Which decade of gaming was the best so far?
Which decade of gaming was the best so far?
Well I was born in 1990 so for me its the 90s > 00s > 80s > 10s
I'm stuck between 90's and 2000s.
N64/PS1/Gamecube/PS2/Xbox360/PC beginnings/ all handhelds
They were good times man.
00s > 90s > 80s > 10s
10s > 00s > 90s > 80s
t. born in 1988
He speaks the truth
Tough one, 90's or 00's.
80's games were too limited in scope. I can't think of a single one that I would consider a masterpiece.
10's does have some gems but the current trends deeply disgust me so yeah nope.
If your answer is not 1996-2004 then get the fuck out of my face.
10s > 00s > 90s > 80s
Everything before 1990 is bad. Everything after 2009 is bad.
Not going to lie, I wasn't even alive in the 80s.
I'd shift it to 0>1>9>8
Cause the 10s have had some pretty damn good titles. Hollow Knight unironically is one of the best games I've played in years.
>not 1992 to 2009
2000s and it's not even close.
What's the best game from each decade?
game design philosophy was better in the 80s than in the 10s, but the tech just hadn't arrived yet to make the kinds of ambitious games that get me excited
did you forget about the late 00s?
90's without doubt, followed by 00's. I don't know much about 80's gaming, but anything mainstream after the 00's is pure crap
This, give or take a few years.
>not 2018 to 2019
t. boomer
Honestly the 80's should have a divide from dogshit atari consoles and the NES/Master System
Games were not good until the snes and megadrive
i was born in the 90s
90s > 00s > 80s > 10s
NES was bad? I'm a zoomer but even I have a hard time believing that.
2010s, because I can still play the games from previous decades.
00s > 10s > 90s
>Born 96
Some 90s garbage was ok
Gaming started in 00s
ended in 10s
peak 99 - 07
>born 96
80s obsolete
some 90s trash was fun
real shit 00s
gaming died at the 10s
peak 99 - 07
Everyone saying 2010s was the worst will be in the 2030s thinking 2010s games weren't so bad. That said, I think the 2000s were the best though but don't hate 2010s.
late 90s and 00s.
Late 80s and early 90s by far
the only way the future could be worse than the 2010's is if streaming takes off.
I was going to say 94-04 but yes this is overall correct
Give or take some years and I think it's pretty much a consensus
Easily the 80's-90's.
Early 2000's had some good stuff as well, but after that point (last gen and onwards) is when the industry started with its fucking bullshit and hasn't stopped since.
'83 here, agree with this even though I have more nostalgia for the '90s
>time from SM64 to Kotor 2
fucking based
10s because all the previous generations are still available to play
Not sure who you're fooling, but up to early 90's hardware limitations were a clear hindrance to gameplay potential in games.
00s. The gen that gave us PS2, XBox, GameCube, and Dreamcast at once has yet to be topped
And the sad part is that it probably never will be.
10s also ruined gaming with DLCs, season passes, always on DRM, politics and microtransactions.
Atari 2600 was just fine faggot. 2nd Generation is honestly underrated and Vectrex was fucking awesome.
In terms of release?
In terms of games? Today, since you can play all of them
2005 - 2015
Underage zoomer faggot
*1995 - 2005
did you forget about the other 8 years
90s have got best shooters, best JRPGs, best action-adventure, best platformers, best racing games...the era that set the standard
most are so easy to beat that you can finish them in one sitting
the hard ones are only artificially hard with no real balance to give you the illusion the game is longer than it really is
The late 00s had some great games. Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Prototype, GTA4, Portal, No More Heroes...
>Super Smash Bros. Brawl
peak zoomer
I don't know. It's all blending together to the point where I don't know what was released when. I'm starting to not even care any more.
Super Smash Bros Brawl was awesome. It was one giant celebration of video games, with a story mode they put their blood sweat and tears into, fantastic music, and was excellent to play with other people.
Zoomers can't understand that kinda stuff. That's why they prefer SSB4, because it lends itself more to "dank memes" or whatever they think is funny.
PS1 and PS2 was just so revolutionary to me after the SNES and gameboy
Nice picks, also BioShock, Assassin's Creed II, DMC4, LBP, MGS4, Bayonetta, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 1-2, Super Mario Galaxy...
I'm actually not the world's biggest fan of Super Mario Galaxy.
Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but that ending just doesn't belong in a Mario game.
It's like they were trying to be all deep and philosophical, and it just came across as both pretentious and stupid. Who thought it would be a good idea to have some Circle of Life bullshit at the end of a Mario game?
Basically this.
I feel like peak comfy for games was [1994,2004]
Still way fucking better than Mario's hat adventure.
To this day I'm glad I didn't buy it.
>it was fun
The answer is always going to be the one you are currently in.
Came here to post the exact same thing. Objectively true and anyone who knows about game design will agree.
I don't know about best, but I can for certain say that 2008-2013 was the worst half a decade
So I have only two question:
Who win the GOTD
The 20s will be a dark age or a gold age for the industry?
90s boom-boom.
As someone who loves quickfire arcade games, the Midway/Williams and Atari arcade games of the 80s are outstanding.
The sheer technological inventiveness of the 90s along with taking the underlying innovations of the 80s and pushing them forward (Wizardry becoming JRPGs, Gold Box D&D games becoming WRPGs, Star Raiders becoming space sims, MIDI Maze becoming Wolf 3D and the 90s FPS genre) led to some of the greatest games of all time.
2000s had a lot of garbage, but also stuff that used 3D and processing power to exiciting lengths, like Quake 3/UT, the Burnout games, DMC/Ninja Gaiden.
2010s gave us some real anticonsumer bullshit and set the stage for the general descent to where we're at now. Outstanding games have been made, but there are great games in every era, and a lot of those games are the ones that deliberately try to evoke earlier eras in games.
>nostalgia goggles: the thread
i'm just as guilty, for me it's the 00s. (born in 1994.) i'd probably pick something like 96-06 as the best 10 year period
>GBC, GBA, and PSP set successive new standards for mobile gaming
>PSX and N64 were basically the prototypes of modern console gaming; the following gen 6 was unambiguously GOAT
>consoles embrace online play, forever altering the medium and its consumption methods
>PC gaming sees the rise of the MMORPG (and MMOs in general)
>gaming still about gaming, not personalities or politics; an era of LAN parties, cheat codes, lugging around CRTs, invisionfree forums, etc.
not to mention all of the legendary titles that launched in that span, holy fug. FF7, tekken 3, goldeneye, OoT, starcraft, AoE II, CS, diablo II, melee, windwaker, and halo, to name just a few.
95-05 just like anime
1995-2005 - the true golden era of vidya
when were you born?
the 2000's obviously
Not an argument
I was born in 1997 and never played most games from that era until recently because I got bored of modern games, and, without any nostalgia for those games, unironically agree that it was a golden era of gaming
Could you imagine someone born in 2003 lecturing about 6th gen games? Next
Not an argument. Games don't age, and nothing's stopping you from playing them now.
Imagine playing them back when they were released. The games look like shit now but in my mind they look better than Avatar 3D in IMAX. I still remember playing Final Fantasy 8 for the first time and thinking how amazingly realistic the FMVs were.
user the 80s were full of shit games. Just because they were revolutionary for the time does not equal good. Most games in the 80s wouldn't hold a candle to the games released today and that's a fact
Unironicalpy Boomer here
2010 for fun
2000 for soul
90's for nostalgia
Subjective. I still play shit like Robotron, Joust, Defender, Tetris. And some of my favorite games now like Space Giraffe and Nex Machina are games directly inspired by the 80s design. Best is important and fun, and 80s has enough of both.
90s = 00s > 80s >>>> 10s
The 90s had more interesting concepts, unique games, comfy art styles/music, etc. But the games of the early and mid 00s were more polished.
Any answer other than 2000s is wrong, I don't care.
Hard to say. I'd say '90s, with your DOOM, Quake, Dungeon Keeper, System Shock, Thief, One Must Fall, UFO: Enemy Unknown and others. But the 10s is quite decent as well, now that the indie scene is almost as large as the AA scene was in the '90s.
The '00s were a dark period though. Halo: Combat Evolved, Gears of War, Call of Duty, Uncharted, Oblivion, and other games starting the trend of games that are more "Cinematic" (i.e. not games) and used as a vessel to sell DLC.
It did bring Deus Ex and Diablo 2: LoD though so that's a mitigating factor.
Also if someone ever tells you weeb games are shit, remind them that there are /m/ games and a lot of them are good.
2k to 2010
>One Must Fall
How does it feel to be the most based user on Yea Forums?
90s > 00s > 80s = 10s
name one good game from 1990-1994
Zoomers born in the late 90s-early 00s played Brawl as kids stupid zoomer
Super Mario World, you dingus
00s > 10s > 90s > 80s
Anyone who says 80s gaming was good is running on nostalgia
Most of the 2000s games you mentioned suck, but you're forgetting classics like Jak and Daxter, GTA 3, VC and SA, Ratchet and Clank, Super Mario Galaxy, Sly Cooper, Devil May Cry 1, 3 and 4, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, BioShock, and Metal Gear Solid 2, 3 and 4.
Most of them had actual gameplay instead of being interactive movies with pretty colors like most AAA shit today, fucking retard
oh user no
I grew up on the PS2, GameCube and Xbox, and I played Melee, but I started playing games very young. Born 1999.
00's > who cares
Literally 2000-2009 was the only good period in gaming history
>2002 not KH1
>2006 not KH2
Don't take the list seriously.
mediocre at best
2000s was the best, but to call it the only good decade is a lie. Play Chrono Trigger or Red Dead Redemption 1.
1993-2007 but yes
1. 90s
The age of 16 bit CPUs, revival of PC gaming, Redbook audio, 3D graphics, awesome 2D sprite art, amazing games everywhere. Back when budgets were reasonable and companies could take risks.
2. 80s
Arcade golden age in the early 80s, NES golden age in the late 80s, a pile of dog shit in the middle. PC Engine/CD library is still criminally underrated.
3. 00s
The age of brown & bloom, gritty FPS games, MMO grindfests, frat boy Madden fans. Still, lots of good games.
4. 10s
The age of mobile gacha garbage, always online DRM, SJWs demanding censorship and trying to turn video games into political propaganda. Some good games, but you really have to look for them.
5. 70s
A couple unique games and a billion clones of them.
>The age of brown & bloom, gritty FPS games, MMO grindfests, frat boy Madden fans
t. retarded zoomer trying to fit in
Wind Waker came out on 12/13/02.
>12th day of the 13 month
90s > 00s > 10s
I didn't grow up in the 80s so I don't want to comment on it when all I've really seen from that era are the games that were good and none of the absolute garbage that also was present. Every era had its downsides but its really hard to beat the 16-bit era, so hard that the 10s are still trying to recreate it.
I'm American.
this but with early 3d games
Yeah and im not, sort your fucking life out
I'm going by US published dates
Doom, you dip
Not being an American doesn't make you special, snowflake.
2000's by far, thanks to 2019 & 2018 the 2010's are now 3rd, the 2020's seem really good so far (I WANT STALKER 2, I NEED STALKER 2)
10s is easily the worst, and it started to show some hope in 2017
Objectively the late 90s and early 2000s, namely PS1/N64 to PS2 and gamecube. It has been downhill ever since "cinematic" vidya became a trend
also born in 88
reverse order and swap 80s with 00
Fucking based
I don't think the games were all that better, there are strengths and weaknesses and trends for each decade, but it was definitely more fun the gaming environment in the 90s and early 00s thanks to arcades and lan parties and couch co-oping. I can't talk about the 80s since I was too young to recall it correctly and only started gaming at the tail end of it. And I was obviously young so that's an obvious bias, but I never quite liked online games, it's such a dry and joyless experience to me, so these days I can only have fun with single player games.
90's > early 2000's > 80's > late 2000's > 10's
Early 1990s/2000s/2010s and late 1990s/2000s/2010s shouldn't be in the same category. Even in 2010s, the games have changed pretty drastically
Mid 90's to mid 2000's is the best, and I say that as somebody who hates nostalagiafaggotry and generally thinks newer games are better
Give or take a few years, this
Gaming peak era was from the 16-bit (1988-89) to the half of last generation (2009-10), it started to go downhill after that.
80-90 are the golden age of games! game that are designt to be game not money maker
test drive
karate international
last ninja
and 90 lucas arts, bullfrag, westwood
monky island?
tay of the tentacel
x-wing/tier fighter
land of lore
jagged alliance
mortal kombat
silent hill?
metal gear solid
street fighter
unreal tournament
system shock
alone in the dark
dungeon keeper
comand & conquare
the settlers
the lost patrole
another world
super mario world
ghosts n goblins
bobble bubble
sim city 2000
and the list can go on and on and on and on
ther so many games
The objectively correct answers.