Real question, what can Stadia do to change your mind at this point? Do you think it's even possible?

Real question, what can Stadia do to change your mind at this point? Do you think it's even possible?
(A repost of the OP of another thread that's being flooded with off topic discussion because the original post's image is bait.)

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Other urls found in this thread:

(Repost of my response)
The only way I'd consider Stadia to be remotely viable would be to release optional hardware that's literally a complete version of one of their single server instances that you can hook up your display and peripherals to directly. Basically release a console.
Of course some features that rely on the fact you're connected to all of the other instances directly wouldn't work offline, but for anything that's single player only shouldn't require a internet conection. Plus being able to buy multiple units and connect them together for either the crazy multiplayer or for games that need more power would be needed.

here's how to how to make stadia a success delay it 20 years and upgrade the entire world internet speeds the give up on it.

For starters
1. Fix atrocious input lag
2. Have Steam/Epic/GOG compatibility so I don't have to re-buy all my games
3. Have ROM compatibility so I can play all my old NES/SNES,Genesis/PSX-2-3 games

It needs to be cheaper and better than other services around aswell as offer a good selection of games.
GeForce Now is it's biggest competitor, however it still has latency issues and will be very expensive, if Stadia can beat that it could be viable

Amazing first-party games.

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I am not a fan of digital only.
If they had some way to guarantee that i wont lose my games when they inevitably shut down the service i would try it, but as it is im not going to support a system that offer no other backup solution.

at least with steam and the like i can always pirate the games and/or save them to an external.
but because the stadia is streaming if they shut down youve just wasted money

>Fix input lag
So, basically the impossible. The fact of the matter is it's not possible even on a good connection to get a version of the image piped to you fast enough or at the picture quality enough to make a native local version the lesser option.
Youtube compression is known to be shit, and I'm always amazed at how much better games look when I start playing them on my machine compared to watching pre release footage before I get the game.

*knock knock*
Who's there?

>Physical games and digital games
Keep forever, no internet required to play

>Streaming games
All rented, internet obviously required to play

What the fuck is wrong you to even consider streaming gaming a thing that we'd want? I could go into the finer details about latency, image and sound compression but I'm giving you straight up my beef with game streaming in a simple concise way. I don't have resemblance of ownership with game streaming and I do not want my game collection to be tied down with the internet.

What can't you obvious Californian PR marketers get it through your head that gaming isn't like music/movie industry? The Netflix of gaming, give me a joke. The typical casual gamer for this would rather spend their time playing a F2P mobile game than a rental fee for streaming games once or twice a month. And yes, you are a fucking Californian because it takes a special kind of stupid to be pro-DRM like Google Stadia is.

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It's not really for me, considering I have an expensive PC already
It might be good for someone who doesn't really wanna invest that much in a PC but would like some of the advantages it has over consoles

I don't have faith in it cause I don't think gooble actually planned for what they're offering, unless they're intending to lose money over stadia.

seems a tad too altruistic for google though.

everybody knows it will work perfectly fine
many are playing on Geforce Now on the regular, and it works great
the only people complaining are the stupid tencent insectoids shilling Epic crap

If Google manage to pull off a nice release (assuming everything they said at GDC is true) more people will adhere to the service and eventually get used to it.

It's obvious that this thing is getting some initial backlash considering it's coming from Google and cloud gaming is unheard of for many people, who are skeptical due to already being used to "physical" hardware and definitely not up for trading it for something they won't even own.

Where the fuck is the picture? And post the real one, not the Nintensoy edit

lots of loli games

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It impossible. I want my shit to run natively.

Shitpost thread is over that way

they'd need to fix my 100ms roundtrip at the best of times, which ain't happening
anything with a mouse would just be outright unplayable with the input lag

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there is literally nothing that could ever make me want to rent games as a service from google.


keep in mind videos have the benefit of temporal compression, stadia is going to look even worse than youtube videos do at the same bitrate because they've one less dimension to work with

Again, this pic is fair to Sony, hes an ugly chink

For fuck sake, we already have a thread for this autism going right now, can you please have your console war wank fest in the thread that already has it please?


These streaming services require a wire or 5ghz router.

Not many people have 5ghz. Most routers crumble and cripple under bufferbloat. Streaming games is still too early.

Playstation now costs $180 a year. You could lease to own a ps4 or gaming rig on a best buy credit card for no less if you really wanted to. Geforce Now ironically requires you still have a videocard gaming computer.

The brainpower behind the push for game streaming simply doesn't exist. They got dreamers and investors but absolutely no thinkers.

Stadia has third-world shitskin pirates fucking shook

How about this instead

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Cringe and basedtendopilled


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Xbox seems like a cool skeleton bro

Nothing simply due to the fact that it's always online and I can't buy games physically. There is no point in investing money into a service where I don't own my games.

Jinkes oof yikes

>So, basically the impossible
If we are speaking theoretically, it is possible. The biggest source of input lag is not on the way from your device to the server, but from your brain to your fingers.

No because I hate the very concept of (((game streaming))). May the executives rot in hell.

>b-but it's the future!

Yeah? If it is I'm fucking done with this industry forever and I mean it. I can live solely off my backlog if I need to.

If they have enough content I think this will do well. You autists forget that they don't have to impress you, they only have to impress normalfags. And as long as games are "playable" most people aren't going to care about 5ms of input lag. I probably won't bother with it unless they somehow get a bunch of weeb games.

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In the modern era I can’t trust “buying” anything from lefties that can instantly be revoked for wrongthink. Maybe if it was a company besides google.

You'd have to have a fiber connection literally straight from your house to googles servers with absolutely no switches/exchanges/anything between those two points to be close to viable.
(repost from the other thread)
>Google's target market don't give a shit about latency.
Latency isn't some abstract subjective thing that you can make a reasonable argument doesn't really matter. Everyone can feel shit latency, unless they're literally brain dead. They're going to get mad that they press a button and something doesn't happen when they expect it to happen, not to mention the shit flinging when other players in a multiplayer environment have a significantly higher advantage than normal because of the massive latancy.
On top of the shitty video compression that's going to come about from anything that isn't a wired connection to a PC or being right next to a home WiFi router.

>And as long as games are "playable"
most genres will be completely unplayable until someone invents faster-than-light communication.

The only way I would ever bother with this is if there's a stellar line up of great turn based strategy games unavailable anywhere else. At the end of the day all that matters is what games it has, and if everything is multiplatform then there's no reason to use the version that has input delay and restricts any sort of control over the game's files. It would need to invest even more money into actual game development on games that aren't inhibited by the input delay.

There's no hope for them ever actually mitigating the input delay because people aren't directly connected to Google's datacenters with fiber and a several thousand dollar router.

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Free or sub $10 monthly price

Anything else and I wont bother

why the fuck would they just give this service for free you retard

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No, you don't get it. All we need to do is eliminate the lag that is inside your own neural system. Read the input even before you press on the button.

The fact that you don't actualy own anything on it is the biggest red flag for me and forvever will be.

Not him, but the datamining possibilities, given that's where most of googles income comes from currently anyway.

Google makes money by pushing ads.

The point the lag comes into play is entirely different, even if it takes me some time to press a button I know that as soon as I do the appropriate action will be performed. On the other hand it's inherently unsatisfying to press the button and have even small delay before the action begins, even if that lag was entirely uniform it'd still feel like shit to need to input every single action early.

It would generally have to be a free service if their claims of it being for everyone mean anything, plus the fact its streamed shit. Maybe $5 a month would be reasonable. $10 a month is $120 a year and seems retarded.

Remains to be seen whether google is planning to even make money off stadia.

>the controller interfaces with your brain
>you literally think to play the game

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Cost nothing forever.

No, not really. You send the impulse to your fingers, we intercept it and send directly to the server. You still press the button, so there is an illusion that you control the game with your gamepad and it reacts to it. You are used to your own the reaction delay, so the network delay wouldn't be so noticeable.

>Straight to page 10

>so the network delay wouldn't be so noticeable.

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the problem is not with Stadia, the problem lies with the shitty internet infrastructure. Shit like Stadia would only work in Japan because their internet is so godlike even the rural areas have fiber.

In America you would hit the caps in like a week using 20Gigs per hour unless you only play games moderately.

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>Even Neopets games have faster control response than Stadia.

>another thread where no one tried project stream
never change Yea Forums

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Fuckin based

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Actually work and let me rent games for cheap.

Had no idea they were doing it at the time. Was too busy playing games on my rig that's perfectly capable of running AssCreed at the same settings with zero input lag.

From the other thread:

Google engineer here. Feel free to ask me anything.

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Has google had / implied any plans/hopes for VR? If it can't handle normal games without lag of any amount it's certainly not going to be "The future of gaming" with the even more touchy necessities of no lag that VR brings.

Also copy/pasting Q/A from last thread so it's all in one thread:
>How do you expect to stream games over the public network when they lag when the servers are 20ft away?
This is actually a great question, and one that a lot of people keep asking us. I honestly don't know what the plans are from the Stadia team since I don't work on it myself, however I can tell you from currently playing the alpha/prototype version (we have all kind of games we can test), it works surprisingly well. I play on it from my home network which is not that great (I'm in Europe btw) and it works way better than I'd expect it to. The latency is barely noticeable with a mouse (although it is there, I won't deny it) and with a controller I don't really notice at all.
>Ok, how is Stadia supposed to cope with playing "anywhere" when phones can barely buffer 720p youtube video on mobile (which eats through data), you'd need a wired connection, which would mean needing a PC for a remotely visually decent time anyway.
I played Stadia through my 4G connection and it also works really well. I have unlimited/uncapped mobile data though. I can totally see it being a huge problem in other countries like Australia or the US where data caps are more common and I have no answer about that. I hope the telecommunication industry will evolve (fingers crossed on 5G infrastructure) as a consequence. Media streaming has become so ubiquitous these days and more and more companies are coming out with these needs that the telcos have to start caving and upgrade their shit. But I don't live in the US, so I don't know how bad you guys have it over there.
As far as phones, literally every phone should be capable of streaming this shit as long as the connection holds. It's not a technical problem, it's an infrastructure problem.

I have no special insight in any future plans or ideas or whatnot, however personally speaking I can't possibly see how VR could ever work streamed. The latency would be so nauseating that almost all kind of games would be unplayable. Unless some kind of literal wizard magic technology shit comes out (which I don't think it ever would), I don't see it possible.

Personally speaking, I don't think Stadia/streamed games work for all kind of games (especially not for twitch shooters, competitive games, fighting games, etc), however it does work *extremely* well (better than my expectations as a hardcore PC gamer were) for all other kind of games. VR, however, no way.

>How is google planning on having games that are written for Stadia be playable when the service eventually goes offline?
I don't know. I have no special insights into any long term plans or product management kinda things. I am just someone from a totally unrelated team who's in the internal alpha for it.

Exclusive software. When all is said and done, it’s the software it comes down to. I’m a collector and an idort and the last console I was hesitant about was the Switch, because it didn’t seem very powerful and I don’t really care about Nintendo’s own games, but it was an explosive success and I’ve just passed the number of physical games I have for it compared to my Vita.

I’m not above digital games though, so if something amazing appears on that platform and there is nowhere else to play it, I’m down

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They're going to shut it down within 6 months after launch anyway, so they might as well datamine the shit out of as many gullible retards as possible.

I will never use it. Neither the concept, nor the company deserves anyone's serious attention when it comes to video games.

Is there anything opened up user side optionally to facilitate mods and the like (for single player games)? Without that it's as good as dead after the lag and before anything else personally.
I'm sorry for bombarding with questions, but it's the hard hitting stuff that's going to make or break this for anyone who gives a shit about their games.

>playing GTA via Stadia
>accidentally hit "stream to Youtube button" on controller
>broadcast licences in-game radio music
>youtube account banned
T-thanks Google

*but it's the hard hitting stuff that google's not answering

That is a problem, innit? If Google is serious about their service, they’ll have to change a lot of fundamentals about copyright infringement in their YouTube side of things or limit the games available on Stadia massively.

I'm a gamer personally so I understand your concerns (and agree to most of them).
Honestly, again I really don't know. They've been very secretive even internally with this kind of stuff and we're all under a huge NDA specifically for it which also means I can't say everything (for obvious reasons).
The only thing I know is that they mentioned no cheating/hacking as one of the strong points during the GDC keynote, and having all clients considered "trusted" (since they are all on Google-owned machines) in a multiplayer setting is massive since you can drop assumptions about hackers, drop anti-cheat, and scale up to have way tighter controls over a massive multiplayer world. All this would seem to imply no mods and no user-specific modifications either, however this is just speculation on my part, I know as much as you do.

Who cares if there’s so much lag it’s unplayable?

No mods or "cheats" for multiplayer games is perfectly reasonable and understandable, but for single player, no ability to change things how I want them to is a complete deal breaker, even if lag was somehow a non issue. Bethesda games would be completely unplayable without mods (I don't understand how/why people play Skyrim on console), and I literally would have refused to buy Cupman if there wasn't a mod to turn off the chromatic aberration, and Sonic Mania literally wouldn't exist without the modding community that surrounds that entire franchise.
If you're not just LARPing, and there's some way to get these opinions into the hands of Stadia's management / devs, then I'd give express permission to do so if you can.

>no ability to change things how I want them to is a complete deal breaker
Just to be clear, most games I've played on it still have things like user settings and whatnot (like FOV, shadow details, keybinds, etc..). I know this is not what you were talking about but I just wanted to let it out there.

>If you're not just LARPing, and there's some way to get these opinions into the hands of Stadia's management / devs, then I'd give express permission to do so if you can.
You're not the first person to complain about that and even internally we've had people raise such concerns. I'll continue trying to fight the good fight and do all I can to make this become a good platform for all kind of gamers, even those with these concerns. Unfortunately I am not the one that calls the shots, but I'll try.

Be like 10$ a month.

If it's more than that, then owing (+ the advantages that comes with it + the advantage of not dealing with streamshit) will make it worthless

Like, renting vs owning, basically.

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It can't, I like owning things

>what can Stadia do to change your mind at this point?
Absolutely nothing.
This is part of their training at Google by the way

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I work at Google and I've never seen this before.

Why did they take "Don't be evil" out of their guidelines?

If Google does nothing to change how the current ISP hold their Jewish practices of making everyone other speeds slow as molasses and throttling. This won't kick off.

Its up to Google to not only provide digital but physical means of games as well. To have it so that even offline its playable by a person who purchased the title and already on the system.

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Because in order to be successful these days you have to sell your soul.

fuck off moot

It's a Google diversity training doc from Feb 2018

I'm inherently against streaming games because it just causes further erosion of our already terrible consumer rights.

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>what can Stadia do to change your mind at this point?
Nothing. Just let me see if the controller sucks or is a viable alternative to the DS4 and xboner, assuming it even works as a proper xinput PC controller without any bullshit.

nothing really. I have bothing against it. cool tech, just not for me.

Come bundled with google fiber
Literally the only thing that can make it playable for any real-time game. The latency will be way too much over Norma wire but not enough places offer fiber optic internet (which is the only possible way you’ll be able to reduce latency

post more nadia

It could miraculously turn the crappy global web into something that's actually as reliable and fast as our current level of technology allows, you know, instead of being perpetually stuck int the early 2000s because of blood-sapping companies like Google.

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Just either announce that it won't have exclusive games or that the exclusive games can also be played on your own machine on the own google store.
Keeping the game only on the google harddrives means that the retarded judges that love to try to erase games will finally get their wish fulfilled.

>games can also be played on your own machine

That's a no-no. Empowered consumers are scary.

Nope. There is nothing they can do to make me change my mind. They are a cancer in gaming that needs to be mocked at any given chance and swiftly removed so nobody ever repeats it. It is the product of out of touch people who do not play video games and should be regarded as such.

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>tfw google fiber actually made comcast/at&t be competitive in my area

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A bunch of miles of fiber can't undo decades of malversation. Google should be destroyed.

If google can go a single year without killing a product I'll consider it

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Are they going to run fiber into my house for no extra?

Option to download the game files locally to your computer. Basically, become a client. Basically, drop the streaming part.

Why is everyone on this board so backwards and assfucked about streaming?
Someone reviewed Stadia playing AC:Odyssey at 4k 60FPS FOR FUCKS SAKES (nobody games at 4k 60fps not even PC fags) and said that aside from a few hickups and minimal input lag it was a very enjoyable experience.
This is the fucking beginning. Of course it's gonna be rough at first but fucking 4k 60fps???!!! Are you serious?

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I'd be ok with that, but how do you intend to run a game made for GNU/Linux?

Have they shown fighting game footage yet

Nope. I don't think it will flop like Yea Forums implies, but it's DoA for me.


There are already so many great games, quality work containing some of the most brilliant software design of their time, trapped and lost on obsolete platforms that cannot connect to modern displays, or rely on networking services that are no longer provided, or can't run on contemporary operating systems, or are otherwise unaccessible. The only people who bother saving these games from falling off of history are emulation enthusiasts. But only a handful of platforms can be truly sufficiently emulated, and they're infringing on copyright in any case. Meaning emulation will sooner or later disappear just like the games it tries to preserve. Now we're supposed to play on something where preservation can't even be attempted because the code isn't even run locally? We're already past the bullshit tolerance limit. These people really want everyone but themselves to go through hell, don't they.

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I dunno user, I like owning a license to play my games and seeing the files on my hard drive, or having a case with a disk that I actually own. With streaming? It feels like fairy dust, it's not real, it's a service that's bound to become the standard and then they'll make games with streaming in mind and it's gonna be even less real. Also input lag, a literal cheating button on the controller and even the smallest internet hiccups that can fuck your experience up.

>but fucking 4k 60fps???!!!

My PC can already do that with most games quite easily and I'll be getting an RTX 2080 Ti at the end of this year. Processing power will always remain local. The internet is garbage.

People have been saying this bullshit excuse since the 90s. No, the games aren't yours. Especially not in 2019, regardless of them being streamed or not. Consoles.. PCs... mobile... all the same shit, companies are already just giving you a license and that's it. This is not different.

post porn

I laugh at people believing you'll be able to set the graphics settings. Google will twist it and .ini so it looks good enough to save precious processing power, but that's it, good enough.

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Lmao imagine playing high speed shooters and fighting games with input lag and regular lag from not having fast enough internet, along with bitrate
The future is now gamers

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That's what he said. He's stating that streaming is a quality of life decrease. Why are you so irate?

They can't do anything because internet infrastructure is so shit that it is pretty pointless.

It needs to fail spectacularly so cloud gaming never ever becomes mainstream in my lifetime.

Nothing. I hate streaming/GaaS with a passion and Google can die in a fire.

I'll probably try the free month trial and laugh really hard when it chugs at my 10Mbps

It needs to be successful so young men can actually spend time fighting to take back their countries from shitskins instead of playing video games all day

It doesn't seem possible. Google would have to deploy fiber optic Internet everywhere, somehow fix the Internet's seemingly inherent quality-of-service issue, plus remove any bandwidth overuse charges. Basically, they'd have to control the Internet service and the infrastructure it runs on. That may be their ultimate goal, but short of that, it can't work.

It's not a decrease though, it's literally the same. Game wasn't yours anyway already.

Well there'd have to be no additional input lag over playing it locally for one. Two, I'd need control over the game itself for mods and such. And three, I'd need to be able to access all games released on the platform at any given time, whether that's tomorrow or 15 years from now. I'd also only want to pay for what I play, not monthly

Imagine not giving a shit about the sorry state of the world wide web, but also pretending it's this amazing technological driver that's going to turn everyone's life around. This is a trend with corporations, deliberately decomposing society while pretending we should be thankful for their existence.

I can literally download all the games from steam onto an external hard drive and apply a hacked .exe for them to work without steam, right now.

>It's not a decrease

How is it not? Running the games on my own hardware works better.

I also don't give a shit about corporate sense of ownership. They don't respect me, and I reflect that back at them. I use their games in whichever way I please, just like how they use us in whichever way they please.

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>pirating a game means it's mine and I own it

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>you should respect the ownership entitlements of a corporation that will take your money or your life

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Hey listen man, I am not disagreeing with you, but you doing illegal stuff and pirating a game and cracking it does not mean you legally own the game, which is the entire whole point of this conversation.

Legality is a pointless concept with disingenuous dirtbag entities like Google calling the shots.

I imagine that cracking games you own is quite a gray area.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

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Then i should get an army of lawyers and sue em for using the misleading word buy.

That is not the point, although I agree with
Streaming a game and having it downloaded are two different and separate things. If I wanna fuck with the files, edit an .ini and such, mod it, whatever, I can do that. With streaming the game is fairy dust, it's not real, the whole deal of installing a game and start it up, fuck with the options and whatnot goes away. it's cold, impersonal and corporate. It's a complete downgrade of an already declining experience. Emulating games is ironically more legitimate than streaming for me.

Yeah go get your lawyers so you can complain about being sold a license that your own small retarded nigger brain couldn't understand.

Can someome post that webm of the horrible input lag they had during their press conference?

I hate all the zoomers that don't understand why this won't work.

Ever played a video streaming LASER DISC back in the early 90's? Push a button, wait 5-6 seconds to see the reaction.

Remember Onlive? Remember Gamefly's stream shit? Do you remember those Sega Saturn / Dreamcast online things?

Do you remember playing the first online Smash Bros on Wii? I do. The input lag was UNBEARABLE compared to local to the point there's NO FUCKING REASON to play it ever. Do you want that kind of latency in your video games?

Ever played a rhythm game in the early days when CRT's got replaced with flat screen shit? Impossible unless you calibrated the game.

This stream-shit kills quirky fun perpherials for the home market. This forces devs to compensate their game for input lag, especially if the majority choose to "stream" their game.

30, 40 years from now you'll never have a treasure trove of games you can dig out and play for nostalgia or to show others. (Fuck having kids.) To this day I can dig out my old PS2 and play Final Fantasy Tactics or whip out my old metal dance pad and play some DDR / ITG no problems. Heck Guitar Hero if I felt like it. Fuck it dawg, I don't have to "pay" to "stream" a game I once played.

Yes I understand you can pirate those games I listed, but imagine if those games were only available through a stream service? Only a pissed off worker bee could leak the source files to even make it piratable.

Imagine playing multiplayer and your team mates are stream-cucked with horrible lag. Well, goodbye to your rank / dreams of being an e-sports cuck. Imagine how easy China can access such a service and ruin an MMO market, avoid bans, VPN on to English only servers.

Google is beating the dead corpse of gaming if this thing goes mainstream. I hope it never will but by god if the fem-blue pilled cuck virgin boomers adopt this style of game service we are ALL fucked. Buy a 454 Casull and end your life 100% guaranteed once that happens lads.

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No need for an army of lawyers, just an army period.

The unfixable problem with game streaming will always be input lag, which greater bandwidth won't affect anyway. It's a very small amount of data being sent constantly rather than a huge amount of data that can be buffered efficiently. We are effectively at the limit of how fast we can transmit data, since we transmit it at near the speed of light through fiber optics cables. There's a bit of overhead for each router that the data has to pass through but the point is that there's very little room for optimization these days. Once we get faster than light data transfer rates then I'm all for game streaming not really though because it will effectively kill modding

b-but muh cool Mirror's Edge looking sci-fi future
Papa Google told me we'll all connect to giant central processing farms with tiny transceiver devices that need to processing power of their own
Surely an overgrown cancerous cyst of a company filled to the brim with idiots knows what the future will be like, r-right? right? ;__;

As somebody who plays this every day, I agree with you about input lag but for the vast majority of games (read: anything non competitive or fast paced) it will work just fine. Even for games like Dark Souls you'll be alright. Obviously it depends on personal preference and this will never replace actually owning a console/PC/local game, but it is definitely playable and enjoyable, especially if you're a casual/chill kind of gamer.

>Real question, what can Stadia do to change your mind at this point?
Somehow defeat the refractive index inside glass to increase the speed of c to greater than 0.66.
>Do you think it's even possible?
Yes they could use low earth orbit satellites which don't force light to push through glass but then you're obviously dealing with a single ISP that has control of the entire satellite network. Anything less than a wholesale government owned network will be charging you a liver per month for access.
The subscription model will be passing on that cost, priced around $200 per month. Thats just for the connection, not any games.

Attached: 1529117232430.jpg (900x1200, 99K)

>he doesn't know about Google Loom

Attached: 1534673448368.jpg (894x894, 140K)

>shannons law
>inverse square law
>attenuated by fucking humidity
>shared collision point
>half duplex
I don't think i wanted to know about it dear

>(nobody games at 4k 60fps not even PC fags)

I've done so for about three years

Attached: speccy.png (1099x826, 207K)

Congrats, you can now do the same without having to drop multiple grands on a shitty PC that is already outdated by modern standards.

If Google would stop developing machine learning algorithms to help China slaughter natural born citizens who practice Islam, that would be a good start.

It's only going to be a matter of time before they turn their people-hunting algorithms to the West, and start helping the government hunt down "incels" for thought-crimes.

I'll keep my shitty PC, thanks.

Attached: smugcowell.jpg (242x259, 19K)

based schizo /pol/ incel conspiracy theorist

I was in google's Project Stream and honestly it was ass. And i was so hyped, telling all my friends that shit is the future. Major gay

No, the power of Tachyons compel you!

Nobody asked for streaming games, and nobody needs it.

To be fair, Project Stream was a very early alpha prototype compared to the real thing. The new versions perform *way* better, it's not even comparable.

It's not a conspiracy my dude, China is putting its citizens into "Re-education camps" right now.

I'm also a left-wing Californian who likes guns, privacy rights, socialized programs, robotics, and living off the grid.

>literally confirms being an incel /pol/tard slacktivist schizo nutjob in his own post

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