Who else is hyped for this.
>avellone works on it
>mitsoda works on it
>shaffer works on it
I know I am.
Who else is hyped for this.
>avellone works on it
>mitsoda works on it
>shaffer works on it
I know I am.
>No Boyarsky
Not bothering
Everything I've seen and heard sounds great. Really want to see gameplay, but given that the gameplay wasn't Bloodlines strongest point, I'm not too worried about it being bad.
So chopping up the game into myriad DLC and identity politics sounds great to you? Sad.
Like what? Already anounced a season pass?
Mite b cool. but I remain skeptical about any game being developed in the current industry.
>cara ellison works on it
I'm cautiously optimistic. I will pirate on release, and buy at full price if it's not too pozzed (I suspect it will be).
Basically this, but with purple hair.
Yes, season pass is *already* announced. This is paradox we're talking about, expect 30 DLCs.
Granted this won't end well.
But technically, as let's say Andromeda.
"muh agenda" will be only icing on the cake, same case like new Wolf series.
There better be sex in this
Pirated day 1.
I'm going to play it pretty much no matter what, I want to see how it shakes out either way, if there's a bunch of goofy progressive shit, I'll just laugh at it. If its got tons of that shit, maybe I'll pirate it, who knows.
I mean, it might be not-shit in the end, but I'm not real hopeful.
Judging from the trailer, no. It seems like they are taking the Thief 4 route.
there's no chance this game will be good, it definitely won't live up to the expectations of the idiots who are naively hyping it up
Pay up goyim, all for the good of Paradox of course.
Same, plus makes me even less hopeful in terms of solid delivery on release.
More content sounds great and I don't care about indentity politics, doesn't trigger me like it does a lot of people it seems.
>"Oy vey why won't you ditch some extra shekels for the sake of nostalgia goymer?"
kinda, and I even hate modern games and have "grown" to hate fags because they've become too loud and obnoxious.
I'm mostly split on it, considering it's Parakikes behind the wheels. Could be good, could be ass, their published games' track record is something like 50:50 good:bad.
>mitsoda works on it
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“We talk about these issues constantly,” Ellison added. “Because we care about including people, we want them to feel powerful and sexy, and we don’t want them to feel like it’s not for them.”
>“I often look at like, how would someone feel sexy in this situation?” she explained, and said that there are definitely characters in there that will be shipped like mad. “Everyone in the studio is like ‘Yeah I would definitely go for that one. He’s my bae,’ kind of stuff. They’re often very unusual choices.”
>She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.
fucking hell
sheltered left wingers shouldnt be allowed to make games. the writing in this will be cringeworthy snarky shit
>the writing in this will be cringeworthy snarky shit
*blocks your path*
Well, it's a worse value proposition for the buyfags, but they made their bed
Thanks for subsidizing my torrent, faggots
I'm honestly far more excited for Dying Light 2 than this because of him. VTMB2 just seems like it'll be terrible.
>Cara Ellison is writing all of the sidequests
Looks like you just got sidestepped, nigga.
>He’s my bae
I fucking hate zoomer culture.
Was about to post the same.
"let's just put SJW sexual stuff in a game where you impersonate an asexual being in a world where violence and immorality are the daily basis"
Fuck them,if they had balls they would have flipped a finger at SJW but no. They need to cater to people's feels.
great job LBGT extremists, thanks to your efforts you now have convinced me that you are far worse than fascists, at least nazis do not tamper with my enjoyement of fictional words.
Cool, does this mean they'll let me hook up with a loli?
Dude, WoD has been overrun with SJW bullshit for years now.
I know but i was hoping that at least the videogame would have been spared from the tragic fate that the tabletop ended up receiving
>ray tracing will be a thing for Bloodlines
Fuck, how much difference did ray tracing have on Metro: Exodus? Is this something only new Nvidia GPUs do or could my 1080 pull it off as well?
i wouldn't even particularly care about the gender or left wing politics if the writing was actually good, but it won't be.
Will probably be sjw like that paradox mech game. Will pirate and uninstall at first sign of sjw content.
holy shit lmfao
Ray tracing do next to jack shit.
Everyone hyped it up as THE new technology when in truth you don't notice the difference once you're actually absorbing in the gameplay
I at least have faith. I enjoyed Deus Ex Human Revolution despite Yea Forums spending 4 years trying to convince me it was going to be the worst thing ever, and despite its flaws. Not like VtmB was perfect either, and I enjoyed that for its atmosphere and gameplay.
I'm at least willing to wait til I see fucking gameplay before I try to go full Tortanic on it, unlike some faggots here.
>fifth edition
Now we can fuck Janette for real.
I'll wait and see.
I waited for this for far too long, I don't care about this society of outrage and the retarded internet war between polacks and tumblrinas, I have to see this shit through
maybe I can be a secret asshole, my first play through will likely be a 'fuck everyone but me' style game.
Getting that Premium. :^)
Really, the only thing I might give a shit about in these are the OST and Art Book
So did all of this really happen because sjws and trannys were complaining back in the day, and we all just told them to shut up and make your own games? And they then decided to do just that and work their way into the industry to where they are now?
I hate thinking like this is our fault.
If that's the case, when are we going to "make our own games" and take this industry back?