Be me

>be me
>download SEKIRO
>800x600 everything low, game looks like PS2 game
>still slow
Why are FROM games so badly adapted to PC and how do I make the resolution even worse?

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>and how do I make the resolution even worse?
change your native system resolution to something ridiculously low so the game is pretty much forced to adapt to it

>PC well there’s your problem!

holy kek

post specs

it runs pretty well for me, only have a 1050 and i5 2500k and can run it at medium at good fps.

Can it run with only 4 GB or RAM?

poor people need to stay off the internet

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get a better pc you idiot

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>have a shit pc
>play all games on low settings or with configs
>complain about games because they can't run on your toaster

sad to be a NEET huh? Missing out on all the new games, stuck playing tf2, Garry's mod, roblox and minecraft

Who are you quoting?

Stop being a meanie

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One of the 6 voices in his head.

...did you literally take a picture of your screen

thats not 6th gen, thats 7th gen with shit lighting. look @ draw distance

Buddy, this game runs quite well. And I’m one if the people who has stuttering issues with re2 and dmc5. THAT engine can fuck off.

>Know you have a shit PC
>Buy game for good PC
>It runs like shit on shit PC

Dude literally work for a month and you can get a good pc that can last you for another 3 years of NEETdom
Thats what I do
Work for a month every 3/4 years
buy a good pc

>badly adapted to PC
>sekiro is shit (framerate) on ps4 pro
>plays perfect on pc

Unplug your second monitor. Often fixes fps problem.

Nigga I'm getting 60 fps on high with 4 settings at medium.
This game ltierally runs much better than DS3, and I have a low i5 and 960.

This makes no sense because dnc5 runs well on my PC but this game doesn't.

>be me

Still better than the PS4pro version.

I thought that was just tenchu for a moment

Ryzen 7 2700 + 580 and 16 GB is a good combo right bros?
I just wanna play vidya for the next two/three years. I couldnt care about everything at ULTRA MAX 120fps.

This truly is a Tenchu successor. I think it was made for the PS2 originally and they just ported it to the PC.

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>too poor to upgrade
>too poor to buy the game
>can't even screenshot properly
How about go get a job

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You would be fine with Ryzen 5 2500 too if you want to spend a bit less.

how the fuck is that possible

turn off vsync in your graphicscard control panel.

you're welcome, you raging homosexual.



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What if this game is so slow because it doesn't recognize my main graphic cards and instead the other shitty one. Like, this has some Intel 1 or 2GB graphics card but it also has the shitty one and I think maybe the game is being run in the shitty one. It's a laptop with two videocards, I hear.

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>tfw used to be an engineer
>used to make good money
>got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis
>already had crohns
>two incurable diseases by age of 25
>gave up
>cant do anything now
>rejected by disability
>no money to buy pc
is this the end bros

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>Unplug the second monitor
It's being run on a monitor from a laptop. My laptop's screen is broken.

Yes game sometimes defaults to integarted gfx card.

dude what the fuck are your goddamn specs, runs fine, except for the locked 60fps.

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yeah there should be no way you can run DMC5 well and not sekiro, sekiro runs perfectly for me while DMC5 has fps drops and stutters quite often

yes user

Which Tenchu is this?

2600 is enough and better price/value

playing on 580 & 2600. runs great

holy fuck look at this dude

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Don't these two have similar treatments? I know Sclerosis has a decent prognosis with modern medication. But yeah you really got fucked over by lady luck.

kill yourself user, your a burden upon this world, so do it one favor as repayment and blow your gay brains out


sue for disability. thats what everyone does

I mean it will probably be another 20 years before I am fully disabled waist down
And the life expectancy is 74


>playing on an actual toaster
>taking screen shots of a pc game with a phone
What in the ever loving fuck?

wtf is that case

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How do you get 1 month jobs?

Even my fucking old gtx 780 can run this shit at 1080p 60fps mid to high config.

Just fucking resign after a month
I did dishwashing past two months and saved enough for an upgrade

Don't you get disability bucks or anything? How often do you get MS relapses?

Holy shit the SOUL, what are your settings?

The average monthly wage in my country barely covers 1/3 of the cost of a good GPU, I'd have to save up 100% of my money for 6-12 months in order to buy what's considered a mid-end PC in the first world.

There's no gaming performance difference between the 2600 and 2700 so grab the 2600 instead.

>tfw 2gb 760 gtx and still max out the game at 60fps 1080p.

i feel like im some sort of anomaly. my rig is midrange at best and my gpu is out dated by several generations and i never have any issues with new games.

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stop being poor you fucking nigger

looks exactly like black ops 1 on the wii.

Fix your diet. Maybe it's not too late for you

Latest generation of games.

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>have shit PC
>durr why does it run like shit it definitely must be the game's fault

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yes, if you have nvidia you have to go into the nvida control panel and make sure sekiro uses the nvidia card. It was running like shit before I did that

This looks quite nice and has that ps2 vibe to it, might give it a try in this quality.

i'm a boomer but why would you unironically introduce aliasing everywhere in your games? that's the ONE thing i try to fix when i emulate ps2.

>Having integrated graphics enabled in any way
>Using a laptop

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knew i had it saved somewhere

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Hahhahaha holy shit the absolute state of poor people
Just get a PS4 at this point my dude, you can probably find a stolen one on craigslist

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I don't know, just had an urge to play it at this quality, but I also haven't played a ps2 games for quite a few years. Probably my itchy nostalgia goggles

this might just be the dumbest thread ive ever seen in my entire life


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How the fuck do you even make a current gen game look like that?


>that post with a meme pic
I always wonder if you faggots are actually suffering from the problem.
I think if you are posting meme pics then you are doing just fine.

wow consoletards dont even know what an options menu is

It's worth it for you though.
All of the games are free, and it's FREE electronic entertainment.

Just sell all of your consoles and wait

What are your specs OP? I have a mid-low tier PC and I'm running high at 1080p.

Reminder people like OP are the ones always talking shit about PS4 performance

No retard, I mean the game cant look like that by just putting everything on low on PC.

How do I unironically change the resolution to 256x108?

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same, I also have a toaster

desu it looks aesthetic

Sign up to do food deliveries on your bike if you live in a city with companies that offer that service. That's what I'm doing right now, I'm riding my bike around for a few hours a day when I have free time, and after I've made enough for a new PC and some other things I'll quit. I made $120 today in a pretty short amount of time. You choose your own hours and it's perfect for antisocial types cause you don't have to work with or talk to anyone else.

both run well (drops to 50) on my i3 6100 an d 960 toaster.

Anyone knows how to increase the shadow resolution even further?
And also for HBAO because damn their current ao solution is horrible

Runs great on my 1050ti and i3 8100.

Games shit though, wasn't worth the pirate.

The elitism in this thread is real, holy shit.

>wtf why doesn't this new game run well on my commodore 64
>it must be a shit port, that's why

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>having a job is elitism
It's your fault for falling for the neet meme.

are you me I have somehow the same Rig and I have played DMC5 in 1080p medium to low setings.

ok but how do i buy a bike?
i dont have one.
and i dont have money.

And clean your room.

This is honestly the first time I’ve decided not to buy a game because of Yea Forums.

>falling for baits

you deserve it then


jys namefag

Is this what you zoomers call kino?

love this shit

The fuck are you talking about. My R9 nano + 3570K runs this (disappointing) game at 60 FPS at 1080p with no problems.

I have the game maxed out on everything and it hasn't slowed down once. What are people complaining about? My computer isn't even that good.

Should I even bother fighting either of the two ghost bosses withount Divine confetti? I haven't found any other than 2 pickups but those ran out on Headless. I'm assuming I 'll find more as I progress.

What are your specs? I have a 1070 and it's 1080p 60fps. Are you playing on a laptop or something?