Why is this STILL the best Sonic game?

Why is this STILL the best Sonic game?

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It's fun

This and chao garden

That's fucking golden

>Eggman has a deep monologue about his grandfather
>Tails immediately fucking ruins the mood

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>Perfect story for a Sonic game tone is serious but not too serious and plays out like a cheesy action movie
>Perfect Sonic control in 3D
>Treasure hunting and Mech stages add variety while still adhering to the core fundamentals of sonic(momentum and platforming)
>Perfect ranking system that ties directly into the level design and gameplay with the trick and combo system adding alot of replayability
>OST is arguably the best in the franchise with every track being memorable and fiting the stage perfectly
> Chao garden is a cherry on top of an already insanely replayable game
Its just a great game no matter how much nu-males and underage faggots reee about it.

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that's not SA1

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lmao no the chao dont even evolve and let me tell you it might have 3 gardens but they all shit LOL!

>lmao no the chao dont even evolve and let me tell you it might have 3 gardens but they all shit LOL!
The Egg Carrier garden was kino

Sonic didn't control like a fucking motorcycle

why is he so based bros

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Chao Garden was great.
The sonic minigames were okay.

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>Treasure hunting and Mech stages adhering to the core fundamentals of sonic(momentum and platforming)
>pic related

>Perfect ranking system that ties directly into the level design and gameplay with the trick and combo system adding alot of replayability
This is correct though

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Its the only good one

Sonic is trash

>sonic and shadow feel good
>even if you didnt like the treasure/shooter stages they at least play decent
>lots of good incentive to get A ranks beyond just stage exploration like costumes, cart mode unlockables and even green hill, as well as chao garden shit so A Ranks aren't just there for no reason
>Goofy but fun story mode
>top tier OST
>end of Sonic on Sega only era and a nice 10 year anniversary celebration
The game is flawed/has aged but it's one of the best cases for Sonic being a thing in 3D, shame Heroes was such shit and ruined everything

damn i remember 'raising' a bunch of chao's with my sisters.

comfy moment of my life

It's not

I liked the garden

Knuckles is Sonic without a spindash and Mechs are more momentum based than Sonic but due to the slow start speed they feel clunky until you master the levels(their top speed isn't much slower than Sonic).
So yes they still follow the fundamentals of momentum and platforming

i'm more bothered by the fact that his monologue meant nothing in the long run. he goes right back to being a bad guy in the next game. shit tier writing

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why do so many faggots care about the chao? fuck that stupid tamagatchi bullshit, i just wanna play the fucking game

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It's the best part.
The missions are just filler to get items for Chao.

I liked tamagotchi too

Its just a cool addition to an already great game user. I don't think it can stand up on its own though which is why im against a standalone chao games especially the mobileshit people ask for.


>So, how did you know it wasn't the real one?
>Because you just told me, foxboy
Still the best line

That's not Sonic 2 for the sega genesis you zoomer retard

Split between Dark and light stories that was actually interesting.
Having a soundtrack so good it murders innocent people
Introducing Shadow (and him being more the cool guy then the edgy guy, he isnt a rage aholic yet)

>Letting Knuckles pilot the shuttle over here is more scary than you'll ever be
Is my personal favorite

>That's not Sonic 2 for the sega genesis
But thats not even the best 2D Sonic game user

That's the worst classic sonic game

>Mechs are more momentum based than Sonic
You don't know what momentum is do you?

Do you? Because they clearly are if you have ever played the game


Yes it is


t. retards that actually think 3&K is the best

I wish I was a zoomer so I could enjoy the 3d sonic games.

Yes its better in every way possible.

>calls Sonic 2 the best game
>calls other people zoomer

That's not Sonic Unleashed. People always complain about the werehog but eggman/tails and rouge/knuckles missions in 2 were way worse.

Chao Garden. Everything else was good during it's time, but Chao Garden is more timeless, imo.

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Zoomers dislike the 3D Sonic games or Sonic in general because they were raised on youtubers telling them the franchise sucked. Sonic is boomer kino no matter the gameplay style.

Literally kill yourself.


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This was meant to be the last sonic game, user.
While I have a place for sonic heroes in my kokoro, it was a quick cash grab

Jumping into the abyss only to land on a rail further on in the level made this my favorite stage.

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>not Sonic 1 and its dumb indecisiveness over platforming focus vs. speed focus with shit levels like Labyrinth Zone
>even as a joke shitpost
>didn't even pick something like 3D Blast or Spinball

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>mechs lose all speed when turning or jumping
>slow clunky platforming that makes no use of momentum
>Levels designed around stop and start enemy encounters
>set pieces where you're forced to sit on an elevator
Please stop making shit up

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Reminder that 4kids orchestrated Eggman's original VA assasination with poison in order to replace all the original VA with their shitty ones.

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they in fact do not lose speed when jumping.

>>mechs lose all speed when turning or jumping
>slow clunky platforming that makes no use of momentum
Again untrue because the hover carries over your momentum which can be used to platform quickly
>Levels designed around stop and start enemy encounters
Except the fact that you can lock onto enemies from a mile away and kill them before reaching the roadblock.(which is why i said it takes mastering the level to reach max speed)
>set pieces where you're forced to sit on an elevator
This is true but is only a small part of the levels and is usually accompanied by a shit ton of enemies to combo to make it not as boring.
Stop blaming the game for you being shit

>3D Blast
I remember seeing this on the shelves at Best Buy when I was like eight, and begging my dad to buy it because I was desperate to try Sonic in a 3D environment after years of playing the 2D Genesis games. I didn't understand how much it would've cost to upgrade our PC's graphical capabilities to the point where it could run that. I just saw him playing old Ultima games and whatnot and figured it should run fine, so I was really pissed off about it for like a year.

Boy did I dodge that bullet by coming from a poor paycheck-to-paycheck family.

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Delusional Modernfag.

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The majority are an improvement especially Sonic

Would you main Eggman in Sega vs. Capcom?

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>Treasure hunting and Mech stages add variety while still adhering to the core fundamentals of sonic(momentum and platforming)
Treasure Hunting stages were objectively made worse from their SA1 counterparts, and come down to memorizing spawn locations and corresponding clues if you want to complete them quickly. Not to mention that SA2's somewhat slippery controls are made even worse in the more closed and less linear treasure hunting stages.

>same as modernshit
Based retard

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What is eggmans motive?

The radar is definitely bad but you do not have to memorize the piece locations to beat the stages fast at all. If you are good at movement no hunting stage should take you over 5 minutes(except maybe mad space). Also I dunno what you mean by slippery control if anything its way tighter than Sa1.

It never was. It's not even the best Adventure game.

>If you are good at movement no hunting stage should take you over 5 minutes
aquatic mine
egg quarters

Aboard the ark, he's a genius at heart wanting to unlock the mysteries of life.

>aquatic mine
This is literally one of the smallest stages in the game. Takes no more than a minute to run across the entire level.
>egg quarters
This level while on the bigger side is still just a circle that takes no time to run around

Honestly, for as much as I prefer Classic Sonic and Adventure Sonic to Boost Sonic, I genuinely feel it's the gimmicks around the boost shit that fucked over those games, not the boost mechanic and all that in of itself. I have no problem with Modern Sonic levels in Generations, even if I do like Adventure 2 speedrunning the most out of anything by far. No, it's the shitty mechanics like Whisps in Colors, and the Werehog in Unleashed that bog those games down. The gameplay around the segments that use both is kind of fun, just not amazing.

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I would be with you if you said Mad Space but you didn't. Fuck the stupid gravity in that level, especially on the green bean-shaped planetoid thing.

>This was meant to be the last game in Sega's flagship series
No, the writing if just shit.

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The problem I have with boost is that it has very little depth they have like 5 set pieces they switch between and randomly put in throughout the levels. Its fun the first few times you play it and worked in generations but going back it just feels so samey. Not to mention the shoehorned in 2D sections that control like offbrand rush.

>>mechs lose all speed when turning
Stop lying

>>Again untrue because the hover carries over your momentum which can be used to platform quickly
Most of the platforming sections are either completely vertical or just using hover to cross gaps. The mechs controls are not designed around maintaining speed.

>>Except the fact that you can lock onto enemies from a mile away and kill them before reaching the roadblock.(which is why i said it takes mastering the level to reach max speed)
>"It's momentum based cause you can do it fast"
Wow I guess dark souls is also all about momentum just like Sonic.
Again, your lying because most levels are in right corridors that force you to slow down, and again your working with a slow clunky mech that doesn't facilitate fluid movement.

>>Stop blaming the game for you being shit
Stop hiding behind non arguments to avoid defending your shit point.

>Stop lying
Stop being shit
Most of the platforming sections are either completely vertical or just using hover to cross gaps. The mechs controls are not designed around maintaining speed.
And again you can keep your speed throughout these section besides the vertical ones which are rare .
>Wow I guess dark souls is also all about momentum just like Sonic.
Based retard. You can kill the enemies before you even enter the room most of the time if you aren't shit.
>Stop hiding behind non arguments to avoid defending your shit point.
Stop blaming the game for your lack of skill

>And again you can keep your speed throughout these section
STOP LYING TO ME you lose all your speed after hovering for more than a second you're seriously trying to bullshit me

>vertical ones which are rare .
EVERY fucking level has vertical platforming and they're never a smooth experience because of the slow and clunky controls. Don't @ me.

>Based retard. You can kill the enemies before you even enter the room most of the time if you aren't shit.
Not even addressing any of my points anymore. Don't reply to me cause your full of shit.


Mike Pollock said that the 4kids cast were planned to replace the Adventure cast ahead of time, wasn't related to Bristow's death.

>STOP LYING TO ME you lose all your speed after hovering for more than a second you're seriously trying to bullshit me
I'm not lying to you user please just go try and get good at the levels. I used to speedrun Sa2 for a couple months and momentum conservation is a huge part of the mech movement.
>EVERY fucking level has vertical platforming and they're never a smooth experience because of the slow and clunky controls.
No it doesn't and the ones that do usually have a way of getting through it quickly.
>Not even addressing any of my points anymore. Don't reply to me cause your full of shit.
I did address it, you can kill most of the enemies before you even enter the rooms which means the door will open quickly allowing you to keep your momentum.
>Don't @ me.

MUH CHAO GARDEN is the reason they deny '06 was actually Adventure 3

Or maybe its the fact that 06 plays nothing like Adventure
But you are probably a shitposter

Cucknic Team is too scared of releasing SA3 or a non rushed remake of Sonic 06

chao garden

How the bloody fuck was this game not Adventure 3 when it's essentially a direct sequel to 2?

>Muh collectathon stages
Yeah because Adventure didn't have those too
>Muh shooty shit
Yeah because Adventure didn't have that too
>Muh cringy edgey dialog and story
Yeah because the entire SA2 story wasn't cringy edgey shit
>But he says damn
Who cares

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I get where you're coming from, but I guess I don't mind because speedrunning Sonic/ Shadow levels in SA2 winds up feeling similar to me in a way. Replace Boost with spindash spam and suddenly both games are about flawlessly transitioning between rails, straightaways, perfectly practiced jumps to breeze through/ bypass platforming segments, rapidfire homing attack spam to get through segments that have enemies over bottomless pits and whatnot, etc. There's a lot of parallels there. Still, SA2 simply does it better in every way if you ask me, so I like it more.

oh no no no no

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No, it literally was never meant to be the last Sonic game, just the last game made by the OG Sonic Team that started the franchise with Sonic 1. If you think a company as large as Sega even considered ending its flagship franchise you're out of your mind.

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>Replace Boost with spindash spam and suddenly both games are about flawlessly transitioning between rails, straightaways, perfectly practiced jumps to breeze through/ bypass platforming segments, rapidfire homing attack spam to get through segments that have enemies over bottomless pits and whatnot, etc.
This is true but I feel it is alot more satisfying to pull off in the Adventure games due to them be way less restrictive and scripted.

Because the adventure games are primarily defined by one trait that has yet to be replicated: multiple gameplay styles. SA1 and SA2 both have at least 3 separate gameplay styles. If a new game can't even do that much, then it can't be SA3 since it would lack the key element of the series. Shadow only has 1, 2 if you really want to stretch the weapons stuff. 06 only has 1, heroes only has 2, etc.

Sonic is only good when handled by a western studio

>So BTFO he has to record a video of him trying to run around in a circle completely ignoring the whole point
Fucking kek

>'06 only has one

>mechs don't lose speed when turning
>y-you're ignoring the point, it's not about turning....

>SA1 and SA2 both have at least 3 separate gameplay styles
Literally all of them are shit except Sonic. At least Shadow lets you play as Shadow while you do tedious collectible bullshit or boring shooting shit nobody enjoys.

You jump around corners to preserve speed while moving left in right to make mini adjustments brainlet I know its a crazy concept but git gud

>Just do this one exploit to circumvent the developer's original intention

How is it a fucking exploit? Is rolling down a hill with Sonic an exploit? You are just shit posting at this point.

Have you ever played '06? Legitimately asking, because Sonic and Silver feel fucking night and day different with how slow and awful Silver's physics puzzle levels are.

Yeah it only has one: get to the goal. A lot of people seem to mistake different gameplay styles for different characters. In SA1 Sonic's, Tails', and Amy's stories all share the same gameplay style. They're just standard platformers where you try to get to the end of the level, differentiated from each other through minor gimmicks. It's really similar to 3&K when you think about it. It's not like shifting to a shoot-em-up, treasure hunts, or mission-based objectives. In 06 the main 3 hedgehogs all share this gameplay style but with minor alterations through stuff like vehicle segments and occasional telekinesis puzzles. Even when you take control of a character like tails or rouge in a part of the level it's the same thing, just get to the goal using that character's abilities.

>a direct sequel to 2
No, it isn’t. It only focuses on Shadow and adds nothing to anybody else. Adventure 1 and 2 were not just about Shadow.

by that logic every video game in history is just one and the same since each one is really about getting to the goal. even if you have to shoot your way to it, solve your way to it, hell even count your way to it

To be fair, user, Most normies would probably see rolling to gain speed in the Sonic games as some sort of black magic, especially the 2D ones. Have you SEEN how many LPers or Journalists don't do it? They just think running will solve all their problems.

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If the developers wanted you to make fast turns on a dime with the mechs why did they deliberately program it so that they can't even run in a circle properly?

i didn't show it in the webm but when you jump you lose speed too, sorry sweetie

Worst part is that it's a mistranslation.
>"...did he really mean to destroy everyone alive?"
>"I don't know, but the one thing that matters noe is that we could save everyone because we were together"

He wants to rule the world, user, not destory it.

That's a bad reason why it should be the best one.

I guess its the charm and bias of Ninten-drone's first Sanic game.

Personally I think Mania is the best at this point, namely because of modern day mod support, especially with Denuvo gone. If the next 3D game can just be all Sonic gameplay with no other bs, and easily to mod, I'd say it has the chance to be the greatest one.

But it won't happen because Sonic Team sucks dick. Maybe some fans can do it I guess, but it's slim.

Because it look fucking retarded if the Mech was spazzing out like Sonic and Knuckles. Fact is they programmed it so you can jump and preserve your momentum cope anyway you want.
>i didn't show it in the webm but when you jump you lose speed too, sorry sweetie
Sorry but this is wrong short hops with the mech preserve your momentum.
Hope you shitposters enjoy your (You)s

I think he's arguing that shit like collecting each and every hermit crab in that one Team Chaotix level in Heroes counts as dramatically different gameplay from all of the others in spite of the four teams in those games playing identically to one another save for some junk like the Power characters' moves. He's trying to say that because you're aiming for a goal ring at the end of '06 levels that makes all the gameplay leading up to arriving at that goal the same, even though Shadow normally has straight up kill missions along the way and Silver has his terrible fucking gameplay segments. He's trying to make up nonsense arbitrary definitions for no reason. Don't give him (You)'s.

2D Sonic and most 2D is shit that has its dick sucked by soiboy boomers living on nostalgia

Played this for the first time last year and thought it was decent. Enjoyable and fun but nowhere near my favorite, I preferred SA1

Who gives a shit? Only losers care about the Chao Garden. SA1 is a way better game.

>1 third of the game is shitty treasure hunting
>1 third is mech sections
SA2 is so overrated, what gets me is that people have the audacity to complain about decent games like Unleashed for "not being like a Sonic game because of the werehog" (which is actually much better than treasure hunting or mech sections, yet they somehow praise games like SA2, and SA1 where the majority of those games, even more than Unleashed, are easily "not Sonic." They're alright games not saying they're bad, but the non sonic parts generally bring it down a lot.

Can you post a fucking source of this shit ffs? I see you shitpost this in every fucking thread and you're the only faggot I've ever seen post this trash and it start literally this year that I've started seeing this tripe

Post sources or fuck the fuck off.


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Go watch any speedrun of the game and stop asking to be spoonfed retard. Or you know you could just get good at the game yourself.

>m-muh unleashed

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>shitty game journalists say it's bad so it must be

Thing is that Treasure Hunting was well done and Mech sections were fun for the most part. It was engaging trying to squeeze high scored from targeting .

Problem with Unleased is that werehog stages dragged on way too long, some could take like 7 minutes playing normallt, while Treasure hunting stages could last anywhere from less than 1 minute to about 10 minutes depending on player experience and the open world randomized nature to them made exploring them engaging.

>you do not have to memorize the piece locations to beat the stages fast at all
Bullshit for any level that wasn't the fist 2 levels. You literally have to do this in the maze levels and space levels simpley because they are either burried, hidden or just out right passible by accident because of how fucking massive the levels get for a character with zero good upwardbound movement, and only god tier movement option being straight down with the drill attack. And this is from a 100% playthrough, because I actually played hard enough to remember the locations to mimize wasting time.

For casuals, they are totally gonig to hate it because of the confusion of the locations where emeralds could be and massive backtracking without the SA1 radar. It's only good for professionals at exploring, but most casuals aren't so they end up hating the fuck out of the Treasure Hunting stages. At best, they should have never made the stages any bigger than Pumpkin Hill and it could have been perfectly fine.

It's not even the best adventure game. 1 is better. S3&K is the best Sonic game, Mania is in second place. I do agree that SA1/2 are the best 3D Sonic games by a wide margin. Heroes is dogshit in comparison.

Bitch all you want but it's the truth. If sonic unleashed had the exact same stages day and night but still had the werehog difference, it wouldn't matter. They can play completely differently all they want and they can have as many "stretchy arms" or "beat up the enemies to proceed" moments all they want, it won't matter. The gameplay style will still be the same, the only difference is who you're doing it as.

>S3&K is the best Sonic game, Mania is in second place
Holy shit you are such a parrot it's not even funny. 3&K is one of the most boring sonic games out there, bogged down with so much shit. Mania is truly no better, maybe even worse really.

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Sa1 > sa2
Sa2 is fun 1/3 of the time.
They ruined the emerald radar which makes the bigger levels much more annoying (especially that timed rouge one)
And tails/eggman are only fun the first few times.
And no the chao garden doesn't negate it's faults. It's not *that* fun.

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well that's not very nice

Werehog levels do not drag on for long if you git gud. Even an Unleashed hater managed to beat Eggmanland in 13 minutes (the final stage which combined day and night don't forget.) Medals also made exploring engaging.

It's been said many times before but worth repeating, if Unleashed replaced the werehog with knuckles, it would've got a much different reception and everyone would've loved it.

>Medals also made exploring engaging
I like Unleashed but this isn't true it made exploring feel like a necessary chore.

>They ruined the emerald radar
Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. This is such a terrible complaint. Use the monitors and take it one by one. So tired of people pretending this kills the levels

Colors > Unleashed

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I wouldn't mind the werehog levels as much if they fixed one thing.
The framerate.
The ps3 never got the fps patch that the 360 did so ps3 is now the inferior port (I honestly remember liking the ps2 port more somehow)

There are two reasons SA2 still holds up, and they're both in this image.

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>the game that appealed massively to casuals by dumbing everything down got a higher score from game reviewers
Wow what a shock

>Use the monitors and take it one by one
Well yeah that's what you have to do unless you want to fly around aimlessly for 10 minutes.
>So tired of people pretending this kills the levels
Considering the emerald levels are bigger then they were in sa1, yes this does take away a good chunk of the fun.

Werehog is so boring but Colors sucks and is the SOTN of the Sonic franchise. Unleashed has probably 60%. There's so much fucking 2D it's not even funny and now that's become the norm. Forces literally has less than 15 minutes of total 3D gameplay. FUCK Colors

>Chaofags still exist
Isn't Chao raising the weakest part in the game tho? If it wasn't for that one Animal/drive glitch i would've never bothered with 100%

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Literally the Melee of fucking Sonic, Jesus Christ. I fucking hate the gamecube era, it literally bread the most autistic retards in gaming and they expect this shit to be "features".

Yeah the framerates aren't that great at times unfortunately, of course this would be easily sorted if they just ported it to PC already.

>where as Colors had >60%
More like 90%

If you're gonna argue fat bat tats can you please at least post proper tiddy?

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>I hate games that require skill and mastery
You should try the boost games then they seem perfect for you
>Gamecube era

God colors.
I want to love colors, but the fact it helped bring 2d to modern sonic alone makes me despise it's existence.
Unleashed did the same sure, but as someone stated above unleashed's 2d was way toned down compared to colors.
Same 2d in modern games for classic please.

twitter.com/Eukaryot3K/status/1105072780477911043 neat.

Has anyone played this? How do the physics compare to the original?

>No proof
Nice. Suck my dick faggot bitch ass nigga.

I disagree, some of them are hidden in quite interesting places which makes it fun to seek out all of them if going for all medals. If you're only going for enough to reach lvl 7 sun power, then you don't need to search that thoroughly, if you just casually comb through the levels while playing it should be sufficient. Most sun medals are in the night stages, where exploration is a lot easier.

One thing they could've done better was state the importance of the medals near the start of the game so that you could keep an eye out for them, instead of suddenly finding out you have to be collecting them when you can't enter a stage.

>You didn't spoonfeed me so there is no proof
>Suck my dick faggot bitch ass nigga.
Hello underage

It's one to one with Sonic 3, being based off the original game's code.

It's not. The stages are hyper linear and have very little reward for speed. It might as well be a slightly faster version of crash

1 is better than 2 and idk why you edgy weirdos think otherwise

Sonic Team put their hearts and souls into it because they thought it was going to be the last Sonic game since the Dreamcast was dying.

It's not too great

I feel a similar feeling for Generations. At the time I quite enjoyed the game, even though I wasn't that fond of the way classic sonic controlled, but the stages were pretty fun, modern sonic was still good, and it was nice to explore past levels. But now past levels are shoehorned in everywhere, classic sonic appeared again in a modern game and it still sucked, and I can't help but hate Generations for the role it played in that.

>Holy shit you are such a parrot it's not even funny.
Okay underage zoomer retard. It's "parroted" by the most people because it's the correct answer you dumb faggot.

whatever you say, retard

No one fucking played SA2 on native hardware. If SA2 never ported to the Gamecube, no one would have fucking got Heroes.

I still like both games. Just because they left a negative impact in the future doesn't make them games I dislike, it just means the people behind them saw them for their success and didn't see the real reason why they did so well, which is (mostly) polished and fun gameplay and decent to good stage design.

the music

Look, I'm really sorry you didn't get to experience the 90's. I'm sorry you're a nintendo babby and your first Sonic game was SA2B for the Gamecube. But you're wrong.

>No one fucking played SA2 on native hardware.
I did, fuck you underage non-dreamcast-having faggots.
>If SA2 never ported to the Gamecube, no one would have fucking got Heroes.
I wish this was the case. Heroes is fucking trash.

>No one fucking played SA2 on native hardware.
Speak for yourself nintennigger
>If SA2 never ported to the Gamecube, no one would have fucking got Heroes.
I wish to god they didn't that game fucking sucked and it selling well doomed 3D Sonic.

very mature. Perhaps you should play more classic sonic games

Why do people even still get into Sonic 2 vs 3 wars? They're both good games for their own reasons. Sonic 2 is good for those who want a quick fast paced adventure, and Sonic 3 is great for those who want speed but also on a bigger scope with a sense of exploration and adventure.

not a fan of either tbqh. sonic 1 all the way, the others lost focus of what was important

>I did

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>lost focus of what was important
You can still fucking platform WITHOUT having your speed killed off you fucking faggot
Just play fucking Mario if you want slow ass platforming ffs.

Oh nice you see you are still around shitposter
Still projecting your underage shit onto everyone else. kek

Continuity, Sonic Team being in touch with the community and "kino" (B-list action movies/shonen tones work really well with Sonic). All of these allow Sonic Team to be inspired and ambitious while keeping what worked well before and discarding what didn't.

SA2 seems like Sonic Team's last hurrah they put all their ideas and effort into. Seeing as ever since they've had no idea what to do with Sonic.

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>Played the classics since 1996
Kill yourself retard.

Ignorant and unnecessarily vulgar.

>Not underage
kek you are like a robot you posted this same shit in a thread months ago. Enjoy your (You)s

Not sure why you quoted me considering my posts are more Genesis vs. Adventure than 2 vs. 3, but yeah I basically agree. 3&K is definitely the superior game imo but 2 was the first game I ever played and I still think it's great. My only problem with 2 is towards the end. Oil Ocean is kind of a meh zone, Metropolis and it's THREE acts gets a little fucking tiresome, especially with those super annoying enemy placements. As a kid I loved Sky Chase but now it just feels like a really boring, slow autoscroller. Wing Fortress is a pretty good stage but it's kind of short. Anyways I'm not trying to shit on 2, I think it's a great game, I just think 3 has a much stronger finale.

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good plot line untill the final boss that comes out of no whereand is only ever seen or mentioned at the end but aside from that one thing the story is rock solid where as many other sonic games are just all over the place in terms of 3d ones and 2d ones are just do this again as a difrent character

actually difrent levels at every single level and doesnt rehash the exact same level for someone else unless its a boss and even then the boss is difrent in some way or another


sound test with a visualizer

the only place that needed some touch up on controlls were the mech walkers tails and eggman used

gives us insight to eggmans family

gives us a hedgehog thats not just MARRY ME SONIC

not one bad song in the game

has a more expansive chao garden than the first one

no game after this has come with a chao garden

Nigga, he's 8 years old. Also I thought it was sweet that Eggman just goes "I guess you're right." immediately after
>Literally the Dreamcast's swan song
It was meant to be the last, user. Heroes only started development due to the success of SA2:B

That is one of the things that pisses me off the most about the sonic rush games with a boost meter: rolling has a fixed speed cap that's slower than the boost. Also the music is shit.

Post source, faggot
Pic related. Get off Yea Forums(nel) if you hate being called a faggot, faggot.

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Too bad it has such a rough start. Angel Island is just meh, Hydrocity is boring, and Marble Garden is fucking terrible, especially with those stupid spinning tops. Carnival Night starts to take things off but it's a rather lame version of Casino Night. Personally I feel it's not until Ice Cap that the game really starts to become fun and not until the &Knuckles side that it becomes gold (excluding sandopolis)

>i just wanna play the fucking game
then just play the fucking game, faggot

>Post source, faggot
You posted the same thing months ago with the same file names and everything even posted the same year of 1996. You are a literal robot faggot that lives to shit up these threads with your underage shit. (You)

Attached: 3eNuGky.png (169x178, 22K)

>Hydrocity is boring
We're going to have to agree to disagree here, chum, because Hydrocity is by far the best water level in the series as far as I'm concerned, it's a fantastic level and I was ecstatic to see it return in Mania. I think Angel Island is a good starting zone, but I do agree Marble Garden is a slog, those spinning tops are a stupid gimmick.

Classically epic, my good man! Back to neogaf and resetera with them, hahah!!!

sonic 2 is a game from 1992, retard. SA2 is a shitty game from 2001 with a fan fiction tier plot that spawned the series' autistic DA-tier fanbase

>Thinks Sa2 started the autism and not the Comics/SatAm
>Calls other people underage
Fucking kek

I don't agree with the user who says Sonic 1 is the best game, but personally I feel the game gets too much shit, it's better than most people give it credit for. It's very focused on rolling and momentum management. In some ways Sonic is more fun without the spindash because you REALLY have to earn your momentum.

Marble in particular gets undue shit. All of the outdoor sections feature wavy terrain, meaning tons of small slopes that can be abused for high jumps to skip a lot of the platforming sections. A good portion of the "block moving across lava" sections are skippable, or quickly clearable, with, once again, well timed jumps. Both types of aforementioned well timed jumps involve utilizing your momentum to improve your jumps. The better the timing, the more that your momentum improves the jump.

Most of the waiting sections can be skipped, and those that can't be skipped offer a good location to practice precision momentum inputs, to learn just how much control you have. Again, every input to the left or the right adds one increment of momentum, and these can be alternated for a ridiculous amount of control. You can roll in a ball moving back and forth on those moving blocks. Labyrinth test this exact skill the most, particularly in its boss fight

Both of these Zones also give you plenty of moments to practice using the roll as an offensive ability, similar to how the somersault would later take form in Adventure 2.

Again, post proof.

Yikes and bluepilled. Fuck off fag.

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Pick one

>spawned the series' autistic DA-tier fanbase
Nah, that was SatAM and the Archie comics. Adventure 1&2 and Sonic X did make it worse though.

because look at the adventure games dummie they are not sequels as we typically define them in that a sequell happens right after, granted the story characters added in one (tikal and chaos) were in the multiplayer mode but shadow is a story sequel not a gameplay sequel so it wasnt given the title of adventure 3 its lacking some key things

3 dif play styles bare minimum for the main sonic trio possibly shadows trio if they want them playable in it

difrent story lines for difrent people

chao garden period if this is a problem to anyone on this thread just remember that the closest thing to a adventure 3 we have is heros in that all it was lacking was the garden as the levels and story was on par with the adventure games 06 was a close second but they didnt let you play as tails or knuckles so it couldnt be adv 3


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Mania is all about speed though. They literally designed the levels around keeping your speed and even threw in the dropdash so you never lose your momentum

>the others lost focus of what was important
That being?

my dick in your ass you stupid fucking faggot

sometimes caring for something in a digital world will make people replay levels they hate to no end just to make the little fuckers happy

Who wouldn't

How can a person be so heartless? Do you even have a soul?

The only people who say Sonic 2 is the best Sonic game are either boomers who played it once back in '92 and never touched the series since or underage zoomers who started with boostshit.


Fuck off Sony

I'm neither and i think 2 is the best. I'm not a speedfag or anything but 3 feels way too sluggish to me. It's probably due to the larger and more vertical level design but whatever. 1 felt way more balanced in speed/platforming but i find it too short and i'm not fond of marble or labyrinth. 2 is the only one that i feel has a good pace and enough good levels. The only real fault is that, yes, the levels are heavily speed-based. It's still far more tame than the 3D shit though

>only one out of my friends to beat sonic adventure with all the characters
>tell them you get to fight perfect chaos at the end
>they call me a liar

Felt bad man

Based. You BTFO him kek

I played it when I was young so I can tolerate the garbage parts a little better.

Unlike the new pc ports I don't fall through the world or have the game break on me every single fucking level.

I quit generations after falling through a boss floor 3 times in a row.

>I feel the game gets too much shit, it's better than most people give it credit for. It's very focused on rolling and momentum management. In some ways Sonic is more fun without the spindash because you REALLY have to earn your momentum
To some extent I agree, but there's not nearly enough focus on the rolling mechanics to excuse the rest of it. I do agree that the game is better played without the spindash since it doesn't promote bad habits when playing.

>Marble in particular gets undue shit. All of the outdoor sections feature wavy terrain, meaning tons of small slopes that can be abused for high jumps to skip a lot of the platforming sections.
All the outdoor areas are just straight shots and the sloped terrain doesn't make that much of a difference.

Hell fucking no. Its not even better than adventure. And unleashed and generations are still better. Shit i would even go so far to say 06 is better than sa2. Sa2 is a mess in every department except city escape, green forest, and the music. 06 has better music, level design, and better use of characters as amigo characters

It still has just as much emphasis on platforming as S3, only with fewer of the more pace breaking sections

Well you're not wrong. You've certainly lost your dick over the years.

It had soul

unlucky we will never get these physics again

Attached: sa2 platforming.webm (770x469, 2.94M)

You wanna know what else it had? Your fucking brain splattered on the floor. Dumbass motherfucker, i swear to god. I'm so fucking tired of you retards, if i met you in real life i'd really stomp the shit out of your skull, it'd be nothing but dust by the end...stupid cunt, eat shit and die

I don't think it's fair to compare 2 to 3, 2 despite being having a weird second half is actually complete, people only started preferring 3 once everyone realized it's supposed to mix with Knuckles.

I think if 06 was over 50% finished it would have been a step up from SA2 level design at least, definitely seems more open it just needed physics on everything (specially rails) but I'm just gonna give it the benefit of the doubt on that one.

wow yeah it's not like we can jump from unintended geometry to unintended geometry though the abuse of mechanics in the new games....oh wait


SA1/2/heroes are the only games that dont lock you down to a hallway. the levels are hallways, sure... but you are free to use your abilities and the physics engine to do as you want

you can't EVER go out of a hallway in a boost game unless you break out of bounds.

Attached: SA1 sequence break #1.webm (1285x715, 1.06M)


>boostfags will NEVER have this much control over their character's movement

Attached: [Adventure] max speed sharp turn.webm (475x484, 2.45M)


>people still like my webm

Attached: 1LRZMVi.gif (413x254, 915K)

how did you manage to make a 1920x1080 webm 17 seconds long, only being 2.83mb?

In Adventure 1/2 sure, but not in Heroes. The fuck are you on about? Heroes offered very little exploration. Stages were just big.

he's here, lads
it's better than the letterbox one everyone used to spam, that's for sure

i know but
>sa1/2 engine >>> heroes,
>heroes >>>>>>boost

Attached: heroes.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

The Seven Chaos Emeralds

06 is more compelling to me because every action stage is actually fun to go through and navigate the levels and setpieces. With another year of quality control, it wouldve been an excellent game to send off that era of gameplay. Everything in sa2 except some of the speed levels are a slog to get through and thats what really sucks. When something feels draining instead of exciting especially in a sonic game. Thats why people get mad or sad about 06. Because everyone wanted to go through radical train, flame core, or aquatic base with less glitches and better physics

>tfw you like all versions of Sonic's gameplay (styles) and just want to see those styles executed properly in 3D without any stupid filler bullshit
cant we all just get along

Attached: thingken.png (500x404, 142K)

sonic threads on Yea Forums are nothing compared to /sthg/.

Unleashed, Colors, and Generations all had some split pathways in some of their stages though
I wish

More like
>Adventure games >>> Unleashed daytime stages >>> Heroes/Shadow >>> everything else

nigger tell me the software so i can make more pro adventure propaganda

boostfag, the stages are still straight hallways even if they give you the illusion of choice, it's momentary. and it does not feel rewarding at all to use the alt paths, as it does with adventure, where you actually need to put effort and understand the game's mechanics to pull it off. and it doesn't feel buggy/RNG based like when you do OOB in boost games

Attached: sa2 custom level.webm (277x202, 2.43M)

adventure>heroes,shadow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>any 2d>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... 10^(9999999999999)km later...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boostshit smartphone tier shit unleashed. fuck off

boost """games""" physics engine:
>locked down with no freedom to do anything the devs did not intend you to do
>he same level of depth as hallway endless runner mobile games
>can not platform in 3D whatsoever, so they shove 2D sections to take care of it while 3D is autopilot phone game
>all you do is dash left-right and jump/crouch to avoid obstacles
>sonic controls as if he was a 5000lb car
>no flexibility whatsoever, takes very long to turn
>jumping from an inclined plane does not give you signifficant height, feel locked down by the physics engine

Adventure physics engine:
>jump off inclined planes to gain incredible height proportional to speed buildup from spindash
>jump into walls to get insane vertical height
>precise, accurate platforming
>huge potential to have rooftop to rooftop platforming level designs

Make this become pasta adventurebros. We have to change the narrative. The facts are on our side. All these boostfags got is dumb reviews from youtubers taken out of context.

Attached: sonic game ranks v3.jpg (1370x2496, 1.29M)

inb4 12 replies

I get what you mean, I love doing that stuff in the Adventure games but I don't really experiment enough with them

>coins and springs on the fucking platform

If you guys have never played the games on Dreamcast, I'm afraid you've missed out on the definitive, soulful versions.

pic related is boostniggers who complain about
>muh camera
>muh sonic was never good
>muh i gotta go fast, i dont want to put any effort whatsoever to leverage the game's mechanics
instead, they prefer to be spoonfed with a GO FAST button because a youtuber said so.

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>Farewell, Sonic, forever

Attached: 1551954708963.jpg (1280x1263, 258K)

no...how can this be, bros?......adventure.....is......the......best..................................

Attached: quality.webm (474x480, 941K)

Why do I get a feeling there is some adventure falseflagging going on

2D (1-3&K, Mania, not Advance games) >>>>>>>> SA1/2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 06, Heroes, Shadow >>>>>>>> Boostshit

>this argument again, which can easily be ironed out on a remake
it's literally not even an issue because adventure is not about loops. it's about fast-yet-precise 3D platforming, which boostshit will never achieve.

i respect 2dbros now, at least you got your feet on the ground and are not delusional sheep like boostfags

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I used to (and still do) have a sweet spot for sonic 3d blast since I loved it.
And that goes for every sonic game from any of the ps2/gamecube collections (yes even labyrinth and r)
I'm tempted to grab it on steam the next time it goes on sale so I can use the directors cut mod for it.

Attached: 1552872581259.jpg (640x480, 78K)

I forgot where, but I think I remember it being called "Sonic Adventure: Shadow Of A Hedgehog" or something like that

Attached: 1552760770421.png (240x280, 112K)

Sonic 2
Sonic CD
Sonic Triple Trouble
Sonic 3&K
Knuckles' Chaotix
Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
Sonic R
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Advance
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Mania

This is the canon list of best Sonic games

Attached: 1546682361566.png (455x437, 106K)

7/10 somebody will fall

>40% of this thread is the same faggot responding to his own shitty thread trying to get people to like his game

Will I be crucified if I try to sneak lost world on that list
The deadly six are terrible and the game is very meh, but I like what they tried to do with the parkour system and slowly more 3d/interesting worlds.

I don't get why /vg/ complains about 2D sonic not being "something new" when it has been exactly that with Advance/Rush for like over a decade.

>CD, Game Gear shit, Chaotix, 3D Blast, R, Advance 2, and HEROES get on the list
>No room for SONIC 1

Attached: 1499835361742.png (257x149, 18K)

>muh black eyes

I honestly forgot

>Any 2D
>Hating on Sonic 2
>Hating on Sonic Advance
>Hating on Sonic Rush
This is coming from a hardcore Adventurefag. SA2 is my favorite game of all time. 2D gameplay doesn't automatically equal shit. The problem only arises when stages are mostly 2D, which Unleashed stays away from. Rooftop Run and Jungle Joyride are both fantastic stages. Get some fucking stage.

>Boot PC version
>it freezes on first loading screen
What do? I'm on windows 10


>Genesis 3D Blast

Attached: 1410215819626.png (400x400, 96K)

>SA2 the best one
>not this

Attached: 58174983.jpg (320x224, 46K)

Let me guess. You're British.

go away, JC

Mike Pollock is unironically the Best Eggman voice

Though the job might be wearing him out

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Best sonic game, you say? I think you used the wrong picture. let me fix that

Attached: 3max.jpg (497x632, 95K)

It's what classic sonic should be instead of that Mania rehash shit

>Perfect story for a Sonic game
Unironically kill yourself. SA2 was the beginning of the end of Sonic Stories, with its non sensical trips to space & overall absurdity. Also the first mainline game to drop the duality of technology/robotisation vs nature.

Why does everyone keep choosing the wrong picture

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Sonic was never good

>Rouge-poster posts a shit opinion
color me surprised.
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3 and Knuckles
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Sonic Generations
>Sonic Mania Plus
Are the "essential" games, the best of the best of their eras.

>Sonic CD
>Sonic the Hedgehog
>Tails' Sky Patrol
>Tails Adventure
>Sonic Adventure
>Sonic Battle
>Sonic Colors
Are fantastic games, good places to go if you enjoy Sonic.

>Sonic Advance
>Sonic Advance 2
>Sonic Advance 3
>Sonic Rush
>Sonic Rush Adventures
>Sonic and the Secret Rings
>Sonic Unleashed
>Sonic Lost World
Are decent games held back by major flaws.

>Sonic the Fighters
>Knuckles Chaotix
>Sonic Drift
>Sonic Drift 2
>Sonic 3D Blast
>Sonic R
>Sonic Riders
>Shadow the Hedgehog
Are interesting enough that they're at least worth playing, if only for the novelty.

Everything else is skippable or just plain bad.

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You mean that game you have to mod back into being the Dreamcast version to be good?

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can't hear you over the tunes of Studiopolis

>He can't look at images properly
Look closer user

What is the second reason

Add the All Stars Racing games to this list and it's perfect

Makes sense that the games which were originally meant to be the finale are the most kino ones

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Didn't really want to touch crossover focused games for the list, but it would make it, yeah.

I really love the adventure games, I wish I could've lived in the timeline where Sonic 06 was actually a great game and Sonic were to continue his road of glory
maybe then they wouldn't try to do so many different things and just sticking to something to polish and improve continuously

Attached: 1553058284383.jpg (218x262, 50K)

Sonic Heroes is literally Sonic Adventure 3 but they changed it to Heroes because they didn't want to alienate potential buyers who had never played the first 2. Never forget that.

06' could also be called Adventure 3.
Doesn't mean shit when both 06' and Heroes are fucking shit.

>no mechs
>no treasure hunting
>IT'S SA3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
shut the fuck up

>06' could also be called Adventure 3.
No, it couldn't. Dismissed.

why not?

But when modded it becomes primo material
And even then, the dx version isn't *awful* just not a good port. The game itself is still fine enough to play so

Attached: 1552765622657.png (256x256, 147K)

No answer, just as i thought.

Because Sonic Heroes is Sonic Adventure 3. '06 was a reboot and Naka left development partway through, so it's most definitely not Adventure 3.

Nah, you just don't like the other games that play like Sonic in the adventure games because all of them are mediocre/garbage, like seriously what the fuck did they fired all the staff of SA2 or something? the whole heroes/shadow/06 trilogy are like a fever dream, people say shit about Forces/Boom but Sonic never got worse than that.

Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Heroes = Sonic Adventure 3
Shadow the Hedgehog = Sonic Adventure Gaiden

Heroes and 06 really do not play like Sonic in SA. Shadow kinda but not quite. Also yeah, most of the staff fell off after SA2. Compare the credits from SA2 to Heroes and it's absurd

Best Sonic Remix, prove me wrong
Mitsuyoshi is a genius

Probably not everyone, most of them likely got shuffled to other projects or left over time and Takashi Iizuka took over as Sonic Team head

Bump Advance trilogy & Rush up, lower Sky Patrol & Colors, bump Sonic the Fighters up 1 or 2 ranks, unironically a solid arcade fightan game.

lyrics ruin it tbqh

Based adventure actually making the player input something to go through loops. I know that is a foreign concept to boostniggers though

>He doesn't like Daytonaman's singing
Unfortunate, but I understand where you're coming from

Ironic since that glitch will only occur if you input something after the game has started forcibly moving you forward

No he only died because he wasn't inputting anything I've done that exact thing in the webm

It shares more in common with the Adventure titles than Heroes does, as it actually has multiple different play styles that actually change how you play the game, unlike Heroes and its glorified stance shifting mechanic.

Way to miss the point of that second post, dumbass.

I made the webm, sweetie. When the game starts forcing you forward into the loop, you push back lightly and ta-da. If you do nothing you'll just slide down normally

>Also the first mainline game to drop the duality of technology/robotisation vs nature.
That was never canon. Eggman just made robots designed like animals to rebuild the world in his image, the animals were never transformed into robits. The theme wasn't the message, Eggman just fucked shit up and Sonic wanted to keep the peace, that's it.

You're right that it was the first real game to drop that focus and distracted you with "muh government" and "muhria".

Heroes is so boring

It's not even as good as SA1, and that's a low fucking bar.

learn how to play

Attached: Frog Forest Upper Path.webm (800x600, 2.36M)

You can't go through that loop without input so of course you will die when you let him slide down the slope retard.

SA2 holds up a lot better, Sonic/Shadow levels more linear of course but it just feels so much better to play and the levels aren't a straight line like in the first shit sonic game (heroes)

Something like that doesn't make up for the rooms of enemies you have to defeat multiple times every level.
>b-but you can glitch past them
If you have to glitch the game to make it fun its not good.

Go back and play that level. You can move into the part where the game starts pushing you and then let go, you'll be perfectly fine.

>That was never canon. Eggman just made robots designed like animals to rebuild the world in his image, the animals were never transformed into robits.
Sure, but he was always using animals to power his machines. Hell, this was even the focus of what many would consider the best written route in Sonic Adventure.
Early Sonic really did have environmentalist themes hidden underneath the fluff, with how they always went out of their way to show how much Eggman fucks up the environment wherever he goes (see; Oil Ocean). They really stopped focusing on this aspect after the original trilogy of games, and SA2 was the game that removed it almost entirely.

just boost the flight character and they can one shot everyone

>ok but look at this set piece that you can jump to.
Cool but that doesn't make up for the awful controls, combat, grinding, flight, a majority of the levels, the shitty story and cutscenes, the god awful final boss, or the Chaotix Route.

>Shadow is decent
>Heroes is bad

>Sure, but he was always using animals to power his machines.
Also not canon. FUck off with the brit comics. The Robots didn't need animals to be powered and never was. They are there to enslave the wildlife with Eggman's robotic creations.

Hell the fact Eggpawns exists proves this. He stopped trying to capture woodland creatures and just said fuck it and forced on defeating Sonic personally.

Not the giant enemies with armor or the enemies that block that ruin the later half of the game.

>wtf why does this game let me input something while I'm playing a game.
>why doesn't this game railroad me even harder reeeee dying is a failure of the game design.


>shitty story
unironically one of the more kino sonic stories

The hate against Heroes is pure memery

Sonicfags would hate an official Sonic Adventure 3
Prove me wrong

>They really stopped focusing on this aspect after the original trilogy of games, and SA2 was the game that removed it almost entirely.
That must be why I find most of the plots after the first adventure game so similar to fan fiction, Unleashed/Colors don't feel like that since they are closer to what the old games were about but Forces brought it back.

It's a huge step down from actual game-kino like SA2. It's more like a saturday morning cartoon.

>Shadow is interesting
Based illiterate user.

>"Behold, Sonic! This time, everything will be different! I turned the island's animals into robots."
-Sonic the Hedgehog Manual (JP)
Also let's not pretend the Eggpawns weren't a mistake. Lazy as fuck excuse for the game devs not to make a bunch of interesting robot designs.

Attached: I-have-no-sides-and-I-must-kek.jpg (250x323, 63K)

Of course they would, it wouldn't be what they want

Probably yeah because it'd be boost sonic and sonic is the only good part of the adventure games

And then Lost World suddenly went back to this because... Uhh... Who needs continuity when you have nostalgia pandering?

Attached: 0A62E156-8031-43B8-B678-409AFD33A148.png (1334x750, 3.01M)

How much of a shit earing retard do you have to be to recommend Lost World or Shadow over Heroes?

>It's more like a saturday morning cartoon.
How is that bad thing exactly?
The entire series revolves around a talking blue hedgehog that can run at the speed of sound who's main enemy is someone is is a walking egg.
Where did this notion that Sat Morning Cartoon = bad story?
Honestly I prefer the more lighthearted stories of the modern games compared to something like shadow (and honestly some of sa2) that tried to take itself too seriously

Attached: ssBshkn.jpg (540x447, 48K)

At this point I think it has the same kind of hate Colors has, not really too much for the game itself but for what it brought with it in the franchise.

>a weird second half
Knuckles is the stronger portion of the game, what are you smoking?

>>"Behold, Sonic! This time, everything will be different! I turned the island's animals into robots."
user, there's nothing there saying they are powered, it in fact, proves they are nothing more than enslaved beings
>Also let's not pretend the Eggpawns weren't a mistake.
It was for being lazy, but as an idea, they are nothing more than advance Eggrobos

>unironically one of the more kino sonic stories
>Brings back Shadow for literally no reason, uses the lazy as fuck amnesia excuse to reset his character progression so he can be edgy again.

You just made me realize that 06' kiddies are going to be old enough to post on Yea Forums soon.

You aren't, Sonicfags hate everything.

I meant the second half of Sonic 2

Yeah, ignore that game, it's only canon at this point thanks to Zavok shilling.

Oh wait, I misread that. Disregar-
Yeah, oops.

I was born in the '80s, you dumb zoomer.

Lost World has some solid shit in it, even if it's not a great game.
Again, Shadow is interesting. It has a branching story, a completely insane story and premise, and heavily features a hedgehog shooting people while saying damn every ten seconds. An interesting train wreck like it is worth playing over a boring train wreck like Heroes.

That's not Lost World

Attached: maxresdefault2[1].jpg (1366x768, 160K)

>ywn have another multiplayer Sonic experience with such loose broken level design that you can just fuck around on the surface of a great pyramid with bare bones collision detection that was probably never intented to be walked on


It's a trap, it's actually one of the most soulful right up there with SA2 and Unleashed.

Negative soul

Boost is incredibly boring and levels are designed around it, making them LITERALLY one dimensional, where you only move sonic from the left part of the lane to the right part. Boost is a cancer that needs desperate excision.

Here is the solution:

The Deadly Six are among the worst vilains i've ever seen in a video game.

>so he can be edgy again
Heroes Shadow is more arrogant than edgy.

Which stinks since I kinda like Zavok's design
I'm glad he's in TSR for that reason alone desu. Lost World was a neat game and I'm glad it's getting some representation.

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>those 2 weeks Yea Forums liked the green chick

Why does modern knuckles look so bad? His best design was Sa1 and it has been downhill since, Sa2 was the last time he looked passable.

Nice bait, faggot. Made me reply.

Attached: 014461DC-65CF-4B6E-90AE-086AD73A900F.gif (540x540, 1.02M)

He suffers from western Kirby syndrome, not allowed to be a fun character anymore.

Epic bait

What's wrong with him? I think all the post-06, pre-LW character models look great besides Metal Sonic, whose forehead became huge.

You mean especially Shadow.

God what I wouldn't give to have Griffith back as Shadow. Thornton has gotten better, but he's still the weakest of the three by a mile.

Fuck off. Zavik feels completely out of place in Sonic and his only meaningful characteristic is that he's the leader of a stupid gang.

Move 06 down one and Shadow up one, and this list is maximum kino.

>[being fun] is a bad reason why it should be the best one.
Yea Forums in a nutshell

They all look like knock off pixar characters but its especially bad with knuckles.

thats not sonic cd

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I don't know about best but that whole game is still the biggest pleb filter of all time.

Be honest, how much time did you invest in the Chao Garden? Roughly I would say 50 hours in total (grinding for rings, animals and drives, races & Karate, and raising chao.)

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More than I should have. Once I completed SA2, all I did was:
>Go to City Escape to grind for rings, or one of the kart stages, because I didn't know any better
>Buy that Chao Fruit for my one Chao until it was able to beat everything in Race & Karate
>Wait until it reincarnated
>Repeat process

>had a cute, yellow, bunny-eared chao that was rising in stats fast
>let a friend borrow my memory card for a night
>they fucking deleted my chao

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after countless hours grinding to train my uber chao, the thing died. It would immediately freeze into its grey death shell upon entering the garden. I learned a lot about loss and futility from that.

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>what could have been

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>They all look like shit
Based Uekawa coming through in the end and making a kino design

The first one looks the best imo.
The other ones just look like mephiles rejects.
And darkspine sonic kinda

In total for both games less than 5, I never bothered with them much

Robotnik thread?

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Those top two look weird. Sonic characters shouldn't have defined muscle tone like that. Stick with the noodle arms. That said I kind of like the scarred eye.

probably thousands of hours

Can Sonic ever escape from edge?

>Can Sonic ever escape from edge?
I mean, there wasn't much edge in Lost World or Colors.

Sure why not

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On the gamecube, oh man who knows
The ps3 port, I did enough for a dark swimming chao and a sonic chao, but hardly anything more.
As I got older I slowly stopped caring for chao (I have yet to do something in it on my second ps3 purchased copy)
I leave all the chao emblem work to my sis since she still loves raising chao

Sonic fans love edge. Why should they get rid of it?

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Egg gang rise up

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>Sonic fans love edge
[citation needed]

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All this hate for mad space, but what about Death Chamber?

No developer should care about what Sonic fans want.

Death Chamber wasn't too bad since it didn't have a limit.
Besides mad space, the worst emerald level for me was knuckles' segment of the last story.
Every copy of sa2 I've ever had I have yet to beat the final story for that reason. (When I was young I had no idea there the water breathing necklace thing existed)

Map Space

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based opinion and based eggman

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Sonic heroes was trash ever since they decided to scrap the team of Mighty/Ray/Metal Sonic

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Imagine what we could have had. Although bringing back Gamma would have been kind of a dumb move, better that he stay dead, it would have been cool as fuck to see "Team SA1" and what their shit could have been like.

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Honestly I'm glad they replaced gamma with e123 omega. Gamma had his story with a conclusion, no need to pull a shadow and bring him back again.
>Bean team
Ok that one I had no idea existed. Man now I hate heroes even more since it could've been the reason Mighty/ray/bean/bark/fang would've been modern sonic mainstays

? How do you hate a game for not doing something

Also, Heroes seemed to be like mania before mania with bringing back old and presumably dead characters.
Heroes is the child that is hated no matter what he does but doesn't deserve it was my mindset.
...Until I learned about team mighty this week and bean rn.
Heroes I'm sorry but no one loves you

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>Playable Metal Sonic
As much as I would have liked to see Ray and Mighty on the same team, I like the Metal Sonic we got instead. Neo Metal Sonic was 100x more interesting and based than Eggman.

Ok I don't.
That was an exaggeration (I love all sonic games no matter how bad)
Point is, I'm super bummed they left out team mighty/bean.

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>Neo Metal Sonic was 100x more interesting and based than Eggman.

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Why does his new render have so much soul?

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that makes a little more sense

I'm assuming that's his TSR render?
If so, TSR as a whole has lots of soul in it.
Super hyped and it needs to get here FASTER

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Eh, I preferred Ryan and David. Ryan felt like someone with a lot of energy while David had that smooth yet dangerously cunning vibe, which I felt fit Sonic and Shadow. Jason (until Unleashed) and Roger sound waaay too chill, which doesn't fit Sonic to me while Jason and Kirk to me sounds too serious. To be fair, that has more to do with the direction they're taking Shadow.

Eggman always has soul (except in 06)

>Although bringing back Gamma would have been kind of a dumb move
How can say such an outrageous statement like this, while you don't mind we have got around Shadow who's still alive? As long he stays alive, then there's no reason to not bring back Gamma.

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It is.
And it really does. Like, I never thought I would see King Boom Boo and Mother Wisp appear in the same game, let alone ever appear again. Even the stages we've seen that they reused from the All Stars games look fucking great

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Good characters and concluded story arcs should stay dead
Sonic Battle doesn't count

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>while you don't mind we have got around Shadow who's still alive?
I would have preferred Shadow stay dead too. That's another great think about the originally planned teams for Heroes: no Shadow. I still think Shadow would have been remembered more fondly as a character if he were allowed to stay dead for one fucking game. Immediately bringing him back with amnesia and undoing his entire character arc from SA2 was just so jarring and lame. It would have been equally contrived with Gamma, but at least Gamma would have been less damaging for the Sonic series' reputation as a whole. I doubt they would have given Gamma his own terrible spin-off game.

At first I was bummed that they delayed it, but after seeing how polished it looks now compared to when it was first revealed I am 110% happy with the delay.
If I had to have 1 gripe, it still looks a tad slow but still much faster then the first gameplay reveal we saw so that's good

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oh you

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I mean, it's better than Heroes at least, but it still fucking sucks.

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well you've certainly changed my mind

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Maybe it's because I'm so used to seeing characters to turn out to be alive or come back from the dead, but for some reason, I'm more willing to accept Shadow not dying at the of SA2 than contriving a reason for the mother Flickie to get back into Gamma.

My only gripe is still just the roster being so small, but if they can fill in the gaps with substantial DLC zones and characters and sell it on the cheap, I can see the game having a good shelf life.

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If there was something good to come out of how bad 06 turned out is how they felt like doing new designs for all the characters, everyone in that game looks addicted to drug and I'm glad they didn't get the chance to make that "modern sonic".

Jesus fucking christ

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Okay sorry I had a hard time finding a relevant image.

Have this gif I guess?

Attached: Usagi.gif (399x299, 1.84M)

It's only really weird because the atmosphere of the game doesn't suit Shadow being alive at all, the game is like all happy and shit but there's out of nowhere this guy who falls from space after knowing his dead loli didn't want him to kill all humans, that's completely out of place.

Although, I find the roster fine since I'll only be using Silver/Omega exclusively anyway. Only real addition I'd ask for is team babylon.
If I could add anyone, Mighty/Ray/Fang but since those are reserved to the classic series idk.
Maybe a new villain team of Infinite/Chaos/Mephiles would be awesome to see

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It's ok user, you're good.

I'm the same way, I can finally use Blaze and the character types and customization definitely promote more experimentation than with Transformed. But I do feel like a few more major characters should be added, including the Babylon Rogues, Cream, Espio, Charmy, and maybe another few characters.

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I'm just gonna assume they are saving all the Heroes cast for DLC.

I'm still surprised espio and cream are taken out.
Switch vector out for cream (hell, bring marine back since she interacted with blaze in rush adventure)
That way you can have the good old modern team chaotix

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Why was Sonic so anime in the 2000s

I don't want to believe there's dlc, but every sega all stars racing before this had dlc so it's probably likely.
I wonder what it'd be outside of team babylon though. Maybe they sell single off characters for the team mix and match mode?
If they tossed in Ray/Mighty/Espio as a team I'd lose my mind

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Rooting for Chaos Zero, Gamma or Gmerl to make it in DLC somehow

Because eggman is by far the most enjoyable sonic character. 06 is the only incarnation I can think of which is bad. Even in Sonic Boom, he's the only design which I think everybody likes.

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Why hasn't anyone made a Street Fighter styled Sonic fan game yet?

Because every game after this is shit.
But Generations is nice so there.

Yuji Naka wanted less Americanized Sonic elements and wanted the Eastern elements back for their Jap IP. Too bad this still wasn't enough to make Sonic likable in the East, and only split the Western fanbase more.

>not archived
what was it


I recognize them Flash Kicks

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Sonic Battle Gamma is a different Gamma iirc.

Besides that.

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A robot team would be neat.
Gamma, Emerl, maybe bring back an ancient character like mecha knuckles.

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For once, you're lucky not having 4channelX

That may be true, yes. And that's if they even do a lot of DLC for it, if they can get the roster to be about 8 or 9 teams instead of just 5, then this game will last a good while
If not her, then I would love to see Eggman Nega come back

whatever you say buddy

It's taken from MUGEN's Emerl, I think

Glad we both agree.


You're the guy who says "no problem" when someone thanks you sarcastically, aren't you?

Because it was the one you played when you were 12.

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Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is a weird fucking game.

Come on man, well I mean Sonic Heroes was ok, but everything after is crap.

Man every time I see black knight/secret rings I wish we got more.
I loved the storybook games since they were a good excuse to put sonic in different timezones without bringing time travel into the mix.
(Plus black knight is my fav 3d sonic don't change my mind)

there's nothing wrong with adventure 2, 06, or unleashed

SA1 did some things better than 2,like Sonic's level design being more open, Sonic having 10 stages and Knuckles radar. SA2 was much more polished and the trick system was pretty good, overall it was the last 3d Sonic where the player felt it controlled the characters.
The kart in the story was unnecessary though. and fuck those missions of not hitting walls or cars, especially in rouge

Tails mecha was so fucking bad, so annoying to turn around and so easy to fuck up jumps.
Eggman on another hand felt alright and didnt turn as bad as Tails.

Mad Space(shitty gravity, troll hints, emeralds on the bottom area where is very easy to die when flying ones), both Sand levels(when keys are placed in those closed rooms with the radar being picky as fuck). Meteor Herd and Aquatic Mine can have really weird emerald placements

Some of you dont have any idea how trollish these could be on the DC version, because on that version there was no exclamatio mark telling the exact place of the emerald/key.

I'd write a diatribe but im drunk right now and don't want to.

I will concede that 06 and Forces are puketastic, and that Colors is overrated as fuck.

l o s t w o r l d

I agree man, cheers. Have a nice night.

>SA2 was the beginning of the end of Sonic Stories, with its non sensical trips to space
What is Sonic 2, 3&Knuckles, sweetie honey

>non sensical trips to space
You do realise that has been a thing since sonic 2 right?

>play Dreamcast version on release
>no stats on the chao
>stats were in the Chao Adventure, but that took too much time and space on the vmu
>barely any guides or hints how to raise them right for the later chao missions
>say "fuck it" download some hacked chao garden with a Sonic chao and win the last 3 races that was missing

With the HD version I did it by picking the specials animals, like the phoenixs, and just abuse of the animal glitch until lv99 and force food without reincarnation. the worst part was the final karate chao, because they are expecting for reincarnation for more As, which I didnt, so that took me a bunch of tries

Any game that makes me play through it 4 times, with each playthrough being longer than the last, just to see the ending automatically ends up on my shit list

Am chao noob here, what does reincarnation have to do in respect to chao karate? Does reincarnation make the chao stronger or something?

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Not just having to play it 4 times, but beat all the Special Stages too, which can increase play time if you get hit on the second act of stages

Chaotix counts as its own thing because it has different missions.

It just means it gets to live again. Its animal parts are removed if it had any, its stats are reset to Lvl 1 but he keeps 1/10th of his stats into that Lvl 1. Reincarnation was essential to access deeper chaos.

Each evolution will raise the best leveled attribute up, like a C goes to a B. So, with reincarnation you will have more shots to raise a better chao. Another idea is to get 2 good chao and breed them so you get a new chao with better attributes
And I forgot there are S rankings in these, the idea is ignoring Chao with Ds and E, but get ones with only a few C and more B,A and S.

I had issues with the last Karate Chao because I was lacking Power, I think my chao was a C or something in that stat.

Shadows is a sequel to Heroes. If anything Heroes has the strongest claim to be considered Adventure 3 since it's the only game that is a direct sequel to Adventure 2 and makes references to the Adventure games often.

Is there any way to get Chao to eat food faster?
Stamina always ends up taking forever to max out

But they do?

At least in the DX version.

Chao garden is a more well designed as a pet sim than the Sonic segments are as a platformer.
I will shamelessly claim they're the highlight of the games and the only reason to replay the Adventure series.

>Any game that makes me play through it 4 times
This has always been a meme complaint. You are complaining about a series known for 1 hour campaigns hiding shit behind multiple playthroughs. Thats absurd. The Sonic games you wouldn't replay 4 times are in the minority of the franchise.

There is an item on the black market that raises stamina faster, but dont remember each.
What I did was, animal glitch a couple of times, then eat, animal glitch, then eat. If goes to sleep, awake him up and eat. One of my chao loved to eat the fruit of Hero Garden, so it wasnt that painful

The problem is that Heroes levels aren't fun in the first place.

8 hours late, but there is unused audio intended for the ending where Eggman talks about how hes still after world domination despite everything that happened.

Dunno it went off the deep end after SA2. I personally blame 4kids.

Thats retarded. Not like 06 is magically fantastic in japanese.

The Tiny Chao Garden was great for leveling up your chao, if you didn't know the glitch.
Who Tiny Chao Garden here?

Colors had more problems than wisps. Every planet's first 2 acts were great but after that you get 4 other garbage acts on top of shit bosses to play through. If they got rid of the 4 extra acts and turned that dev time into a couple extra planets and made the bosses better it'd have been better than Unleashed and Generations.

>I had issues with the last Karate Chao because I was lacking Power, I think my chao was a C or something in that stat.

If you just max out you chao's run stat, you'll win 100% of the time.

Personally, I fucking loved treasure hunting stages (except the egyptian one with the ghosts, fuck that one). I would just chill and listen to some chill beats while treasure hunting.

The storytelling in those games are underrated, especially Black Knight.

The entire ending sequence is pure kino, from the absolutely BALLER super sonic transformation to the sick final boss theme (where somehow the normal version is better than the Crush 40 one)
Also, Sonic actually having a character that isn't just one-liner meme shit is nice.

Shame about the gameplay though.

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>almost 2800 speed
That's a S for sure, no wonder it can win like that. Bad luck when you realized your chao is mostly a C and even lv99 wont help because most of its stats are below 1800

I'm with you except treasure hunting. Gliding around is fun but ruined by the shit levels although the music for those levels are kino


gameplay was hit or miss. The townsfolk giving section was shit, but fighting the dragon was also kino.

Depends on the level imo. Pumpkin Hill is a legitimately great stage. I personally think Meteor Herd is good too. Wild Canyon is okay. Death Chamber is pretty meh and yeah Aquatic Mine sucks. Knuckles' stages aren't that bad really. Rouge's stages, yeah they kind of suck. Security Hall wouldn't be that bad except for that stupid unnecessary timer. Mad Space is also horrible. Egg Quarters and Sand Ocean are okay I guess, nothing special.

I don't know about best game but this is still the best version of all the characters (except maybe Shadow but he's always divisive), I could watch them doing/saying wacky shit without laughing while also having a lot of fun with it so something went right here. They were obviously trying to make them more serious but it knew when to have fun, if Sonic after SA2 was like this all the time the modern/classic division would feel like something more than a cosmetic change too.

>treasure hunting levels
No. Meteor Herd was good and that's it.

Except I would choose to replay them because they're fun. Heroes is fun for the first zone and then it sucks

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mfw classicucks

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>decides to shitpost and falseflag when thread is about to die

Really don't see why, the bump limit is in sight anyway. Just let it die in peace, it was a good thread.

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>modernfag IQ too low for CD


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>using the outdated version

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Needs Sonic Labyrinth in the place of Genesis 3D Blast and Colors instead of Black Knight for extra shitpost points

Last game before boostshit.

How are Heroes, Shadow, and 06 Boostshit?

Tell me more.

True, he probably meant both boostshit and plain ol' shit.