I primarily play on PC and I bought a PS4 for fighting games, Monster Hunter World, Persona 5 and Detroit...

I primarily play on PC and I bought a PS4 for fighting games, Monster Hunter World, Persona 5 and Detroit. Since fighting games are trash these days and no one plays them and Detroit is coming to PC and Persona 5 is on the PS3, should I just sell my PS4?

How much could I get for it and what should I buy with it?

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Why is sticking your fingers in someones mouth a fetish? I don't get it.

really OP? thats the image you want for this thread?

Looks like he’s about to rip her head off.

Cuz fingers are not supposed to go there.

It's more about the mouth, their obedience and the drooling i guess?
I don't know, it's hot.

Do you like movies? You should at least play Until Dawn and 1886 since you've already opened the console.

as in, hit the play button

I wish this was me

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>bought a console for multiplats
are you retarded, OP?

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This. All those things play better on PC
>Persona 5
The emulated PS3 version legit runs better then the PS4 version.

why are anime girls so cute?

God I wish this was me

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im x years old and what is this

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>should I just sell my PS4?
t: PC + PS4 Pro mustard. The latter's been collecting dust.

I want to be Hotaru and tease anons with my lewd breasts and armpits!

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That would be lewd.

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It's a "control fetish" dude

Where people assert so much brute power and control over something that their dick goes full erect

Very lewd! But we'd only just starting, I won't be satisfied until these lewd armpits are covered in thick ropes of cum!

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Ffu Uckc

Sweaty cleavage!

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you thought this was gonna be some gay shit huh fag?

More than just sweat!

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I was hoping so

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shut up incel.


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Made for spilling ice cream over!

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cute pic. tfw nobody forces their disgusting thumbs into my mouth

nobody will force their disgusting thumbs into my mouth while forcefully pounding me from behind, why live

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hey bro

Why do retarded ass trannies invade everything?


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one day, never stop hoping qt

>nobody will force their disgusting thumbs into my mouth while forcefully pounding me from behind and calling me retarded

quality thread.

anime really does turn you gay lmao

I use my Ps4 as a Netflix machine.

New fetish GET

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I will keep on dreaming!
I want them to make me retarded with their cocks instead of just calling me retarded, though!

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>anime really does turn you gay lmao
Worse, turns you into a tranny.

I’m sure everyone in this thread is gay because it was their only option.

Does any other character even come close to her level of literal perfection?

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Kek dafuq

2D can't be gay because it's not real.
I'll accept gayness once they are.

good. I used to have this friend who'd call me fag/retard/slut all the time and i loved it

nah i've been gay for as long as i can remember

it's impossible to compete against her. Everything little detail about her is erotic.

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You are just in denial.

its not gay at all to want to be a cute anime girl who services men with her body
in fact it's actually extremely straight

those damn braids make it so much better

I have a couple of friends who I play vidya with, who call me healslut, because I usually pick the supports in games.
It gets me really railed up and I think one of them is really into teasing me about it, since I never really oppose them when they call me that.

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I'm more than that.
I'm straight.
2D is just so much better than 3D it's silly how even 2D can be better than 3D women.

True she does come close, but I still think Hotaru has her beat. Good taste though.

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