Hey gamerboys, SMOOOOOOOOCH

hey gamerboys, SMOOOOOOOOCH

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Other urls found in this thread:


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fuck you

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>kissing inferior slave race: the humans

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cute thread

>sniff sniff

Attached: D0nZhulWwAAqc0r.png (1100x1100, 1.71M)

pets are for fags

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r u dog?

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thanks kitter

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He knows he's an abomination.

baby seal are more cute then lazy cuck animal (cat)

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Attached: is this nigga serious.png (435x681, 306K)

its a purrety cat tho

Get closer.

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How do you fix this problem, Yea Forums?

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turn pc on and electrocute them

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Aww, thanks OP. Here, have my qtpi Maggie. (RIP)

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I love cats. Thank you God for giving us cats. I miss my cat, but, the pain is eased knowing she is happy with my mother and making my mother happy too. Soon I can afford a bigger apartment and have a nice Japanese cat and teach it English, I can't wait. God bless you cats everywhere

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me too, i love my cat

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Go away Shane


what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU why would you post a picture of your dead cat????

based cat posters

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gang gang

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Can pets cure clinical depression?

cute cat friend

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we can

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literally yes

get a cat, or a dog, or even a fish in a nice big tank, whatever cheers you up

She was alive when I took the picture, retard.

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Can they really? Because I don't want to live like this anymore

In awe of all these lads and lasses.

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begone subwoofer

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what a handsome fellow


cool video games guys


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prove it

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if it does then you weren't depressed

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well they do give you a purpose, sort of, you have to feed them and make sure they're okay so they give atleast some sort of meaning

cats are god´s gift

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whos the guy in the very back of the pic?


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I don't really know how, except by posting more pics. This one is my lockscreen.

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There is chemical depression and there is situational depression
Most people who have depression experience the latter, and pets can easily fix that.

shut the fuck up cunt


accomplishing even small goals on a daily basis is a huge step to getting out of depression, pet care gives you many of these

if you have a pet you can go with on a walk, you are getting exercise that you need to pull yourself out if it

even just playing with the cat inside the house will make you feel better

not to mention females love a man keeping a pet. go for it buddy, cats are great if you need low maintenance. take her to the vet every 1-2 months, clean her litterbox every 2-3 days, give her food a few times a day (or get a skinny little fuck like mine who can just free-feed). you can leave her alone up to a week if you set out food and water and empty the litterbox before you leave


Preach it ssssister

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i assume that's why said clinical


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Cute pupe

I legit cant stop cuddling here bros.

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What's wrong with this thing? Everytime I look at it I'm perplexed


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Attached: gatetes.webm (638x360, 2.95M)

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It's the small eyes I think

t. mom doesn't want a pet in the house

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kot thread

Attached: Elderly Disappointed Feline.webm (720x404, 692K)

>Drink coffee before work
>Say bye to my cat
>She grabs me by the chin and tries to lick the coffee off of me
>Tries to eviscerate my hand whenever I set up my Coffee Maker because she smells the grounds.

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Truly sssssuperior

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R8 my cat

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Damn this thread is making me want a cat. I want a Siamese for some reason

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christ what have I just entered

Rate my c@ Yea Forums

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posting in le epoc thread

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Cute lad


He's fucking old as dirt.

cute would pet 7/10

>not knowing the Supreme Gentleman

An animal thread, duh.

grappa swede

I'll drink to that

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Pet thread?

My cohost

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