It's not fair Nintenbros. Why can't Nintendo make games as good as From or Capcom? We're stuck with a shitty Yoshi game instead
It's not fair Nintenbros. Why can't Nintendo make games as good as From or Capcom...
>tfw /vp/ nigger
>seriously considering not getting a switch for pokemans
>as good as From
Bing! Bing! Wahoo!
maybe next gen nintendo will invest in something more than some cheap cardboard
switch games are on average 2 to 5GB size for god's sake
500MBs in some situations
The switch is fucking dying
>Digital size = quality
Zoom zoom
more GBs = more code = more quality
keep trying lol
s e e t h e
Capcom is shit though. PS2 rehashes are getting old
>Nintendo makes bad games
>what is Ocarina of Time
>what is Super Mario Galaxy
>what is Metroid Prime
the problem is that it's way past this point to even make that argument
games from 2012 from the past generation had an average of 15GBs
switch is the newest console in the market. nintendo is lazy
>more GBs = more code = more quality
None of these are true
>nintendo is lazy for not releasing unoptimized bloatware
all of them are true
HAHAHA, you're actually trying
it's really cute, keep going
very cool, very nice, very arguement
outdated garbage that can't compare to God of war
I don't want your email
I was @ing you, you retard
>I was @ing you
With your email?
>staying with only a switch
nigga come on, I'm a poorfag and at least have a switch/ps4 and a mediocre pc
check your inbox and ignore all of the furaffinity mail you have