What did they man by this?
What did they man by this?
Do you consolewarfaggots really need to mock him even after his death? Have some dignity.
he has no dignity
press S to spit on TBs grave
user, an Epic shill thread died because you wanted to shitpost about a gold-digging bitch who was using her husband's name before his corpse got cold. Think about your actions, man.
>tfw Fortnite himself pounded Totalbiscuts gf's pussy
>the last thing he ever saw was Thanos dabbing on him in fortnite
at least Super Shane died with dignity
This cunt just said that as a Joke. You don't slip into a coma like your falling asleep... TB sucked cause he was an elitist who thought very highly of himself, but he was the ultra fag nerd video games needed. He was a massive prick and turbo autist that looked at every single detail of a game before telling you if its shit. He was typically right about most games he looked at but /v has to be counter to everything that could be considered 'normal' or 'popular'
Not our fault his wife used his death to shill Fortnite
He actually did live long enough to become the villain
He didn't give a shit about the people who gave him views and helped Youtube turn into the private circlejerk it is today
fat fucking s
Now all we're left with is that faggot Jim
Fucking a dead guy's wife and then flossing on his grave must be one of the most euphoric things you can achieve.
>twitter screencap thread
>from last year
Yeah, gonna go downtown to visit my good friend Fortnite.
I think when you do that you reach true transcendence
This Fortnite guy seems like a chill dude. Really nice of him to pay respects.
Didn't TotalBiscuit wish cancer on someone a little under a year before he himself got cancer? Karma operates in mysterious ways
This was taken mere days after his death.
So Fortnite is Genna Bain's friend?
what the fuck
Whats up with the clown pepe
Honk honk
Explain the meme pls
autism. They're reminiscing about the good times they had with him.
>under a year before he himself got cancer
When I discovered my mom passed out from OD'ing on sleeping pills in the living room the first thing I did was crack a joke to my sister.
If you have to ask, then you don't know.
>of you have to ask, then you don't know
Yes, user. That's literally why someone would ask something.
It originated from Joaquin Phoenix posting on Yea Forums where people used paparazzi images of him in his Joker outfit and people started captioning it with various uses of the word "nigger", and then it devolved into a pepe meme which all things eventually do.
Fortnite fucked my gf
and that's a good thing
She is still pretending to be a gamer for money on that podcast he used to do . Sad state of a affairs to be in.
Its been years who cares you fucking nigger
It was originally a Pagliacci Pepe that got appropriated into the Joker meme, which in itself is an extension the "Veronica/Games Rise Up/Society" meme
>Epic shill thread
Nothing of value was lost
>someone dies
>according to you, you can never laugh again
>akame ga kill flashbacks
What was it.
Reminds me of this.
>looked at every single detail of a game before telling you it was shit
Going through a menu screen =/= examining every single detail. Kill yourself zoomer.
>He isn't close friends with Fortniteā¢
Canned normalfag response.
>He was typically right about most games he looked at
GaYs NoT wElCoMe
that's actually really really sad and depressing in a strange kind of way
I dont want to go out like that at all
maybe I should stop playing video games
tell us the joke stoopid
Apparently he ignored obvious signs such as blood in his shit for a while so unless you have that I wouldn't worry. Just don't ever put off visiting the doctor.
Even if you have bleeding gums you should go to a dentist wtf was he doing.
S and D (dab)