The president of the united states is a woman

>the president of the united states is a woman
Why have so many recent games done this?

Attached: Tulsi_Gabbard-600x601.jpg (600x601, 40K)

character models made when Hillary was still running.

Because Hillary won and they want to reflect that truth

Cuz they still cant cope with the fact that Hillary lost

yes please.
Fuck Shabbos Goy Trump and NEET bugman Yang.

Attached: tulsigabbardaloha.jpg (640x960, 173K)

This is the only real answer, see FFXV.

I want Tulsi to win so I can have a president I can fap too. Hillary was old and ugly.

> Hillary won

Attached: theonlyvotethatmatters.jpg (780x438, 99K)

God why is the USA so culturally backward, plenty of nations have already had a female president, and the best the US can put forward is a rape-enabling, Sheev-looking, Benghazi-ass email deleting harpy who can't out game Trump.

Literally the only game that did this was Detroit Become Human and that was only because they thought she was going to win the election.

The electoral college exists for a reason.
Tulsi seems like a good candidate. Gonna suck when she gets fucked over along with everyone else when hilary announces she's running again.
There's also that.

Attached: tulsi-1.jpg (1200x800, 80K)


>plenty of nations have already had a female president
And suffered for it, honestly.

There's plenty of better women that could have run, but Hillary said it was her turn, and the DNC are a bunch of corrupt fucks that let her cheat her way to the nomination

>Because Hillary won
Won what? President of Costco?

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Who even is this

because western game developers are shameless liberals who hate whites

>bernie wants to be president
>DNC says, no you don't. You want hilary to be president
>bernie hangs his head and just says, o-okay.
And it's looking like the DNC is setting up to fuck him over again. I don't even like the old faggot and even I feel for him.

surf mommy 2020

Attached: Tulsi-Gabbard-Feet-1978828.jpg (575x864, 144K)

Democrat presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard. She's a congresswoman from hawaii.

Because it will never happen, thus it prevents any possibility of people accusing the developers of basing the character on "President X"

I don't think Bernie can actually run as a Dem this time though, he would have to go third party if he wanted to

Same reason we get female knights, it's fantasy

Former Trump supporter here. I gotta admit, it's been fun watching him troll libtards. But in all seriousness, we can't let Israel get the nuclear codes.

Attached: tarrant.png (1350x811, 1.11M)

The best Democrat Presidential candidate for 2020