Minecraft's 10th Anniversary is in May, what are your plans?
building a dick
>It's been a decade since Notch came here
I lost my fucking Minecraft account OP.
I fucking lost it and now I can't even access with that Mojang account.
Sorry to hear that user :(
play minecraft
>It's been almost a decade since he fucked it up and fled to reddit too
>tfw friends and I have this city built far as fuck off into the wilderness on this random anarchy server
>the 6 of us just keep adding cool shit to it constantly
>server's still been up for months despite being pretty much dead
Minecraft is peak comfy
Honestly, I almost want to how to code just so I can make Minecraft, but in the proper direction. I don't even care if it got popular or not I just want to correct the timeline.
redpill me.
I'm gonna play Minecraft, obviously.
if your vision is convincing enough you could team up with someone that does know how to code and they could do it, or teach you and work on it together
Im studying games dev. What do you have in mind?
I’m going to destroy the realm that my ex girlfriend and I made together.
Based and incelpilled
>tfw 4craft died in just 3 days
Just start learning user! It's never been as easy as it is right now to get started online.
Codecademy is kinda a meme but worth a look. it'll teach you the bare essentials, totally out of context, but it'll also make programming seem like something you can do.
Don't give up, user. I started this time last year trying to make an rpg and after 6 months or so I gad a good enough grasp to get a junior job.
You can do it, fren
What about Minecraft don't you like?
This is exactly what I've been feeling lately. The game was perfect up until beta 1.8. Anything they added after that was unnecessary or poorly implemented. Maybe it would be viable to mod the shit out of an old version? Add shit until it's like the Minecraft you've dreamed of.
Everyone plays on Yea Forumscraft, it's way better and works with pirate clients
IP: minecraft.bigbuttsin4k.com
12 people online right now, it's been up for over a month and is planned to be up for months more
That's why 4craft is dead, nobody cares about that pile of shit ran by literal retards
Look at minetest, its open source and adding/removing content is easy, its cleanly organised.
Minetest isn't intended as a full game, more a base layer. In fact mod packs are known as "games". Full games which seem completely different have been built from this.
As far as actual gameplay, I use a select select combination of mods (including my own) and it's really good, the world goes really deep and with some cool tunnel mods it's great to explore so deep.
Something like Minecraft, but more arcade-like, fantasy-inspired, and with a heavier focus on resource management, exploration, and tower-defense. Since it's a sandbox I'd prefer a design approach wherein which most content and systems are simple on the surface but flexible for the players to make something more complex out of it. I've never enjoyed the pointless fluff added in the newer versions, (polar bears and foxes are the worst offenders) and plainly unfun and uninteresting mechanics like hunger (I understand its purpose for gameplay balance, I just feel like it would be better reworked or just scrapped).
>It's been almost a decade since mineraft released
>All those fond memories of playing with Yea Forums
Middle school was great, take me back
>10 years of minecraft
>still no fucking furniture so people need to make chairs out of stairs and wooden signs etc.
>you can build a huge house but there is nothing to put in it besides boxes
refer to But to expand on some of my issues with Minecraft's direction take a look at, as I've mentioned, foxes and polar bears. Now let me preface that I do understand wanting ambiance in a game like Minecraft, but I do believe there is a proper way of doing it. Everything in a sandbox game from my point of view is a tool and should have some purpose or substance. A good example of an ambiance mob done well are the fish mobs added in 1.13. They provide ambiance and make oceans feel more alive, yes. That's great for the aesthetic of the game. But, they also give the player an alternative way to fish early on, which I like because it adds substance to gameplay even if in such a minor way. Foxes and Polar Bears on the other hand while having unique behaviors, just don't contribute to any real mechanic or system and therefore is irrelevant to the player. I can elaborate on my issues with hunger if you want as well.
Wow that sounds awful.
What the fuck happened?
The game is $30.
Polar bears add some danger to the player, but you can't farm them in a meaningful way.
Email support, idiot.
Discord drama and general incompetence in the janitor's part, they should have used mumble and have actually thought that shit out, also they allowed Reiko in
Remember playing with skrillex, pewdiepie and notch?
what the fuck happened?
You can get accouts for less than 5 dollars nowadays
I mean if they're supposed to add danger they're pretty bad at it being mostly neutral mobs, and not particularly common or hard to avoid.
They all became weirdos.
Except Skrillex, somehow, who became less weird as time went on.
He started out weird, so he eventually became normal.
yeah Notch really did go off the deep end
Not that user, but I'd like to hear your issues with hunger.
>Has moderate success
>Gets a huge following
>Gets married
>Has a bunch of friends
>Sells out for billions
>Becomes a total scumbag and isolates himself from all of his friends
>Lashes out against everyone
>Marriage gets annulled because of his shitty behavior
>He is now in LA, where the rich won't have anything to do with him because he's new money, crass, and a piece of shit
>Those who would have been his friends before are always going to be viewed with suspicion, like they're only friends with him because he's rich
>He lives in a hell of his own creation and has to turn to the far-right wackjobs for any feeling of inclusion
I honestly would feel sorry for him, if it wasn't entirely his fault.
I think Notch is just legitimately bored.
>be filthy rich
>waste all day shitposting on twitter
he needs help
If I had his money, I'd just play real life minecraft. Buy a nice property in the Rockies and build a wizard tower on the slope of a mountain.
You'd get bored really quick when no one else came to see it.
Just like in Minecraft.
So do people just self-destruct when they don't need to work to survive any more?
t. near unrecorded and mostly single player MC player for years
Do you ever wonder why so many billionaires run charities, nonprofits, or continue to work as CEOs for decades after getting their first billion, which is enough money to never have to work again in your life ever?
>work as CEOs