Why can't you babies just admit it?

Why can't you babies just admit it?

Attached: truth about bloodlines.jpg (2046x768, 338K)

Other urls found in this thread:


because bush did 9/11 and trump didn't

George Bush isn't Trump though. They're entirely different people.

“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“We talk about these issues constantly,” Ellison added. “Because we care about including people, we want them to feel powerful and sexy, and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”
>“I often look at like, how would someone feel sexy in this situation?” she explained, and said that there are definitely characters in there that will be shipped like mad. “Everyone in the studio is like ‘Yeah I would definitely go for that one. He’s my bae,’ kind of stuff. They’re often very unusual choices.”
>She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.

I'm pretty sure most people who come to Yea Forums nowadays haven't played it.

>ruined America

Sound pretty similar to me.

If you’re a retard, sure

American troops should die for Israel, both Bush and Trump agree

I think they'll actually avoid cheap jokes like this, to be honest. Of course, they might prove me wrong.

>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“We talk about these issues constantly,” Ellison added. “Because we care about including people, we want them to feel powerful and sexy, and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”
>“I often look at like, how would someone feel sexy in this situation?” she explained, and said that there are definitely characters in there that will be shipped like mad. “Everyone in the studio is like ‘Yeah I would definitely go for that one. He’s my bae,’ kind of stuff. They’re often very unusual choices.”
>She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.

Out of nowhere, Chechens dunking on your SJW shit lmaoooooo

>the whole writing staff got fired based off the book this second image was coming out of

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Sounds like a visual novel

The difference is that Bush was actually a monster responsible for destabilizing an entire region, responsible for death and misery for thousands of people. Obama followed in his footsteps.
Trump is a buffoon who wants to make a long wall and shitpost on twitter.

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Except Bush WAS part of a secret society called the Skull and Bones

Why even have any hope to begin with...

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Bush didn't ruin America. He got dealt a bad hand and him already being a dipshit didn't help.

One sent troops to the middle east for literally no reason whatsoever, while the other is trying to actively withdraw our boys from the sandbox, and is constantly trying to foster peace in the Korean peninsula

>Cara Ellison

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What the fuck did they do?

Just because Trump is a retard doesn't mean you shouldn't gas all trannies.

Well Trump killed innocent people in Yemen and Syria rather than in Iraq so that's different somehow.

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You're now imagining the current /pol/tard infested Yea Forums if GTA San Andreas released for the first time today

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This fag is still "alive" why?

>a game has politics as a part that enhances the fiction
nobody cares
>a game is used as a medium for personal political propaganda rather than good fiction
very cringe

When will you learn the difference

So they want to explore darker topics, but in a way where they actually put the time into determining how shit affects people rather than just going "This guy is just a weirdo!"?
How fucking shocking.
I am so angry at this for some reason.


Going too far too fast.

Attached: WoD.png (2475x1130, 879K)

You're only upset because the "personal political propaganda" is calling you an idiot.

>VtmB2 threads will be garbage /pol/ shit

>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“We talk about these issues constantly,” Ellison added. “Because we care about including people, we want them to feel powerful and sexy, and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”
>“I often look at like, how would someone feel sexy in this situation?” she explained, and said that there are definitely characters in there that will be shipped like mad. “Everyone in the studio is like ‘Yeah I would definitely go for that one. He’s my bae,’ kind of stuff. They’re often very unusual choices.”
>She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.

literally gay muslims taking over europe, this is so repressed racist it makes me wonder if its a form of sabotage

because that's one line in the game instead of the whole game feeding that bullshit to the player
example: life is strange 2

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>cancel books because some third world insects from buttfuck Chechnya get man

lool what's gonna happen? Magumedov from Shitholeistan is gonna send him angry messages via a pidgeon?


>how dare you not like propaganda you fascist

>We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness
this kills the Malkavian

Didn't Trump take action to get out of Syria? Doesn't that just say 'retain influence'? Doesn't it say the troops are gone? Like right in that picture? The one you posted?

>GTA San Andreas

if San Andreas came out today officer tenpenny would be white and the grove street gang would be portrayed as the good guy fighting against their police oppressors

(and that's a good thing)

See? Another hobby was on the verge of being ruined by these cunts, and yet they were stood up to and roundly beaten by people who didn't even play it.

>Some people are different from you, so we should have a variety of people
No wonder you don't have any friends.

Can't wait for this ultimate monkeypaw and all the butthurt it will generate.

If you're in Eastern Europe, you take Chechen killers calling you and threatening you very fucking seriously, especially if they've got the backing of Kadyrov

Really cute but falls short. On the right you need to now make the woman ugly, cover up her cleavage and censor that poster in the background. Then you'll at least get closer to what you're attempting to do.

Oh, almost forgot. Shrink her breasts too. Big breasts means men might like that and we don't want that happening.

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Chechnya is officially a part of Russia and Russia supports local government. If Russian authorities decided that White Wolf games are somehow against Russia they could be very nasty to them and even ban them from the Russian market. And they've already banned all NGO's sponsored by George Soros, so it's not like they lack balls to do so.

first game was wypipo garbage. second game will be wypipo garbage. go extinct and miss me with all that wh*teoid shit.

okay, guy

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Unironically true

Trump changes his mind every two hours, one time he says he is pulling out then it turns out they are keeping them in to defend Israel or some nonsense.

San Andreas gameplay garbage shit so I don't care about anything else.

3/10 try harder next time. The bait could be decent, but your timing is way off.

But that response is supposed to be a joke. It doesnt matter which name is there.

>and here comes the strawman
Every time you run out of "arguments".

user are you having a stroke, the intent doesn't matter.
Forcing people to think a certain way, you deem right is fascist. And It always makes for a bad piece of art

This. Not to mention that korea problem was started by clinton in 1994 when he gave em $5 billion and two nuclear reactors.
The nice thing about having a republican in office is the politcal jokes are better. Bush jokes were great. That italian god emperor float had me in stitches. Obama jokes got you shit canned or threatened with lawsuits because socialists are fragile thin skinned pussies.

>Forcing people to think a certain way, you deem right is fascist.
Damn, you're as dumb as you are ugly.

This, Chechens literally kill gay people for sport.

Not even trying to be edgy here, that's what's going on.

If anything resetera would be throwing a shitfit about the portrayal of black people as gangsters by white developers.

I've seen people criticise him for wanting to pull everyone out because it'll destabilize the regionn. You criticise him for the opposite. Seems like there isn't really a winning move, and people will just stick with whatever general bias they've got. At least you don't think he's a literal nazi or something, since it's no secret that Israel loves the guy.

based low iq poster

who let a woman get in my videogame, women don't even know how to portray themselves

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Do you even read what you write before hitting "post"? You tremendous faggot just contradicted yourself.

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Why do you care so much?

I roller my eyes about the Bush line back then, I'd roll my eyes about the Trump line now

And Obama drone bombed so many middle eastern countries on a regular basis that it was a joking point for him and has arguably caused ISIS to gain traction.

>Obama jokes got you shit canned or threatened with lawsuits because socialists are fragile thin skinned pussies.
Yeah no doubt.
Remember when the Democrat congressman was mocked on Twitter so he started a huge lawsuit because of it?

As a rule you should take whatever the mainstream media says about of Syria to be complete shit. You want to know what's really going on you check out obscure bloggers like Elijah Magnier and Seymour Hersh.

Also in Israel non-Jews are literally second-class citizens.

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>Bush didn't ruin America
True, but his cabinet did.

Obama destroyed Libya and helped start the mess in Yemen and Syria. He was part of the problem although he refused to blindly follow the Neocons like Bush did.

Trump is strange since he has literal neocons like John Bolton and Elliot Abrams working for him but he doesn't go all-in with the invasions.

>Sold America to Big Vlad.
MAGAtards are brainded

>Trump is strange since he has literal neocons like John Bolton and Elliot Abrams working for him but he doesn't go all-in with the invasions.

He's not a career politician so there's a slim chance he still has some tiny fragment of his soul left intact.

>He's not a career politician so there's a slim chance he still has some tiny fragment of his soul left intact.

I think he does, you could tell he was affected after that raid in Yemen in which a little girl died. The mainstream media was even angry at him for admitting that the US kills innocents.

The problem is that he is an extreme narcissist so he does things just to get approval from people, but also means he would rather get a Nobel peace price than start a major war.

Why the fuck does this cause so much autist rage?
World of Darkness was always progressive as fuck.

Damn, with reading comprehension that good you might finally be able to get your GED.

>muh Russian collusion
resetera tranny confirmed

>Why the fuck does this cause so much autist rage?

This is nothing, a couple of years ago people on Yea Forums would be foaming at the mouth over a leftist womz working on the game.

Hey, gotta be mad at something.

>“It’s the current year and the game will be WOKE garbage,” Mitsoda said

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It's 100% fucking true.

I don't think so, traps these days are either full "Death to all Jews" or "Death to America" in my experience.

Because most people's interactions with it will be video games and not the huge swath of splatbooks available for it.

I told you bro, I told you about cardio.

Your big boy is literally fueling the fires of war with Iran in the name of Israel and the Saudis. Get ready to send your remaining children to the slaughterhouse, Cletus.

You weren't going to buy the game in the first place

Okay, this makes sense
>game shits on bush
politics enhance the fiction

>game shits on trump
built around politics

>Jews are not a problem, guys, Israel is absolutely based!

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You know we don’t have a draft right

Why is this suddenly an issue? Games in the World of Darkness line, Vampire included, always had something of a liberal, hipster bent to it.

>helped start the mess in Yemen and Syria
Not even fuckin remotely.
That said, he handled it very mediocrely. Not that there was a way to get involved that wasn't going to be a shitshow, but still.
I feel like a lot of shit gets blamed on Obama that wasn't his fault, when his actual faults (complete mishandling of the economic recession that only got worse with Trump, increased involvement in Middle East, complete refusal to attempt to do anything which allowed actual scumbags like McConnell to bully him into submission, etc.) tend to get ignored. The saddest thing about Obama is that he wanted to be a centrist so fucking bad, but just could never understand why no one wanted to make deals with him.

Yeah, the devs have made it clear there is no political intent with the new game and have come out strongly discouraging such an interpretation.

You do know hicks still sending their young to the military to spill their blood for (((them))), right?

I didn't say that, the image was made by an user strawmaning. see to know the real state of the new game

Also the developers are now shitting on the old game for progressive points calling it problematic.
So don't even try to say it was always progressive

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>posting some trump (good goy and israel best friend) supporters
wew lad

The whole point of Trump was to clear the Republican party of neocon filth.

Now look at the Dems still clinging on to their neolib masters.

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>Trump goes to fucking North-Korea
>North-Korea is like piece and love niggas
>Trump goes to meet Putin
>Russia is like piece and love niggas

>Bush is like lol shoot em all fucking terrorists oh shit 9/11

It's like there's a difference.

Personally I wish Zionists would stop trying to self-Holocaust.

This, you can hate trump all you want but he will never be responsible for the magnitude of failures that bush was responsible for.

He allowed Saudi Arabia to bomb Yemen and even provided air support and weapons. Obama never tried to mess with the status quo and so he always arrived at garbage compromises.

>masculine power fantasy
>the original

Wtf that game made vampires swag as fuck

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How is any of this corporate spiel about wanting a game to be more open "political"? Do you want Paradox to come out and say how much they fucking hate cripples and autists?

also, why do you want me to read a resetera thread?

>huurrr I dont want a mature gamne I want to run around as and slap people with FISH XDDD
Fuck off faggot, nobody likes you and I am glad they aren't taking that approach for the game.

they are literally shitting on the old game for being problematic male power fantasy

Why do people who have so little knowledge on the subject, feel so sure that bush is evil. Its full dunning krueger. Read Cohen or Rumsfeld. The Iraq war was pretty mismanaged. But the invasion itself was necessary.

Probably means the second half of the game that everybody loves.

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I'm a leftie and I agree with this. While Trump's rhetoric is far worse and divisive than Dubya's, people have the memory of a fucking gnat and can't even remember that Bush sent us into a senseless war that killed over a million innocents.
I mean, I don't doubt that Trump would if he could, but he hasn't done so yet.

I don't disagree, in the sense that he did jack shit to help. But what is happening in the Middle East was decades long in the making and just happened to happen when he was in office.

Where did they say it was "problematic"

>we want to avoid making fun of mental illness
>but we're still gonna have the stopsign item that makes fun of schizophrenics! Fuck them, they're not people!
disgusting, and I hope this game flops because of it.

if you actually watch the panel. They are very clearly doing anything but shitting on the first one. They are jerking it off and spending most the time promising it will be the same/

>If only people knew how bad things really are

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>But the invasion itself was necessary.

t. Neocon

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Because in 2019 she would be ugly black talking about cops guns gays and white supremacism and all your answers would be TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.
Back then she was sexy (because devs weren't Scared of women's beauty) and just asked you a question and YOU (the player) could CHOOSE (yeah a hard concept for a modern RPG) to be that kind of a joking about politics guy.

well no shit, Im not some naive idealist.

Saudi Arabia decided to invade Yemen out of nowhere because MBS wanted to make power moves since he was in charge of the military. It was the stupidest thing imaginable.

Well, women are sexy and male characters don't have any disadvantage, guess that's "problematic" in the current year.

>How is any of this corporate spiel about wanting a game to be more open "political"?
Cause the developers themselves say they are making it political.
> Do you want Paradox to come out and say how much they fucking hate cripples and autists?
No I don't think they should say anything, or take any "stance" cause it's a fucking game, it's not gonna change the world and any attempt at influencing public opinions is pure cringe

and then they say shit like this

Oh ok, I just visited the snuff film place and gonna go to some snuff mansion or some shit, no idea how far I am.

No one supports trump right now so replacing bush with trump or obama would make no difference. They are all the same.

>It's political game
>We are totally balanced guys
>BTW the previous game is problematic and here have some random pronouns

Attached: HE.jpg (494x597, 46K)

He's writing a movie about the Obama Administration?

The only legit libertarians are left-libertarians.

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I wish every crossboarder would immediately get shot in the head the exact moment they posted

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>and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”
None of the original fanbase will feel it is for them, which I figure is a big part of the appeal these people see in reviving old franchises; to spit the fandom in the face.

Yea Forums isn't old enough to remember the bush administration

They got asked by the journalist about this shit, you bumbling retard, what do you want them to do?

Creating chaos across the world, leading to millions of dead, economic crisis and countless refugees is just pragmatism.

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What is wrong with that? The first game, and WoD in general are extremely political. I would hate for them to half ass it. Is the issue basically that they didn't go full Division 2 and just pretend the game isn't political?

Where did they say the game was problematic or bad? You guys are assuming that they said they hated the original

>at the end only the jews won
Gee I wonder who's behind that post.

>Oh ok, I just visited the snuff film place and gonna go to some snuff mansion or some shit, no idea how far I am.

That's where the fun begins.

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>Because in 2019 she would be ugly black talking about cops guns gays and white supremacism and all your answers would be TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.
Why do you guys always concoct this hyperbolic scenario that would never happen?
You're always like,"What's next? A black cripple trans women..." followed by some ridiculous scenario where the white man is being belittled. This shit never fucking happens.

>None of the original fanbase will feel it is for them
>Game is basically the same except now there are some queer people in it

>The first game,
bullshit and you know it

>>None of the original fanbase will feel it is for them
>>Game is basically the same but there aren't some queer people in it
we can play these stupid games all night

>I figure is a big part of the appeal these people see in reviving old franchises; to spit the fandom in the face
Actually, is the businessmen being retarded. They think the brand recognition will automatically sell to the older audience, you the invest 100% of the development and marketing into "new audiences". Is just greediness and retardation, just look at Disney and SW.

>>>Game is basically the same but there aren't some queer people in it
seedoes that sound like its going to be that same

about halfway through the game and almost at the sewers, the worst part of any game ever

Why don't the baby devs admit it, they hate their audience and would rather be doing anything than making games in this "toxic gamer culture"
Cry more about crunch and muh unions

>dude, realpolitik is fake. Sadam wanted weapons so he could love us all to death while we sing together.
>also that fucking neocon churchill got us into that horrible war with hitler, why couldn't we just have been allies!?

Absolutely based but bluepilled.

>generic dev bullshit about power fantasy and wanting a mature story


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If you don't think VTMB is political. You need to give your head a serious shake. I mean there is literally a faction called the "anarchs" basically I figuired out the issue. When heavily political games like the Division 2 just go "nah no politics" retards go "oh okay cool SJWs btfo" and then you enjoy it. So just pretend they did it here.

>They got asked by the journalist about this shit, you bumbling retard, what do you want them to do?
Maybe something like Ubisoft did, not take a "stance". It's a company looking to make money from as many people as possible.

When people say we don't want politics in games, they don't mean the game can't have political themes, goverments, civil war or other shit, but rather it should not be an outlet for personal political stances, because it's a product people pay money for. Nobody wants to pay money to get indoctrinated into a specific way of thinking.

>>generic dev bullshit about power fantasy and wanting a mature story

how do you know that's bullshit ?

Believe it or not, there are people here who buys games they deem good enough.

Yeah but game journos are just going to praise this and hype it up until release, no matter what. Its smart business decision, because if they didn't, they'd only get bad press from major gaming outlets, if the journos would even bother playing it (like that Kingdom Come game)

>>also that fucking neocon churchill got us into that horrible war with hitler, why couldn't we just have been allies!?
>well better help the commies, ruin europe and create the state of israel
Thanks dude. At least they mutilated your penis as reward.

Paradox is fucking stupid. Onyx Path is made up of a lot of the original staff. They put some good shit, most notably the anniversary stuff, and the Werewolf book in nwod way outdid apocalypse. Then Paradox makes a new White Wolf made up of what is basically "fans" and what do we get? Garbage.

Nevertheless, since they shitcanned new White Wolf, I'm hesitantly looking forward to seeing the development of the bloodlines game.

>Trump isn't neocon filth

>If you don't think VTMB is political.

the first game wasn't political and all you can find are some meaningless jokes in a game that's over 30 hours give it up user

>This shit never fucking happens
Are you sure about that?

Lets remember that one Wolfenstein game where you killed nazis back then and kill them again, but with a twist in one particular scene which includes
>Ugly black chick
>fuck whitey
>white cuck
>fuck whitey
>breast feeding
>fuck whitey
>white ass nazi pigs
>fuck whitey

I liked Wolfenstein back then when you just had a shootout with a mecha Hitler. But (((they))) decided its a good game to make a political statement with.

Attached: wolfenstein_2-1.png (730x411, 372K)

Again, game "journos" were always a bunch of sellouts, but nowadays they just make clickbait shit. Games sell if they are good and make more money in long run.

You mispelled sucking israeli dick for the latter point you made there

Realpolik is mostly nonsense that's used as an excuse to destroy things for no good reason.

But back then progressives were the opposite of religious nuts. Now they are religious nuts with different color palette. Back then they were protecting people from witch-hunts, not initiating ones.

Jokes making fun of political figures is fine.
What most people don’t like is there being 50 trans black women all talking about how oppressed they are by white males

>the first game wasn't political and all you can find are some meaningless joke
that is surface level. every faction is incredibly politicized and there are very serious ideological themes. shit is pretty hamfisted at times. I am sorry you were dropped on your head so many times the literal name "anarchs" was not even a fucking give away for you.

Every time I see her face I remember how drop dead sexy her voice was.

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>black cripple trans women

That's not as strange as you think.

I think a more important issue is how much DLC VtMB had, and how much 2 has. Because holy fuck can we settle down?

Kinda scary to think some Toreador or Ventrue could use their powers to force you to adhere to whatever worldview they ascribe to, and not only would you be unable to resist, you wouldn't even perceive the change, and if you did, you'd think it'd be an awesome development. It goes bothways.

/pol/fags go out in the middle of the night and are amazed, next day they are advocating LGBT rights
tumblrfag does the same and can come out suddenly 100% all races but his own are dogshit

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How much DLC did VtmB have? All I know is the fan patches.

>that is surface level. every faction is incredibly politicized
now youre reading into things

>shit is pretty hamfisted at times

were just another gang of people trying to use you


Well he's doing a shitty job at making friends with them

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Have developers even played the original? This gonna be Twilight: the video game i swear.

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You hit the nail on the head.

I wish that SJW, antifa, commies and feminists had mosques.

When leftists whined about Bush at least it was coherent and not a bunch of autistic screeching over identity politics.

>not posting the superior version

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>surprised that vampire shit, one of the most appealing things to queer people, is SJW
bruh the fanbase for the game outside of here probably overlaps completely with Anne Rice fans

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That's fucking it. Since 2016 lefties just went and started shitposting IRL.


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Don't fucking care, fuck off, not buying it, not playing it. Pozzed franchise.

I can get this is more detail?


I want to go back to last night so bad; the comfy music on stream, the discord leak, the Tender play, Yea Forums exploding in hype, Rudiposting getting drowned out by hype, the trailer dropping, Troika key members and Rik Schaffer returning, all the fan pandering. The next day happens and everyone has to double down on why it's going to be shit instead of looking at the positives. Why can't we just be happy that we're finally getting a sequel bros?

Attached: isolated together.png (1277x1023, 1.26M)

I always thought that Vampire was most appealing to school shooters.

164 replies and 29 images omitted.
/pol/ is seething as fuck.

You can't make product for everyone. You just can't

>this made conservative heads explode so badly they’re still posting it to this day

This is going to happen, its already happening. You can't make fun of political issues anymore, the right has mirrored its master, and Trump is the biggest crybaby president we've ever had.

>happy we're finally getting a sequel
I'd wait for it to come out before I start sucking its tranny dick user.

Did she actually say fuck whitey or is this a meme?

how many people have the right gotten fired for making jokes?


C*ck, s*y, tranny, is there anything else /pol/ wants to run into the ground?

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>Why can't you babies just admit it?
The main difference seems to be that the left obtained momentum within the society, their stances became moderate stances, and they kept running trying to be the most virtuous in the religion. So you have people being fired, you have people screeching and gaggles following behind them snapping their fingers because clapping is a form of assault, and you have people openly cheering about 8 year olds boys dressing in drag, taking ketamine, and dancing at strip clips.

I'm in the center and I can say that Bush and Trump are both shit presidents, and it carries the same weight as it did in VtM:B. Yet when the modern day left say it, they're coming from a position of being fomori.

>back then
>"oh WW, so left wing" and ignored their shit
>10 /pol/ threads every hour
Why can't you babies just admit it?

>snapping their fingers because clapping is a form of assault,

>now youre reading into things
Also I mean what makes you think Metal Gear has anything to say about Nukes? where is your proof. next you are going to say MGS V has some moby dick allegories? haha, nah Ishmael and Ahab are just a gang of people user. Pequod is just a helicopter. And you can't prove otherwise, I am literally to stupid to figure out the most ham fisted shit. Sorry user, but you either havent played VTMB, or are legitimately retarded if you didn't realize it is political.

still mo proof

that's a lot of words for saying I've go nothing

The proof is the fucking game. Imagine playing the game, seeing the faction called fucking "anarchs" and thinking, nope just a bunch of dudes, no ideological underpinning here. I mean it was already said enough Sabbatt, ventrue, lacroix, and werewolves went over your head.

so what would you say is VMTB over all political message?

>i've got nothing.
Play the game user. The Camarilla are an authoratian regime, it discusses opression of versious sects and types of vampire such as Thinbloods. Werewolves are global warming, the Anarchs represent anarchy, there is a literal fucking commie in the game discussing her politics, sabbatt represent relgious fundamentalism and the list goes on. Most WRPGs are political as fuck. I can not actually think of a good one that is not.

Fixed your pic, bro.

Attached: asd.jpg (2046x768, 669K)

I hope they devs insert some ridiculous char to trigger /pol/acks on purpose, nothing is funnier than pathetic triggered /pol/tards.

>Werewolves are global warming

Nope I'm done

Just please try having sex with a real woman before you launch a civil war over it, that's all we ask

it is pretty hamfisted user. I am truly sorry. It is a really good game though, you should try it regardless.

curiousity killed the cat? dont blindly trust government? sometimes pragmatism and order require compromise? see
It is an RPG with various political factions and messeges, it is not a book with a "central Messege" so it is kinda blurred. That is like saying what is the central political messege of NV. Well the 1000x different ways you can play through it say different things.

>there is a literal fucking commie in the game discussing her politics,

she's a walking joke no one likes her not even her own faction

>I know noting about the setting and I need to prove that I'm retarded
Good job I guess.

A clear display of thoughtlessness on the original devs' part. Good thing we've become more mature since then.

as long as they make it so I can kill people I disagree with then i'll still play it

if not, no buy

Shit's gotten ludicrous. It's 1984 meets Tipper Gore. I think another side of it is that the monolithic front in society is no longer 50s Reaganite conservatism. And an irate disdain for authority is no longer a leftist thing. It's been usurped by a desire for power and control. "Fuck the man" is no longer the attitude at play. It's "We deserve power and you will obey. And any who side against us will be sorry they didn't kneel when they had the chance."

Putting it in VtM:B terms: Today, both sides would open it.

I am not a fan of her. That is not the point. If the game came out today she would be proof that it is a 0/10 SJW propaganda mess, and then I would see nothing put twitter caps and other unrelated shit ruining any discussion. If they said "we are removing characters like that and the Anarch faction (or any faction really since they are all political) to appease /pol/ I would be angry. I when they reassure it is remaining political I am happy. Even if it means factions I dont support are in the game. I mean it is a RPing game, I will probably RP as someone who supports every faction at one point.

Here's something you don't understand: Bush is deep state, Trump is not.

I like when people complain about there being no jokes about Obama but plenty for Bush/Trump. It's because the latter both have larger than life personalities that can be easily exploited while Obama did shady shit under the "wholesome" normal boring politician personality. It's not entirely a republican issue either, Clinton era had tons of jokes at his expense because again, his personality is larger than life.

It's hard to write actual funny jokes about Obama that isn't just "lol nigger"

How can he practice Islam if he's asleep during the day ?

The joke makes sense in context about Bush. It doesn't really apply to Trump.

>she would be proof that it is a 0/10 SJW propaganda mess

no she wouldn't because she is treated as a joke by the whole game if anything SJW's would be butthurt about her

Your mom wishes you got some exercise and vitamin D occasionally.

this should make anyone hard explode because he's a walking contradiction

>TFW you try to write a joke about Obama and hear a buzzing noise in the distance

Bush earned his hate, like a real man. All Trump did is choose the wrong side at the wrong time.

Attached: Trump p party.png (241x116, 8K)

In Bloodlines one of the joke lines is telling a Brujah you voted Republican
Why can't the joke in Bloodlines 2 be telling a Ventrue you voted Democrat?

Attached: A.png (184x172, 3K)

>>Why can't the joke in Bloodlines 2 be telling a Ventrue you voted Democrat?
>You tell a Ventrue you voted Democrat
>So did they

More accurately it'd be this, and you know it.

Attached: file.png (2046x768, 1.13M)

>curiousity killed the cat? dont blindly trust government? sometimes pragmatism and order require compromise?

or maybe the video game doesn't have a over all political message because it wasn't made with politics in mind

>no she wouldn't because she is treated as a joke by the whole game
Any of this would go over all these retards heads user.
>ooga booga Damsel is a tankie
>nulines is Discord tranny trash!


Attached: Untitled.jpg (2046x768, 263K)

I think that would be a better punchline. You would assume that a Ventrue would be against Democrats because he's rich and he'd have to pay higher taxes. But he's a vampire, so he never paid taxes.
Again, the question isn't why they criticize republicans, there's not a problem with that. The problem is they don't also criticize democrats.

>they don't mean the game can't have political themes, goverments, civil war or other shit

That's politics.

nah. Like NV has a lot to say about fascism. That does not mean it has a central messege about Facism, just because Cesar's legion can mostly be ignored. a central messege can only be found in something linear like spec ops or MGS.

>Any of this would go over all these retards heads user.

no it fucking wound't because Yea Forums has been picking at damsel for years

>Games infested with leftist politics can't be goo-

Attached: FNV_box_art_(US).jpg (1330x1650, 1.1M)

>But he's a vampire, so he never paid taxes
Why wouldn't a vampire have to pay tax?

>Yea Forums has been picking at damsel for years
Most these people came here for GG, and never heard of this game until now. Most of Yea Forums at the time, was mostly talking about if they would fuck her or not. The holdouts discussed her as such, because they enjoyed the game before their mindrotted to the point were they go out of their way to find shit to call SJW and get mad at.

What leftist politics is it infested with?


They can't anymore. There was huge outrage the RDR2 let you kill the feminist.

They can bloodbond a jewish accountant.

Attached: AwmsuOw.png (898x152, 35K)

>Most these people came here for GG, and never heard of this game until now.

what does that have to with anything the game makes he blatant joke from the moment you meet her

>just admit it?
Ok, the jews pretty much rule the american establishment

When would a vampire have to pay payroll tax?
You see any of them working hourly jobs?
When would a vampire have to pay estate tax?

and neets who whine about ess-jay-dubyas aren't among them

REMOVE THE GAE is leftist politics? She doesn't even get to kill the cis white male lmao

Chris Avellone is friends with Zoe Quinn.


The game explicitly rewards you more for being female.

Avellone is based and redpilled, lad.

Attached: Avellone BTFOing Obsidian.png (1155x250, 56K)

Probably means the part of the game where there is endless formed combat.

>already pre-ordered for $16
Now it's time to hibernate for a year

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>You see any of them working hourly jobs?
Yes. They also own property, or is property tax not a thing in WoD?

Two things, talking to a person /= being friends with them, and how is that in the game?

Autism speaks loud on Yea Forums.
If Prince of Egypt came out recently everybody would be shitting on it and going full WE WUZ for making Egyptians tan and projecting an insane African cuckoldry narrative onto it

Attached: sjwvegas.png (914x204, 49K)

how is this political?

People cant have fun anymore, americans ruined everything for everyone

Two gays isn't an infestation, they can't even breed to make more like cockroaches lmao. Just kill them, the game lets you do that. You can literally kill 100% of all the gays in New Vegas, that's how lefty they are.

>How is shoehorning in LGBT characters political

They'll invent some new boogieman soon, not even they are retarded enough to keep pretending that "discord trannies" are responsible for billions of /pol/tard hating posts on Yea Forums.

You have been living under a rock and the rock was put there by literal neocons from Breitbart.

Attached: neil druckman.jpg (600x393, 196K)

If Prince of Egypt came out now he would

but they didn't he actually feels like a real character that doesn't relay on the fact that he's gay

You need to go back to ResetEra.

That's not Chris Avellone, that's some unwashed arab.

They can pick anything as an enemy, wouldn't surprise me if /pol/ goes full Yang Gang and starts blaming everything bad on conservatives.

>what does that have to do with the giant whoosh sound you can hear when someone is trying to get offended and comes across a joke

>it's shoehorning because he exists

>game that features California politicians being detached from the people and the struggles of the military they send out to enact their will opposed by fascists mantling the iconography of an empire they have no connection to
>the best outcomes of the game rely not on a reliance on one steamroller or the other, but on retaining independence and competent local governance.
Really, this is also a perceived theme of Fallout 4, as much as I dislike the game.
Not political. So long as they're not preying on the weak or attacking the rights of others or the integrity of the society, people are free to do whatever.

This but unironically.

Couldn't you have gay sex with Jaenette in the original?

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He never mentions his sexuality if you don't ask. It never comes up, ever, unless you are gay yourself and try to flirt with him.

As are Holocaust survivors. Israel has nothing but disdain for them. They're living in shacks on rooftops because the government literally refuses to give these 80+ year olds the money they've already taken from Germany.


>integrity of the society

t. Muslim Russian

/pol/ in shambles ITT

guilt by association.
christ /pol/ wants to talk about everything but the games themselves.
why did you guys stop worshiping Milo? he also doesnt play vidya.

>user makes a gay character
>wtf why is Arcade a fag
Imagine being a dumb /pol/tard

Attached: 1551527118382.jpg (449x401, 21K)

I knew Germany was still giving Holocaust reparations but I didn't heard that the money was being misused. Wouldn't surprise me if true.

Does anyone even like the Trump admin though?

Left can't meme

People here dont care, they are legitimate manchildren running against the current because they hate people who dislike them for saying nigger

Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong.



>Does anyone even like the Trump admin though?



>/pol/ goes full Yang Gang and starts blaming everything bad on conservatives
Nope, zero chance
Genetic trash needs a specific kind of culture.
They must be rewarded for being themselves biologically (my race = good, others = bad) and for following the herd but in a mildly contrarian way (traditionalism, islam-like religiosity). They also need to be reaffirmed constantly that they are "winning" and that the world is ending because of something incredibly vague ("degeneracy", "downfall") but they're the saviors.

Yang Gang would need to become really similar to conservatism to meet most of those.

Chump change.

Also no proofs of claim.

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she said it herself

I think most people have no ideology and just pretend to out of fear and confusion. Most will sell out their fake ideals for a bag of cash.

Provide proofs or go home.

>Destroy the family
>Destroy nation identity
>Destroy Religion
>Wtf people are identifying with their race now
Don't pretend this culture isn't your own creation. You made this bed now lie in it.

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I bet they will make the vampires antifa in this game

That's the point

>>Wtf people are identifying with their race now
Which race? They are all mutts.

I love my president!

The anarchs are pretty much antifa.

No they aren't

>Destroy the family
>Destroy nation identity
>Destroy Religion

Attached: 1478061765459.png (767x768, 213K)


Nothing worse than retarded shut-in inept neets that bitch and whine all day about a society they dont even participate in

Attached: 3678767.png (641x480, 518K)

>Is gay
>Barely mentions being gay
>Is not allowed to be gay because of her extended "family" 's values
>Only slightly grumbles about it and otherwise is a functioning adult

They need their backpats with no need to actually do anything.
They'd sell their fake ideals, but then pick them up again, because those ideals are just so easy to have.

When there is a political side that rewards just existing and doing what you wanted to do anyway, the dregs will naturally drift towards it.

I think if you want an inclusive product you need to give a voice to everyone so I'm looking forward to roleplaying as a white supremacist who defends the realm from muslims, sodomites and jews


Remove what people common aspects people identify with, and surprise surprise they identify with whatevers left.

pic unrelated?

so where can I """""""""legally""""""""" get this game for free? I wanna try this game (the old one)


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To be fair Tim Pool is a centrist cuck that just panders to the right rather than an actual /pol/tard

Gannon is the least offensive gay in any video game ever made. You have to go out of your way to find out he's gay, he doesn't act like it at all, and is interesting for totally different reasons.


that's satire you dummy

Pic kinda related, he's another guy that spews bullshit to feed his audience
I agree

none of the other anarchs are like her and most cant stand her

I just want a game where I kill degenerates

>make a cishet white male character
>NPCs won't shut up about white male privilege
>tell me how dull/normal I am
>call me alt-right nazi, incel and shitlord
>say how everything would be better if people like me just left to live in the sewers
I just wanted to be left alone and play videogames.

Anarchs are just as useless and ineffectual.

>he doesn't like what I like so he is a neet!

Well substantiated accusation, moron.

you really trust them to do that?

Attached: 1398689056281.png (184x184, 57K)

>setting about how vampires controlled the world since forever
>they were behind the roman empire, literally inventing fascims
>they were behind every single empire and totalitarian ruler
>they were behind the religion wars
>they were behind the WW2
>somehow they hate the [current year] right wing (technically also controlled by them)
Fucking WW m8.

Attached: 1509916673032.png (773x943, 624K)

Everything I don't like is /pol/. Fuck off.

So it was that game, seems the team was five people so over a couple of years they would run out of money.

Kickstarter was a false god.

So this isn't cringeworthy or tasteless pandering as far as you're concerned?

It's not even misused. They just give so few fucks that they can't be bothered to make sure it gets to the people who need it. The only reason they aren't dead is because of charity organizations.

>I dindn't played the game
Other Anarchs think she's retarded. Like how Yea Forums thinks about /pol/tards like you.

>F-35 doesn't work

t. butthurt bugman

haha triggered /pol/ manbaby

He just does things for money, he would turn full pussy hat if Soros waved a bunch of dollars bills in front of him.

That is Assassin's Creed level of bad writing.

Yeah, political strategy resulting in possible resolution of the Korean War is shit. I hate it too user!

I bet they will make you only able to kill republicans in this game

>When there is a political side that rewards just existing and doing what you wanted to do anyway, the dregs will naturally drift towards it.

That's literally #YangHang.

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Point out the bullshit

Twilight isn’t feminist. It’s rape fantasy: the movie. It’s still gay as fuck but it’s not feminist

Literally just google "world of darkness chechnya".

There isn't anything interesting, they just went too far and it bit them in the ass really hard.

it makes no sense but people will try and defend it because they are desperate for a game

right now I'm collecting preorder post for a screenshot for when the game come and ends up being shit

The approach is just identity with anything and be happy.

I said can say. I don't disagree universally with either. I have a more balanced approach where I understand that things go beyond BAD and GOOD.

I bet you will only have the option to play as a tranny in this game

Well, in terms of statistics, he's right. Divorce rates are up, single parenthood is up in all races, fewer Americans feel proud of their country, and atheism is up. Meanwhile, focus on skin color is hotter than ever. I can't really disagree with the premise of his argument.

>Anarchs are just as useless and ineffectual.

In the game they are very effective.

Just like Antifa.

yes that's how it works. they add a "btw I'm gay" character so they can virtue signal how progressive they are and normalize faggotry. a non-political gay character would be flaming and constantly used for gay jokes.

The top of his head

I dunno, dating an abusive badboy and cucking the beta are typical feminist behaviors.

Well, I guess it has some appeal for the conservatives.

Still, it doesn't let them feel special. They'd be only as rewarded as the uncool people, while conservatism claims their dumb asses are saviors of humanity because they REEE about people who aren't like them.

Attached: 1447345625048.gif (240x240, 165K)

>In the game they are very effective.

no they really aren't you end up doing everything for them


Attached: 1533469323648.jpg (560x420, 57K)

I would love to see Antifa go up against 1920s Freikorps instead of Donald-shilling Boomers.

Attached: 1 trillion dollars.png (675x1151, 742K)

You're right, you need to actually do something to ruin america

>Just like Antifa

all they did was make trump look like a hero recently

Nah Twilight was written by a Mormon. If you watch Twilight it's about monogamy, marriage and no sex before marriage. A literal 100 year old virgin vampire saved himself for the right girl. Shit's conservative yo

That's not what the pic is implying.
It's more like
>what are the reasons to actually care about those things?

Out of those, only family is really defensible and only if you consider "family" in the lefty sense, not "something that you don't allow FUCKING FAGGOTS to get".

>Trump look like a hero ever
To who? boomers? He looks and acts like a retard

but all they do is get beat up most of the time like Saturday morning cartoon henchmen

Bush was in Skull and Bones, Trump wasn't. The joke doesn't work with him.

Attached: Bush Easter Bunny.jpg (547x599, 37K)

That article was written 4.5 years ago.

>/pol/ propaganda
Wrong. They are very effective at what they do which is shutting down fascists.

There you go again. Not everyone is a far left retard like you who won't shut the fuck up about politics. Also not video games.

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Smiling jack is still dead?

it doesnt need to turn or climb when it has sensor linking

it can literally just rc nearly unlimited ammo from wherever at whatever angle

Making fun of MIGA man is fine, just hope it's not overflowed with disabled muslim trannies.

if anything they empower them and get them attention and money

Faggots were always allowed to get married.
To a woman in a sham marriage while you suppress your degeneracy your whole life.

Fuck this thread. I miss when Yea Forums was fun. No one gives a shit about what you think.

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Vampires stopped openly ruling when the Inquistion happened.
And they literally aren't involved in WW2 at large

Wrong again. Ask Milo how it worked out for him

milo wrecked himself with those weird ass comments about pedophilia

Social fabric is important. Religion and national identity are generally easy ways to help with that as long as they don't violate individual freedom and freedom of association. To me, the decline in those things is more a symptom of the problem, rather than a problem in and of itself.

It's more crazy than you think.


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>that gif.

actually it makes sense when you realize the performance was about sexual urges/feelings/desires of the mentally and physically handicapped.

required viewing

>I would love to see Antifa go up against 1920s Freikorps instead of Donald-shilling Boomers.

WW2 was mostly a fight between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Who won?

Attached: country by country.jpg (924x592, 129K)

It's basically an open secret that older gay men groom younger gay men though. Milo just committed a gay faux pas. George Takei did the same thing except he had enough social credit to spend to get out of it.

McCain, the grand boomer himself

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>thinking the Red Army would want anything to do with modern coffee-shop commies.

Nothing has changed.

Attached: okinawa.png (864x706, 283K)

Neocohens were literally naive idealists, except this time they had guns and tanks. They also had origins to Trotskyists and other heebs

He was literally paid by the CIA to spread anti-soviet propaganda you idiot. His books deals and tours also relied on his ridiculous lies. Hilarious when you use his line ''useful idiots'' when it is you.

Attached: 1553274979452.jpg (250x238, 8K)

>Religion and national identity are generally easy ways to help with that
Nah, they are a bandaid fix that lets you pat yourself on the back for "doing something" while not achieving anything.
All the countries where religion and national identity flourishes are shitholes, all the countries that are worth something are treating those two as completely personal at most and inane in other cases.

Religion does not do its job. It doesn't make people moral, it doesn't make moral people religious.
National identity is poor man's altruism (and much less effective at helping the nation), except during war.

Milo stopped being relevant the moment his billionaire sugar daddy stopped giving him money. It really shows how everything has worked since the Powell Memorandum.

Attached: DtrkxygWwAEaUNN.jpg (796x497, 59K)

>Source: your ass

Modern Russians are extremely homophobic and they don't like Nazis either.

Attached: 1518310113253.jpg (2560x1440, 780K)

Dude he was a defector who burned his bridges with the Soviets. Audiences ate up all his red scare tier stories, its how he made a living.

>All the countries where religion and national identity flourishes are shitholes
Western arrogance at work, they may be shitholes now, but will you be able to say the same 50 years from now. The West has nowhere to go but down, meanwhile China and the third world is rising.

yep either way it had noting to do with antifa for milo they were like a free advertising service

>banned all NGO's sponsored by George Soros

The sheer amount of excuses you retards can come up with. He didn't even say the KGB was responsible for the subversion, they just assisted in speeding the process along.

>He didn't even say the KGB was responsible for the subversion, they just assisted in speeding the process along.
And? lmao

Both zionist puppets tho

There are pretty big communist parties in greece and india. There is also China, North Korea and Cuba

Do you know Chechens are Russian Muslims?

Modern russians are basically muslims in every way except for the minor details like prophet's name, religious symbol, deadly hard drug of choice etc.

Yes, and?

He is literally describing Orwellian subversion techniques used by all intelligence agencies including the CIA, Mossad and the KGB.

The KGB was more known for spreading propaganda and misinformation. The CIA were the ones mostly known for mass subversion and mind control.

if you call China or fucking Juche communist you're literally retarded

So you are saying that Christianity and Islam are very similar.

Which is true.

Civilizations naturally crumble over time with the detioration of its values and ideals. It's entropy and everyone who has studied the history of empires knows this shit. Allowing this trend of political polarization in the West to spread will only destroy your nations.
>pretty big
>NK and Cuba being relevant
>China is the least communist communist country there ever was

They both are Marxist Leninist states. So yes they are communist.

As opposed to what? You said they are bandaids. And yes, in a sense, they are not perfect in an ideal sense. But in reality, the average person does not employ critical thinking at a high enough level to create this fabric on their own. You point out flaws, but propose no solution.
If a country has mobilized 1 billion people to work toward the goal of supremacy, how will you counter that? Under what mechanism will you unite a society that can stand up to that?

Jesus didn't fuck a nine year old girl. That's a pretty major difference

Wait a second, are you implying the Nazis weren't socialists?

Not all christians are full on pedophilic goatfuckers who want to behead everyone but themselves.
Greenland christians are pretty chill, for example. Far from the subhumans in slav countries, where "christian" pretty much implies "immoral and dumb".

I assure you, the jabs won't be subtle.

It'll be hamfisted, awkward and moodkilling because nuance is left on the sidelines when politics are being pushed to the degree it is today

You're being ironically retarded, right?

Well fuck in that case I guess China is a republic in that case, after all, why would they lie about their government?

Is called "joke", user. And this time it should be pretty obvious.

China is a mixed economy, there is no private ownership of land so it's not properly capitalist.

Hitler was a social democrat.

You retards and your "jokes"

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>Jesus didn't fuck a nine year old girl

Well he was probably gay or a woman.

Attached: 1480432588052.jpg (900x900, 258K)

>>pretty big
Yep, peoplesworld.org/article/200-million-on-strike-in-india-communist-party-leaders-detained/
>>NK and Cuba being relevant
They are? Sure they aren't world powers or anything but as countries their size they do well
>>China is the least communist communist country there ever was
No? They literally want to achive communism by 2050. If anything it's you who's illiterate.
How do they lie about their goverment?

>constantly trying to foster peace in the Korean peninsula


>You retards
I ain't the one seriously discussing politics in a video games board, user.

>Hitler was a social democrat

Attached: 1527019878305.jpg (585x399, 79K)

>pedophilic goatfuckers who want to behead everyone but themselves

I am talking about Islam, not ISIS.

Attached: isis israel.png (707x551, 165K)

Their name is the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC of China. No matter how much of a retarded tankie you are, you seriously can't believe that China is a republic in any sense of the word.

>Jesus didn't fuck a nine year old girl
That's why Muhammad is our guy instead of him.



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i discussed nothing

>If a country has mobilized 1 billion people to work toward the goal of supremacy
How would it achieve it?
Not with religion or "national identity".
Those are effective at creating the facade of working, not at actually getting people to focus on the task.

So it's not 1 billion working people, it's 1 billion people who walk from place to place and repeat patriotic slogans.

Getting people to work on a task requires paying them and letting them buy shit with this money.
You can't work around this by repeating mantras about eternal reward - only the really naive will fall for that.
You can't work around this by praising the nation - those who listen to praising their nations are huge egoistic cunts who routinely backstab said nation. They only care about the nation because the praise makes them feel proud.

Admit what, that you have a strawman argument over two lines of dialogue?
David Hayter was lampooned in the game too, people didn't lose their shit over that either.
Remember that mission in Hollywood? He got info from a Nos about vampires and was writing a movie script about it.

>/pol/ is triggered enough to spend time making that

Nice source you commie retard

>I am talking about Islam, not ISIS.
The Prophet Muhammad would like to have a word with you.

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>Under what mechanism will you unite a society that can stand up to that?


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What? It's true. Both the Greek and Indian communist parties are pretty big. You can search it up if you want.

Because no good games will ever come out of the US again until sjwfags are fucking gassed. I thought we went over this already, about how the industry is shit and you shouldn't get hyped about any sequels because they aren't going to be handled by the original guys who are since gone from the original company who filled the spaces they left behind with diversity hires, etc, etc. I will wait until it comes out, if there's even a single nugget of "wokeness" inside it I won't even pirate it, it would be like eating lasagna with a piece of shit inside, I just can't play games anymore if there's even the slightest hint of feminist bullshit propaganda, but hey if you're so desperate for another shot of Bloodlines on the arm, be my guest to eat whatever Paradox shits out, I don't care.

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>no one ever did anything for nationalism

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>Strawmanning this hard
You swear every nationalist does sweet fuck all but jerk themselves off over how great their countries are, when in reality nobody is more likely to hate the current state of their country than a nationalist.

wtf I love islam now

The Nazis were retards in military and ideological terms but had great aesthetics.

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It fits in the definition of a republic. It may not be democratic but I wouldn't know which country is.

>Yep, you can vote, just make sure it's yet another CCP stooge. Can't have multiple parties after all!

Still not even a single mention of what would drive them to change anything, only an implication that being mad over its state will somehow lead to focused work.
Nationalists whine and drag the country down, patriots work as everyone while also whining, but neither of them actually helps their nation much. That's up to those who don't actually give a fuck about the nation, rather just wanting to help people or build something of their own.

Well, what do multiple parties acomplish? Do you believe you can vote in some serious change? If anything parliamentarialism should be abandoned

>That's up to those who don't actually give a fuck about the nation, just wanting to help people
You're out of your fucking mind, utopianists and idealists make for the absolute worst leaders.

But the trailer for the new game had sexy women so your argument is moot.

Nigger, why the fuck would you expect leaders to actually do the dirty work needed to advance anything?

Because since the dawn of time, History has continuously been shaping by the works of a single man, eg. Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Alexander

People, believe it or not, have different opinions, and they want to see these opinions reflected in their government.

t. Sargon of Cuckkad.

Neither of those was actually affected by religion or national identity.
They only used the nation's resources, created without religion and identity, only using religion and identity to override people's long term planning.

So yeah, if you need to conquer someone and have a strong nation, religion and identity will allow you to do that.
But they don't build and don't keep order.

Napoleon was just doing the will of the French people and their fight against backwards monarchies in Europe. Caesar simply understood that democracy didn't worked for an Empire in constant expansion.

Don't know that much about Alexander the Great though.

Yep, thats why I want democracy that's actually representive of the people. Not one where every five years we elect a group of people who haven't even lived a working person life for a second and any change they want to make is pushed back by the wealthy. This could be achieved for instance by rolling random people out of population so you'll get a good representation.

>putting the fate of your country in the hands of RNG

Just make an encrypted app that lets people vote from their smartphone every week or so.

It would be a disaster but you get to do the whole democracy meme properly.

>literally came to power thanks to the French Revolution
nothing to do with national identity, clearly

>exploited national identity as a tool for securing power
>over a nation built with work and not memes
>therefore national identity is a good way to build a nation
Logic, nigger

I have yet to read this guy book but he tested that kind of democracy on a small scale and It doesn't seem to really have any drastic bad effects. He even notices that Belgium (If I remember well) run without a "government" for few months.

I swear to god if this game takes a staunch anti vampire, pro werewolf stance then I am out. Last thing we need is Social Werewolf Warrriors trying to make make Vampires look like bad guys in a vampire game.

F35 are well known shitheaps. They tried to make planes with so much features that it fails at every single one of them while also costing a shitload.

>Social Werewolf Warrriors
Fucking nu-Yea Forumsamp
It's Social Justice Werewolves

>goalpost moving

We need some images blaming everything on social justice werewolves, stat.

He considered himself Italian and made fun of the Frenches for electing him. Go read his annotations on The Prince, you plebs.

>moving goalpost back to where they started and where you moved them from is goalpost moving

That literally doesn't matter, his rise and military power was directly tied to the French revolution and citizen armies.

the prince was written by machiavelli not napoleon you retard

Sounds like the "triple A vidya" of planes.

And how's that related to his "religion or national identity"?

Keywords: "his annotations on"

race and gender politics seems like the most out of place thing to have in a vampire game.
You have all the other vampire clans and factions to deal with along with werewolves, changelings, demons, and wizards to worry about. It would be more interesting to see these squabbles between vampire clans and other creatures.

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That's interesting gonna check it out.

vampires are already for teenage girls and old roasties. ur already a bit of a faggot if you're looking forward to this game, sorry sweeties


Please tell me something I don't know.

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But Dracula: Dead and Loving It is fucking awesome, you fruit.

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A subjective assessment vs actually waging war in the middle east. We are three years into Trump's first term and so far he is the only President since the fall of the Berlin Wall to not start a new war. Everything he has done suggests he wants American Troops out of the Middle East, peace in the Korean Peninsula and steady relations with Russia who were exponentially more aggressive in their foreign policy under Obama's administration than under Trump's.

There are many things you can criticize Trump for but being a warmonger is not one of them.

>They can't anymore!
>I said so because people got outraged once

Go neck yourself black pilled loser.


Literally actually this. Liberals loved making fun of Bush, but the far more likely thing for Trump is that they'll try to pretend he doesn't exist.

The memes for this game are going to be great. Think about the hilarious characters people will make.

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Trump got them: he's so full of himself and so direct with his bullshit that liberals can't make fun of him. He can't be parodied, it's enough to just quote him.

He's post-irony: the president
The punishment for pretending to be retarded

“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

- The goddamn President of the United States of America

To be fair I imagine it sounds slightly less retarded when spoken.

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Did you know mixed race children can't get organs donated by either parent because they're not genetically similar enough to either of them????

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this thread isn't about video games and the mods are shit

> ''Modern Russians are extremely homophobic''
Meaning they will surely be thrilled to ally themselves with all the gays and trannies in Antifa.

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Well Boeing planes autopilot into the ground so I think they're doing ok.

> "They must be rewarded for being themselves biologically (my race = good, others = bad) and for following the herd but in a mildly contrarian way (traditionalism, islam-like religiosity). They also need to be reaffirmed constantly that they are "winning" and that the world is ending because of something incredibly vague ("degeneracy", "downfall") but they're the saviors."
Yeah everyone, myself included, thinks that. Looks down their noses with them, pretending they have the intellectual and moral high ground. Then you actually study what's going on and realise /pol/ is right. Though whether you sympathise with them comes down to whether you welcome the white genocide on the horizon or not. You're an obnoxious, ignorant retard but at least you'll be happier not facing reality.

It's a plane that 100% relies on being the most advanced plane out there. Once the oppositing catches up, you can just dump them.

>Once the oppositing catches up

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The F35 was built entirely around a next generation fire control system that allows other F35's and upgraded aircraft to acquire firing solution from point of contact. It doesn't need to go fast, it doesn't need to climb high, it doesn't need an impressive ground payload, it doesn't need to be rugged. The only thing that piece of shit needs to do is fly into enemy territory, target fucking everything and laugh it's ass off as every bird in the sky fires it's payload from a safe distance or angle. This flying BVR off-boresight troll is going to result in some of the most salty fucking tears.

Reminds me of documentary in the 70's about how the F16 was a flying metal failure.

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Its fun to roleplay as literal gangbanger niggers sonetimes though

Learn to code

>implying white people getting rowdy on the internet recently isn't because they're told they should die in real life

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Based and Redpilled

It's the dialogue wheel part that hurts the most.


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>Hate newspapers

Sounds like Templars from asscreed

guess you haven't sat down and listened to him at a rally, then, he's slightly more coherent than Sarah Palin. Which is to say he sounds identical to someone sundowning

I don't hate women, but why do the particular women who go into game development all seem to be the worst kind of people?