Why do so many depressed people gravitate towards this character?

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because he's a depressing character

Because at least he gets to go postal when he has a bad time

he has a reason to be depressed

Self indulgent white middle class crybabies always think solipsism makes them cool

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because he is also depressed. is this a trick question?

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don't confuse depressed with being an adult

You can tell butthurt roastie made this

Was going to make a max payne thread actually

The man is noire incarnate.

Should i buy max payne on steam, i'm hestitant because it doesn't support controller which the reason i didn't play the first 2 yet

Also it possible to mod it when purchased on steam ?

His wife is dead but its alright


You can tell someone who's tired of seeing le I'm so deep and troubled wojak.jpg for the trillionth time made it
God damn why would you ever play Max Payne with a controller

you sound assblasted m8


I play everything with a controller

I know this triggers people

Have sex

The game was designed for mouse and keyboard. I know it's my preference to play with a controller given any opportunity, but it's better to step outside your comfort zone when the game suffers from not being designed with that input method.

Its good on og xbox or ps2 with the controller but you have to have aim assist on or its unplayable.


Too bad i played thru max payne 3 with a controller but i guess it's different

I just don't really like the setting of the third one, i prefer the gritty urban environment instead of the whole tropical setting

The PS4 version is the ps2 version and it always fucks me up seeing that shit going for 15 bucks on PSN when you can get the pc versions of 1/2 for less with mod support

It’ll take some time to adjust but once you do I promise you user Max Payne 1-3 are made for those M+KB reflexes.

I promise you it will be worth the time user. This is from someone who fucking loves 3 and loved RIP the multiplayer even.


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I never played the third game, but I'm pretty sure Rockstar knows how to make a third person shooter for consoles. You have to keep in mind Max Payne 1 was made by pretty much a Finnish indie studio of only a couple of guys back in 2001 with PC as their main platform. The camera and weapon quick select system is very tight and doesn't translate to consoles. I personally thinks it's the most enjoyable way to experience the game without any issues, but it's up to man.

I believe Max Payne is one of the best videogames ever made in recent era.
It's filled with flaws, but it was made with soul and his mecchanic goes beyond the "gimmik" we see every day on AA or AAA games.

I pity Remedy for have sold the IP to Rockstar, because now Sma Lake&Co are struggling to recreate a character and a game so powerfull and "media impacting" like Max Payne.

Remedy gain Milions and became "independent" but the suffering left by the departure of Max Payne form the software house still amaze me to this days.

They still have THAT buller in the logo, and Sam still loves to impersonate Max even if is no longer the face of his character.

Max Payne tells trully a phenomenon. A tale of success, failure, regret and desire of revenge, that Remedy carries without, meaby, even knowing.

They are Max Payne©.

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-t. Kevin

Bend over

Im not depressed.

Why do black people like this game? I just don't understand it.

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I liked Alan Wake better, the character himself isn't as good as Max, but the game itself, the world, characters, atmosphere and side characters are better and more soulful

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Speaking only of Max Payne 1 and 2, it's because for many people who are jaded and nihilistic, would like to throw their weight behind fighting true evil in the world, instead of vegetating.

I grew up on old cyberpunk animes though, so I'd love to be a jaded cybercop with nothing to lose, but not exactly gunning down hordes of bad guys but Payne is that same character thrust into a shooter.

3's Payne was just shit and didn't seem like the same guy. Game has good production values, but meh.

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I suffer with depression and I've always liked more "depressing" games as a whole i.e Silent Hill, Max Payne, etc.

I think it's basically like Stockholm syndrome.

lol at retro bleep bloop yt compilations tho

I mean yeah that's true, but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

His videos are genuinely good and entertaining, even if you don't like it just for the sake of being a contrarian.

Oh yes pound my boipussy anonkun

I'm ok with every sentence, but Alan Wake was a shit game compared to Max Payne.

Because The Fall of Max Payne hits home in all the right places.

>but the game itself, the world, characters, atmosphere and side characters are better and more soulful
It's stupid to compare the two, but first two Max Payne games > everything else. As much as I like AW, it doesn't come close to 2 that was Remedy's finest hour.

Shit, I just related to him after finishing Max Payne 1.

the dream levels were terrible

>were terrible

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The thing about solipsism that never made sense is how they think they can imagine people who are dumber than they are and are capable of being surprised about how stupid the people around them are.

The gameplay get old about ten seconds into the first combat engagement.

very relatable, aside from the love bits. I've given up on that already

Oh I'm sorry. It's a timeless game so we shouldn't use past tense. The dream levels ARE terrible

Best game ever made. Fight me

Aye, easily the weakest aspect of the game, though it did had some very fun encounters like the one in which you're on that stage with Barry.

They're actually pretty good, especially in one, and bare thematic relevance.

I don't really care, desu. I'm so engaged with the setting and story that the repetitive gameplay does not matter to me one bit. I've actually replayed the game 5 times and I'm still not tired of it.

I'm kinda suicidal and I love Max Payne so I guess it's true

Alan Wake is one of my favorite games and just as soulful as Max Payne, but not as good

It's aperfect game, I still replay it 15 years later.

I'll agree that Max Payne is a better video game, it is way more fun to play than Alan Wake is, and honestly it has incredible atmosphere of its own. But, I just get so swapped up on the world of AW, it's just such a comfy game.

they work fine with steam's controller support, dumbass

steam's controller support

right, i forgot about that, but never it's fully optimized

I know what you mean, it's such a great experience. The action isn't even that repetitive imo, it's just simple. They spice it up fairly often in minor ways and it only started getting kind of dull for me towards the end.

this desu
Remedy IS Max Payne. Every game they made after MP2 has been underwhelming and people only know Remedy as the creators of Max Payne.

It may honestly have the best atmosphere out of any video game I've ever played. It's why I come back to it.

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>butthurt roastie made this
you say that, but the fact is that modern white dudes like you stole the whole
>I'm SAD AND DEEP, Dx I'mma kill myself, j/k but not really?
routine from your misty-eyed, melodramatic women because you thought it would get you attention like them.

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did you even play the fucking game?

>everything men do is to get the attention of a woman
roastie detected

>feminized man who can't even read properly
gotta be fast food chemicals

chimps can chimp out

A rhetorical question.

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reminder that Max is meant to represent a Norse berserker
>takes ludicrous amounts of drugs to prepare for battle
>drinks a ludicrous amount of alcohol
>holds a weapon in each hand
>fights numberless hordes with little regard for personal safety
>tanks every kind of wound possible, is only staggered by previous blows
>only truly exceptional in combat, life is otherwise a wreck
>wants badly to die, but only in battle

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He's literally me

you're not allowed to like max payne if you don't have either a painkiller addiction or a drinking problem or both

Because he lives in a dark world and faces up to it and maintains his own sense of integrity against it. This archetype is practically the ubermensch to depressed people.


It's all so tiresome. Everything everyone does is a pretense, it's all an act. We'll trade shame until we keel over and our species dies out. It don't matter.

>aesir corporation

Damn, youre right

the nightclub is called ragnarock ffs