how is heavy so based ? fuck sniper and spy mains
Tf2 thread
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thanks doc
Spy main here
Fuck you, but Heavy mains are cool.
Ambassador nerf revert when?
TF2 would be better if it had only medic, soldier and demo.
What community servers are good? I've been on and off with Skial and UGC but their moderation is dogshit.
Us demomains have the biggest dicks.
They're all shit
How did valve manage to make a nigger so cool?
It's not fair bros, he should have been white.
all of them are shit, either the mods are retarded or the server is empty
TF2 would be better if everyone that begged for "competitive matchmaking" were banished to minecraft servers
I'll never ever get over Meet Your Match.
>removing the first class for no reason
Unironically Party Van, it's only up on weekends but it's the closest you'll get to the classic TF2 custom server experience.
party van tonight?
Heavy's design is (G)old tier. Playing Heavy is boring af tho
Is it just me or is Tomislav extremely effective against sentries?
Do Heavy mains even exist? He's so fucking easy to play
where's the fucking party van
>he doesn't main big dick DPS
is the party van actually good ? i never joined it
Typical 'no objective' server with lame to great micspam
Tomislav is better at range so kinda yeah.
Why did he get the most boring unlocks? Heavy is slow and has like 5 different hard counters you'd think that would allow for some wiggle room with his weapons and it's not like Valve gave the tiniest shit about balance to begin with.
No mortar, no flak cannon, no experimental energy weapon, no riot shield, nothing. And maybe those aren't good ideas for weapons but fucking anything is better than what he ended up with.
every class in the game is so great and useful
I could play the game forever with so many maps and modes
People really underestimate the rampage I can go on with my Family Business. They never expect a heavy to pull out a shotgun and go full retard.
>tfw been using the shotgun with Engineer
Holy shit, I've been killing more spies when I switched to it, I don't think I can go back to the Rescue Ranger or Frontier Justice
Why are all 9 so likeable?
Usually there are tier ranks on how likeable you find one over the other and some characters you completely hate guts and most threads would be about disagreeing on the exact nature of it.
But in TF2, all 9 are pretty enjoyable. Why is that?
Welcome to the cool club. Here is your PhD in Shotguns.
How much time do we have left /tf2/bros? It's been a year and a half since we've gotten an update and there is no sign they're dropping one? Could this be the last of the updates?
I'll still play the game until I die, but I really hope Valve doesn't drop it entirely. I hope you all will play with me, bros.
Iw seen this happen couple of times, its pretty weird seeing people trying to gun down a heavy who just casually shotguns them to death without any problem.
Somebody give me fun loadouts for Pyro and Soldier. They are my two least favorite / least played classes, which is weird since they have such a wide variety of weapons.
Just use the diamond back
If they drop it, someone might try to make a clone and pander to classicfags.
This would be glorious.
Wait until you try the widowmaker now that's a gun
In terms of gameplay? You still see people complain about them but really not as much as other games. In terms of personality and design? Valve actually spent a lot of time refining each character to fit in with their gameplay.
I'm a Panic Attack man, myself.
Itll go on as long people play and buy cosmetics, unless Valve desides to make TF3.
congratulations you've graduated from turtling pussy to the shotgun master race
>play soldier
>have enough ammo to easily fight against 4 players at a time and win
That gun is shit though
Because they're really thin, but with almost no overlapping characteristics.
Drop an adjective that you would use to describe a person, and it will really only apply to one of them.
It is better than the shotgun if you can land 30+ damage shots.
widowmaker is a meme unless you have a pocket kritz medic
How is it a meme it's a better shotgun so long as you can aim
Insane describes about half of them.
random crits are fun when they come from a melee weapon
Cow Mangler 5000, Concheror, Pickaxe that deals more at low hp
This soldier build doesnt need health or ammo pickups if played defensively. Fucking perfect for the roof of suijin or badwater defense.
Flamethrower, Scorchshot, Powerjack. Jack of all trades pyro. You get good airblasting, good burn damage for puff n' run, get range with scorchshot and good mobility with scorchshot jumping and powerjack. It's also shit at W+M1 so you'll actually have to learn to play.
you have to make get in close for max effectiveness and as an engy you really shouldn't be that close to anything, I can s
Only if you’re a turtling engie, otherwise it’s not worth it because your metal is fucked
Really only Soldier and Pyro, and even then for different reasons.
>Not insane.
I only play pyro for puff n sting so no
1. nobody has perfect accuracy
2. can't shoot stickies
3. can't spycheck
4. can't do chip damage
5. have to choose between building and shooting
6. upside is negligible in most situations
if you need more than 6 shots then you are biting off more than you can chew, you aren't gonna win a 1v4 without a medic up your ass.
If you can aim and are fighting someone that you require more than 6 shots to take down you have made bad life choices.
Hey Yea Forums
What kind of retard tries to 1v4 with an engie? Just grab your shit and gtfo
Then dont ask for shit, faggot
exactly my point. widowmaker's upside only matters if you overextend.
I swear this makes soldier more squishy
>soldier rocket jumps losing hp, gets hit in the air, then splashed when he lands
>splashes me twice, I'm dead
half that list is solved by just switching to your secondary real quick
I see
Rescue Ranger master race
What the fuck is that hat
reddit hat
top secret....
Just turn around randomly and hide behind cover, bro
short circuit costs metal to use too and wrangler only works if you have a sentry up, it isn't sapped, and it has a sightline to what you want to shoot. pistol isn't worth using in any situation over your other unlocks.
I think it's the best only on 2fort
evil laugh
>pistol isn't worth using in any situation over your other unlocks.
>short circuit costs metal to use
>wrangler requires an unsapped sentry nearby
you just listed two reasons why it's worth using
>tfw you realize sentry is just a glorified distraction
>tfw make all spies on enemy team ragequit
>tfw not having to worry about buildings
>tfw can undermine enemy defenses with just one teleporter
>tfw cuck soldier with his medic gf
>tfw you have a shotgun
Widowmaker,Pistol,Gunslinger there you go enjoy your meme loadout
using a weak unlock to make up for the drawbacks in a weak primary doesn't make much sense when you could just use stock shotgun.
>use widowmaker to get free metal and never reload
>use pistol to remove most of its downsides
it's only a weak "unlock" if you can't track
7 decides which character I will play exclusive for the whole month
Big Earner Spy
Sniper. Only Sydney and Machina allowed.
And only bodyshots with the Machina
the 9th class
>use widowmaker to get free metal and never reload
which makes more sense
putting your life in danger getting very close to enemies to get metal potentially losing all your buildings and fucking over your team if you die... or waiting a few extra seconds for that ammo kit to spawn
Browning baby face / crit o cola / sandman scout
the former, you're always in danger
if you're not, your buildings are too far from the front line to be useful
if you die, your buildings can still function
even if they don't, it's not like you're a medic
sniper with the classic
I'm one of the heavies in this photo. When I play tf2 it's almost exclusively heavy.
>he doesn't have a tranny down bind in 2019
BFB Scout.
>the former, you're always in danger
from what? spies? shotgun can kill them. anything else your sentry can deal with.
>if you die, your buildings can still function
a spy is going to hop on your shit the instant you die
>it's not like you're a medic
teleporter is just as important as the medic on payload and attack/defend.
Widowmaker Engie
overwatch cosplay
Your eternal reward Amby stock invis and red tape recorder
Combat Medic.
>from what? spies? shotgun can kill them. anything else your sentry can deal with.
from soldiers, demos, medic pairs, and the moment the sentry isn't nearby, scouts
>a spy is going to hop on your shit the instant you die
buildings are meant to die, this is not an easy thing to learn but everyone must do it
>teleporter is just as important as the medic on payload and attack/defend.
and it will continue to teleport when you die if your team keeps using it
mantreads soldier
Liberty Launcher/Panic Attack/Equalizer Soldier
Rocket Jumper, Panic Attack, Equalizer solly
Get ready to hate yourself
>from soldiers, demos, medic pairs, and the moment the sentry isn't nearby, scouts
all things widowmaker will not save you from. you are not a combat class you are a squishy engineer. your team should be protecting you. if your team is getting their shit pushed in that's your signal to grab your buildings and retreat. if you die with your buildings you are a shit engineer.
>buildings are meant to die, this is not an easy thing to learn but everyone must do it
doesn't mean you should overextend and get yourself killed by taking unnecessary risks either.
>and it will continue to teleport when you die if your team keeps using it
teleporters are usually the first thing to get sapped
spy with kunai and dead ringer
I only play Heavy also
>you are not a combat class you are a squishy engineer.
you're 100hu/s away from basically being a Scout, with optional added health and the ability to place buildings
if you still can't fight with that, that's a you problem
>doesn't mean you should overextend and get yourself killed by taking unnecessary risks either.
I didn't once mention overextending, it's possible to fight without being a retard like you seem to imply
>teleporters are usually the first thing to get sapped
1. how many spies are you actually playing with if they're really a problem
2. that'd be the sentry
Imagine actually getting mad about a mechanic thats been in a the game for ten years.
Now imagine bitching about again after ten said years is going to make the lazy fuck at valves remove them.
With all that you mentioned why not just be good with a stock shotgun?
because Widowmaker rewards consistently hitting, and I'll probably be using pistol anyway
nothing's stopping me from switching to shotgun mid-round anyways
Why do bad engineers use jag and rescue ranger? Stock primary and melee is better in 95% of situations you'll face.
>can't tank with jag
>once sentry teleported the enemy claims ALL that land when you could have just been tanking it instead
>spies jump on your sentry and do spycrab dance while all your buildings are sub 10%hp sapped because you can't hit him with your meme guns that do less damage with less ammo and require more predictive aiming
I like southern hospitality is it actually trash?
Not sure about rescue ranger, but jag is great for offensive engies that need to set up level 2's quickly.
post screenshots
>you're 100hu/s away from basically being a Scout
100hu/s is all the difference in the world. Scout is one of the strongest classes in the game because of his mobility.
>if you still can't fight with that, that's a you problem
I can fight. I use the shotgun and it does the job because 6 shells is more than enough. Taking on 4 players at once is not something engineer should be doing.
>I didn't once mention overextending
The only instance where you would need more than 6 shells is if you're overextended and fighting multiple enemies at once.
>1. how many spies are you actually playing with if they're really a problem
Have you ever played in a pub? Everybody and their fucking grandmother plays spy.
I use the jag solely because i believe if i keep using it valve will put it back to its pre nerf state.
it still perplexes me
>6 shells is more than enough.
not reloading is definitely a benefit, but the main draw is being able to restore building stuff just by killing people, no matter if it's just one enemy
>The only instance where you would need more than 6 shells is if you're overextended and fighting multiple enemies at once.
or if you miss some of your pellets and deal less than 60-90 damage, which widowmaker can still recover from
>Have you ever played in a pub?
I have, and I haven't ever had an issue where I was tripping over spies without having already killed them
>can't tank with jag
The actual repair (per second) difference between stock and jag is something like ~15 hp.
>once sentry teleported the enemy claims ALL that land when you could have just been tanking it instead
it's better to retreat to the next point and be prepared for the next push than to die with your buildings and potentially lose both points.
>spies jump on your sentry and do spycrab dance while all your buildings are sub 10%hp sapped because you can't hit him with your meme guns that do less damage with less ammo and require more predictive aiming
this part is true. if I use jag I almost always run shotgun with it to deal with spies. not worth using both unless you have a pyro guarding your gun the entire round.
Not an argument.
>"Random crits are not fun" is an argument
"Not an argument." is the new retard term for "thats realistic but i dont like it"
someone should spray a rei over that
Why cant critfags ever put together a proper argument in favor of random crits? Its almost like there is no defense for them.
>4 party vans later and the people playing on it are still the same 40 something dudes
not sure how I feel about that
the game mechanic was in the game from day one
make an argument for why it should be removed
It's not party van
>not reloading is definitely a benefit
sure but I'm not in combat so frequently that I can't spare 3.5s to reload my shotgun.
>but the main draw is being able to restore building stuff just by killing people
ammo is not hard to come by in tf2, just go pick up an ammo kit instead of gambling on a 1v1.
>or if you miss some of your pellets and deal less than 60-90 damage, which widowmaker can still recover from
if you're close enough to be doing that much damage you're close enough for most classes to shit on you with rockets/pipes/meatshots/minigun/etc. also don't forget if you're building things at the same time you have a much smaller margin for error. also random spread exists.
>I have, and I haven't ever had an issue where I was tripping over spies without having already killed them
then I don't know what you're playing because it isn't tf2
I forgot that keet is still alive, how embarrassing on my part
>sure but I'm not in combat so frequently that I can't spare 3.5s to reload my shotgun.
I like to fight, what can I say?
>ammo is not hard to come by in tf2, just go pick up an ammo kit instead of gambling on a 1v1.
no gambling required, just aim
if I miss, it wasn't because of a dice roll
>if you're close enough to be doing that much damage you're close enough for most classes to shit on you with rockets/pipes/meatshots/minigun/etc. also random spread exists.
all of that's exactly why having more than six shots would be beneficial
>smaller margin for error
a risk I'm willing to take in order to have fun
>then I don't know what you're playing because it isn't tf2
pic related
tf2 = shit
make sure to rep your waifu in at least one way
the power of love is real and it can actually improve your gameplay
Nah, although it can be annoying to use as a weapon near your buildings since wrench swings prioritize repairs/upgrades over hitting enemies. But a good whack and a few shotgun or pistol shots makes quick work of a spy without relying on crits.
Picking for up waifu signs is bestand then killing their original owners
>kill someone with their gold
>they start crying in chat
To me it's a compliment if people pick up my weapons
Remember that one sperg who sold his weapons because people picking them up triggered him
>Be playing huntsman
>Doing well as almost always when I huntsman
>See a gibus sniper playing fortified compound
>Get gibbed
>After kill cam see him pick up my huntsman
Did you immediately focus him down or did you let him play with it
based natsuki fucker
He was on my team as well
How often do you switch signs?
I dont like using a broken weapon that rewards just existing as a class.
I'm surprised it wasnt nerfed.
Casualfags are retarded.
usually when i log on, i'll swap out. every different loadout that i use and every class that can equip them has a different sign, though.
thanks! she's great.
Don't post this shit every tf2 thread fag, anyway here is mine
too bad her game is shit.
absolutely based
i must spread the good word of waifu signs, it's my divine mission.
that being said, nice sign!
Do regular crates even drop? I keep getting those winter crates
can you still paint signs without that stupid brown color over them ?
yeah, it's pretty easy. here's a guide on how to do it.
colored flairs are done in much the same way, but colored photobadges and colored clan prides are a bit harder. still pretty easy, though.
>He recognizes the flavor
thank you,now i can show my love for my waifu everywhere i go
Does this imply Scout unknowingly drinks his mom's breast milk?
Scout's mom is best tf2 waifu
Zooming in on this really makes it hard for me to figure out what emotion the mom has. Her mouth is like an inverted symbol of Mantorok. Also, I know this is all for the gag of the Spy recognizing the taste but the implications are confusing me something fierce. Is she sending milk so that the Scout can be successful in the battle and is embarrassed? Or is it more like some weird incestuous shit? I have so many questions.
Jag is definitely the best overall for offense.
are the bots that vote kick other players gone yet?
What bots?
There were bots in Euro servers a while back that just sat in spawn as Medic and votekicked anyone that tried to kick them, annoying cunts and what's worse is regular players often pressed f2 alongside them
>tfw always thought crits were a good thing
>lived long enough for people start hating them and now start loving them
a good amount of people have always hated them
Whatever helps you sleep at night, dane
>pointing out facts makes you an eceleb
whatever, you obsessed retard
Way too late on Sundays, so nobody but NEETs can play.
>he asks for an argument on why random crits improve the game
>just gets "lel ur mad XD" instead
>tfw community is nearly dead in australia
i just want the golden days back
I hear the sniper community in New Zealand is booming though. Might find a place in kiwi servers