What’s one thing you want in the new Pokémon games?

What’s one thing you want in the new Pokémon games?

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less handholding

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follower pokemon
literally the only thing I want and it's not unreasonable whatsoever but GF are garbage devs so it won't happen

100 new Pokémon

1/4 of them not being Legendaries

>one thing
Fuck you, I'll be greedy and ask for multiple, some of which are things GAME FREAK ALREADY MADE IN THE PAST BUT HAVE SINCE REMOVED
>An actual hard mode selectable from the start
>The ability to skip tutorials and all cutscenes, I don't need to be taught how to catch a Pokémon and buy a potion from the store for the nth fucking time and I should be able to disregard Pokémon's shallow attempts at "plot" if I want to
>An actually meaty post-game, including the ability to revisit at least one old region, no reason why that should be a gen 2 exclusive feature. Maybe give Kalos another chance to shine since it's theoretically right next to Galar and it's the only fucking region with no third game.
>Bring back secret bases
>Get rid of the godawful carnival shit and bring back something as seamless and fast as PSS for online play
>Have new regional variants that aren't solely
>Have routes that aren't fucking corridors with all the potentially interesting shit to explore walled off for your convenience

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*that aren't solely genwun

Remove Megas, Z moves, and Fairy typing

Game will see a 100% improvement

More legendaries

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A good game where the developers put in real effort and passion.

Optional tutorial.
Skippable cutscenes.
Buffs to Ice, Bug, and Rock Pokemon.
Not using Ice for the fucking endgame dungeon.
Postgame like B2W2.

UBs aren't legendary though

>Megas, Z moves
every day I want to wake up from this nightmare

>Fairy typing
The seething has never left your head huh?

It is the ultimate crutch and toddlerbait

Better fucking transfer system for gens 4 5 6 and 7

Get rid of the retarded pokemon bank shit, and just let me use ds download play to transfer all my stuff.

of course if gen 8 is dogshit(and it will be) then this feature is worthless

For it to flop horribly.

I want more development time spent on bizarre and obscure generation-specific forms like Ash-Greninja, the 29 Pikachus with hats and Dragon Ball-tier shit like the Kaioken Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Overgod Kamehameha Thundershock Z-moves

What I was thinking that could breathe fresh life into the games is if they made dual type moves. It could potentially make some shitty typed pokemon good.

I agree with almost all of this.

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Easier breeding and EV training mechanics.

So X and Y were a godsend for me.

big floppy mammalian pokecock physics

drop nintendo exclusivity and port the prior gens to android or some shit.
The whole point of the series was to be social and trade version exclusive shitmons with frens.

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Less handholding/story. GameFreak cannot write a decent story to save their fucking lives.
I want to go on an adventure by myself again, not babysit Lillie.

just make it open world like DQXI
seriously it's 2019 ENOUGH with random encounters

>What's the one thing you want in the new Pokemon games?
Pokégirls on the tier of HG/SS Misty.

>dual type moves

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Pokemon games are for literal children. Playing one at 20 and complaining about the handholding is like complaining about Dora answering her own questions.



i am a huge dicksucker for pokemon but unironically this so next time they'll have to put some actual fucking effort into the game

Yeah they have one and thats it. Expand nigga

I just want them to try. It doesn't even have end up being good, as long as there's effort and passion put into it.

Just fucking -try- gamefreak



That it stop sucking.

that's not an excuse. They're a multibillion dollar empire who can afford an Hard Mode: ON/OFF option in the menu.

Wasn't there Freezeflame or Freezebolt in Gen 5 or something?

>Pokemon games are for literal children
A year ago i got the pokemon vibe back, the last one i played was platinum, seeing that there are actual persons 18+ that take part in discussions of the gaming franchise of pokemon is embarassing.

Stop making certain gimmicks Gen exclusive.
Pokemon following you Gen 1
Custom pokemon ball splash animations Gen 4
Poffin making [Gen4]
Super Training [Gen 6]
Owning your own mall [Gen5]
HARD MODE also [Gen5]
World Tournament [Gen 5]
The rematch Cafe' in that let you fight even stronger versions of rematch Elite 4s and let you fight the people that helped you go through the Forest and rematch Gym leaders. [Gen4]

All of these good mechanics should have carried on in some shape or form.

Oh and give Steel its resistances back pic VERY related

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you know we're comparing Pokemon games with other Pokemon games right? Surely you're not THAT retarded


And no, a Battle Maison/Tree clone isn't content. I am going to be disappointed.

visible encounters on the map was a pretty good idea in the let's go games but they're never gonna put that in the mainline games

>The rematch Cafe' in that let you fight even stronger versions of rematch Elite 4s and let you fight the people that helped you go through the Forest and rematch Gym leaders. [Gen4]
I'd prefer it if you could just go back to the gym and face them that way, rather than having to wrangle phone numbers and them only being available certain times/days of the week.

Do kids even play pokemon? I thought their primary demographic was 20+ adults who played the games when the series was still novel

Big fucking titties.

and when did you play those other pokemon games hmmm?

This is one of the things Let's Go got right, does the "find the professor, get your pokemon, out you go" real quick and doesn't make me listen to badly written characters talking for 30 minutes.

more holding hands

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That’s what nintendies want you to think

I think those only had one type of damage. Think those were Ice Burn and IceShock

more clothing customization

Something that surprises me.
I havent been surprised by a pokemon game since they took me back to kanto in Gold.

Working my way through Let's Go at the moment and here's my hot opinion.
The new catching mechanics aren't inherently bad, essentially it's an improved version of the safari catching minigame applied to all wild pokes. The problem is that with no wild encounters, stretches like Mt. Moon or whatever where you need to go a long time with no healing aren't anywhere near as dangerous as they once were, taking away that feeling of tension and isolation.
However this is remedied in the game too, there are legendary (and Snorlax) wild poke battles that must be won, on a time limit, before the catching starts.
If they took this system and just made it so more aggressive pokes in the wild would also attack you, like a big ass Graveler or whatever, it would fix that problem. If it's just shit like Caterpies then yeah whatever just throw balls at them okay.
I don't see the need to throw the baby in the bathwater, both the old and new catching systems could be blended together to make an overall improvement.
What I hope to fuck does not carry over from LeGo is the "You can't enter this gym until you X". It's restrictive and does nothing but slow the game down. The game needs to be less hand holdy, I don't want the fucking NPCs to escort me from start to finish, let me explore, let me do things wrong, let me go in the wrong direction.
Other than that I'm fairly optimistic.

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>Pokemon following you
>Gen 1

whenever they were released. Some of them in the late 90s, some of them a few years ago. A lot of them don't have hand holding (to the same degree), some even have hard mode. We want that again


>Have routes that aren't fucking corridors with all the potentially interesting shit to explore walled off for your convenience
This is one I wish more people will discuss. I recently played gen 1, which is still pretty linear, but it made me remember how magical it felt to go off the beaten path and find Zapdos in that completely optional powerplant. They need to put that shit back in the game, none of these "required post game story events to find the legendaries" bullshit

Give bonemerang the ability to hit flying types

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This season had surprisingly good animation, shame it was the same old filler shit


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i'd be willing to put up with alot of shit if they just give me online co-op for the battle tree tower whatever that was last seen in GEN 5

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>That quality drop over the years

Just a button wouldn't do shit, they'd have to spend dev time adjusting enemy stats and levels, adding more pokemon to enemy trainers, and possibly working on the enemy's ai. And, after they do all that, they'd have 8 year olds who accidentally hit hard mode and can't play the game anymore.

Haha it'll be paid online and it won't even have that feature you want.



For the love of God give trainers more than one or two pokemon in their teams.
I feel like it takes fucking longer to transition in and out of a battle than it does to win.

This. How is that lgpe let you have followers and let you ride, but it has to be so fucking rare from gf?

I'd like an optional battle system for single player that's more contextual, where you're not stuck with 4 moves, your bulbasaur doesn't just fucking forget how to tackle cause he learned to work his vines and shoot leaves.
Id like complete access to the move list, option to map them to buttons and a battle system that plays out like in the anime, with smokey attacks giving you cover to move around an opponent, high ground advantage and terrain based advantage, sorta emergent storytelling from battles instead of the current combination of super abstract battle and detailed attack anims. One or the other game freak you retards.

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No annoying NPCs that drag you to force you into playing annoying minigames.
Gyms not based on elemental types, but kinds of pokemon strategy (glass cannon gym, stall gym, setup gym..)

>new pokemon
Their designs are getting worse and worse and we already have a kajillion of them. New starters and regional variants would be enough. They should focus on gameplay, not more shovelware mons.

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having less than 1/5 of the pokemon probably helps

I need more handholding, especially with Mallow

There aren't 8 strategies in Pokemon

I just don’t want everything to take three times longer than they should. Pokemon loves to waste your fucking time. I can finish an entire battle in Persona 5 before a single turn in Pokemon.

>they'd have to spend dev time adjusting enemy stats and levels, adding more pokemon to enemy trainers, and possibly working on the enemy's ai.
Yeah, it's almost like they need a couple thousand dollars to do that.
From a multibillion dollar company.

>8 year olds who accidentally hit hard mode
enable hard mode with a randomized math problem then.

One thing? Just a movable camera, PLEASE.

Ability to sacrifice all 4 combat slots for human communication ala team rocket's meowth. Ability to romance pokemon with this communication activated.

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LGPE is three doors down user, now stay there.

Well, guess what i want then.

A man of taste.

This should help you make intelligent replies. You are welcome.

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Nah fuck you, megas and z moves are fucking sick
Just need to be more balanced

They're unbalanced and complete asspulls. ESPECIALLY Z moves.
Retarded toddler.


Me on the bottom

The sense of dread and anticipation that comes with entering a new dungeon or finding the next gym. I haven't gotten that feeling from a Pokémon game in years, because the new games are so damn easy you can sleepwalk through them.

Also a Dark type Gym, because it's about fucking time the best type got a gym.

Make an argument not based on your personal taste first. Yes we have a lot of them and one could argue if more is a good idea or not, but whether or not their design are worse or not is completely subjective.

Above everything else, I just want a decent post-game

Preferably Kalos

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As many new pokemon as possible. Few to no existing pokemon before the Elite Four. I like pokemon games where everything feels new, not "oh look at abra, better catch one of those so kadabra can plow through the rest of this game for me."

It'd be nice if they added a second continent as post-game DLC instead of rereleasing the same game with minor changes.

There's just so much baggage in the franchise at this point I sincerely think it's time for a gameplay reboot. PP is a broken system that doesn't do anything to suggest you use more than just your starter, Megas and Z moves have no drawback in singleplayer and since the player is the only one to have access to them for most of the journey, they trivialize all trainer battles. I'm not saying Pokemon should be an open world aRPG, but even as fascinated as I am about competitive Pokemon, I think it's extremely unhealthy to keep going with the current design mentality. Especially with Gamefreak's lack of ability to carry definitive gameplay improvements like the many dexnav
features and the Vs. Seeker into future entries.

Limmy memes.

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>what is black and white

A National Dex.

actual fucking battles instead of the shitters standing 20m apart and taking turns having crappy 2D effects applied to them going ''owie''

Z moves are better versions of the gen 5 gem spam.


If this isn't the Battle Frontier I'm going to destroy Game Freak HQ etc etc

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That'd be pretty great too, and I would gladly pay for post-game DLC than buying a third version

Okay, that's an extremely fair point.
Well played.

Remove both then

A set of good games, and my favorite gen overall.

>Difficulty setting
>Battle Frontier or Pokemon World Tournament
>Large new area to explore after beating main game
>Long postgame story
>Less tutorials
>More freedom to explore instead of being dragged along by a mediocre plot

Ummm....that counts as 1 right?

The Battle Frontier is Northern Ireland.

Same shit different pile


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They did. Normal gem was back in gen 6, and none have come back in gen 7. I think once a battle Z moves are a fine compromise.

A rose by any other name

>less figurative handholding
>more literal handholding
There, ftfy

>Pokemon is for children

True. But in the Pokemon Direct they flat out ACKNOWLEDGED all of the long time fans. So why can't they get at least SOMETHING? Why does Sun and Moon have to be more hand holdy than games before it? Are kids growing MORE retarded?

Was Pokemon for adults in 1997? Why was it okay to gamble to win a Dratini back then but not now?

because social media didn't exist. The few people that cared about video games were too busy trying to get Mortal Kombat and Counter Strike banned

>Are kids growing MORE retarded
I want to say yes but instead I'll say that GF is trying to compete with instant gratification mobile games. The director for ORAS literally said they didn't include a Battle Frontier because kids wouldn't bother with it due to the time you have to put in

Incorrect. This logic doesn't pass.
Pokemon Red and Blue WERE censored. Cigarettes were removed, skirts were lengthened. The slot machines remained. There was a conscious decision made NOT to cut them.

for them to remove stuff

changing legenaries' IVs more easily

Faster leveling to max. Why does it take so long to build a team yourself? I end up just using qr codes to battle.

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Just use PKHeX.


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>fucking love anabel
>no porn of her
i might have the rarest fucking taste

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>god can't help you now

An actual sense of exploration instead of a sense of following a narrow path from the start of the game to the end. More optional areas, optional legendaries you can only get from those optional areas. I just want a fucking WORLD to explore instead of a hallway to walk through.

New regis

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um the artist is a pedo so can you please delete that?

The older Pokemon games were for kids as well and didn't treat you like a drooling complete retard

Theres one really good of her on sad panda. Its gentle...just like her

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and yet people complained about not able to finish red and blue when they were kids and now they can finish the latest ones because it got dumbed down for a children's game

>Battle Frontier is Scotland

>Split the main serie into 2 divisions: one focus on old gens players, more complex and difficult. The other is for toddlers such as the latest ones that were released.
>Less pokemons, more gameplay
>the 4 attacks format has become stall and something more dynamic has to take its place.

>Oh and give Steel its resistances back pic
Lol no. Fuck off. It's already the best type in the game.

well if you count pokemon yellow as an example

Anime titties and the female playable character shows her feet in several scenes.

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Good luck with that in gen 8. Save files are saved internally now. It's going to be a lot harder to extract your save to edit it.

I don't need luck, I just need my bendy boy.

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New fucking models, this recycling shit is embarrassing

Hard mode you can pick at the start.
buff ledian pls he sucks so bad

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Buff the Regis

New development studio.