized than the beast tribes. It's surprising they can even speak.
Brainlet here, any user want to try to decipher this in case we're about to get more info?
I unironically hope they look something like this minus the horn, or optional horns.
That's not actually Blufever.
MCH is such a dumpster fire of a class even in their lore they're a half assed class with no established traditions.
Is this some FF8 shit?
If we get shota bunny boys I'll fantasia to them. If we don't I'll fantasia to female Viera.
I win no matter what :^)
we're getting a human race
>3/4 of this thread is some tranny spamming pages from a lore book
their lore is that they were literally just invented
Except they arent going to be cute like your pic, it's going to just be lanky awkwars slut bunnies
Only things I care about is finally a decent remaster of FF6, and also FFT/FF1/FF2 on steam.
they're so mad male viera isn't happening they just start spamming.
It's hilarious really.
dark times for those of us who follow the way of the awesome guns
I'm expecting a very hard reword in Shadowniggers
Still better then PLD lore...
if he was a tranny, they'd be spamming their characters or shitty fanart
instead they give us the DEEP LORE and show us some cool weapon skins
>implying the lore book posts aren't the highest quality posts these threads have gotten in weeks
Imagine being so invested in some shitty forum drama that you complain about people posting things other than _____fags BTFO
And it shows.
Thank you lore user
Reminder to ignore shitposters who think endless bara-shota-rabbit arguing would be any better
Why couldn't Gaius have used subterfuge to cause a civil war in Ul'dah?
MCH is a new discipline, this is even reflected in their soul stone
why is the flintlock pistol there when mch can't even use it
Do we have the link for the streams yet?
You're welcome.
Gaius is not a subtle man
Is this the last fanfest with info? are we getting more info in the future or is this the last one?
It's almost over.
>conflicts with miqo ears or something
like it did with the werewolf ears? just another poor excuse
May will have a live letter detailing all the combat and job changes in detail.
This is the last Fanfest, but there's going to be a big Live Letter later before expansion that goes into detail on job changes and new actions.
Last one I believe.
We've had them for awhile.
Friendly reminder that if English isn't your native language, you don't get an opinion. Specifically referring to the PCbaby fagcunt from the last thread
this is the last one, all the info is dropping tonight
this is the last fanfest, but we'll probably get a live letter or two detailing Shadowbringers more
I just started StormBlood, and I now know why everyone hates Lyse. She's been insufferable ever since she took off the mask.
>Base under attack
>Rush back
>Lyse: "Where were you?"
Gaius lacks the funds necessary to prod Lalajews into action. Everything in Ul'Dah begins and ends with gold, top to bottom, and even the common citizenry are fine with that. They see the poor as having no one to blame but themselves for being poor lazy shits, and no one in Ul'Dah would be stirred to action over attempts at the sort of propoganda that toppled the Ala Mhiggers except ironically the Ala Mhigger refugees.
>that lion. Male too
Genderlocked Hrothgar
To tease you. The better question is why so many of those listed guns are still a thing when Eorzea has revolver/magazine fed firearms.
It'll be the last for the bigger 5.0 reveals. We'll also get a long stream sometime in May where they'll go into detail about job changes/system changes and show off some of the new spells.
Gonna go play botw until shit starts, please god male viera be delivered.
Lodestone, faggot
But there’s a lioness on the right
Male viera with backwards bendable ears to make it look like head wings (concept model 1), and no retarded run cycle like the male au'ra. If they looked as good as the females and have all the above features, I'll finally use one of the two fantasia I've been holding onto since I started playing back in 2.0
An original class not based off of a previous FF, preferably a healer so we can get a tank+heals combo for the expansion to better balance out the metric fuck ton of dps in the game.
Half of the presentation full of filler; stuff we already know or just padding to give us as little info as possible. They do it every time.
Nah, English you beta pissbaby
But there's a female lion on the right
Red Mage Miqo is so hot.
I'm sure you'll keep this trip on and post your heartfelt apology when it turns out you were wrong and shitposting relentlessly for weeks.
Surely you won't be a huge pussy and pretend you never even did it.
Don't forget we'll likely get the benchmark sometime soonish that will have some new spells and shit too. Will also have the updated character creator so we can churn out bunsluts early.
Maybe you should continue reading.
Just ignore me, I'm shitposting and falseflagging
Stormblood benchmark was scrubbed pretty clean of leftover data.
How mentally ill does one need to have an amputee fetish? It's as confusing as fucking shit fags.
What annoys me is she's written as if she was a 16 year old girl who's never experienced combat or war before, so that would explain why she's so naive about why some people might not want to try and rise up again and would be understandable.
But the fact is she's well into her 20s, and has spent the last 5 years fighting Garleans and primals and shit yet doesn't act her age at all.
Also she's flat as fuck despite her busty official art, and this offends me most of all.
I wasn't being ironic when I said quality
How appropriate, I was just about to do some gambling.
It's the lazyman's bondage
>Not picking the Odin/Zeus of the Eorzean pantheon
Althykchads wwa
Everything about Lyse is a waste
The benchmark showed off new skills for every job in the video user I'm not talking about datamining shit.
I'm sure you won't be a HUGE bitch and not even don a trip to admit you were absolutely blown the fuck out by me.
Honestly I'd be fine with apologizing, I'm 100% sure none of you will though. Lol you don't even have the balls to make a trip.
Oh, don't worry.
She gets worse. Much worse.
that rapier just under prominent designs, what one is that?
why did blufever say that blu would be a melee support dps?
This is a depiction of the garden of "Eden" and he named the filename Eden. I don't think that's a coincidence.
Oh my bad then
Susanoo egi incoming boyz
I will fucking apologize tonight if there are baracats.
Man up and apologize if you're wrong and there are no baracats.
Agreed? No faggotry?
Why aren't weapon descriptions just in the game to begin with
PS4 limitations?
God I wish, but I doubt it'll happen.
>No faggotry?
little late for that
>Your WoL will never lose their limbs in a fight and forcibly retire to consequently have their house broken into by random people who see this as a chance to rape a famed adventurer
Why live?
That's a lot of effort for a shitpost with two hours of life
Wow, okay, deal.
Ayy lmao
it's not just her, the entire portion of the story around Ala Mhigo is pure garbage, the only thing I payed attention was the whole black rose bioweapon that based Gaius stopped the production of, Doma and the other places were fine
>tfw we get to fight Eden on the moon.
You realize you'll have to apologize even if they aren't genderlocked, right?
>spend years in the Scions fighting Primals
>know all about the ins and outs of tempering and how fucking dangerous it is
>nah bruh let those tempered snakes into the meeting they deserve a seat at our floor table too
I thought the gane couldn't get more retarded than CAST THE EYES INTO THE ABYSS, hoo boy
So what are these "shota" bunny race going to even look like? I thought this game already had a short race called lalafells
Nah fuck off with this shit, egi shit needs to die out in favor of demi summons.
sauce it up bruh
onishishu are hardcore.
think minimum height female au ra but as males
Ha! You wish. Use your brain.
Imagine Demi-Susano.
I would immediately drop my main to play SMN.
skipped a page detailing architectural practices in the far east, its nothing interesting.
Yeah. I don't care.
>trying to get a plot
>everyone here says it's hopeless
is it time to give up
That's pretty retarded m8 but godspeed.
I would main SMN only if he had all the voice lines
Susano's a cool guy.
Just get an apartment.
Why don't I ever see any SAMs wearing that bottom set?
lalafells aren't shotas
they're fuckin midgets
hold the fucking phone, SAM can't get Susano's sword
>Why don't I ever see any SAMs wearing that bottom set?
Because it comes from Deltascape (Savage)
Where the fuck do I even begin with this
>Au Ra so it's a confirmed tranny
>Modded away the scales and added Elezen ears
>Modded in new hair
>Modded in some ugly makeup
>Modded in abs
>Modded in amputee fetish shit
10/10 a tranny that's probably 30 years old and a hairy neckbeard
any idea where the Chokken and Chokuto are from? I dont recall ever seeing them.
I think it was a weapon for the top Feast players? Don't quote me on that.
To be honest if they go the "Smaller" route they can go either Bishonen or Shotas since concept art exists for both and the slightly taller ones would fit that "Young Elezen" category pretty well.
>Why don't I ever see any SAMs wearing that bottom set?
all the gear from that raid tier looks like garbage in game
caster bodypiece was great for BLM m8
armored master of explosions
Because it's asymmetrical garbage that was clearly designed for MNK.
>ceasless pedo and bara shitposting
can't wait both you guys get btfo tonight
Personally I dislike it because of how asymmetrical it is. both arms being differently armored, that one waist part being longer than the rest of it, its all fucking shit.
The helmet is alright though.
>no Amaterasu trial yet
>this music
The Chokken looks like a Susano weapon, I think the Chokuto is from a HW dungeon.
I fucking grinded delta just for the set, now I can never play SAM again. Holy fuck the job was so damn boring.
can you get Gosetsu's sword in-game yet?
Looks fine here desu.
They never said that one clan would be young elezen. That was a simple comment taken out of context and then extrapolated to imply shota bunnies. They never implied anything like that if you actually paid attention you'd know that too.
balmung faggots will be the end of this game
When does it begin?
Post link u nog.
Okay, Anons.
Say the genderlock isn't true and we get two races with both genders. What are the worst possible design choices they could make that would piss everyone off?
2 hours.
lol look like shit, DRG set is where it at
>and then Demi for customizing options
It really comes down towards if you want a Black Carbuncle or not I guess, but god damn it Summoner stop having all this extra customizing just because the design team keeps making the tech behind you better.
It honestly felt like YoshiP possessed Aymeric for a second. Like there was no fucking reason for him to say that.
Ok so what did she say? What was her comment about? Go on Sherlock, tell us since you know
Chokken is Susano's sword, except it's not a SAM weapon, it's a DRK weapon
Can you post the twitch clip of when that came to be because as far as I understand the conversation at hand was revolving around player customization.
Me, I already won since viera are already gonna be in and that's all I care about. Regardless of the outcome, I get to enjoy the resulting tears and shitposting.
fujoshits of course. Just look what happened with the cats.
>"I'm not good enough to lead anything."
>"No Lyse you totally are because you have skills like ____ and ____." - Literally every single mother fucker in the expansion trying to put her over.
>"Okay fine I'm doing it...and I will proceed to have everyone else make decisions for me while I pretend I have a job."
Literally what do you even do here, Lyse. You don't give speeches, you don't command the troops, you refuse to be a politician, you don't do the menial tasks, you don't coordinate people. Why the fuck are you the commander?
they would have to do some pretty stupid shit, considering that most people aren't even upset about Au Ra being a fucking palette swap and horns are locked to face type for no reason.
chokuto is the tsukuyomi weapon
Honestly, if the last remaining new 'race' are basically lions, as a beast race, we need to address the elephant in the room:
How will they explain them not going full beast tribe with their own primal and becoming full REMOVE HERESY in the eyes of the rest of the races we play as?
I think it looks pretty bad on monk honestly. It's too bulky for a fist fighter, but it looks great for samurai.
Hell, i admit I leveled samurai literally just for that armor even though I already had monk at 70
There is literally only one person in the Scions who has ever been worth paying attention to.
Read the short stories, my man. She is literally the commander because she is a symbol and nothing more. She's related to two famous revolutionaries, which means if she "liberates" Ala Mhigo, it looks even better.
Get an apartment. On one hand, it's just one room.
On the other hand its affordable for any mid to endgame player and it'll never be bulldozed, so you don't have to keep maintaining a subscription to avoid losing your stuff.
I'm dropping dragoon unless it gets a major overhaul in 5.0. It's inexcusable that the job continues to be a meme when jumping should be the ultimate defensive maneuver, not a liability.
You going to post a picture of that person or just going to post other worthless Scions?
I did think it was odd that right after the first Lakshmi fight, they thought it was a good idea to let the queen go and try to reason with her.
She was clearly tempered, they should have known she was a permanently lost cause.
What short stories?
You just going to suck my dick?
Oops, sorry wrong pic
You're gonna make a Viera right user?
Is 4.56 coming next week?
I wonder if Tristan will show up again. The way he died or perhaps "died" was kinda anticlimactic, especially since they just introduced some sympathetic traits for him.
I doubt it'll be Estinien tier importance, but maybe return for a future SMN questline?
Me, I already won because we're getting femboy bunnies. I get to enjoy the resulting tears and shitposting.
You really show not be getting hit to AoEs while jumping I agree with that completely. It's fucking retarded.
They need to do more with this garlean halfbreed
>horns are locked to face type for no reason.
PS3 rimitation, prease undastadu
>male cat
Conrad seemed pretty convinced she could do something or other. M'naago kept trying to convince her she wasn't useless outside of being a symbol as well.
All signs point to yes.
tradable via feast collars, you can preview it in wolf's den by the guy near the board. Don't even have to top rank, as long as you place bronze you get wolf collars.
It looks bad in-game, just like most of the Feast shit.
>0 curves
>flat ass
Too bad they fucking ruined DRG in 4.0
Two mind, but one did a dumb thing and is dead now.
Honestly she only existed at first because Papalymo needed a genki girl for his strait man stick. She was always a supportive character that was there to booster others, and now that the one person she was worth a damn towards is gone, the only reason why she's around as because the writers couldn't figure out what to do with Ala Mhigo yet still feel this is somehow important towards the overarching plot.
The short stories they write for the expansions. There's like 8 short stories for ARR, 8 for Heavensward, and 8 for Stormblood. Just look up "Tales from the Storm".
Y'shtola is worthless as well.
I hope this is the setting for one of the raid tiers
Absolutely based.
That should be it for classes, I can prep dungeon lore pages now.
>all smn gear looks gay as fuck(on males)
would it kill them to remodel some of the healer and caster gear for guys? lazy pricks.
How about you fuck off my good tranny sir?
based user dumping the whole book
I'm thoroughly enjoying it while waiting for the fanfest, thanks bro
>"What, H-Hien!? No! I don't─ I mean, I admire him and all, but so do lots of people. And I might know someone who admires him especially."
>Lyse's gaze floated off into the distance along with her thoughts. She said no more on the subject, and the others did not pry.
Who did she mean?
What's that?
You want more robes?
Only if it has males with fluffy beards.
desu I'm just looking for anything with a bigger beard than male highlander. If hrothgar end up having those I might try them instead, if they're real at all, aren't actually bara, and aren't completely covered in fur. All of these seem unlikely, so I'll most likely end up sticking with highlander.
We need to go on adventures with him, the Boulder bros, the sisters that are always around them and Hoary's elezen friend who's name always escapes me.
Yugiri, dumbass.
Bros, it ain't just me. We're pulling from both of them too.
So if Dancer is announced and is a healer, what are the chances its a dex based healer, sharing gear with Ninja?
Wouldn't make sense for a dancer to be in long flowing robes, which most healer gear is.
I'm not going to go and dig it up but if you're that interested stop being lazy assholes and dig it up yourselves.
They were talking about creating variations based on customizations that were achievable with their new approach. Her job isn't 3D modeling, as a concept artists she was talking about her job concept sketching. Yoshi didn't hush her with the implication it had something to do with viera. He hushed her with implication that she doesn't need to say unnecessary things that fans will misunderstand and use as proof for something that doesn't exist. It wasn't a viera specific tease, it was an offhand thought about her work process.
Cirina. After the Doma dungeon and your first time in the Doman Enclave, you can talk to Cirina who says something like "Hien is not with you? N-no matter, the sun and the moon were not meant to meet..."
Yugiri is WoLsexual, dumbass.
>playing male
That's not Krile, the only Scion (along with Arenvald) still taking an active role in subduing Primals.
the art's bad but we're not getting that tranny "draw a girl call it a boy" shit
She specifically talked about "Viera looking like young Elezen (I.E Alphinaud and Alisae)"
Yeah I want more robes, and more pointy hats while we're at it.
Casters who want some non-robes can fuck right off to literally any other job.
So to celebrate it properly tonight, should we open the Shiva or the Ifrit?
>just discovered that a FC member of mine is an autist/aspy tranny
>my friend also just referred to that person as "her"
Im doing everything i can to restrain myself from doing or saying things people will absolutely find offensive but that i will find extremely funny
i'll stick with my elezen,i'll be the only one left anyway
>faggots invading yet another thread
Hard to subdue primals when you are in a coma.
>We got the four lords instead of the three great evil yokai
No he didn't stop lying you faggot. It's obvious that clip was made up to drop hints about viera.
They even advertised the fucking panel as having hints about viera and lore and shit.
Dumb OF poster.
I wouldn't mind this at all. Lala cant be the only short race in Eorzea that's playable.
Monk AF1 Is still one of the best looking aets in the game.
If you do say anything at all please screenshot and share even if you block out the names
Even something simple like after finishing a raid you say "Hell yeah way to go bro you aced that" or something to the tranny
>tfw Hoary Boulder, Coultenet, and Arenvald are more well-rounded characters than Y'shtola, Thancred, Papylymo, Minfilia, and Lyse.
The 1.0 supporting cast fucking sucks.
Don't remind bro
It's Cirina you fucking retard, she's literally unable to contain her pussy juices around him
Shiva, pour one out for the homies never made it.
is that Shiva dabbing?
t. ranny
Really? You liked the yellow pajamas?
Maybe they look better on girls, because they looked terrible on my character. I liked the second and third armors much more.
>SMN getting Phoenix
My femroe on the right.
Nope. Unless it were small and cute I'm sticking with my lala
>complain about job being simplified and dumbed down
>plays the simplest and dumbest melee DPS
Dancer will be a healer that heals by intercepting damage. Not by tanking but by short bursts of damage conversion with self regen abilities. This will put them into melee range to build up momentum, exchanging health and enmity.
Monk AF1 is average, Monk AF2 is a fucking clown costume, Monk AF3 is pretty good.
Actually the AF2 (Heavensward) armor for most classes is fucking horrible.
>I'm not going to go and dig it up but if you're that interested
But you're the one who made the claim that the conversation at hand wasn't referring player customization user.
The other Scions haven't done jack shit against any Primal since 2.55. Krile was there for both the Warring Triad AND Eureka. Urianger gets some credit for the Triad too.
>the official translator who speaks and has lived in japan translated it wrong.
Nigger are you dumb?
AF2 is the only good NIN AF.
And all their relics are fucking shit.
At least their normal gear is good for glamour.
Idk im chief officer so i feel like i have to set some sort of example, plus i barely see the.. guy, around much anyway, i wouldnt really get the opportunity to dab like that anyway
To be fair, aside from HW where everyone was most indisposed, they had bigger fish to fry that putting down the same primals repeatedly.
The second string scions are about keeping the old primals down while the first string are about putting the ones causing the primals to be summoned, the ascians, down.
Shiva so you can send your liver into Oblivion.
unironically this
why can't i be a battle-scarred granny
when we starting m8s
t.never play DRG in HW
DRG in HW style is about dealing heavy damages with crit buff for days. We actually deal good dps back in the days
In SB it got turned into NIN 2.0, fuck that shit.
I think the Shiva will go better with the Chocobo I'm having.
You have to go back.
>Its been drawn so therefore Yoshi has to make them real!
AF1 and Yoshimitsu are good. Kannagi is decent also.
You guys have hallucinated this yourselves. Like many fans you project all your hopes in to every word you can hope to twist and turn to mean more than it does.
When you don't get young elezen viera you'll whine that you were promised them and SE lied to you. No they didn't, you've imagined it because you're mentally deranged or something.
death by animation lock has been simply accepted by the devs and community when it's not an intentional or natural feeling drawback, unlike (for example) the need to stand still for a BLM. It's a design issue they won't fix so long as its treated like a joke
Real bang up job they've done of that, fucking Gaius out by.himself innawoods has a higher kill count
It got nerfs to personal DPS that it actually needed due to also having the best utility in the game aside from bard. It's still the second best DPS job in the entire game after bard. My point was that you complain about DRG getting dumbed-down, then proceed to switch to the easiest and most dumbed-down melee job instead
And they're doing a *great* job at that.
Really made a ton of headway since 3.0. Killed a whole ascian!
DRG in the HW days was still just a piercing debuff bot
Is there any hope for a fuck huge hammer melee dps? IE Viking? Probably not since war fills that niche but I can dream
Do you speak japanese?
Why did they give all of the SB relic weapons that horrible glow effect that covers up whatever texture is below it?
I first saw gifs of the final step of the dark knight weapon, and it looks like a glowing tumor. Then I saw the weapon without the effect, and it actually looks a lot cooler than I expected. Still not as cool as the HW weapon, but something I might actually wear.
Why did they fuck up the relic weapons so bad? The BLM and SAM weapons are the only ones I have any remote interest in.
has Gaius killed any major Ascians on the level of Lahabrea? WoL has killed one of the big cheeses and we're about to kill another one.
Gotta wonder how the fuck he's even managing that.
Okay, what I mean is that the final versions of the NIN Relics always suck. Sasuke's Blades, Sandungs, etc. They always become fucking swords.
DRG feels like absolute ass to play now, and is completely unsatisfying compared to 3.x.
SAM at least flows well and feels fluid enough.
Shoo shoo seething barafag
warrior with genji axe
He's probably carrying the Eye of Sabek or whatever around.
Would you be satisfied with a hammer weapon glamour for WAR?
>Yugiri is WoLse-
Sasuke's was fine but holy shit what were they thinking with Sandungs
There was the whole "garlean invasion" to worry about too.
He had some red masks on his belt I believe, though chances are he didn't really KILL them, just whatever body they were in.
>have the updated character creator
there will be a new one? first time I join these threads
>tfw comfy knowing Yea Forums will get btfo
Seriously delusional if you've actually convinced yourselves of this.
Yup but you don't need to be an expert to follow along their banter. Just imagine some European or Russian misunderstanding and emphasizing things incorrectly from an English language panel. That's what people are like right now.
Fuck utility, i want my deeps, you can say SAM is dumbed down all you want but that class flow way fucking better in term of gameplay compare to DRG.
Whoever design BOTD and Dragon Sight should be hang
Good. Only mods can save us from the incoming shitstorm.
Sasuke is awful if you play anything that's tall. They become goddamn longswords. It's the same problem every time, they can't just give us fucking daggers.
Its pretty easy. Just avoid saying anything to that member and private chat with your homies instead. This triggers an effect like no other as soon as the tranny notices, and they'll ether ask you or pussy foot or ignore you. to which you respond by telling them the truth that you dont want to risk anything by being yourself around them. to which either the tranny response will be either "oh shit hes trying really hard I'll give him my equivalent to the Nword pass" or simply try to antagonize you and goad you saying something retarded to which you say absolutely nothing and report them for harassment, and if you're really lucky they stop talking to you fullstop but are still active in the guild.
Tolerence is a twoway street bud you can tolerate them but if they cant tolerate you fuck em.
It will be templar, screencap this.
"Yes the folded ears will definitely be available and there is a variation that they sort of look like a young elezen, oh wait no.."
>Japanese start clearly says "Elezen" before Yoshida screams out "Oi" as to signal her to shut up
Really gets the noggin joggin there anons
I fucking hate the way Dissidia does Miqo'te ears.
So you're complaining that it's not overpowered
it's not wow so it wont happen
Translate this.
when does it begin?
An hour and thirty.
hour and a half from now
1:33 from now
Are you illiterate or just pretending?
can't wait for triple niggers like you to get btfo soon
Human templars will be hammer-wielding crusaders and crush those shitty subhuman templars.
Stop, the mods will start deleting threads. let the threads hit bump limit, then move.
It'll be about scoring Alka-Zolka more Tonberry pussy. He'll think they really are voidsent when they drain him dry after we cure them
No, it's literally not fun to play anymore compared to how it was.
I would literally give up Battle Litany and all that other shit if that's what it took to go back to the play style of HW DRG rather than what we have now. Mirage Dive and Nastrond are not fun.
Like how they delete DMC threads? Oh wait.
it's just half an hour
>that top notch art
it is currently dying you retard
Kanji for Y'shtola's Mistwalker is different from Yugiri's Mistwalker.
Here's an analogy of what's going on.
>me: You know some people say the moon is made of cheese probably because the craters remind them of Swiss cheese.
>you: Switzerland has built a base on the moon! And they have cheese there too.
DMC threads don't have general links in them, they just spam them. Don't link one mega thread back to back. That is literally what triggers the mod every time you idiot.
Fanfest start in half an hour, but stream later.
>let the threads hit bump limit
you must be blind
That's not the keynote
I still want the Griffin Armor.
If they had kept the damage the same and removed Disembowel's effect and nerfed Litany you would be bitching even more. So what you want is for DRG to remain as overpowered as it was in HW
Wait for it to prune I mean.