Would this game be acceptable on today era? Saw some discussion about it on Yea Forums I think.
Would this game be acceptable on today era? Saw some discussion about it on Yea Forums I think
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>Would this game be acceptable on today era?
nope, shitty rts games arent allowed anymore
>Tfw no communist gf to smash the burgueoise with
>academy award winning JK simmons
too funny
Eva was the toppest of tiers in that game.
RTS is dead long live RTT, in other words the virgin Red Alert vs the chad Total War
>scantly clad women
>all star cast of characters
>neo imperialistic japanese empire
>the us president is a robot
don't know if this would be allowed in the current year world of politics
Worst C&C ever
you are forgetting one
No I'm not
I don't know what you're talking about
UGH is that a real unit?
I liked Red Alert 3, but RA2 was more memorable and enjoyable for me. With the exception of Tiberium Twilight, the Tiberium series had much better arsenals and aesthetic.
i cant remember if it is or not
but i do know this is
I said NO
We don't speak of IT
maybe even a better soundtrack
that 90's us army aesthetic is kino
Comrade-General, why don't we do missions together any more?
Fuck yea Jim Carry's wife is hot
oh come on user
i really want to complet it but i cant do it alone
>dat shiny pvc bodysuit
I'll make an exception for educational purposes
who was the bondie actress who was the general of nod in the 3? so beautifull
Ah cmon, it was still pretty fun all things considered. I mean any game with Space communists can’t be all bad
t. nigger
everything after c&c 3 was utter shit
arguably everything after generals
Kilian Qatar?
>Worst C&C ever
Not C&C4, which was a rushjob and fucked up Tiberium series in the process.
Not Sole Survivor which was so bad you don't even remember the fucking thing.
Not Tiberian Sun for cementing C&C as the shitty AAA reskin factory only sold through lying marketing.
yes! thanks
It still is the worst among all C&C titles of those we dare to speak of
It never existed user. I smell newfaggotry at work here ...
>actually disliking Tiberian Sun as a game for correlation
Are you pretending? You dare to bring Tib Sun that got rushed into completion cuz EA kept pressing the living shit out of Westwood to meet the deadlines into comparison with literal fanservicing, incoherent, over-the-top C&C/Starcraft mash-up moneygrab?
>Sole Survivor
Ironically, SS was actually kinda ahead of its time, considering the trend of BR games
Though gotta admit, it was pretty shit
shut up
Futuristic/apocalyptic theme of TS was too soon.It needed like a 1 game between TS and TD
>Tib Sun that got rushed into completion cuz EA kept pressing the living shit out of Westwood to meet the deadlines
Well to be fair Westwood had already had their sweet time with Tib Sun when EA came on board. Just this once I'd say that they were better off just shipping when they did it rather than continue adding new hard-to-implement features that would get scrapped anyway. The game was bashed for looking old fashioned when it was released in August 1999 and I think it would've gone the way of Daikatana if they had waited any longer to release it
It was still better than renegade
Somewhat fair assesment
Tho I sincerely don't remember ever hearing that Tiberian Sun was looking "old fashioned" back then, at least not from the graphical standpoint
It definitely got some flak for sticking too much to its already proven formulas and not trying to be bit more inovative. Gonna say it again: here goes EA into our equation ...
Renegade is really in its own category
I found it fun, even though I do see, that it IS shite
But playan A Path Beyond and C&C Reborn was/is still more than worthy legacy to consider
The thing you non-industryfags don't know about concept art is what the general public know as "concept art" is promo art. Most "concept art" released to the public is actually made long after the concepting phase, and is usually done when the concept team have some downtime and marketing want to put out some cool images to get people hyped for the game.
Even stuff that did actually start out as concept art will be cleaned up and have all the notes and shit taken off it. Units like this will likely have concept artists shitting out 4 or 5 designs a day. Concepts are made as quickly as possible whilst still giving the overall impression required, so concept artists will employ every fucking trick in the book to get concepts out quickly. Tracing over real life images, mocking up things quickly in Maya to get a good sense of perspective, or even just painting over a prototype environment; all of this is totally viable. You end up with literally thousands of concepts that usually end up getting taken into meetings. Concept artists talk to the 3d modellers / environment artists, the programmers, the designers, there's generally a whittling down process.
With CnC4, they had basically just gotten through 1 round of concepting under insane crunch conditions from EA when EA were like "THROW SOME CONCEPT ART OUT THERE, FAST." So what you're seeing is some hastily tidied up concept art that most likely wouldn't have ended up in the game.
Pic related is how most concept art usually ends up looking. This was taken from a leak of Witcher 3 mid-development. Shit's rough and was probably made in about a day tops, and is literally a trace of a catwalk model, but it gets the job done. Nobody in industry gives a fuck if you traced over a face, because this is just for internal use.
Nigger, a good artist with intention and sense of direction will throw buckets of least decently designed shit at command
The concept art funmaking is merely cherry on top of the pyramid made of bad decisions by EA and non-investend, insincere, non-passionate developers themselves
For sure, a good concept artist can shit out good art with probably around an 80% success rate, but I'm just saying these concepts have all the hallmarks of a stressed team with no drive working under retarded directions from publisher execs.