Friendly reminder that Alpha Protocol is one of the best games of all time

Friendly reminder that Alpha Protocol is one of the best games of all time.
Friendly reminder that the same "journalists" who shat on it for animations and bugs unironically gave Fallout 3 9s and 10s.

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You're right. This and new vegas are obsidian's best games desu.

Friendly reminder that it's the only game I know of that actually gives you consequences for being an asshole outside of 'Oh, user! You're so silly!'
Friendly reminder that you're all pedo faggots for obsessing over Sis.

Friendly reminder that Sis was described as being "in her late-teens to early-twenties."
Friendly reminder that there is nothing wrong with that.

Fallout 1 > 3 > 2 > NV > 4

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friendly reminder that objectively the game is puure unadulterated garbage
friendly reminder you can enjoy a bad game because its fun but that doesnt make it the best game of all time

Nah, I'm actually a monster for creating so many orphans.

This game is a god-tier psychopath sim

I loved this game. I don't read game reviews. You shouldn't either.

Friendly reminder that Fallout 3 was absolutely fantastic for it's time and deserved those 9s and 10s.

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Almost every part of this opinion is complete garbage.

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Based and redpilled

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>Friendly reminder that the same "journalists" who shat on it for animations and bugs unironically gave Fallout 3 9s and 10s.
heh, maybe they should've finished the game before releasing it

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This isn’t a shit opinions thread, buddy.
Get the fuck out

Friendly reminder that the gameplay is objectively terrible and the cutscenes are like Mass Effect but even worse. Get better taste

Without a doubt a game with the worst gameplay Yea Forums has ever memed me to buy. Everything else is pretty good.

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this game needs it's own VTMB2

>t. retarded faggot who thinks gameplay is just shooty bang bang

That's not even true. The only part of the gameplay that sucks is the first mission set.

if the new vtmb2 doesnt have these reputation dynamics someone should ironically shoot up the place

>kill Albatross’s surrogate little sister without mercy
>he still offers to be my handler on the final mission

Lol, what a fucking cuck

Name a more kino moment

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How is it terrible, though? You have shooting and stealth, both influenced by abilities and genuine RPG mechanics. The gunplay encourages tactical play and positioning over zoomer twitch shooting. The stealth lets you sneak up on or entirely ghost past enemies. The enemies are much quicker to see and hear you than in other games yet the stealth feels fair and satisfying and you can clear entire levels without touching anyone, even without abilities. The AI acts completely different depending on the psychology of the faction you're fighting, so drugged-up Russian mobsters will rush in and flank you with shotguns, cool Spec Ops guys will pick you off from long range with rifles, etc. All of this is influenced by RPG mechanics relating to your abilities and stats like how much noise you make or how visible you are depending on the equipment you're wearing and so on. You can clear an entire room with headshots if you time it right and use your abilities wisely.

It's almost like it's an RPG instead of a shooter.