Says video games have shit stories

>says video games have shit stories
>never even played a visual novel in his life

Isn't that a hypocritical? If you want good writing, how about you play the games with actual writing in them?

Attached: higu rena.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Not games

Holy shit that’s bad.

It's kino. Plebs wouldn't understand.

Attached: higurashi spr.png (754x448, 789K)

>says VNs have good writing
>never even read a book in his life

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VNs aren't games.

Books are overrated. The average book is garbage, just like the average VN.

>VNs have good writting
>VNs are video games

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>Middle school tier anime drawing
ok retard

Can someone explain how shit, copypaste art like this was passable for VNs?

They aren't games. It's just books with animations to compliment the story.

R07's surprisingly neat plot ideas.

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it's pretty much a one-man game, people were willing to overlook the art because they liked the story so much

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Heart. The art was made by the author himself because it was his first game and he didn't have the budget to hire an artist.

VNs have ruined story based games for me. There's barely any character development or even a fucking ending in them nowadays. At best you get some sequel bait shit.

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kys newfag trash

i cant stand higurashi's original art but im kinda fond of the umineko art

also i was amazed when i started to read umineko because the writing wasnt absolute dogshit like a lot of anime-related media. it felt like I was actually reading something by a competent writer rather than trope-filled cliche bullshit.

i like umineko because it's the only time i've seen the metafiction thing that anime writers love so much done as being a premise and not a twist.
in the end i still liked higu more because horror is just more fun to me than mystery.

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Ryukishi is probably the most conventionally good author among all VN writers. This is most notable in Higurashi, where he actually writes top-notch paranoia thriller and murder horror segments. The only downside is that he's terrible at slice of life and action, but writes tons of those.

Do the cicadas ever stop?

>posts Higurashi as an example of a good story

Episode 7 and 8 when you hacks

>he's terrible at slice of life
You don't like the over the top club battles where everything goes? The flirting? The Mion whispering in your ear about the forbidden pleasures of crossdressing or Shion's temptations?

Ryukishi literally makes references to his own novels within his novels, as though they're popular reading material in-universe. It's really conceited.

Also his whole "chessboard thinking" and "devil's proof" trite in Umineko is childish and redundant. It's unbelievable how long he spends drilling elementary-school level concepts into your head.


>not supporting basedkishi's art

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He's good at slice of life, the style of humor in those segments is just dated.
Action is his biggest weakness in my opinion, I got pretty bored of Umineko in 5 and 6 because the action scenes were long and not interesting.
But out of all the VNs I've read he is definitely the best writer.

Show me a visual novel with good writing

We got your soul right here kid

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user, you're greatly overestimating the intelligence of the average VN reader.

>tfw years of lurking chans and boorus has made me impervious to bad artstyles
>genuinely enjoy the original higurashi art and nasu's early shit like tsukihime


This is honestly why I'm worried for WTC5. So far it looks to be an action VN, which sounds absolutely terrible and plays to his weakest part.


Muv Luv Alternative.

Attached: muv luv alt.jpg (460x215, 62K)

This is only difficult when you narrow it down to "visual novels where the good writing was preserved in the translation".

The art grows on you pretty quick honestly. Even if they look retarded, the characters are at least expressive.

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satoko's butt

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Honestly what do people see in subahibi?

Fun ride but i wouldn't call the writing good

Fata Morgana

ITT teenagers that think edgy "adult" themes + using big words means good writing. If the vn has rape into the trash it goes
Even katawa shoujo is better

but hanako was raped

They made a Billy & Mandy anime?

>edgy "adult" themes
None of ryukishi07's stuff is edgy save for a few of the stories in Higanbana
>using big words
A 12 year old child could read these

I read Higurashi because I like Japanese horror and it's a title that kept popping up when I looked for recommendations. It wasn't the scary story I was looking for however I think I got something better. I ended up completely falling in love with the characters and getting my heart broken over and over again when tragedy inevitably befalls them. I need chapter 7 to release on Steam! Then the monumental wait for chapter 8 can begin.

>a hypocritical
Hypocritical is an adjective not a noun. You need to use it to describe a person. Though you could say someone is a hypocrite (noun) or they’re behaving hypocritically (adverb)

"reading video games are better than actual open ended experiences"

>Hurr me put link two time

It's cute, you just have shit taste

The slice of life in Higurashi was good though, there just was too much of it so it ended up slowing down the pace of the actual story too much. It kinda happens in Umineko chapter 1 too although it has more of a purpose there (that most wont realize until a reread).

Higurashi is a masterpiece of perversion and crossdressing.

Mion's so cute. Would you make her cry?

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Will Higurashi ever be relevant again? I miss when it was semipopular around when the anime came out.

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>video game

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Not unless it gets an anime remake that does it justice.

Higurashi got a re-release on Swtich in Japan, just wait for Rena to get into Smash.

Liking Subahibi is a meme, it's actually trash.


Whoops, meant to reply to

Yet if this were a western game, you faggots would rip it a new asshole

if it were a western game it would have shit writting, so we wouldn't care in the first place, just like the rest of western vns

If it was a western game all the girls would look like men and the story would push trannies. The Higurashi girls look cute, which means it's good.


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>postin meme meme literature trash
not even worth a (you)

Are you implying that they "ripped DDLC a new asshole" when it was released, or that it's an example of a western VN that defeats their prejudice against them?
Because it was loved and well received by Yea Forums until it got released on Steam and got popular (wasn't shot down for being a western VN), and it is not a great example of good writing even if it has it's positives.

What's with all the magatards?

God, I wish. I need a good Rena model

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VNs are trash. Only weebs who watch shit tier anime like them.

Sakoto, why are you hiding your hands? Is there something wrong with them?

What VN is this pic from? Is it the filename? I like the art and kind of want to play it now.

its like you really hate fun

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babbys first plotege

What is your special snowflake totally awesome plotge, user? Surely it wouldn't be as bad or even worse than Higurashi now, could it?

It's more just weebs having lower standards and being more forgiving. That goes for both writing and gameplay.

I've been reading oretsuba for like a whole month now and I'm still in Hayato's chapter fuck I'll never finish this fuck the user who rolled that for me

Higurashi. It's really good.

Do you mean good writing as in a well written plot or good writing as in THE PROOOOOOOOOOSE

Because if it's the latter no vn has good prose. At best it's acceptable.

tfw can't many any shitty MMD porn out of higu characters because there aren't any

Yeah, which is why I'm pretty sad that he has moved away from horror.
The best part is that he even does a shit job at it. He spends like 30 minutes on a segment where he completely misunderstands Hempel's Raven, when in reality he's just applying the law of excluded middle.
I like Umineko, but the mystery/logic parts are just complete garbage.

Boobtoko the best.
Also i came here to shill iOS port, music choice is best of all there.

Why does that elementary schooler have big boobs?

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That's author vision.

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>mfw rereading Onikakushi after reading the answer arcs
Mion didn't deserve it

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Remember that if you believe in your waifu hard enough, she becomes real.

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