How many games do you have on Steam?

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0 because epic games launcher
is my best friend and steam can suck my dick

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Not shown: like 30 different custom categories.

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Having a Steam account for more than a decade. Also, bundles.
>durr why do you buy games if you don't play them
If I buy 5 games for $1 and enjoy 1 of them, I'm not losing anything for having acquired the other 4.

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71 although I am planning to expand it when the sales come out

My account's gonna be 10 year old in a few days, too.
I only buy what I actually want to play.

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>I only buy what I actually want to play.
Post your games so we can criticize your taste.

and how many of them did you beat? out of the 175 games which is actually just 170 because Steam counts BO1, HL2, HL:Source and Dark Messiah of M&M twice due to MP, and For Honor twice because of beta I beat 30 so far

Your smalltime.

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literally play like 6 of them
i fucking hate steam
stop giving me good deals

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>i fucking hate steam, stop giving me good deals
same, not to mention the free giveaways both on steam and humblebundle (also the deals on humblebundle and g2a)

I've played like maybe 20 of them
finished 3 of them

and i'm struggling to find a game to play for over an hour now.
when i do find something, i play it for half an hour and stop.

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372, don't have the exact stats handy but I've played/beaten probably 85% of them. These days it's mostly VR stuff and backlog.

All of them. What can of loser doesn't play the games he buys?

According to my categories which might be slightly outdated, I got 100% completion in 60 games and finished 87 others. I probably would have finished more if I didn't try to get all the achievements in those 60 games, but they were fun, so whatever. I marked 110 other games as played, which leaves 450 unplayed.

Like I said, bundles. I'll be surprised if my "unplayed" category is ever less than half of my library, because when I buy a bundle, it's usually just for one or two of its games, not all of them.

But it's also worth noting that the rate at which I buy games increased just as the amount of recreational free time in my life decreased. That's what being employed does.

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Can't screencap now but I got all GTAs except 5, Orange Box, Supergiant's games (Bastion/Transistor/Pyre), couple FFs, Kerbal, MGSV, Civ 4 and 5, Witcher games, and DMC games.
I got more games on GOG, like Hollow and Shovel Knight and a bunch of older RPGs like Baldur's Gate.

Like 5 / 275. Most of them I bought either for Sandbox, or for Multiplayer.

Some of them are only mutiplayer games so you can't really beat them but those a story I have not beaten 8 of them
although I am trying beat these games and I am currently playing the OG Fallout series now
One I will never beat is Black Ops 3 just because of how much of a piece of shit it is

one of my friendss has 380 games, another one has 400 games
neither of them played more than half of their games

this sentence might be a grammatical mess, sorry for my English

Humble Bundle is one hall of a drug isn't it?

A perfect hundo, and I don't want to play any of them.

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too many

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I don't have many games that I really want to buy

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shiet, boi

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