I primarily play on PC and I bought a PS4 for fighting games, Monster Hunter World, Persona 5 and Detroit. Since fighting games are trash these days and no one plays them and Detroit is coming to PC and Persona 5 is on the PS3, should I just sell my PS4?
How much could I get for it and what should I buy with it?
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March 22, 2019 - 19:51
Why is sticking your fingers in someones mouth a fetish? I don't get it.
March 22, 2019 - 19:52
really OP? thats the image you want for this thread?
March 22, 2019 - 19:52
Looks like he’s about to rip her head off.
March 22, 2019 - 19:56
Cuz fingers are not supposed to go there.
March 22, 2019 - 19:57
It's more about the mouth, their obedience and the drooling i guess? I don't know, it's hot.
March 22, 2019 - 19:57
Do you like movies? You should at least play Until Dawn and 1886 since you've already opened the console.
March 22, 2019 - 19:58
"play" as in, hit the play button
March 22, 2019 - 20:00
I wish this was me
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March 22, 2019 - 20:10
>bought a console for multiplats are you retarded, OP?
March 22, 2019 - 20:12
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March 22, 2019 - 20:13
This. All those things play better on PC >Persona 5 The emulated PS3 version legit runs better then the PS4 version.
March 22, 2019 - 20:13
why are anime girls so cute?
March 22, 2019 - 20:13
God I wish this was me
Attached: 1464482417627.jpg (1047x1330, 841K)
March 22, 2019 - 20:15
im x years old and what is this
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March 22, 2019 - 20:18
>should I just sell my PS4? Yes. t: PC + PS4 Pro mustard. The latter's been collecting dust.
March 22, 2019 - 20:18
I want to be Hotaru and tease anons with my lewd breasts and armpits!
Attached: 98f9e91bbeb97abdec4e37b14d0eae10.jpg (601x850, 136K)
March 22, 2019 - 20:18
That would be lewd.
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March 22, 2019 - 20:20
It's a "control fetish" dude
Where people assert so much brute power and control over something that their dick goes full erect
March 22, 2019 - 20:22
Very lewd! But we'd only just starting, I won't be satisfied until these lewd armpits are covered in thick ropes of cum!
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March 22, 2019 - 20:22
Sweaty cleavage!
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March 22, 2019 - 20:24
same you thought this was gonna be some gay shit huh fag?
March 22, 2019 - 20:24
More than just sweat!
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March 22, 2019 - 20:27
I was hoping so
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March 22, 2019 - 20:28
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March 22, 2019 - 20:29
Made for spilling ice cream over!
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March 22, 2019 - 20:30
cute pic. tfw nobody forces their disgusting thumbs into my mouth
March 22, 2019 - 20:33
nobody will force their disgusting thumbs into my mouth while forcefully pounding me from behind, why live
Attached: 678b08215f654d47bd176c9519433f28.jpg (2023x4092, 606K)
March 22, 2019 - 20:39
Why do retarded ass trannies invade everything?
March 22, 2019 - 20:43
one day, never stop hoping qt
March 22, 2019 - 20:45
>nobody will force their disgusting thumbs into my mouth while forcefully pounding me from behind and calling me retarded
March 22, 2019 - 20:46
anime really does turn you gay lmao
March 22, 2019 - 20:48
I use my Ps4 as a Netflix machine.
March 22, 2019 - 20:49
New fetish GET
Attached: getting bigger nero.jpg (746x562, 155K)
March 22, 2019 - 20:49
I will keep on dreaming! I want them to make me retarded with their cocks instead of just calling me retarded, though!
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March 22, 2019 - 20:49
>anime really does turn you gay lmao Worse, turns you into a tranny.
March 22, 2019 - 20:50
I’m sure everyone in this thread is gay because it was their only option.
March 22, 2019 - 20:51
Does any other character even come close to her level of literal perfection?
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March 22, 2019 - 20:51
2D can't be gay because it's not real. I'll accept gayness once they are.
March 22, 2019 - 20:54
good. I used to have this friend who'd call me fag/retard/slut all the time and i loved it
nah i've been gay for as long as i can remember
March 22, 2019 - 20:55
it's impossible to compete against her. Everything little detail about her is erotic.
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March 22, 2019 - 20:55
its not gay at all to want to be a cute anime girl who services men with her body in fact it's actually extremely straight
March 22, 2019 - 20:57
those damn braids make it so much better
March 22, 2019 - 20:57
I have a couple of friends who I play vidya with, who call me healslut, because I usually pick the supports in games. It gets me really railed up and I think one of them is really into teasing me about it, since I never really oppose them when they call me that.
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March 22, 2019 - 20:58
I'm more than that. I'm straight. 2D is just so much better than 3D it's silly how even 2D can be better than 3D women.
March 22, 2019 - 21:00
True she does come close, but I still think Hotaru has her beat. Good taste though.
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March 22, 2019 - 21:01