Is he right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes but seething PVPfags would never agree.

it's neither fun nor harder than DS

Definitely, I couldn't make it past the first boss without giving every person dragonrot.

You can cheese every DS game pretty easily with magic which is what probably every eceleb and Reddit user did anyway which is probably why that’s being said so much, same with Bloodborne. You just can’t stand there and cast a single spell that trivializes literally every encounter and that you have some form of from minute 1.

>Can't hide behind shield
>Can't grind to overlevel for a boss
>Can't call on others to help you beat a boss
Yes. Yes, it is.

oh boy I sure love e-celeb twitter screencap threads!

fuck off OP and die

>Hard good
>Easy bad

>can just run away and climb on a tower over and over again to do repeated plunging death blows.

Is Sekiro really that great?

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e-celebs are not video games

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Chillax, bro.

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>falling for bait from donkey
It's like you don't even know then guy

But is it also a laggy piece of shit where you get raided by assholes specifically and systematically out to ruin your experience?

>Dude so hard xddd I'm a ebin gaymer because I play SUPER hard games

Well if /ourguy/ loves it then it can't be all that bad.

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What laptop?

is this peak weaboo?

I thought this was a videogame culture board. E-celebs that are known for playing GAMES count as culture. You might wanna head on to /vg/ it seems like a good fit for someone that dislikes things.

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cringe af

It appears to be a Razer laptop.


But e-celebs are video game culture.

No, it's hard but not fun

It's only harder to retards who didn't use a 2 handed greatsword in every game

Dark souls 1 is the easiest game in the bunch.

>thought K. Rool in 1 was hard

I wouldn't take his opinion on difficulty with much weight.

Nah, I disagree.
I'm not liking Sekiro as much as Soulsborne. It's worse in most about every way. Level design, lack of char creation, zero online (replayability DOWN), no weapons to find etc.

I dunno. It's okay. It's not great.

This is Sekiro, not Dark Souls 3

Sekiro is my first From's game and, I gotta say it's, pretty hard. I have to be patient and can't just have my way through enemies. Despite that, it's quite fun. The scenery is by far my favorite aspect, though.

It all depends on how you play though.
Like Bloodborne is the hardest one if you play carefully and slowly but easiest if your natural playstyle is to jump in, attack 200 times and triple backflip away.

>lack of char creation
Opinion discarded.

Dunkey has ADHD
Of course he prefers the spammy game with less of a focus on atmosphere and tactical combat where you just fly around the map with a grapple hook.

People like you that analyze the opinions of public figures are the most worthless human beings alive. You gossip about celebrities while ignoring any arguments themselves; only the person who speaks is important. Kill yourself. Fucking loser.

>talking smack on Jakey
nah he's more based than any of you


>don't call out contradictions when you see them
Maybe you shouldn't make your opinions public if you're going to screw up and look dumb. Seethe harder

Your contrarian is starting to show, don't know if you noticed.

Oh what do you know.

Your e-celeb shilling is starting to show, don't know if you noticed.

Bump :)


Well, I usually played offline mode unless a friend needed help with a boss

>muh ecelebs
>Be sure to like and subscribe for my wacky funny reviews!!

Dunkey has bad taste and a large fanbase to back him up.
more obvious news at 11.

I've died more times to this Ogre miniboss than anything else in the souls series.
These grabs are kinda bullshit

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Fuck Shinobi hunter!

Why doesn't my new skill work against him? The one where you press circle to stomp on his weapon to counter him? I press circle when he charges his spear, but all it leads to is he piercing me, throwing me down on the ground and doing 90% damage.

user is an embittered contrarian retard incapable of feeling joy or formulating good opinions.
more obvious news at 11.

At least hes capable of independent thought

gonna buy the game now bye

No he isn't. He's enslaved by the mass opinion of the imbeciles in this place, just like you.

Here's another $10 for your patreon o great lord Dunkey-sama


Boy I never said Dunkey was smart. He occasionally says something interesting but he's not exactly a stunning critic. What's far worse is people like you shitting up this board and shitposting to death every game that comes along.

pick one
the fun part in games is winning
losing over and over is not fun

Why didn't he just take a screenshot?

Dark Souls was 33% skill, 67% tactics. Bloodborne was 50% skill, 50% tactics. Sekiro is almost 100% skill.

Set him on fire, you giant faggot.

git gud scrub

Sounds like the new Yoshi or kirby games may be your speed sport.


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Dark Souls II is artificial difficulty


>Ign found it easier

Lol, fucking scrub ass e celeb

Looks like a mac

>lady butterfly fucking me up
>ok I guess I'll go the other way
>man on a horse fucking me up

how do I git gud

Mikiri worked for me

Easiest miniboss so far, even though I ate shit and died 5 times

I'm sekiro you just cheese every enemy by spamming your sword. Dark Souls magic takes timing and wit unlink Sekueero. Sekiro is literal artificial difficulty so technically Dark Souls IS harder RETARD. But more importantly Dark souls is the more intellectually challenging of the two, with lore that will still be discussed by philosophers and historians in hundreds of years from now

It cant be cheesed so much. Dsrk souls was so full of exploits and poorly balanced magic that people thought that was the point of the series

Tried to make him walk on the bonfire but he didn't take damage from it.

HAHA, GAMING? In public. On PC. With a controller, like a true HACKER! Only us gamers can understand the length one would go to to GAME. Especially a new AAA title released by non other then Activision themselves, improving the game experience title by title. By gamers, for gamers ;) .

>tfw if you beat the tutorial boss (that you're supposed to lose to) you get a special version of the cutscene where you lose your arm

It's a small thing but very cool


bloodborne was difficult my first playthrough but after that I watched a speedrun, couldn't believe my eyes. Every boss can be cheesed insanely easy, after that on ng I flew through it and died maybe a handful of times.

Imagine being this guy who uses the term "artificial difficulty" and thinks people are going to discuss videogames 100 years in the future.

just got my arm cut off and im running around killing shit.

Does the exploration, atmosphere and game get better or what?

This setting seems kind of lame desu

wow imagine hating dunkey but taking all his mannerisms and trying to sound like bill bur.

IT actually made me sweat from cringing too much.

wow. just wow

Holy shit, take it easy on the racism.

>From finally makes a game that actually requires some decent skill and timing to play
>soulsfags can't handle it and are realizing they fell for the 'souls games are hard' meme
As usual, the most basic fundamentals of an action game are near impossible to grasp for the average souls brainlet.

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Parrying is high risk high reward. The game is centered around this mechanic and with the posture system there's no room to breath. Fuck up even once and you will get anal raped.

How the fuck do I get fang and blade to work? When I press r1 after using axe, it just does a normal sworflrd attack

Harder than Souls? Yeah.
Really fun? Sometimes. That guy makes all sort of menial moments look ULTRA fun in his videos, so maybe he has some sort of physical dysfunction opposite to depression where any random shit will trigger a massive dopamine rush in his brain.

I really hope you're not one of those faggots who thinks games where you literally juggle helpless enemies are "hard"

There is still a lot of cheese in Sekiro, I don't know where this narrative that it doesn't comes from.

I just beat the Raging Bull by attacking his legs and he kept repeating an attack that couldn't touch me. Literal classic DS cheese.

I wont lie I never really found dark souls 1 that hard. Some of the weapons just make the game pretty easy and magic breaks it. If you go faith you'll find that you can kill most bosses by sitting back and throwing thunder

Haven't played Sekiro, but that sounds fucking retarded for a semi-stealth game, which are generally built around tactics.

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Nakeyjakey is a fucking fag.

Yes on both accounts. The game's super responsive and the combat is leagues above Souls in terms of challenge but it also makes you feel really powerful for even taking down a miniboss. It's an incredibly satisfying experience in many ways.

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upgrade from your GTX610, bro

He's exaggerating, but stealth is pretty minor. Unless you want to play the game as slow as possible, you really only have a chance to stealth kill one, maybe two guys before your cover is blown and you have to fight the crowd. Stealth in Sekiro is more about scanning the battlefield to choose which enemy you want to kill first. Lots of minibosses have a bunch of goons with them. Do you want to stealth strike the miniboss to get his first health bar out of the way first, or kill the archer that's going to be pestering you the whole fight if you do?

Difference is the marginal effort required. The smallest amount of genuine effort will deter probably 75% of all players immediately.

What do you think he'll say about Sekiro?

holy shit that purple one armed fucker in the hirata estate is kicking my ass
I have a feeling I'll get the worst ending possible given how often I'm dying

I need Yea Forums to tell me, in earnest.
I always called Dark Souls the Ninja Gaiden of Arpg, because it was the closest we would get to a rpg with put gameplay prowess in dodging and timing above the rest (closest = you still need stats).
If Sekiro is what claims then this means it's literally Ninja Gaiden from From Software? Sure, it does have stealth but you can't cheese battles, it doesn't have curahzee combos, therefore the closest comparison would be Ninja Gaiden, right?
NG forced you to be constantly on the move (grapplers), to time your dodge and focus on the most effective combos because you didn't have time to be fancy. Is this the same?

which put*

Yeah I don't know if that memory segment thing is for later on. I gave up on that purple dude as well.

Im glad other people are liking it. I got a refund personally cause I don't think it's a very good action game. It's kind of what Matthewmatosis said about the souls games leaning more and more on their subpar combat in the recent entries. Sekiro has better combat but it still retains the Souls weight, input buffer, and lack of canceling in a game needs the opposite.

In short It seems like they wanted to make an action game for a while, but were too tied down by tradition to make some changes to make the rest of the damn's design.


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>by spamming your sword.

Wow you havent played the game fantastic!

also forgot to add-

Am I crazy or does this game have some of the worst AI in any "stealth" game I've yet witnessed?

Like people are just blind, to the point they actually will just walk into walls.

because these fags love o flex anything and everything

No idea, I haven't played Sekiro. Just been waiting for a matthew thread to post that gif but I got impatient so this will have to do.

Some enemies in the memory can see you from across the map too, its buggy as hell.

I played it, there was too much artificial difficulty so I uninstalled after an hour.

sekiro requires you to be both ultra aggressive like in bloodborne, but also have good reaction to counter your enemies' blows which requires actual skill

this makes the average soulsfag mad because they can't abuse iframes to win

>suck at the game
>"waaah artificial difficulty, why can't I just roll away from everything :((("

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>harder than dark souls
that's really not saying shit. Most NES games are harder than dark souls

Bosses scale with your level in dark souls

no they don't

>Parrying is high risk high reward
You can literally spam the parry button and get perfect parries without ever getting hit

>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Critique
How assmad will Yea Forums be when it inevitably happens?

try do that against a flurry of enemy attacks and you'll get fucked since they'll hit you during that brief recovery window

The grab moves track you like in Dark Souls 2 and no one liked that. The difference being Souls you could negate BS like that with builds. No builds in this game means the game's BS is all up front.

Dark Souls was never hard

No scaling exists outside of NG+ flat increases.

It’s the shittiest souls game so far. Even worse than ds2 lmao.

You say magic but it's pretty much any playstyle that isn't using some shit weapon without a shield or armour. Dark Souls is easy by default, you have to make it hard yourself through self imposed limitations.

Let me guess, you couldn't win dark souls so now you go around pretending Sequeero isn't kiddy shit for pissbaby incels like you? lmao at your life loooool

I'd say it's equal but focuses on a different style of play. Dark focused on I-Frames while Sekiro focuses on parry windows.

yeah you're retarded
the tracking moves and hit delays are in place specifically to punish excessive dodging and prevent the player from playing the game like dark souls

literally git gud, you have no right to criticise the game when you refuse to grasp its basic mechanics
you're being worse than journos

That move should work against anything that's a lunge. It even works against this guy who kicks you as a lunge. You're probably just timing it wrong or something. Keep in mind it has to be a forwards dash you do. Maybe try doing it earlier than normal, I find when I go early the window is pretty big

I'm not that far in but all the bosses I've had trouble with I've been able to figure out some strategy to make it easier. That fucker at the pagoda I threw oil at and used the fire thing to drop his vitality. The red eye guy could also be made easier with fire. The horse guy you can use the fire cracker thing, and getting the grapple hook attack move helps a lot. I'm at the
fire bull thing and haven't figured anything out for him yet, but I'm sure there's something I can do to make it easier

have you played either game? dark souls is way easier, I've completed all 3

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you're probably not timing it correctly
he's easy to counter, he's only hard when you have to fight him with his ads

honestly the only really big gripe I have with the game is that stealth isn't really viable and the environment forces you into confrontation with particular groups of enemies


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He's an honest guy who takes the time to make a song using his supporters every video that usually is good. He doesn't overdo any cringe.

the reaction time needed is unreasonable, specially for grab attacks

How does the disease thing work? Is it based only on full deaths (as in you die and don't/can't revive) or does dying and reviving further it as well? I don't think I've had that many full deaths and the disease has already progressed so I'm maybe thinking it's the latter but I'm not sure

you serious? the parry reaction time is extremely lenient
i've hit plenty of parries I could wear I was going to miss cause it was too early

full deaths

Just wait until you get to the enemies with perilous attacks, how are you supposed to see the warning, figure what sort of attack is coming and respond with the correct move all in 0.2 second?

I have. They're not really hard.
>Thrust attacks = blade shines before the attack is launched
>Sweep attacks = blade is pointed sideways before the attack is launched
>Grab attacks = boss does some stupid shit not related to the weapon at all

I tried this too and it was so disappointing for it to do nothing even after the devs put a conversation in about it being weak to fire.

Does that do anything? As in giving him the burn status effect using oil or whatever? I thought when they mentioned fire they were just talking about how hitting him with the fire move startles him for a second letting you hit him

>sekiro requires you to be both ultra aggressive like in bloodborne, but also have good reaction to counter your enemies' blows which requires actual skill

I kept trying to focus on either parrying and using the counter against the Shinobi Hunter or spamming attack and hoping it worked. Eventually it just clicked that I can keep attacking to wittle the posture while using the counter to do damage or get behind him if I fuck up the timing. Eventually one successful counter later I got him. Grabs are still bullshit though.

You need to use flame vent twice to actually light them on fire.


Learn the proper sequence to stealth killing the enemies and then once it's just you and the drunkard, get the NPC and just wail on him.

not really
Dunkey is a fat casual shitter
Sekiro is also pretty easy

Most zoomers would have a nervous breakdown playing shit like Battletoads and Shadow of The Beast 1-3.
They would be reduced to quivering heaps incapable of speech by Ninja Gaiden.

>Inb4 you get called a scrub for not having 4000+ hours played in the same shit game.

Admit it, you people only play From's games because they're hard, not because they actually offer much of substance.

You can stealth kill those enemies? I thought you were supposed to just rush in with the guy and kill everything

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You're right parrying isn't high risk high reward in this game, it's high risk no reward. You get almost nothing for parrying, yet fucking up costs 90% of your hp.

So it's literally Ninja Gaiden with Alma or Zedonius. Thanks.

Only if you're bad at it. Being able to consistently parry is the best way for you to reliably keep certain boss posture raised while you do other things to help get them to break. See the tower boss fight, if you can't parry consistently I don't even know how you'll manage to do it. Just get good, retard.

The only thing souls games were good for was pvp.

Oil jar and Flame vent thing. Easy ass boss.

Shinobi hunter can be beaten fairly easily with the Mikiri counter skill.
Countering with mikiri just once fills his posture bar almost all the way.

so are you for continuously posting this jew

Im having a blast at this game, but I do have to agree the enemy attacks are BS. They do a charge attack and you dodge before they even get close and then just spin and get you anyways.......sure....thats great I guess. I hope there is a New Game+ after the credits.

is the headless guy easier than the drunk? Just want to know who to go for now.

Razer Blade in Mercury Silver.
idk what card he has though, or if it's HDD or SSD.
great laptop

do you have divine confetti

>be soul babby
>pick knight after watching 15 guide videos on youtube
>put all points in vit and use summons for every boss because le epic online features, it's the way it's meant to be played xD
>wear heavy fag armor and a shield
>wow bro I'm so hardcore I beat Dark Souls haha xD +1700 upboats
>play bloodborne
>struggle a bit at first, but realize you can literally just spam R1 while dodging randomly every now and then to win
>bro these games aren't even hard bro haha
>sekiro comes out

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Drunk is 10000x more easy. Just kill all the adds and run back into the water to get the samurai who's willing to help. Double team him and bully.

This. And if you have the thrust parry skill it's even easier because that this has a fucking large window.
>Get to "shinobi hunter" miniboss
>Perilous sign pops up
>Press it
>He strikes
>It gets parried and nearly broken

The fucking armored torch guys are harder because I keep forgetting they can't be stunned easily.

The disease spreads after fully dying twice.


Do you have MULTIPLE
then just get headless done

How are you even supposed to deal with headless, I hate having my mobility completely fucked up.

>dumbass minibosses will lose interest after 10 seconds when you grapple away so you can backstab them for half their health

I don't think so. Most gamers today probably started with DS when it comes to action games so everything is hard by comparison.

Gotta learn how to deflect

Parry you fuckboi

>he watches skeptics
>in 2019

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>chained ogre decides to do lunging grab point blank
>literally no way to dodge it
I'm trying, I really am but this move is complete bullshit when he decides he's going to use it point blank. There's nothing you can do to avoid it and it's literally the only attack that gets me.

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Dodge later

jump, retard

I ended up defeating him without doing either of these. He just decided to not use that grab so often

good, it's only harder from there

If this was reddit I'd downvote you all!

Literally who?

>Baby boomer

>This is why Dark Souls fags have a hard time and cried about Nioh

NIOH > Dark Souls dough

He plays Nintendo games, so imagine what hard means to him...

>Playing on a console in 2019

Using your brain is fun.

>NPC bro died during Drunkard fight

S-sorry man.

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The jank is strong, feels like i'm playing vampyr or some others AA trash from europe

Did you know mixed race children can't get organs donated by either parent because they're not genetically similar enough to either of them?

From the looks of it, this is a souls game except twice as fast, dodge is worse but you can jump, parrying is necessary, and you don't want to take hits ever. Yeah on paper I think that's harder, gotta test it for myself though.


It's not that it is 10x harder. It's just requires a different way to play the game than any souls game. So people playing it like it's souls are getting their asses blown open and thinking the difficulty spiked instead of them just playing the game wrong.

I wanna love this game, but dragon rot really stresses me out. Does it make the game unplayable if it gets too bad? I only just got past that first chained ogre and the one stealth section with the giant snake, but I've died so many times and it's making me worried I'm gonna lose important npcs and not be able to actually upgrade anything

>people get destroyed in DaS2 trying to play it like DaS1, otherwise easy
>people get destroyed in BB trying to play it like DaS1-DaS2, otherwise easy
>people get destroyed in DaS3 trying to play it like DaS1-DaS2-BB, otherwise easy
>people get destroyed in Nioh trying to play it like DaS1-DaS2-BB-DaS3, otherwise easy

the boss fights are much harder but the actual levels are easier

you don't even die when you fall off a cliff and you can get to the boss without even engaging in a fight