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Other urls found in this thread:

Drinking fag tears.

How many accounts do you own?

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What the hell? Did Amazon fuck up?

new patcher

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Is this a bug?

so I've been looking into the game. why are you guys so passionate about what new race gets in? do racial stats/abilities differ a lot?

Wtf is this real?
Looks way too good to be real


That looks like shit.


Maybe. But Amazon would honor it yeah?
We haven't had a new race since the launch of Heavensward like 4 or 5 years ago


it's the ARR + all expansions version that holds the entire game hostage so you can't play until Shadowbringers' release.

Should I resub tonight?

the duality of man


Fugg, I want the extra items tho

Calm down your shill

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I hate it

>Jump potions on sale
If the DF wasn't full of shit before it's gonna drown in it now.

What if Viera are genderlocked, and there's no male-only race?

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Go on and tell me what's wrong with playing on a pro with an ssd
>inb4 no reply with an argument

i think the final patch is next week, so you may as well wait

pc is better

>helping anons save money on an expac they're obviously going to buy is shilling

Literally nothing unless you're a mod autist.

pc is just better and ps4 is holding the game back

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>can't parse
>can't mods
>can't use mudfish
>take 10s to say anything

Any class stories worth just skipping?

Actual feet instead of flippers in opened toed footwear is too good to lose, and i'm not even a footfag.

First it was Shillblood, now it's Shillbringer

>why shouldn't i put my hand on a hot stove
>serious arguments only i am a man of reason and logic

You can plug in a USB keyboard to chat with.

>what's wrong with playing on a pro with an ssd
Nothing, unless you don't mind eternal loading screens
Plus many rumours about ps5 around the corner

based tranny

>not even a footfag.
I don't believe you. Literally no one else cares about that shit.

so if the autists are sperging about cosmetic stuff, which it appears to be, does that mean the gameplay is solid? thanks anons


Should I resub?

im stuck on PS4 pro as well, ans for me the input lag of keybords and mice are awful.
(different things cause the input delay to be worse, such as switching targets, or cycling through party members, instead of an F key instant target.)
If you're used to it, u wont notice it, but if ur used to PC, you notice the difference. it feels like playing action games on switch, after having played them on another system.
Though a tiny bit worse in delay.

(ive tried it on 2 other PS4s, non pro, and different keybords/mice, and the input delay was identical, so its a software issue, not a hardware issue)

Gay game, WoW is better.

Justify gimping my experience by playing on a Pro serious arguments only

Why the hell are you using kb+m on ps4?

>>can't parse
Cool but you'll know when you're playing well if you're not brain dead. If you really need a parse, there are thousands of others available to help
>>can't mods
>>can't use mudfish
Stop using comcast lol
You can use m&kb on ps4 the same way. So?
>>take 10s to say anything
Plug in a keyboard retard.

who says they play it for the gameplay?

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if you're into animal dicks maybe


Okay so now im playing on a PC-but-shit. I might as well play on PC

ssd lad.

It's not a leak, it's a fucking fanmade design. Ignore retards pretending to leak.

this is from reddit you dumbfucks, as if the generic chinese spyware ui didnt give it away


Not unless you want to level classes to 70 and prepare yourself for ShB

i dont actually use a mouse, other than moving my UI around quicker.
i use keybord due to tendonitis making controller and mice usage impossible.
I also started on PC 1st with 1.0-Stormblood.
touched PS3 out of curiosity, but im now on PS4 due to my PC dying.

It really do just be like that sometimes

the pro plays this game well, it's just that PC is better because higher framerates and resolutions.

>the 2b outfit is on the cash shop and everyone will buy it

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>I know how to play this game never had any complains
>says the 4k dps sam
I don't use comcast and unless you live in commiefornia you need a vpn to play xiv
enjoy your input lag
post fflogs

>those big ass buttons
Thank goodness this is confirmed fake

I only get input lag if my wireless keyboard is an odd area from the ps4. You get lag with wired shit? Better reinstall your game or something lol

Why do you have tendonitis. Excessive jerking off?

this is final fantasy

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Redpill me XIV fags
Is it still worth starting with it?
Is there still a monthly subscription required?

Not him but fuck off retard there's literally nothing wrong with using controller I am so sick of faggots like you talking shit when you know nothing.

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Why wouldn't there be?

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>He needs perfect connection to play xiv well
HAHAHAHAHA keep the excuses coming bitch

Awesome I can't wait until all the stream/youtube shitters get premium access to all the information and then brag online about how they know everything and aren't telling us until the NDA drops like they did with stormblood.

1 Not an argument
2 Not an argument
3 Not an argument
4 Nope. Input lag out the ass
5 Refer to previous point

Watch, he'll claim that it isn't yours.

Because the game already cost 40 cucks
And you are all wining to pay it? For years now? Are you retarded?

>job with literally 9 buttons
don't reply to me brainlet mage

i used all wired keybords.
and i tried multiple systems and keybords, so its not unique to just mine.
(Read up on it, and its standard. Anyone who claims its not there, just doesnt notice it because they are used to it and they think thats the normal input speed)

Ironically, I had to quit, since it made it worse.
My tendons are shit, and get bad from even light tasks.

What? The opening keynote is free for everyone

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Get your stockings ready faggot.

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I haven’t done any of the post launch stormblood stuff should I resub now or wait?


yes hello welcome to mmo's, subscriptions are a thing in some of them

Tried FF14 trial once and. I didn't buy the subscription after that and because of it square decided to delete my account and I can't make a new one. Fuck this game



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RDM uses every single skill in their kit and it uses them more consistently and evenly than any other class in the game. There is no skill that outright dominates the rotation or gets spammed, we use everything.

Based and ready.

Don't waste your breathe on the blessbros. They've been through enough

Why would you go and tell lies on the internet?

That'll be $25.99 gaijin. Stop modding you will be bannu

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Why do trans always need to put highlights in their character's hair?

>check out a quick video for a raid before queueing up
>MrHappy's video is about 20 minutes long
>Mizzteq's video is about 4-10 minutes

every time

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and? its still a 9 buttons job
controllers are so amazing I can play rdm!
don't ask me to heal though, it will take me 5s to target you

And you're into furries and children if you play this gay faggot shit


No, racial stats are completely irrelevant.

Off the top of my head...
19 as bare minimum for boss fight.
7 more for situational savage fights. (not all at the same time) one of these is used every fight, but only needs to be used once at the start of the fight, since lucid easily replaces it later)

It takes you 5 seconds to press the d pad 1-5 times? Lardass

Wait, does Shonji browse Yea Forums?

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>doesn't post his own
Haah Waaw

A storm of shitposts approaches fast

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highlights are cute, mr brown hair brown eyes midlander.

is there any effective difference? do the gnome like race have smaller hit boxes? different stances, race specific gear, dialogue?

nah they really aren't

I forgot about this. It's gonna get released today?

>its still a 9 buttons job
except it's not...

jolt, impact, thunder, aero, fire, stone, flare, holy, corps-a-corps, displacement, fleche, contre sixte, riposte, zwerrchau, redoublement, acceleration, swiftcast (yes an essential part of our rotation), manafication..far more than 9.

Women are incompetent and she doesn't even write her own script. She's just >GIRL ^_^

skill chart in order from best to worst:
black mage
red mage

dark knight

white mage

Attached: trial.jpg (1274x703, 204K)


They are if you keep them subtle and they meld with the overall hair color but still can be noticed. Of course most idiots go for the clashing colors so it looks retarded.

>best at anything

No highlights is better

Everybody get down I'M POSTING IT

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Is hat supposed to be an opinion or fflogs stats? Cause in both cases it's wrong

Notice how the best music in FFXIV is both Answers and Tsukuyomi's theme.

Wonder why both of these songs are golden, the best of the best?
Because it has both genders singing together. This is more than gimmick, this is about the nature of us as humans, we need both genders to create perfect harmony.
How do you feel about the importance of both genders in a world, in an mmorpg world and how importance the balance of both is in any endeavor where they're intrinsict to the value of the world?

Also, should they do more male + female music in the future? What would you like to see?

Alright, last post before I leave.

Male viera are not happening
Loli and shota is NOT happening
The discord leaks are RIGHT
Le and la leaks mean nothing
Male vierafags better get ready to cope.

I'll make a trip just so i can shit on everyone when I'm right if requested.

imagine being this wrong about everything

How much longer? I'm looking forward to the tears

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>anons a few XIV threads ago try and argue against my point that XIV's endgame isn't run by rampant parse monkeys that demand orange for any group or static
>even on Yea Forums its "p-post logs!!" and orange being the minimum requirement for even having an opinion

>fighting tsukuyomi
>7 people
KEK. 8th must have seen the wedding dress cat and knew it was going to be a shit show and left.

I like all of the- no wait, scholar exists, there's nothing worth looking at in the scholar story.

DA DISCORD LEEEAKZ now make a trip

6 Hours Remain

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yeah the original trial accounts were for a limited number of days. now they are infinity extended, but the original trial accounts are gone.

White Mage story is boring the entire way through.

Garuda's theme has male and female vocals as well.

course I'm of the theory that primal themes are songs sung by their followers in prayer

is it 5 or 6 hours assholes

You know for a fact people on here are going to pretend they were never wrong right? Still, at least the fourms will have tears.

>need to heal the second to last member of the group
>instead of pressing down 7 times like a retard I just press up so it sends me straight to the last player of the list, and then press up again
>all in less than a GCD
>cast Essential Dignity
>he's healed
>press X to re-focus on the boss
>continue my astrologian DPS """"rotation""""

Healing sure is hard on a controller

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That was a retarded reddit post

i put swift cast as an optional skill, but now that i think about it, i did use it to maximize my DPS even on stationary targets, when fishing for procs didnt work too well.
So yeah, ill consider it a must have.

Mizzteq's guides are shit too

>orange being the minimum requirement for even having an opinion
except for sam and rdm since orange on them is about as good as a blue on real jobs

wtf is a GCD

9:30pm est is 6 hours away.

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Like this right?

Most of that I think I get, but what the fug is Gr'aha? Pls gib explanation user.

you fucking rock, thanks

can't wait for the tantrums and shitflinging, it's going to be really satisfying no matter what happens

lol who cares shit game

Global cooldown. Basic rotation skills are affected by this, then there are ogcds and all of the role actions to press inbetween it

Graehl made the best videos and his voice is god-tier. I wish he was more active, but I appreciate the quality in his work

t. pog who can't hack it in the Royal Marines

I'm 99th percentile on three jobs and 100th on a healer of all things, so its not like Yea Forums gets an opinion at all as far as I'm concerned. The last time I posted any info here, someone got so buttmad that they tried to bruteforce my account, so I don't post shit here anymore.

No, the game has very limited content and is repetitive as fuck.

Leaker predicted CT returning and the person in the trailer being gr'aha.

But the site says 4 hours what the fuck

>except for sam and rdm since orange on them is about as good as a blue on real jobs
Post your oranges on sam and rdm then, you memebaby. I'll wait. And I'll keep waiting.

>i fear the legion

Reminder that this IS happening.

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need to breed chocolate bunny

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The biggest differences are the different emote animations

swiftcast is great for RDM it's actually a DPS gain to use even if you have all the procs you need, especially in situations with tight windows where you won't be able to get a cast off on time. One place that comes to mind is o11s just before omega flies away for level checker you can time it right to get an extra verthunder off just before he goes untargetable, and you never would have gotten that damage if you had to cast something.

I keep swiftcast on my main cross hotbar for easy access any time I want it.

Looking at the info the >leaks have, along-side the name of this supposed new job, I feel like we're about to be in for a ruse cruise soon. Where the real new male-only race is dwarves with lion-like manes around their heads due to giant hair/beards/ect., and the other new job coming that comes along-side them is a Viking class that uses either twin axes or an axe + shield combo for DPS bullshit.

4 hours and 49 minutes, so it will begin at 5:30 PST

No it's not.

More like I'm pretty much a god here and have nothing to prove, and only have something to lose by having my information out there.

I love the cosplay contests at these things, the NA and EU ones are cringy with the occasionally impressive one.
Japs will presumably be amazing in comparison.

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he means on keybord for PS4.
the input delay of switching targets randomly jumps from an additional .1 second (from PC/controllers) to sometimes even .5seconds.
so your initial target (yourself when u press up or down) then up twice more, can be a total of 1 second, then swapping back to an enemy also is another weird input lag. (enemy to ally, or back)
if you're trying to weave oGCDs this pretty much means u need to weave those 1st, then wait for the next GCD, then try to heal/raise someone, w/o risking clipping.

I can't be wrong if I've been shitposting for both sides

Ohayou FFXIV subscriber san, you remember to resubscribe right?

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Very cringe.

I would fantasia to be a cat-man or giraffe

For the love of god sauce.

do 24man parses for sam count?
>playing rdm outside potd and eureka

They think G'raha is the hooded person

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fucking disgusting.

If we get tiny bunny boys I won't even spend a second to fanta.
And I main tank.

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Epic autism but yes, you do have to actually prove that

A) This is actually yours


B) That it's on a fight that is actually currently relevant (or that the parse was done when it was relevant)

Sorry, that's how this works

the forums should be a sea of salt, oh I do so hope dancer isn't the new job, back when SB came out, someone had a complete shitfit that they were lied to in the SB trailer, saying that Lyse dancing at the start was an obvious hint to dancer and when they were wrong, felt betrayed
some people take this shit way too seriously

>I'm pretty much a god here and have nothing to prove
Jesus dude, I hope you were being sarcastic here because if you're not I don't know what to tell you man.

Don't worry, its okay to be a shitter

Whatever happened to that guy? His videos were professional tier. The way he laid out the mechanics, then talked about how the fight worked too.

i havent done the current tier, but in the prior tier, there was never a time when swift cast got an extra attack off.
(I tried, but it only worked if i was already a fraction of a GCD behind to begin with.)
i was almost always at the same point in my GCD as i was prior, in every fight.
only in mistakes was i behind in the GCD, able to change things up with a swift cast. (mostly as a bandaid)
but yeah, if true about O11S, then thats one more case its true.
(I have done this in non savage, so i know its possible, but dont really notice if i make mistakes since i dont have my GCDs position memorized for every attack)

wasn't he thrown into the world of darkness or something? it's been like a year or so since we last seen him in-game since the events after crystal tower.

the kind of faggots that don't actually want viera but generic bunny people


>story is starting to get hype just like before Stormblood

I just hope they actually deliver this time, going on from Heavensward last MSQ quest to the boredness that Stormblood is was retarded

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it's not, play smn, rdm is useless in real content

gUYS did you know that I'm literally a god at this Video Game (tm) but I won't post proof so you'll just have to believe me because I have nothing to lose! tee hee x-D

>tfw you will never have a gf 4 times your size
I can't fucking deal with life anymore

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>Tfw you've been posting as both barafag and malevierafag
>Even with some shota and loli fag on there
>Just slip into whichever side wins.

is this what cumming feels like?

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no, he sealed himself inside the CT until "mankind becomes advanced enough to understand the tech"

the story was dull, none of it had anything to do with the new areas added in either expansion, and we seemed to be mostly helping a potato get his tiny leg over on a fucking tonberry.
at least in SMN I get to hang out with y'shtola's sister.

Nah, he's just in stasis or some shit in CT, he's supposed to stay locked in there until the world gets back to Allagan tech-levels

hahaha lmao nice one ffxiv player.

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It's been a lot more than a year. He locked himself inside the crystal tower for reasons i don't remember since it's been so long.

Reckon the full cinematic will be in Japanese? I had a look at the current JP one and the lip sync is pretty bad.

This faggot has over 200 art commissions of his ugly trap character

I have no idea, I hope he didn't lost his passion for making videos, it might have taken a bit longer than the other guides since they aim to spit 'em out asap, but I just admired his work so much.

[] Limited job.

Real life fucking sucks nigger dicks.

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I should have known the story would be lackluster with how they revealed Lyse. Surprise, Yda was dead for years so I pretended to be her. The Scions knew, but pretended not to know too because

there's 2 seperate livestream feeds. one in english and another in japanese. the people watching at fanfest in japan will watch it in japanese, the people who watch on stream will watch in english.

Im a 75% shitter.
Good enough I dont need carried, but bad enough I cant carry anyone else.

So pretty much all my EX/savage runs will most likely lead to a wipe, since I cant carry the usual 1-2 people who underperform.

Dancer announced tonight as the first limited "ERP Job" with special emotes designed to please the 18+ crowd please look forward to it

you wish you could

I'm aware, but it looks like the 'English' stream is just Koji and another dude summarizing what YoshiP is saying. I doubt they'd change the cinematic language as well.

ah, so you're a centrist

it wont be a tank, so yes.
it will be one or the other, like your question asks.

I hate MMO's, but Nier automata is like my 2nd favorite game of all time.

I can't wait to watch a youtube video or a summary of all the shit that's worth knowing from it, but I can't stand grinding in any game or paying a sub fee.

they have trailers ready to go with multiple languages already for their youtube/social media pages. all they have to do is change the fanfest feed to the trailer feed.

Who is ready to spam this threads with cats once the bunnyfags finally die?

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>Og nier isn't his second fav
out with you

>caring about male characters
>wanting cute boys when all the gear is designed for male midlanders
enjoy looking like a kid in adult clothes

That's right, pussy out

Please sauce.

Alka Zolka is one of us. He wants an exotic waifu and has a job he hates, and his research discovered a new style of fighting and fucking fairies

I guess. We'll find out soon enough either way.

dead content

Attached: blue mage.png (576x288, 20K)

>Drakengard isn't first second and third
You have shit taste, dumb weeb.

woops controller died lmao sorry bros..

>there are people on this board that still defend Blue Mage

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Why should he reveal his character info to prove your dumbass wrong? Especially when you refused to post yours.

>at work when fanfest starts
>have to resist spoiling myself on the bus ride back
>can't shitpost in real time
shitpost extra hard for me for my noble sacrifice

I mean, it's pretty hard to carry an absolute dead weight in savage (especially the later fights) unless the rest of the team is on point too, but pushing through an ex trial is pretty easy even with a floor tank or two.


What would you probably even get off NG+?

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>Leave it plugged in
Problem solved.

if SE made
>pink mage
which was this solo god, and then made BLU a normal job, they wouldnt be complaining. the problem is, if BLU gets fixed, they feel they will lose any potential in having their precious solo god, who spams attacks how ever they want.

Their account system is just fucked in general. It took me hours to work around it when returning after two years. That's incompetence, not malicious intent.

It's just higer level battles
That's all

woops controller came unplugged lmao sorry bros...

Yeah, he his. There are multiple people who think you're a butthurt retard.

title, cosmetic AF gear. nothing substantial. maybe a gil discount at aetherytes

Easy exp and the ability to replay the four or so good solo instances, like the Stormblood wolf boss.

I should preface that im not that other guy but yeah typically when you post a parse you want it to be believable and that one is, well, not, sorry

>he his

>24 man raid series is wasted on a shitty meme game for the entire expansion (two years)

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Drakengard suffers FAR too much in gameplay and performance, while og nier has very serviceable gameplay with the top notch story. Nothin personal zero and caim


what's the point...?

woops spilled mountain dew and fried lard on my keyboard sorry bros...

>duhhh better ignore it
Your brain problem

>NG+ will have a secondary feature where you can reset an existing level capped job back to level 1 in exchange for 2x exp rates (stacks with other exp buffs), 1.5x increased tomestone/huntseal currency rates while playing that job, and exclusive glamour+skill animation/visual effect changes including a star next to your job icon and soul crystal for everyone to see.

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whoops my thumbstick fell out, sorry bros......

the sameone as making NG+ on a mmo

>tfw wasting 1h of raid because of controller user
just tape it if it keeps unplugging

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Hopefully we'll get some scaled experience for doing the MSQ quests again. It could be a nice, alternative way to level without having spam PotD or HoH or whatever the new equivalent will be.

No doubt there they'll be some title to get. Possibly a new mount or minion, too.

But let's be real...We'll either get nothing worth while or New Game + will become the new way to get relics.

I know you're meme happy right now but I get way too many pug runs with
>sorry game crashed
Only on PC*

jp is majority ps4 and they shit all over the west in terms of clear rates

when they revealed Yoko Taro, I thought "oh cool, Taro is writing the 24 man" but no, its literally a Nier crossover
Nier is okay, did we need it as a 24 man raid tier?

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>catfags rushing the GM
>one trying to RP with the GM

yeah because 90% of na rather afk in limsa than do content

No, we didn't. It's fucking stupid.

>need to go back in time to get X items from different places
>with your knowledge of the future things unravel differently
>a special time travelling ascian summons high level shit to help out your opponent so you can't get your macguffins

could be interesting

After Viera come out will they be the dedicated slut race or will that always be cats?

>they shit all over the west in terms of clear rates
good, clear rates in NA and EU is fucking terrible, they have every right to laugh

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it will always be midlander

What the fuck is a MCS?

Once they come out, it will be a war between Cats, Lizards and Buns over who is the true slutrace.

>t. balmung shitter


Cats are shorter and have younger looking faces and animation. I don't think they can be beat unless the sub clan is also short and cute

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I dont use a controller, yet get that excuse all the time from other players. (mostly DPS players)

It won't be a matter of slut race anymore it will be a matter of slut class. All the sluts will be dancers 24/7 and that will be the mark of an ERP slut.

get a lalafell wife who's also a degenerate and you get a pet miqote that you both bully

>JP culture promotes respect and hard work publically, even if privately they're massive fucking perverts and xenophobes
>NA/EU culture is openly toxic, MUH FREEDOM TRUMPS UR FREEDOM, statics constantly argue and fall apart because lazy fucks or carrying friends
Gee I wonder why

Funny, i get a lot of runs with
>sorry mom is making me get off..
Only on console*

I'm drop dead tired after work. Too bad, I wanted to witness the shitstorm live. I'll wake up and smell the ashes in the morning. Really curious what'll greet me when I hopen the official FF XIV youtube tab.

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seething slutlander

t slutglam whm midlander

Lion isn't happening. We're getting LIONHEAD rabbits

Sounds like what I did to a few miqote as a lewd potato

PS4fag, after every single fight: "What was my DPS?"

>thinking the sub clan will be different other than having slightly altered coloration
lmao, only Hyur had actual physical differences between subraces and they never attempted it again, too much work, prease understand

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femlander run animation is pretty hot desu



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No second render.


If they were lazy we would have just gotten the light-skinned viera model slapped on.

We're getting shota lions and loli bunnies.

fuck yes, I really hope we get these loli buns

Nigga you dumb as hell

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that dude is portuguese, lol

This, I'm keeping my Roegadyn.

Back to the cotton fields you stupid coon.

Oh nonononono

>inb4 he says he cant read japanese
>inb4 he says u should translate for him
>inb4 he claims your translation isnt accurate
>inb4 he asks for you to prove your translation is accurate.

why do u even spoon feed retards who dont keep up on information themselves?

Yeah, we'll finally be freed from the ivalice shit

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its like the only people that want viera don't actually want them

We're getting the full trailer today right?
>tfw rewatching the extended one

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This image makes me die a little inside.

dancer dps
chemist healer

We're going to the Viera woods and Gabranth is going to show up in ShB. It's far from over user.

Nigger they already slipped and said there's a variation that looks like young elezen

yes. it'll have something completely out of left field, like Alphinaud/Alisae looking/acting evil, or Krile as like a dragoon or something

>thinking we're ever getting 3 jobs at once again

You faggots ready? just a little more time now.

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I still don't understand why they choose to have a Moggle spreading his ass cheeks to show his pink asshole as their shop's logo.

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So I can feel like I won an argument on Yea Forums for once.

i think their height will be enough to deter that label, most of the degenerates in this game are subs and it would be pretty weird to portray that with such wonky proportions

Chemist is gonna be fucking weird for anyone who's already an alchemist.

Cope harder pedo

fuck males

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I wonder if my ps4 account still exists

>I want Viera but only if they look nothing like them

>half the zones are in Dalmasca, capital might be Valnain/Lea Monde and we're definitely seeing FF XIV Princess Ashe


It was a different time

Tataru as a Dancer, showing off what she learned in Kugane, yes please.

there are people who think what Fran wears is unique to her

Game is a huge ERP hive and new races mean new things to shitpost about
Racial bonuses are insignificant past level 1

Is that an offer user?

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NA and EU were pretty fucking solid this year. Obviously JP will have more high quality costumes, as always, but at least the west is making progress.













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a lot of people were taken in by that concept art of viera children and were delusional enough to think we are getting it as an actual playable race
these are the same pedos that wanted to play as the Miqo'te children, which would be a very bad idea considering how many creepy fuckheads play this game

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together we stand, bro

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it is though, have you even played xii? the guards in the village wear similar things but they aren't not the same

alternate universe Tataru thats hypercompetent in battle but can't do math

She already started dancing in Ishgard. Thavnairian slut dress and all.

That was great, but don't get your hopes up for a repeat.

I'm going to buy the 9S outfit if it can be worn by females

Trannies will ignore this and proceed to bitch about being bored after playing for 400 hours straight

The other viera wear basically the same outfit. I can't remember her name but the viera you rescue deep in the mines has an almost identical outfit.

You always shitpost this, but it's true and exactly what happens. People come back for patches for a month or two then go play other shit, and that's always been the secret to longevity: Variety. I played WoW as long as I did because I played other shit on the side. I play XIV then unsub for a bit these days and play other shit, coming back for story. There's a reason they're the "arguable best" MMO out right now.

I'm having fun. Right now I'm getting Genesis every week to get my Scholar to i390/i400 and I'm farming Yellow Scrips every day so that I can gear up my retainers

>played through StB in my 30 free days
>resub so I won't go back to gachashit

Western players are mainly interested in glamslutting, housing and taking pretty screenshots, people are simply not interested in raiding. My server (Omega EU) has a savage clear rate of 0.5%

After 1.0 they never wanted to have a gender locked race again yeah? Which is why female roe and male miqote were made playable. No way would they make such a mistake again

Attached: Bunn.jpg (1920x1080, 585K)


dream scenario
>no dancer
>no male viera
>no bara cats

fuck all the predictable/leak shit, give me something actually surprising

Little slut.

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I cant unsub, I like having a house.

If they do anything but take the existing outfits, assign them to logical groups , and alter as necessary for gender, they're morons.

Claiming mine before you deflower him

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at least we know what the other clan might look like

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Poor fool, this is Square Enix we're talking about.

Unsub for 40 days at a time

I would hope they're not stupid enough to genderlock again, but it seems like they're copying WoW in many ways, including lapsing into bad decisions 2 expansions after Flying was added. We're Cataclysm now bros, with Panda-shit on the horizon, if not already, bunnies are the same thing: Fapbait that's put in for no other reason than fanservice.

New shit in the cash shop. I kinda want the potato dance

XIV stands out from the rest of SE's stupidity whether you agree or disagree. Yoshi listens well to his community and does care.

In a few hours I will be either be happily surprised or mildly disappointed.

Machinist I would assume

Unless the raid is literally just Automata shit I'd assume there's plenty to make gear from and the Kaine outfit will be cash shop

yeah and they said blu was never going to be a thing :)

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>What is blue mage

.Sorry alphinauds mine.

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Reminder: we will see male viera, but they will be children npcs, which happen to be indistinguishable from females too

Mjrn wears the same outfit, and so do the other villagers, the only difference is the color of the chestpiece

Why do people call their characters Toons!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!

That's the same shit they said about Male'qotes, and look how many of those faggots are running around now

>almost identical outfit.

Attached: Untitled.png (254x887, 153K)

Please keep posting until the keynote finishes. Screenshot shaming just doesn't have the same oomph to it that directly responding to a wrong post does.

feol arent viera

And just like those you'll have to wait for two years. Missing genders in 6.0.

Yes, Mjrn was her name, and I realized I fucked up. The other viera actually do wear a different outfit. My bad.

MCS doesn't exist, so it's the "Unsubscribe" option.

>>What is blue mage
He did say they never wanted to implement a new job mid expac, no? Blu mage is a completely unique and optional concept in the game
>What is blue mage
A fun and unique mini game.

>it's this literal furfaggot again
Hope you kill yourself tonight.

Attached: 1552697930611.png (681x526, 32K)

You're really insecure, aren't you


How many bongs until it begins? And where can an user watch this shit happening when it goes live so can enjoy live shitposting?

>being literally blind and somehow posting here

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JP got world first both ultimates and both teams had PS4 players

female roe and male miqote were the second mistake

So... what happens if there's no mention of Hrothgar?

but male viera are *very* reclusive though. many die while training too so there's even less around. they said that there's more padjals in gridania than there are living male viera. they're just that rare


because back in the old WoW days, the server database held character info with a serial number that started with "T00N"

Resub in May my dude

wonder how many people you've ruined that pokemon for with your relentless faggotry and delusions

You kind of have to be to defend consoles, funnily enough

Hells open

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>they wear the same thing on their shoulders their outfits are the same!

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but they won't be called Feol in FFXIV though?

if you don't spoonfeed then misinformation might spread

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>they said that there's more padjals in gridania than there are living male viera
Where's your proof of this claim?

implying male viera aren't just hrothgar and they call themselves that if they leave the male tribe as they are banished and are no longer allowed to call themselves viera as they left the woods?

I hope noone's stupid enough to believe you. It's just something the oldest of oldfags called their ultima/EQ characters.

Then we either got rused by a Frenchie who got fired for it, hope it was worth it, or upon seeing the community blow up about genderlock decided to ditch them and do male Viera after all, which is very unlikely considering devcycles.

Nah lol, of course they're happening.

how big is your bunny boy's cock going to be, /v? assuming they're slightly larger and slimmer than lalafell I'm going with 10 inches.

Barafags go on suicide watch

Viera salve maker bros

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Majestic manes.

inb4 "lionhead rabbit" delusion

Not the exact same, but very similar, the chestpieces are just different colors and mjrn has a skirt added i think

But other than that, yeah, they're wearing identical shit

reminder that girls can wear the male bunny suit too.

Not happening.


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it will be on the official xiv channel. Starts in a little less than 5 hours

I'm assuming they're tall and bishonen. So being proportional, 10 would be reasonable.
It's ludicrous on someone tiny, you degenerate.

It sounds so fucking stupid. Why the fuck would you say toon????

5 hours from now

Bunnies have tiny penises that retract into themselves.

God I want a Viera gf

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Why are you disregarding lionhead rabbit, i'm curious.

>aegis that high
Christ, I play on there and it feels pretty empty usually.

you aren't getting a second race

>viera are so ho-

Attached: 20190103_175039.jpg (2896x2896, 430K)

No mods

Because he's a barafag that wants his gay cat

I win no matter what because either I make a sexy tall Viera waifu or a short cute bunny boy

4 actually

I thought it was going to be 1:30pm for england but it's 1:30am, fuck this shit.

>No hrothgar
>No male viera
>Female bunnies only
>SEETHING barashits and fujoshits

Attached: not nice.gif (607x609, 821K)

and you accuse me of being blind, the actual outfits are nothing alike, fran is made of metal
at least you could have said instead of Mjrn
should have been their actual stating gear instead of Fran

Your reading comprehension sucks. I'm shit-talking you, not the other person, you dumb brainlet.

>Make one tier Drakengard
>Five Intoner sets, girls get the dresses, boys get the disciples outfit. Accord set, Caim set, Inuart set. Zero is cash shop.
>Multiple Nier, Emil, Devola/Popola sets for another tier, Kaine is cash shop.
>All the YorHa and resistance gear + Adam for last tier, 9S/2B/A2 cash shop.
It's so easy.

Barafags truly are the worst kind of faggot. Holy shit you people are obnoxious.

work hard, play hard fellow warriors of light

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Anyone else like to join pf parties just to laugh to yourself as people fail mechanics they should/are expected to know based on the kind of party it is? for example clear parties that wipe to hot tail or even level checker, people who get hit by basic shit they should be dodging by nature by now etc

ACT does packet capturing to log stuff, couldn't you theoretically just run your PS4 through a pass-through on your PC to get logs?

Your mount is stupid and I hate you. I'm also jealous.

There's a male bunny suit?

I'm dying to know how CUTE they'll be! Smol shota bunni bois will begin a new era of FFXIV and revolutionize the cute in MMOs forever!

Attached: uuuu.jpg (1048x1418, 675K)

no crutches for brainlets and no degeneracy? sweet

would be great if males get the disciple clothes, while females get intoners clothes. but that's way too much work for them

Kill yourself

>9S/2B/A2 cash shop.
>outfits in cash shop
>models for trust in cash shop
>extra voice lines for trust in cash shop
>weapon models in cash shop
>transforming mecha mount in cash shop (actually just a cruise chaser reskin)

Wow consolites are very angry and dare i say, insecure it seems

they're gonna have miqote bodies with male roe faces

That's counting down to the fanfest opening in general

keynote is an hour later

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>male elin
so rezlutionry..

No matter who wins, we lose.

They wiw be smol an cute an pettaburu~~ UwU

I just wanna eat thwem up!

In any case, no one's going to wear it. It doesnt expose enough skin

Think I'm gonna stream Balmung's uldah reaction to the fanfest.

Attached: ffxiv_03122019_032006_156.jpg (1920x1080, 715K)

Nice english bro

>letting shota buns be anywhere near FF14, especially in Balmung, after all that has happened with lalas

Please no. The degeneracy that would engulf the game and especially /vg/ would even make /ksg/ look tame in comparison when done.

It's not happening, XIV isn't BnS

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Wouldnt mind Shota bunnies either but
Just piss off, just as bad as Barafags

if he didnt want to put effort in the mid expansion job, it should have been a new job, w/o any personal attachments from fans.
>pink mage

(also leaker said BLU was meant for stormblood release originally, but kept being delayed.)

there's the standard bunny outfit, then the male version called bunny chief, which can also be worn by the ladies.

>putting ANY of that shit in the cash shop

Fuck off

We don't care retard

shota buns are CUTE! CUTE!!

I don't have a console. I'm just making fun of your shortcomings and sheer insecurity over a piece of hardware. Stay virginal, my friend

I'm still getting hot lala pussy tonight.

bunny chief far predates males being able to wear bunny outfits.

the different between the two is coloring and the ears pointing up or forward

t. bunnylala

Nice artificial criticism bro

Don't forget the Emil head joke weapons

not very far, since most of these people dont keep up on the normal information, much less than this guys misinformation.

Doubt the guy actually believes the picture posted anyways, most ppl like that dont.

stop with the shota bullshit you retarded pedo faggots. Smol bunnies is for girls, not guys. It's one thing to be a pedo but it's a whole other level of degeneracy to be a faggot pedo. Burn.

Ugly dhalmel, not even joking.

>n-no im not

Oh yeah you really convinced me

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>NA and EU fanfest were held in somy shitty, tiny, run-down locales
>JP fafest is held in some high-tech fancy place


The assets already exist to modify and they get to cheap out on the rest of the raid gear.
But you're right. Even assuming we'll get OG Nier stuff is getting our hopes up. It'll probably *just* be Automata, unfortunately.

There's a lot of groups I hate, but the one I hate the most is people who type smol instead of small

they chose las vegas and france because it's easy to fuck prositutes there

>Unironically playing on Balmung

Dead server

She never completes the fights before making a guide


>One who knows nothing can understand nothing

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Only fags and fujos want male viera

based and cutepilled

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There's a little race specific gear but only starter shit. There is certain dialogue based on your race and it's not ignored entirely but it's insignificant.

Cared enough to respond.

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this is what we've been waiting for bro

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agreed. the most us Drakengard fans can hope for is a reference like how some of the mobs in Orbonne were from Vagrant Story.

like you would have the energy to do it

desu all I care about from a guide is the most basic and important mechanics. The rest I can learn while I'm doing it. I don't need Mr Brappy's 20 minute rambles for that shit, and as long as Mizzteq's info doesn't cause a wipe because of blatantly false information I don't really care. Most of the time I get the info I need from the people I'm playing with anyway.
This +1 hour

4:41 left

I'm trying to be realistic.
They aren't giving out all the cosplay for free.

>and we're definitely seeing FF XIV Princess Ashe

Didn't she die like, 30 years ago in universe?

>alternative universe bullshit
>he thinks cain won't be a boss
*murders your 24man*

Attached: hes in.jpg (640x445, 22K)

The raid is literally, specifically Yorha/Nier: Automata themed you dumb shucklefucks

>expecting them to work
all the gear will be unisex trash aka for males

He'll be in as Red Eye and we'll travel back in time to be the ones to kill him.

Bitch I want Caim, I'm just being realistic.

There's another Princess or something.

its a fanservice crossover not bound by canon

At this point I've just accepted my monthly sub as paying rent on my house. Even when I'm not playing I make it a point to log in bi-weekly to walk into thr front door just so it's still there when I do play hardcore again.

it's Ovelia


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yup, its pretty obvious she'll be named Ashe and probably looks like her as well. But is she her daughter, aunt or a distant cousin?

I want it.
But Square wanted me to pay $3 just to dress Zero up like him. We're not getting him for free. They don't do mice things like that.

>Drakengard without Drakengard

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I had $10 in prime credit too, did I just buy the next expansion for $10?

Which is fine by me. I loved Ashe. She was the real MC of FFXII.

Attached: Final Fantasy XII Movie Version - Part 2 - Ashe.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

show that bunny potato to me...

With time travel bullshit.
And Caim is part of Nier.

Balthier is the leading man.


I just want to be able to patch without having subscription. Fucking tech illiterate japs

Yep. Grats nigga

it's for nier babies, the best we can hope is brother nier clothes
nothing from the females since male characters exist and se is too lazy to make gear look different between genders more than once an expansion

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Fuck I miss old kingdom hearts
>that chorus around 1:40

>thread almost at it's limit already.
It's been a ride lads

How do I get into an FC that isn't boomer or normie tier?

Brother melee dps
Father fending

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make one

Make your own and fill it with people from these threads.

is this real? also will the exp buff apply to shadowbringers?

Time flies

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bullshit are they going to do a Nier series of raids and not do 2B's outfit, and also bullshit that they'd let males wear that

Just some retard writing gameplay mechanic fanfiction

what do those even mean and what did you want out of em
did you wanna raid, rp, be casual, or what
do you just want to find a place to shitpost in game

Better to have a boomer or normie FC than a tranny cesspool. I wish I could find a good FC

SE has this bad habit of making people who aren't actually the main protagonist the main protagonist.

Fake posted on the forums as a fan idea.

We're not, but I wish we were. Holy fuck these things are adorable.

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I'd rather 2B and 9S outfit become lv1 glamour instead.

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we will get asscapes and coats as always
they will monster hunter the shit of the gear

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But then it'll be full of autistic faggots

>level 15 2bs and 9s running around
now this is nightmare fuel

They can just make one yorha outfit with 9s and 2b appearance based on gender

The exact sort of lazy solution you should expect from SE

No. It should be part of the raid so there's not a million 2Bs and 9Ses running around in every single zone

>implying this will stop people
They'll just shit up the raid for their ERP glams like the Shisui set until everyone has it.

there's plenty of cheap imitations running already

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it won't stop everyone, but it'll stop a huge chunk of them


this looks like shit

cute elezen


9s got swole

Turns out murder is a good work out

>Ramza chapter 1 hair in the game
>Ramza Chapter 2+ hair isn't
fug everything

made to penetrate the 2butt

Bros... I see it... page ten.. *cough*
This is it..
This is goodbye

Worked for Caim

Attached: murder.jpg (1197x756, 153K)

We're never again getting clans that look wildly different from each other, but Feol could absolutely be the name of one of the Viera clans in FFXIV. It doesn't matter what the Tactics/XII continuity is, XIV is a completely different world and they can make up their own rules.

Yo, we're that shitty? Fuck me..


How does it feel to know that you'll never be as successful as Koji Fox?

You must be a boring person

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What do you think the development thought process here was?

"Let's make male and female Viera playable!"
"Okay, but let's make lore that makes it seem like male Viera aren't playable."

Will we get a sticky toni... pffft... hahahaha nevermind I forgot where we are

to be fair in 12 the leading protagonist was a cardboard cut out that you shuffled around to view more interesting characters with.


Probably plays a hyur male

user, stop trying to use logic.
Miqote males being rare on lore was because they OBVIOUSLY intended to have males playable.
So now, when they plan to make males playable again, they decided to do the same thing with AuRa males... oh wait, no, no they didnt.

We shouldn't since janny will have a fit and we dont want pruning during keynote

>ask for viera
>get viera
>complain they are too much like viera
what they learned from making the bunny outfit unisex
never listen to faggots they will never be happy

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it's just rerun episodes until 9:30

Okay, okay, I actually dig this theory, combined with the "Lionhead rabbit" theory.

It still has SE being the lazy faggots that we know they are. Instead of making a new race with 2 genders and 2 clans, they'll make a new race that has 2 clans with 1 gender each.

Go to the official forums. Then get banned for so much as offending a sacred user with 3k+ post count.

This. There's not much point in making a new thread when it'll just be redundant shitposting. Wait until there's something worth talking about.