3 days from final game

>3 days from final game
>no threads all fucking week

Name a more JUST character in the history of gaming

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We did that on purpose and you fucked it up.

We all knows she's going to die. There's nothing to talk about.

Clem is obviously going to die in an echo of the final scene with Lee, I hate AJ, and I couldn't possibly care less about any fucking one of the new characters we've been introduced to this season.

Here's something to talk about: James' voice actor is the fucking worst. I hate his bizarre, breathy voice and the way he exhales all of his lines.

Reminder that Kenny was the last interesting character in the series, and that the game died when he did. Javi was generic, bland, good guy character #9000, David hates you no matter what, even though you avoided every chance to romance Kate, and all the kids at the boarding school are bland and have no personality. This "Final season" is actually worse than the previous three, I don't get why it gets so much praise.

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I'm scared bros. Will he kill Clem? can I kill Lilly after letting her go becasue I hoped that I can cut her throat with the knife instead of lettting Aj shoot her.

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Haven't given a shit since the first season, it's all been garbage after that.
Should've continued Fables/Wolf Among Us you fuckers.

He didn't deserve to die.

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I fucking hate James by now.
>deny Jaden smith
>deny the manface
>supoport James in his walker rescue
>agree with him on fucking everything
>he wants to talk in private before the assault
>James takes off his mask
>btw I'm gay

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S1 >>> S2 > 400 days >>>>>> S3 > S4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> root canal with no anasthetic > Michonne

Are we all in agreement?


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No matter what Clem will always be the best thing that ever came out of that franchise and of the best girls ever.

This season is so boring so far. Why do devs have to shoehorn romance into everything where it doesn't belong. Can't Clem just be good friends with Louis and Violet? I have 0 emotional attachment to any of the characters, even Clem and AJ aren't really doing much for me. Meh.

>still playing this shit sjw trash excuse of a "game"

Yea Forums is going to spoil it, so I'm avoiding every twd thread on 25-27

Is it basically a guarantee that Clem is gonna die?

I still wanna eat clem's ass

Literally the best fucking character, bar none.
Kenny deserved better.

Yes. 100%

the ending of the last episode was so weird, I dont feel any enthusiasm towards episode 4 at all.

I haven't cared about Clem since S2. New characters in this season all fucking suck too. Imo game is already finished, it WAS finished for a while now.

I couldn't even be fucked to play the 3rd episode, why would I care now?

When did he die? Can't remember him appearing in the 3rd season.

Series should have ended after season 2. Canon ending being Clem, Kenny and AJ going off on their own.

switch season 4 and 2

He dies in a flashback. Car accident.
Other than that, you can kill him in S2, or he just kind of disappears if you stay alone in Wellington.

This imho

You can literally just be good friends with Violet or Louis. Did you not play the fucking game? I didn't romance anyone.

How is Kenny better than Lee? Besides not being a nigger.


He's like that abusive uncle who loves you but is also an asshole
I guess many people myself included related to that and got attached


literally no one cares whatsoever

this is why telltale died

Absolutely Fucking Based:
>Young Clem

Fucking Based:
>Medium Clem

>Modern Clem

>Everyone else

Fucking Gay:
>Especially everyone else after season 2

Clem is gonna be bitten in most stupidest way possible and AJ will be forced to kill her. That will be "powerful drama ending"

Season 1 was the only good season. Lee was a black video game character done right, not forced, and no social justice nonsense.

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He was urban after all.

Yep. The worst part about it is, folks at telltale probably think it's "poetic" and "deep". We'll never get a S1 tier vidya story again.

days from final game
didnt even know
the last season was a shitshow

how else could it end?

I dunno, with a creative, fresh, unpredictable ending? Crazy I know

You have to decide between the niglet and Clem? tough I doubt that anyone would pick him and not Clem.

>still giving a shit about a series that fucking nosedived in quality

What race is clementine meant to be? I'm pretty sure she's meant to be a dindu but she doesn't entirely look like one and people comment how obvious it is that lee (a real nigga) isn't her dad

I love Miss Clementine. She's going to be my girlfriend one day.

Clem is supposed to be an asian/mixed between asian and black. In the original script, the main character was actually supposed to be her brother (who was an asian) but Telltale assumed it was too big of a commitment for the player right off the bat, so your character is someone who gets to know Clementine alongside Lee. So yeah, Asian or Asian/Black

alongside you*


she's black

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iirc she was modeled after the daugther of one of the designers who was asian, tough they never made it clear in the game and the pictures of her parents had an asian woman and black man in it, so she's mixed.

>Choices still don't matter
lmao no wonder they are bankrupt

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>the pictures of her parents had an asian woman

>caring about this game after season 2
As time went on it become clear that season 1 was lighting in a bottle and a total fluke on Telltales part. Season 2 was a sign that they didn't really know what they were doing, but there was still a connection through people like Kenny to S1 that made it bearable. When the Michonne DLC came out it was clear the rest of the series was going to turn to shit.
I bought Season 3 and refunded after an hour in. It's to bad TT fucked up so hard, it could have been a good series.


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I wish the choice to take the pill mattered to your mom

Thery're Epic exclusive now and only employed till the last episode ships. Then Skybound most likley just kicks them out onto the street again.

buddy, you got it wrong
I just watch it on youtube like any normal person

S4 has been good so far, fuck Yea Forums contrarians.

That being said, their marketing team sucks, didn't know that 3 days from now it's the final episode, they fucked that up. Also, Clem is pretty obviously going to die or get fucked up.

S1 wasn't lightning in a bottle imo. Didn't the lead writer for S1 leave the company immediately after production on S1 ended? Or he was fired. I dunno. Bottom line is, person responsible for S1 stopped working on TWD. That's the biggest reason it turned to shit.

And rightfully so. They did piss everything away with their retardation.

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i can't understand why anyone would play beyond the terrible second game. my time is worthless and even i wouldn't consider playing on after that shit

But then he went to work on Firewatch which was also shit.

I guess TWD was his prime work. I wish we got to see him write another season. Maybe TWD is simply his franchise.

>want to kill lily
>want to take the knife out of her leg and slice her open
>talk aj down because I want to do the deed
>fucking bitch kills the fag and vanishes in the explosion
I really fucking hope that I get the chance to throw a saltlick on her head and she's not just gone.

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>no matter what you do the outcome is always the same

Nice """"game""""

>S4 about to conclude
>Clem is dying
>she dead
>credits roll
>after credits scene shows Lily
>S5 gets announced

I think TT overestimated how much people gave a shit about Clementine. She shouldn't never been the focus of the games.

Clem meets me, we fall in love and get married.

I thought Telltale shut down?

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fucking retard

They said on twitter the black guy in this photo may not have been her biological father and her real dad may have been asian

isn't TT ded?

Is this even a fucking game? Don't you just choose an option and sit there and watch what happens on screen? Wow you guys are all faggots

>the last shower she had was probably when she was 9
imagine the smell

I'm sure the kind stranger gave her a bath

In his cum?

>There are people on this planet who didnt choose to leave with Kenny

Ever heard about rivers and lakes?

Clem is like lightning
11/10 waifu but stuck in a horrible franchise

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How is it coming out?
Aren't they dead?
What about comparing my choices?