DaS > BB > DeS > DaS 3 > DaS 2 > Sekiro

DaS > BB > DeS > DaS 3 > DaS 2 > Sekiro

I think we can agree on this.

Attached: sekiro-standard-edition-preorder.jpg (1000x547, 81K)

Sekiro > Soulsborne
dont @ me

ds2 wasn't worth playing all the way though and so far this isn't either, but this has lots of nice art and designs, so it beats Ds2

>game is available on every platform except nintendo
>game is literally free if you have a computer
I genuinely don't understand the shitposting surrounding Sekiro. My best guess is that gachafags are really, really salty that souls is highly regarded in gaming or something like that so they need to take the developers down a peg.
It doesn't work user. The people who like FromSoft already bought the game and are playing it and probably enjoying it. You lost.

Actually it's

Yeah, it's those salty gachafags. Sekiro being fotm really takes away a lot of revenue from their shitty mobile games.

>das3 last

DS3 > DS > Sekiro > BB > DeS > DS2

even more awful

More like

DaS > Des > DaS 2 >>>>>>>>>> DaS 3 = BB > Sekiro

Dark souls 3 and bloodborne are baby's first souls easy mode, and sekiro is even more so

Dark souls, Demon souls, Bloodborne, and Dark souls 3 are fun games worth beating.

Dark souls 2 and Sekiro are not worth playing all the way through.

Can someone explain to me the general distaste for DaS2? Playing through it for the first time right now and I honestly find it as fun as DaS or DeS.
Just curious.

>new game bad!
have shame OP


Watch Matthewmatosis's analytical critique on it. It's what woke Yea Forums to how terrible DaS2 is.

Floaty feeling combat
ugly overall art direction
lazy enemy design and zone design
lack of worldbuilding

Everyone got butthurt as fuck because they never got gud enough to beat it

Pretty much everyone who enjoys the game is playing it right now, so have fun with your shitposting. Only reason I'm not is because I'm eating lunch

Nice meaningless word right there. How in the fuck can ground based combat be floaty


I don't understand why people say Sekiro is not a Souls game when it mostly plays like a Souls game. It's sad to see that Miyazaki can't fully let go of the past. The idea is nice but very poorly executed.

>Matthewmatosis's analytical critique
I've seen it, and his criticism literally comes from him sucking at the game and needing to git gud

I'm honestly not baiting.
It's not perfect or anything, but I think it has some of the coolest areas of the series to this point (harvest castle, dragon's sanctum), and some of the most fun bosses (executioner's chariot, sinh).

It's a good game, but it's easily the weakest Miyazaki game.

DaS and DeS are the easiest Souls' games though

And Sekiro is 10 times more difficult than all the Souls games put together

>unironically enjoying sekrio more than soulsborne
>I wonder what the Yea Forumsirgins are making of it

Jesus Christ the taste here is horrendous

DS1 > BB > Sekiro > DeS > power gap > DS3 > DS2

DS2 is by far worse, but Sekiro definitely deserves to be near the bottom.

While I slightly disagree with this it's a respectable opinion