This combat is acceptable in a 2000+19 "AAA" game

>this combat is acceptable in a 2000+19 "AAA" game

Attached: 1528770278443.webm (800x450, 2.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:

cool movie

Reminder that the first last of us had a downright disgustingly false """gameplay""" trailer of which nothing actually appeared in the final product

Better than RDR2 lmao.


why do people have hardon for third person games?

For real though, why are Snoy games all about showing you fancy animations no matter the disconnect between inputs and onscreen action?

Attached: snoy.webm (940x529, 1.61M)

>Literally a scripted scene

only western sony games do that.

>if i shit on it even before it's released i won't be as salty because i can't play it when it's actually out

it obviously sells just fine so yes it's acceptable you fucking faggot. even if it is basic bitch shit it clearly appeals to normalfags with money. your opinion is completely irrelevant and your sperging out is pathetic. if you want good combat go play any of the hundreds of games that do it better.

>only western sony games do that.
They literally have one Japanese studio who don't even release games most years.

She's so stronk and independant. Will buy two copies.

when video games became money hollywood took over

>Man on the right waits for the execution animation to finish before swinging
Fuck nu-video games man

I cant wait for a video showing off this exact moment with all of these movements missing and the AI acting like retards.

honestly I'm worried about the sony retards who keep buying these third person movie games

How low is your IQ that you still think these input lag ridden snooze fests are fun?

Literally ALL these games run in slow motion

>nu-video games
Define nu
Because shit like that is decades old.

It's about one decade old and it started with Assassin's Creed and Arkham games.

People don't seem to remember the pre-release gameplay of the original game. It was misleading as fuck. This magnetic animation into animation shit is going to actually extremely clunky in actual play and not anywhere near as smooth as these videos make it out to be.

That's every AAA PS exclusive. A cinematic movie where all the "gameplay" is just crouch walking to stealth kill npcs.

>enemy's waiting for you to finish killing his friend
Nothing changed in 15years

Oh it's one of those I'm supposed to pretend a little girl can beat up grown men deals.

>Naughty Dog trying to sell these blatant bullshot dynamic animations as real once again
They tried this shit with the first game during E3 and of course they were cut from the final game.

Attached: 1553000854787.jpg (952x691, 295K)

It's always a Naughty Dog game

>that arrow hitbox
jesus christ we need to harness this technology

Holy shit. Is this scripted or actually how it is? It's amazing.

lmao no those animations are scripted to fuck. They pulled this garbage with the first game at E3.

Stay mad, subconsole filth

Make your own game and let's see how good it is, cuck.

Attached: 1553018780995.png (824x658, 888K)

>heavily scripted secuence
Nice movie, but the combat surely won't be like this

>Ultra cinematic "press-one-button to win" gameplay
>Still has gigantic threat indicators in the middle of the screen
Nice "game design"

>no enemy ever begged for their life in the final game

fuck neil kikeman and fuck nu-naughty dog


unacceptable desu. it's one thing to lie about graphics, it's shitty to do it but it is relatively standard to a point I don't actually give a shit and just expect it, but gameplay lies are just trying to sell you a product that doesn't exist.

Wait til you see this

find me the losing condition in that short gameplay clip
protip: you can't unless going for it deliberately, therefore it's not a game or rather it's a collection of animations that play at the order of the "player's" choosing

It's not a videogame though?
It's a movie.

You can blame RE4, gears and killzone for the explosion in sloppy TPS dogshit.

Executives only see $$$$

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The animation has been like that. It looks cool but mechanic wise it is nothing special. The game pull your character into the enemy and initiate the melee sequence and you basically smash attack and sometimes counter button (i forgot if that is the case for TLoU) base on a short scripted sequence. You know it is scripted because such melee system and animation doesn’t carry into multiplayer. It is a neat thing in a shooter like UC as melee is not the focus of the game, but it is quite dull in TLoU when you use it too much. Stealth and melee weren’t NG strong point in UC and they basically try to make it a focus in TLoU. Therefore, I don’t quite enjoy TLoU compared to UC2 and UC4.
There were tons of misleading thing about TLoU gameplay showcase
> many of the major gameplay showcase the infected boss fight
> people would naturally expect more infected boss fight
> it is literally the only boss fight and the only special infected type in the game
> the special infect itself only show up again once as a pair in one other area of the game

it really makes you feel like a cinematic camera
like my eyes are really optical lenses and my brain a flash drive

not every game needs to be about physical or technical skills. these are about using your socio-emotional skill. try stepping outside your box sometime.

Did you not play Streets of Rage?

>this is somehow unacceptable
>oh wait, it's literally not
op is a fag, sage

wrong board faggot, this is for video games

i havent played a game with third person combat released in the past decade. is it as clunky and non-responsive as it looks?

Clunky and janky and shaky!

Only western ones

So, what's your ideal video game experience? People saying this kind of "gaming" is only like decade old, but there's been far more "automatically controlled" based video games predated the 2000s and it's never made anyone mad when it was done back then. Why it is annoying us now?

First person is shit unless it's in VR

played the original, haven't touched it in years. no replay value at all. what a dump.


Attached: download.jpg (1024x1365, 274K)

>i don't remember when they did the exact same thing with the first game but will try to act superior anyways

it looks good though

Check this arrow dodge + sneak-between-shelves move to surprise attack on the enemy Asian lady (who is focused on aiming down her bow).

I don't think it is scripted. I bet the animation of her turning and shooting the arrow in a panic is all part of the melee attack animation if you run up to her before she notices you

Attached: 1552282742417.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>female psychopath kills 2 innocent hobos

so this is the power of feminism

Attached: principal.png (256x512, 31K)

Yeah, because it's scripted.

looks like glorified QTE

damn, she sure can take a beating for a 110 pound woman.

that'd be amazing if it really was that fluid but it's all just scripted shit and normies will fall for it like always

that part just looks like regular TLOU combat but with dodges and 5 years + one generation of animation improvements though.
There are other parts of the demo that look far more scripted, like when she's hiding under the truck

Attached: 1552603367683.webm (1024x576, 2.69M)

>enemy goes off screen for 6 full seconds so you don't see him awkwardly waiting for you to kill him
the absolute state of video games

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That is also scripted.

She's infected. Got that mushroom strength

no whey

Attached: gun cocks.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

>AAA games are all marketing and graphics and no substance.
Wow what a fucking shock it's like this has always been the case.

i'd like to see the controller inputs for this part
i bet it looks something like
(hold) RT,LT,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A,A

his voice sounds different

They do beg for their lives though. They literally say "Please, don't kill me man! Please!" and other begging-for-life phrases

Attached: Joel executes.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

same reason as why autistic idiots have a fetish for first person


would be nice to have both

first person belongs on pc

the only thing they did was make the AI seem smarter than it was. All the rest of the gameplay from that demo (besides the ammo collecting) was in the final game. The part where he gets tackled at the end was just like when the game goes into an ingame cutscene at the end of an encounter in the final game.
Nobody actually plays TLOU like the guy in that demo though. But you can if you want to, you just have to act like a retard and let things keep escalating unnecessarily. Normal players are always trying to cheese and stealth everything as much as possible and the gameplay doesn't look as entertaining

the funny thing is they used to pretend to like it, but now that they're losing all their exclusives it's been nothing but shitposting meltdowns and that all their exclusives "aren't that good anyway"

I'm still pissed that CP2077 is going to be first person only for "muh immersion"
There are lots of people out there who think third person is actually more immersive. It's not some objective fact that first person is the most immersive.
There should be an option to switch

Reminds me of those late SNES games with all prerendered animations

>now any time I see an impressive contextual animation or something like that, I'm gonna have a hard time believing it's gonna be in the final game
It's true

Damn, the guy is pretty tough.

this wont be in the game as the fag here said here , they did the same for first game, these "gameplay" trailers were all scripted and such sequences will never happen

Because Sony exclusives are the only games with good animation. If you dont enjoy good animation, then maybe you should play games with bad animation.

Hahah keep crying you console fag

That webm is just regular TLOU1 combat but with dodges and better animations

I think it'll be smooth to look at but there is going to be a good 0.5-1 seconds of latency between every motion. It's gonna feel awful to play.

>stonk fightan wamyn everywhere

lol no, the combat in TLOU was basically either stealth killing everyone until/or shooting everyone from cover and such tense close combat and shooting for your life moments never happen, the AI isnt even smart to do something like that, he will just stay at cover or bline like a retard one by one

You can play it like that if you want
see webm

>socio-emotional skill
YOu win the game by crying irl

that webm is nothing special, certainly not on the level they showed in either TLOU 1 trailer or 2

>can't play as punch dad

That's literally the only thing the game had going for it.

>all those dislikes over objectively true observations
boy, people really love their scripted moviegames

Attached: 1289011557757.jpg (720x450, 86K)

Better than Sekiro's combat

How is it not the same? Joel was getting strangled from behind. He was struggling with and being crowded up on by 2 melee dudes just like Ellie was. You're acting like such situations can't happen in-game when they clearly can

I remember back in the extra scenes of Uncharted 3 where the devs at naughty dog said that they put special emphasis on their "contextual" animaations (like if a character is walking on a staircase or near a wall or a table it would change), and i guess it is a carry over from that. It's just a (nice)gimmick, but as the combat and general gameplay (and fps) are braindead it ends up being lackluster.

Attached: DEATH.jpg (710x480, 32K)

>but as the combat and general gameplay (and fps) are braindead it ends up being lackluster.
tell that to all the people who loved the multiplayer VS mode

Is this sekiro? it looks great desu

They really do and they need to be murdered

Sure user, i would rather play Morrowind than sonymovies

was this sarcasm or have you not seen any of the new final fantasy games?

It's really sad that if this game comes out this year, it will automatically win everything because it's The Lesbians Of Us Jew. It's really unfair to really good games like Sekiro, DMC5, RE2 etc.

Attached: (((Goldstein))).jpg (283x346, 21K)

there is no combat in this webm.
naughty aidsfaggots admitted all of it was on autopilot scripts.
the only parts where there is active control is the second where the dyke sneaks upon the dude and the second where she aims the bow. that's it. the rest of the time the game switches back into inactive cinematic mode

>people liked this game therefore it's complex
look at this dood. Besides nobody bought this game for the mp, it was a bonus.

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what is not good about this?


Attached: they are waiting.jpg (690x920, 40K)

No way, Rockstar does that shit, not ND. That's why their games like GTA and RDR2 feel so sluggish. Naughty Dog always prioritizes responsive controls over animation realism (even though they are famous for having good animation). That's why Yea Forums is always trying to say their animation sucks - due to all the instant lunging / sliding / snapping-into-sync so that the melee animations begin executing *immediately* with the player input, regardless of the state of the player's current animation

Attached: 1543270159514.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

Doesnt matter, snoybois will eat it up

>"mash triangle to lose"
y tho

so that's how dmc would play if you only had one move

So why DMC5 has one of the best animations of all time while still being somewhat realistic and prioritizing responsive controls?

>Because Sony exclusives are the only games with good animation

Do you maybe mean that Sony games are the only ones with lots of qte cutscenes? Because then you would be correct.

Reminds me of when people screeched at crowbcat for lining up footage of different TF2 builds side-by-side to show what changed since 2007. He didn't even comment on anything, he just put up footage and people threw a fit at him for it.

>that combat doesn't happen!!!!
>sure it does, here's a webm example
>n-no, t-that's not w-what I m-meant, t-that's nothing special!!!!!!!!
It's like fucking poetry.


>regardless of the state of the player's current animation
*I should say the player's movement animation, not any animation.

Well UC4 is a third person shooter after all, melee is just a tool to exploit when you can catch unarmored enemies alone, because you are always outnumbered like 16 to 1

Because very few of the moves are grabs or grappling based in DMC5 so they don't have to make two models synchronize with eachother every time like they do for all of UC4's melee animations.

Attached: U4 movement.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Yeah you had better be able to turn that shit off

This looks so terrible, dancing around magically punching 7 people while they don't do anything about it.

Attached: 1552919384452.png (716x1167, 455K)

>Because very few of the moves are grabs or grappling based in DMC5

Nigga, one of the three playable characters has half his moveset based on grabbing. Not only can he pull enemies in from a distance, but he also has 2 unique grabs per enemy type, more than that for bosses/special counter grabs if you use good timing to counter certain attacks. In addition to this, some of the grabs can be comboed together.

The truth is, most western game developers do not focus on making their melee combat have any depth. They focus on spectacle and nothing else, so they don't even bother making the controls very responsive in most cases because that isn't even the point of what they are trying to accomplish. You can see great counters to this as well: God of War has great animation AND responsive melee combat/controls to go with it, because the devs actually fucking tried.

all those buzzwords

Multiplayer was great in UC2 on release though. It got shitter due to patch to ttk and uc3 and uc4 has shitty loadout and progression system


Attached: 839.png (400x345, 223K)

It is possible that she cocks the gun automatically after aiming the reticule over an enemy for like 3 seconds, just for looks.

All I'm saying is the game will have responsive controls, they always do from this dev. They have their own style of melee with synchronized, mocapped animations that can look extremely brutal, and I am glad they do it the way they do because I think it looks great.
It's okay for their melee to be simplistic compared to Devil May Cry because this is a third person shooter, not an action hack-and-slash game.

Attached: 1531577186311.webm (640x360, 2.02M)

seems a step up from this

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

I bet you will be able to play as Joel in TLOU2. That's why there is so little of him in the previews: they want you to think he's gonna die or be gone so that they can have a mid-game a nostalgic reveal of his return, like the Blades of Chaos in God of War.
You will still surely play as Ellie for most of the game though

The problem is that TLoU is not a shooter focus game due to ammo scarity so you do a lot stealth and melee take down. The AI really hurts the stealth aspect. Then, the shooter part is really bad as well because AI does retarded thing in gunfight as dev doesn’t quite smooth the AI out for gunfight as they don’t expect players to do gunfight a lot. The gunplay in TLoU feels a lot shittier compared to shooter focus game like UC. Of course, stealth with crafting mechanic should be interesting but the problem is that they give like 2 slots for crafted items and you rare needs to use them because free bottle and bricks are so much more effecient and adequate for the shitty AI. Compare that to say a good stealth game like MGS where you have shit load of items for stealth and enemy AI are much more impressive and threatening.

Better than the combat in the souls games

I agree, the AI sucks in TLOU. But I played a lot of UC4 and they have made great strides in that area. Enemies on the hardest difficulty are always flanking and entrenching and rushing from cover to cover in huge sandox areas, all trying to balance moving fastest route with hiding from the player's cone of vision.
I'm confident the AI will be significantly improved in TLOU2 compared to the first game, and that alone would nullify 90% of your complaints about it.
Also I disagree about the shooting, I played a lot of the multiplayer and I think it feels great. In the single player there is just that wavering thing where you have to get drugs items to level up your aiming and make it perfectly steady.

wheres the gameplay

Wow. It really is like a movie fight. The other goon even politely waits for the hero to do their killing move before attacking; just like the movies!

You have to press the melee button while the camera is turned so the enemy is on screen. What more do you want?

i dunno, actually feeling like i'm controlling the character would be nice

> he doesn't feel immersed by a single button press translating in to a complex 3 second action
Entitled much?

They are not objectively true observations tho. Many of the complaints are exageratted and the rest are bugs that almost never happen. Only a very small fraction are legit points.

Making AI in a shooter isn’t the same as making AI for stealth. Stealth game AI is a bit more complex. AI in stealth section of UC4 isn’t anything special and stealth always has been the worst section of any UC game.

I hate these webms. They're obviously created by somebody that knows the 'script' and probably repeated the same room 10 times to get this. The game simply does not play like this.

It's one melee strike, dodge or deathblow animation (gives you iframes) per button press. It's the same as in tons other games that nobody ever bitches about

> I've never levied this accusation at any other games
Wow, how did you know?!

This webm made me excited for the game

When he shoots the second guy, the crosshair was nowhere near his head.

Reminds me of this

Neil Druckmann dot webm

There is nothing wrong with the stealth AI in UC4. It is perfectly functional for the guerrilla warfare type combat you do in the game:

Press X to win.

Reminder that Uncharted 4 played exactly like the E3 demo. I can't wait for the salt on Yea Forums when this game comes out.

Attached: The Mother of All Nut Shots.webm (640x360, 1.87M)

Swipe-snipe style auto-aim.
Like in Halo

Uhhmm, how can a skinny, thin woman like that beat up AND hold down a fit, muscular dude with just one hand?

Attached: 1549135588020.jpg (765x897, 68K)

>it looks good so it's scripted
That's the regular gameplay, my seething friend.

Attached: 1552922436911.jpg (474x379, 20K)

It was Kill Switch you fucking mong.

Wait, did xhe kill a woman in the beginning? The one to the left, is that a woman?

Looks good for a TPS

Makes RE2make look like shit

>playing on easy

>Falls into the fire.
>Dosent catch on fire.
What a waste.

at 37 seconds, the animation blending of her stumbling then sprinting perfectly syncing up with the animation for grabbing the bottle from the environment and throwing it looks too good to be real. They would have to make a million mocapped animations to match up with where she is in her step. Maybe her feet are sliding into separate animations for each part but it's hard to tell

Yes it was. You brutally kill women and minorities in this game. It's okay because you're playing as a girl yourself

There's no way in the fucking world this is actually gameplay. Fucking imagine if there was a hard stumble every time you got shot. Nobody would enjoy the game.

They're using motion matching which lets you blend animations smoothly like that. If you look closely the bottle actually teleports up to her hand.

Attached: 2x4 outta nowhere.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

So does it have multiplayer or not
I don't give a shit about the campaign

Attached: 1529111858090.png (1280x1024, 349K)

...user, there are hard stumbles upon getting shot in the first game.

it happened if you got shot while crouching in the original game, you would fall backwards and have to scramble to your feet.
Also, she got hit with an arrow, which probably causes some kind of handicap if you don't you pull it out (she does a moment later) I'm assuming, as it creates that little icon in the corner when she gets hit with it. So I'm thinking arrows are extra powerful and can always knock you down like that

There's no way it wouldn't.
The question is whether or not they will ruin it

I'm buying 10 copy's just to piss Yea Forums off

Attached: 1552979891474.jpg (1087x1080, 112K)

She's has super natural abilities. all uncharted games have them.

My dick is rock hard for this. I love video games unlike you cunts LMFAO!
Pic related this is all of you faggots.

Attached: Crying zoomer.png (434x327, 55K)

>im wasting my money to get strangers on an vietnamese fishing board upset

Attached: 1552541668990.png (466x492, 84K)

For Yea Forums? your goddam right you trash nigger hating zoomer FILTH! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Attached: LOLLLLLLL.jpg (217x217, 13K)

that's scripted as fuck

was there even any blacks in the gameplay? all i saw was whites and asians getting killed

Attached: The Last of Us Part II – E3 2018 Gameplay Reveal Trailer _ PS4.webm (1920x1080, 2.21M)

I've played the game, it's shit save for multiplayer but that isn't scripted at all.

>unavoidable hitscan enemies that just drain health whenever you're out of cover
Uncharted is genuine intolerable trash that discourages you from using the movement options built into it

>It's shit
So it's good got it.

Attached: 1552433626650.png (327x316, 211K)

>Shoots chick right in the face
>Tiny as fuck bullet hole where she was shot

Or he head a headset on and LISTEN to enemy coming around the corner and know how to press Melee button?

oh there we go, neil is a cuck but im glad he didnt pull the "evil whypeepo" shit

They'll just dumb down the enemies so they'll shoot you and stop for a second when they actually hit you. Just look at it there, after she gets hit with a arrow, the chick stands there for a second before running off. Also obviously trying to make it look more """tense""" since you can see the player has their crosshairs on her for a second yet doesn't fire.

> neil is a cuck
Nice argument there kiddo everybody is a cuck to Yea Forums the default troll answer HNNNNG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Attached: LOLLLLL.jpg (217x217, 12K)

>regular gameplay
Lmao this fag probably already paid for the $500 special ultimate deluxe edition of the game

It’s actually better than most third person shooter. There’s an actual dodge button for melee and light and heavy attacks. What other shooter has that?

not him but if you are good at maintaining "flow" of moving a between cover positions using rolls and the automatic cover transitions, you can avoid hails of hitscan-gunfire and keep your head low behind cover positions you aren't actively sticking to. It's best to do this to regain stealth or to rush vulnerable enemies and kill them as fast as possible. It's much easier to kill them when they're close.
I do hate how the colors go grey though, but Uncharted's always been like that so I guess they thought they had to


Attached: 1548639762119.jpg (435x530, 22K)

>guy gets whacked with a hammer and just stands there
>guy holding mallet stands till for some reason and lets her spray arrows into him

Attached: 1552934062868.png (638x638, 280K)

>buttons for light and heavy attacks
I hadn't heard this, where are you getting this?

It can happen if you melee them, when you knock them to the ground pull your gun on them. It's not that impressive though, they'll beg a bit, then eventually jump up and attempt to melee you again after a short amount of time.

>gets proven wrong
>moves goalposts
Like fucking clockwork.

Go make a video game faggot BET YOU CAN'T!

Attached: 1553085480999.jpg (3840x2160, 315K)

i'll move the goal post up your ass cunt.

>mallet guy
maybe he thought she'd be finished from that first smash. But instead she pulled her bow out as fast as Legolas and shot him in the chest.

I found it hilarious that I brought that up in one of the E3 threads after it happened and I got like 20 (you)'s of people saying I was literally making shit up and that the first "gameplay" trailer for TLoU was almost exactly what was delivered in the final product.

also, if the gameplay was like this it's kind of wasted on some walking dead tier lesbian drama. at least make proper story game like RDR2. what is it up with sony niggers and their Lesbian Barbeques and anime fantasies? name one reason anyone should buy ps4 when all it's exclusives are like that.

>slides over table
>Still able to spring high enough into the air to punch some faggot

Uhhhhhh are you a racist AND sexist /pol/tard? Fuck off.

cool meme

Reminder your a huge faggot zoomer cunt who hates everything. Make sure you kill yourself your family and never breed.

>responsive controls are bad

Attached: 1552921861674.png (600x656, 75K)

Looks cool. Most shooters have bad melee desu, this looks great and solves most of my issues with the first game being spammy in that it looks like it has a dodge system now.

>shoots MC with arrow
>Immediately runs away despite having a clear shot to finish her off
great ""game"" snoybois.

Take that back, bitch.

Entry wounds are small, exit wounds are big. All that meat comes out with the exit wound. Especially if its the middle of the face like that

You can make responsive controls that look look, see dmc5.

Oh shut up you lying shill
None of the animations are as smooth in the final and you can't even do a weapon disarm. The sound quality is also noticeably shittier. The call outs from npcs doesn't sound as natural as well because it was literally recorded in a studio specifically for the demo.

>They tried this shit with the first game during E3 and of course they were cut from the final game.
But they were in the first game?

Attached: 1551076543573.jpg (716x472, 52K)

What slow motion? It's not like Zelda BOTW with tons of cinematic slow mo.

niggers are known for their physique, slave fighting probably wouldn't have become a thing if they were lanky and shit

Go make a better video game otherwise shut your fucking whore mouth you untalented hack! BACK TO THE BASEMENT LOSERS AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Attached: 1552136894869.jpg (1462x1462, 189K)


Looks fun

Better than whatever you could make BAHAHAHAHA!

Weapons disarm and ammo grabbing from enemy guns is not suitable for the type of combat in the final game, where ammo is very scarce. The demo IS guilty of misrepresenting the gameplay as being far more action-y than the final game, where to be successful you have to play very stealthy and try to cheese everything. But you can play it 90% like the demo if you try to, you just need to restart the encounter before you progress so you can do it for real without wasting all your ammo.

And you can make the animations look that smooth:

It's not enough every animation should be BADASS for mouthbreathers and devalue the action to the point of dullness within seconds, it must also take away what little prospect of gameplay western movieshit has by discarding positioning and movement control in favor of magnetized bamham combos while the player/audience gets zero punishment for rushing in the face of dozens of hostiles as their damage is reduced from the already Snoypony friendly low defaults.

t. snoygger

I'm more concerned about the fact that either there's basically just one way for the character to move from one place to another, or the player is just giving vague hints to the game's animation engine which chooses for the player where the character moves next. It might look fancy to someone who has never picked up a controller, but to me it looks like a game that barely obeys your commands because animations are more important than player control. Almost all has to be automated so it can be animated, so the player barely has any input where the character goes and what he does. Animations like that simply can't accommondate free movement.

why doesnt the second guy smash her head in while she has the knife in the other guys throat?

t. meme

That's bullshit, you're looking at the very first and easiest encounter of the game, where the enemies w/ the weakest gun are doing their spawn animations at the door and splitting their attention between the player and the other guys escaping the prison in the back.

Any other fight in the game you can't do shit like that even if it's on easy, because it's all much more spread apart and above easy you will get shot to death

Attached: melee fail.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Probably for the same reason as to why that doesn't happen in Sekiro. That enemy is outside the camera's view so they can't see what they're doing lol

Deathblow animations give you iframes so enemies just wait, but you're guaranteed to get hit by them if they are. It's not like that in multiplayer but it is in single player

nintendies will call it a movie game based on this when it's not even scripted lmao

Who cares just play the fucking game. I'm sure you never understood that. Why are you on Yea Forums? go outside you normie cunt!

Look at E3 combat footage from the first one, it changed drastically when it was released.

>in order to criticize something you have to make a superior version yourself

this is what all shills actually believe

only thing is that rdr2 is a living open world where things happen spontaneously, while this is just scripted shit. But I know a pleb like you can't see the difference between the two. lamo

Why does he have no trouble beating up 3 mercenaries at the same time but he and his brother got their asses beat by some sheboon?

Best post x post


Those animations are trash. They noticeably snap into a position, it doesn't look smooth at all.
And no you can't recreate the demo even if you look past neat details that don't actually impact the gameplay too much like enemies physically searching for supplies, Ellie physically picking up a brick, weapon disarm and stuff like that.
The AI is broken in the final game, unlike in the demo melee foes don't hide and wait to ambush you, they bum rush you while you have a shotgun pointed. They have short term memory, they will respond to your gun clicking like in the demo but seconds later they take cover when you aim your gun at them.

it's actually extremely responsive, I've played a lot and already argued with some dude about it starting here Who knows, that shit was retarded and even I won't defend it


Attached: 1533041418508.jpg (633x874, 318K)

I like the implication that I'm supposed to work on emotions some game director expects me to feel instead of choosing what to feel at a moment.
"Oh, you're just not FEELING correctly."

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>Patiently shielding your movie "game" from criticism and lying about it
This is pathetic

>t. Crackdown 3 enthusiast

Your pathetic you untalented low IQ nigger cunt!

Good thread

Not really beyond that last scripted scenario.

back to /pol/ you racist

Attached: just.png (1000x808, 589K)

It is for me i love video games and i love seeing Yea Forums mad. Get mad guys i hope and pray you die of strokes ALL OF YOU HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA

Attached: Grin.png (633x874, 89K)

>machete just magically floats there
>drawing a bladed weapon over your shoulder

Attached: King.png (886x1389, 2.55M)

if the game is even 75% as good as this demo it will still have excellent TPS-stealth-action gameplay.
A lot hinges on whether ND has made the AI good this time. In the past they have been huge perfectionists about criticisms like that, and U4 did have pretty good AI: Also Uncharted 4's gameplay was pretty much just like its E3 demo last time, if that counts for anything to you.

>Y-you can't tell me what to feel!
The absolute state of tweens.

Film/games/media manipulate emotions all the time. Games have the added layer of player choice. So if you choose not to be immersed in the game, choose to allow real world distractions to permeate the experience, and play the game like a retard then yeah, you'll feel differently than someone who does the opposite.

You can feel whatever you want to. But to actively choose not to feel a basic emotion for the sake of rebellion is juvenile as fuck

Drake obviously has more strength. You can see him push her back when he tries, but with each strike loses his momentum and falls back down. That's what happens when so done punches you

If I had any confidence I'd wish that the sound design would reach the standards of 20 years ago and stealth wouldn't require x-ray vision as you could actually listen to the movement of enemies.

This game is better than ANY game that has been made in 3 years and it's not even out yet. Sucks for you faggots well you could always go back to your shit games like apex csgo fortnite LMFAO!
Leave now and go back to shitting up your own cunt games.

Attached: 1552295442616.png (421x429, 87K)

>Trying to figure out what happens in the middle
>Slow it down
>First enemy phases through him to get the chokehold
That's some advanced CQC right there

Attached: Ooooh no, nonononono.gif (255x191, 1.9M)

Anyone who wants to enjoy the game disables listen mode completely in the options, it's cheap as shit. You can hear everything perfectly with your ears. I disagree on the sound design (if you are saying its bad), especially for Sony's "movie games" like this. The report on TLOU guns sound punchy as hell, I love the sound of the revolver in particular. Hunting rifle is great too. Just turn off listen mode, it was never necessary.
The voice acting on the goons sucks but I think that is to dehumanize them so you can with less guilt

he should have kept swinging but he started running instead and you can be grabbed while running close to an enemy

I would destroy the giant in one hit.

>still caring about western games in current year
i seriously hope you guys dont do this

>Actively choose
If we could we'd choose to enjoy everything

Attached: u wajima.gif (245x200, 923K)

>Film/games/media manipulate emotions all the time. Games have the added layer of player choice. So if you choose not to be immersed in the game, choose to allow real world distractions to permeate the experience, and play the game like a retard then yeah, you'll feel differently than someone who does the opposite.

Do you actually think that playing a game or watching a movie is the same as handing your mind over to the creator? You should experience everything critically.

I remember when the first last of us trailer was shown and I said it looks scripted as fuck and then someone tried to defend the game saying no its not it's gonna totally look like that in the final build. I hope that person is dead by now.


You should try to enjoy things and only not enjoy them if you just can't. That way only the cheesiest and most ham-fisted shit you aren't invested in at all will make you feel like rejecting it

Attached: TLOU2 Demo.webm (640x360, 3M)

It did look like the trailer, get over it bud.

Do you not like REALISM user?

Attached: 1462667314249.webm (940x529, 2.53M)

No one will unironically defend this webm

hey that fight is pretty fun on hard and crushing

Attached: Rafe.webm (768x432, 2.96M)

rent free and seething

Almost 6 years, now.