Is she bi polar?
Is she bi polar?
Other urls found in this thread:
Literal who
She definitely makes me feel bi
literal who
She's a female, dude.
e-celebs arent vidya
I've came to so many of her fakes
You have no idea what bi polar actually means. Bi polar is when you have a manic and a depressed phase. Either can last for days, weeks or months. When you're manic you are basically an overachiever who is constantly on the run getting shit done but when you're depressed you don't see a reason to get out of bed, and again, that can last for a long fucking time.
>that one episode where she spent the entire thing eating bread crusts and offered like eight bread centers to the rest of the crew
she's funny as fuck at times
Looks like James has the hotter wifey than Adam
I miss old Elyse, she was funny as fuck.
Hope she gets cucked by Sam Antics
was this Peak Elyse?
ponytail elise
this, Sam is so much funnier and she asks better questions
Elyse is best RT girl past or present. Rate her higher than even Turney. Also by far the funniest. Hard to think of any woman in all of YouTube that might be funnier.
I meant in terms of comedy
Why hasn’t lawrence cucked james?
Lawrence is a cuck
Because Lawrence is only above boob Lawrence at funhaus.
Its true, in the show he's like "Im a gamer xd"
but on twitter? he's like "FUCK DRUMGFDRPG"
The puppet thing is a little weird.
>doesn’t know there’s two types of bpd
Guess what I have one of them and you’re only half correct.
It's charming if anything
I wonder if the she and the rest of them have seen her fakes
I love Funhaus. I love Elyse.
In terms of comedy
Elyse > Bruce = James > Lawrence > Adam = Alanah
Very charming. The videos of James using the puppet on their personal channel and making her laugh at the stupidest shit is very comfy sweet content.
literally who is not vidya
e-celeb cancer
She fucked asian and black guys in Canada.
can you think of a woman who is funny in RT besides her?
I'm sure she has but avoids them. I think Barbara doesn't avoid them though.
Adam is funnier than most of them but it's mostly a matter of opinion. Only thing that is a fact is that Lawrence and boob Lawrence are bottom of the barrel when it comes to comedy. Even a few of the editors are funnier than Lawrence
I'm saying she's the funniest RT employee full stop. Man or woman.
But basically everyone at Cow Chop, past and present, are funnier.
I don't think he's unfunny at all. Just much more subdued and typically the straight man.
I wish that fuck would go back to hosting Filmhaus. I'm not that big a fan of Dan.
Lawrence is pretty funny though as the 4channer of the group trying desperately to fit in. Alanah is more reactionary which is fine.
Adam is funnier than most of the whole crew but not the core on screen people.
I like Jon.
why did you have to remind me of this individual
In terms of comedy
Lawrence tries to hard to force being cringy but sometimes says shit that is hilariously outlandish
Adam works best when he's playing a shitty game
James and Bruce are a fantastic comedy duo
Elyse works best as a straight man to everyone else's bullshit
Alanah plays everything too safe
They aren't that funny. They're entertaining to a certain extent, but all except maybe Brett lack any wit
Any impression is low comedy that isn't worth laughing at, I say that as someone who thinks Elise is funny.
Real quick,
Fuck Lindsay, Trevor and Matt.
They instantly ruin every video they're in for me
Not true. As a collective perhaps. Situationally maybe.
Alanah is the newest and also much younger. I think Elyse was pretty subdued when she started. I hope she comes out of her shell.
I'm Bi-Winning
I think Alanah is as much a 4channer as Lawrence. He's a bit funnier than her, but they're almost the same person
oh no no NO
is that... is that kdin?
Yes, surprisingly didn't change name
Gavin, Michael, and Geoff are the only ones worth a damn over at AH.
Also, if John Risinger is in a video I refuse to watch it. Far and away the worst RT employee
Eh, don’t know about that. Lindsay’s a little annoying sometimes, Abby was alright, and I’m not 100% sure about Matt or John. Aleks is also a bit too memey sometimes.
you know who
I don't know who this is but enlighten me. I'm just here for Nu Inside Gaming. Not really up on my RT lore
Probably she is blonde.
why does a woman saying cunt/being vulgar turn me on?
Aleks and Brett are the funniest. I fear that Aleks without James isn't going to work for much longer though. He needs a straight man to balance that out with and Alec, as decent as he has become in his own right, doesn't actually accomplish that most of the time.
Because you can imagine being able to be yourself around her.
I thought adam was gay. How does his wife look?
She's mentioned it once or twice.
Lawdawg needs to go get some cool sculpting or a mastectomy done. He's a handsome enough fellow now that he's lost the weight. He can do much better than Stephanie.
I can't believe this isn't a BLACKED fake. Same lighting and everything.
Agreed. Stephanie is quite the hamplanet. Although who's to say, maybe she just needs to lose weight as well. Actually, no, she definitely needs to lose weight as well.
>funhaus doesn't deserve Elyse.
>we don't live in the alternate universe where she stayed with GameTrailers and formed Easy Allies
She's perfectly funny, beautiful, happy just having dog children, so much so that I'm not even jealous or envious. Very happy for her and Jaime.
There's probably something worthwhile in there. He seems to really love her.
I disagree.
I only recently realized that connection and those two had really great chemistry and should do some recurring something or another.
Comfy Funhaus/Inside Gaming Thread.This is my favorite moment
idk i always found girls that act more like guys far more attractive, being able to take the bantz and give as good as they get is very attractive
Just look up jess kovic. She's fine, but sometimes her hairstyle doesn't work
The obvious choice
My fucking negro
Why do you guys watch bootleg Giant Bomb?
Posting best Hausmate
Well she did stop by for the surprise vid of Mandatory Update and it was the best thing the Allies have released in months
She really should collab with them more since they are still in LA. Elyse was one of the best members of GameTrailers. Up there with Bosman
>Giant Bomb
I wish one was being dropped on your house right now.
unfunny normalfags too busy with thinking they're funny to actually be funny
This one too
because real Giant Bomb died when they left the basement era of Persona 4 let's play and became infested with SJWs when they were bought out and forced to make diversity hires and act like cucks or lose their jobs
kdin was an editor who used to get shit on for i don't exactly remember why by the rest of achievement hunter
but kdin being the 160IQ gamer that he is decided that instead of fighting fire with fire
he would transition into a woman so that no one would talk shit about him (except for the entire internet)
my recollection of this story may or may not be bullshit
he was right, ponytails are shit
Its funny because Amber always has a ponytail
terrible opinion
I believe you mean Fall
Don is the truest underrated member of Easy Allies
he was really funny on one of the hitman episodes
You just know...
Correct, pigtails are kino.
What was the other episode where Bruce does terrible stone temple pilots impersonations? I can only remember the RV racing game, but there was one before
Yes, but have you considered braids?
Gets me every time.
I wanna say Camper Jumper Simlutator
This stream was a sexy trainwreck
The only person thats good.
long hair is best followed by beehives
why is she so cute bros
I've gone through the whole group with each as my favorite from Lawrence to Elyse. With the exception of sweet homosexual Joel, it's lucky they've all kept everyone together and even Joel returns from time to time.
The shit about Nova and Cow Chop just makes me sad at the thought of it happening at Funhaus. Like Game Grumps all over again.
Cow chop has been bad since LA
No way. Funhaus are WAY to close for that to happen to them.
For me its Sad Pikachu Adam
Bruce saying the same thing twice always fucking gets me
why is she so fucking unfunny? she has almost no chemistry with any of the 5 main funhuases, almost seems to hate Elyse (competition?), and drags down any video she's in, to the point that i don't even bother watching any that have her in the thumbnail.
Even though it's a meme, the house era was untoppable. It was always about James and Aleks for me.
I can't be fucked to find the videos, but there are a few where she's in shorts and her legs are out of this world.
Not even a leg fag.
I love that one Demo Disk where James and Elyse are just flirting the whole time.
Alanah is hotter, has sexier voice and accent
Well it was blatantly obvious through past vids that Ian wanted to fuck her really bad but she wasn't interested since it pretty much is the virgin/chad meme with Ian vs James. Then she left and suddenly Ian is growing his hair out and blatantly trying to be trans. Elyse leaving really fucked him up cuz he used to be somewhat funny and not bad looking then he went overboard with being as far left as possible and literally resorting to wearing a bright pink shirt saying "strong female lead" non stop. I think Jones even posted on a eza thread here a few months back when someone asked that he had to take ian aside and told him to stop pushing political shit in videos constantly
>this episode
She's ok but only got in because her BF works for RT
Yeah she's a dumb cunt but goddamn do i want to fuck her.
They broke up.
Dude gets threesomes constantly with his gf and roommate so good for him
That stands for Borderline Personality Disorder, user.
I don't hate her, but I definitely feel like she doesn't add anything. But time will tell, I think I may have felt the same about Elyse in the beginning.
The one where she's dressed in that batman thing
She's not that bad. I think she's still getting her flow. I think its just that everyone else is incredibly funny and has been doing it for years compared to her. She's set some funny moments up, albeit not on purpose.
Isn't his roommate Omar though? Who would want a threesome with that fat piece of shit? I still remember where he ruined that wholesome GT Countdown about top 10 gaming gift stories about how him and his mexican mom lied and stole a super nintendo from target and when an employee tried to call them out his mom threw a fit and played the race card. Omar must have been editing that vid because somehow not only did that make the list but it was number 1 and every comment on that video is just saying how fucked up that is
you are mentally ill
She's fine. She's much younger than the rest of them by probably close to 10 years. And she seems to get a legit kick out of everyone's comedy including Elyse. Not really sure what you're talking about. She seems to be getting comfortable at least.
Although, she was never meant to have the biggest on screen presence. She was brought in as a producer and journalist.
Are you denying that the lighting in that picture is the same style of lighting they use for BLACKED shoots?
videos where it's all five of them and no one else are always them at their best
How can someone as dumb looking as Bruce pull off a fucking good looking girl and I'M FUCKING SINGLE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
Autum is mega used goods but good for Bruce I guess
Did they? Man she has really good chemistry with Lawrence. She's way out of his league though. I've also noticed her seemingly hanging on Adam's every word in a few videos.
whomst the fucketh?
easy allies like to grab and smack each other on the shoulder. if a woman was involved, they couldn't bro-out like that.
Mature, bald, bearded man who knows what he wants in life. Women liking older men isn’t a meme.
Haha like that time she said fart and did guy things haha.
based Autumn jumping the dumpster fire burning ship that is SP7
What about when her and Rahul were flirting on Dudesoup? Is she gonna Yoko the group?
Adam is the perfect man so I'm not surprised.
Bruce is funny and successful
>Comedy Gold - Really good joke or humour, especially in the sense of unintentional hilarity. Comedy gold is or is worthy to be a classic
Funny? Yes. Success? That is relative.
Does Don have hairplugs? I remember a video where he seemed to briefly mention it and it didn't seem like it was a joke. His hair is just too fixed in one position constantly
Bruce is handsome but mostly because of his incredible confidence. If you've heard the podcast (dude soup or behind the pine) where he talks about seeing her and basically just taking the pussy right then and there, it's clear this man has just a commanding presence and confidence.
This is the only gaming video that should be considered comedy. 2007, bitch.
Yeah there's a reason Bruce is the boss. He's got a commanding personality.
Not gonna lie, a “serious business” Bruce would intimidate the fuck out of me.
Shills. Nobody talks like this even if it wasnt eceleb cancer.
>mfw you miss the old days of Rooster Teeth, not the abomination they have become
Seriously, even if some of them are ok, fuck everyone who isn't Geoff, Burnie, Matt, Joel. Gabin is okay, and Monty was pretty based. I miss the old drunktank. Nu-RT is awful.
He's basically responsible for the entire thing as well. He was the one with the experience on G4 as a producer or something and merged with Adam's love of Halo.
Normal people are just shills. That's how people talk since they ally with brands. It's why console wars are a thing for example.
How many more times does Funhaus need to fail at making a scripted comedy show before they finally realize they're not good at it and give up on trying to make more?
Imagine if they got some writer from adult swim to do the scripts for sex swing as a joint project. It might've actually had a chance of being good.
There was one episodr of CowChop cooking where Stupic was on. He had videos to work on at the office so Bruce called him a d made him come back mid episode.
Have you seen the fucking car he drives? While living LA no less. Dude has money.
I'm really not into these curated pseudo-gaming friend-simulator groups but both her and Alanah are so beautiful that it actually physically hurts for me to see their lovely faces.
Pls delete this.
I've only ever seen him in a studio sitting in front of a PC so no I haven't seen bruce's car.
Absolutely. Hearing him talk about the company is always kind of impressive, like a switch flips and he knows exactly what to do.
This man was even confident enough in his own abilities that he decided to try and save dumb ass SP7 WHILE working full time at Funhaus.
James and Elyse still enjoy SNL every week. They love sketch comedy and that Arizona Circle is almost like a personal project of theirs. But it's actually pretty funny so I hope it does well. Though I can't see it doing well being an RT site exclusive.
But Bruce is based and you aren't. Don't compare yourself with him, make him your goal.
Arizona Circle is gonna force them to fire someone from the core isn't it?
Bones catches himself checking her out
nah she's just downright retarded
Nah but I hope they aren't taking on too much. It's weird seeing roles flipped around for Dude Soup or Filmhaus and people rotating out of certain positions. Worries me.
she's drunk she's elyse
Unironically Lawrence is the best part of the crew
>doesnt even flinch
not vidya
nah just a regular woman
This thread is scaring me.
Does Yea Forums actually like these people because they’ve been around since the beginning or because they’re old enough to be respectable?
bruce > james > elyse > adam >>> lawrence >>>>>> alanah
I'm a boomer so I found them a couple years ago and their humor aligns with my own.
She's a little special when she's drunk
I always try to go back and watch her GT stuff but then Ian tries to do something uncomfortable with her
Ian gives off the "male feminist who calls everything problematic but tries to feel down girls" vibes every time I see him
Is that gillian jacobs?
I thought I was the only one
timestamp fucked up, 16:10
you don't have a sister?
I watched Arizona Circle and the only bit I found to be funny was the Shredder one, but the end kind of ruined it for me since Adam can't even act happy. The rest of them were a mixture of forgettable, or just bad like the overarching pants bit.
They probably won't have to fire anyone, but if it ends up bombing then I bet they not going to get any other big projects approved and will just have to stick with their normal stuff with the occasional bits like Surfers Vs. Skaters or Band Manager.
Short hair > long hair
unironically one of the few times James is funny
Hair too short; wouldn't bang.
this is good
its her terrible puns that are completely unrelated to the topic at hand
>implying james isn't literally the funniest person under the RT umbrella
Don't want to make fun of you, life as a retard must be hard enough on its own. But man you sure are stupid.
James is hilarious in this one, imo
>the funniest
thats not Lawrence
Drunk gameplays are their bread and butter and should do more BUT not oversaturate the channel with them.
chin to shoulder length is best
Lawrence is also good, I can respect your taste.
I don't know about that but my dick is attracted to each of her polar regions.
Lawrence isn't funny. He's just there being embarrassing
el goblino de las tierras americanas...
Elyse's neck is what really gets me all boned up and I'm not sure why. It's got those 2 lines and the other parts that come up from the collar.
Very sexy.
I-I might be a neck guy.
anons deluded themselves liking her "comedy" just because she is hot.
Why do you guys like these people?
i've never posted the process of gaining my fetishes on here but this is how they've all went for the last 30ish times, thanks for giving me a visual
I think they're funny
virtual friend personalities
This video is so good. I think it also shows that Elyse+Bruce is the best duo in funhaus.
They make me laugh, simple as that
That kind of shit involving already killed IGN. She got one of their best personalities, Marty Sliva, fired because he fell in love with her and she just saw him as an ugly orbiter and someone to propel her career forward.
Also, not sure why a comedy channel hired her beyond her looks. I mean, she seems like an intelligent girl and a decent journalist, but is also what I would call a stick in the mud and has very little personality of her own.
that 5 o'clock shadow aint convincin anyone buddy
she has connections if nothing else
slavic genes you can tell he's a croat
Its hilarious, the ones with Bruce, Elyse, James, and Adam are always gold. Especially when they are costumed up
Elyse is probably the only woman on earth that is actually funny.
Prob one of those good looking glue on hair pieces. Its a big craze with soiboys these days
Lawrence > Adam > Elise > James > Bruce
>Women aren't funny
Elyse is literally the only one currently carrying funhaus even though they try to shill Alannah who is hot as fuck, but not funny. Even when she does guest sports on stuff like SP7 she still carries the show.
best girl.
fuck all other e-celeb faggots.
i dont know but her legs are god-tier, i remember fapping to them daily for about a week
The man has never done anything in his life
lately sure, but he was the man back in the inside gaming days
The objective power chart
Adam >>> Bruce >= James > Lawrence >= Elyse >>>Editors > Alanah
From what I had heard about her previously, I agree with you about being a stick in the mud. I really just remembered her as the girl who ruined some kids lives by telling their moms about how they commented the rape word at her.
BUT I'm pretty sure they hired her over the good chemistry they had with her during her few guest appearances. Which I enjoyed. She's cute and laughs at their jokes.
I'm sure they'd hire Dr. Zombi immediately as well.
James and Elyse even more-so are obviously huge fans of straight up comedy. They have immediate chemistry with everyone, especially Elyse. That Cow Chop episode with her is fantastic.
Note to ladies!
I actually watched all 5 parts earlier today.
Bruce is also 6'2 and muscular. Of course he is gonna pull pussy.
Yeah, he surfers vs skaters and the avatar video are also some of the best ones imo. Elyse is at her best as the "host" of videos
yikes lawrence. go get divorced again.
To be honest desu Funhaus is the one channel where I would cry if it ended
I'm glad there are people who like Lawrence and Adam the most, even though my preferences are different
nice headcanon my dude.
jon smith is an elder god.
You might be right, but Adam has an entire baby arm between his legs
Any good Elyse fan fic?
Is he really that tall? He may have muscles but he's also always seems a bit soft.
Lawrence was my favorite when I first got into the channel and my preferences still continue to shift but it's my favorite channel.
Its either a Hellcat or a Demon. Could be used, could not. But even used, they go for quite a bit.
>entire episode is just ripping on bruce
Don=Elyse>James>Bruce>Adam>Jon Smith>>>>>Lawrence>>>all other editors>>>>>Alanah.
Talking Stalkings is such a good series. This might be one of their best continuous series.
the 3rd episode is what i imagine comedy to evolve to in 150 years
just a camera on a bunch of people trying not to die
I linked the wrong one, but episode 2 is just as good too.
Best thing to ever come out of them.
How is her footgame I wonder?
But user, that just makes her look cuter.
Episode 4 is the best thing they've ever made. I don't think TS is ever coming back since they cant possibly top this.
this is the best funhaus moment and you cant compete
This one isn't very Elyse-focused I think but it's good nonetheless
bruce = james = elyse = adam = lawrence
she was funny in SP7
I agree, its got a fever dream kind of feel. The set destruction and that "Rahul" get me every time
I've been watching Funhaus/Adam since he started Inside Halo back in 2009(2007?).
Why can't more female comedians be like Elyse
Normally I fucking hate editors being put in videos but FH editors are so uniquely funny in their own way, they're like wacky sitcom neighbors. And they aren't shilled too much
>mfw reading the comments of SP7's Try Not To Laugh video with Elyse and everybody shitting all over Cib for being the massively unfunny faggot that he is
I wonder what face she would make if I put my 9 incher into her pussy
How do you guys rank the funhaus crew?
My ranking, best to worst;
> Bruce
> Elyse + James
> Adam
> Lawdog
> Alanah
> Peake
> Jon
> Literally everyone else before Jacob, I cant stand that guy.
Also, now that iZombie is ending, are we gonna get Rahul as a permanent member of Funhaus?
completely neutral and she'd start throwing out unfunny puns