She (male) does bring up a good point

She (male) does bring up a good point.

Get your priorities straight!

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they ain't wrong

Devs suffer and generally aren't rewarded for it

Epic probably benefits them more than people too

cry me a river faggot

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This is worth two Social Credit Score points, user. Keep it up!

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Why should I as the consumer care about things that will not directly and immediately impact me.

maybe you should get a real job then, you furry waste of a human life

>unionizing to create works of art
fucking kek

I bet he cares a lot about the non-unionized chinese slaves that made the phone he's posting from.

The day I let some faggot who posts tranny twitter screen caps on Yea Forums tell me how to think will be a cold day in hell indeed. Fuck off and die faggot

So why should I, the consumer, care about their struggle?

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>thing I am mad about affects me directly
>thing that I am not mad about doesn't
Really fucking thinker right there.

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>furfag tranny
Yeah that's going to be a YIKES from me

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>Big Wolf Moms 4 U

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Its not up to consumers to give a single shit about the workinh conditions for people that make our product. I wonder where his phone and clothes are made?

I guarantee you a mediocre artist gets paid more in commission money from retarded furries than they ever would in a real job.

Stop working for these scumbags then.

it's literally the reason games are soulless now

They probably aren't an artist.

They always seem to miss this key point for some reason

she does if she rephrased it as such

>what developers should be mad about:

What the fuck do you think artist colonies basically are?

>don't raise your voice about this issue because there is a worse one! just because you basically can't do anything about that one doesn't mean anything!

No one person is going to end the systemic and de-facto slavery of the global south. Large scale systemic shifts are necessary.

just vote with ur wallet lmao

games are soulless due to greed, laziness and gullible consumers

It's always furries.

Devs who aren't overworked/have decent salary will probably be more passionate than those who are.

>yuo commie libtard but iphone,,,clown world

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>Another fucking commie furfag tranny crying about muh evil capitalisms
It's not the fucking consumers job to force devs to create unions and in the age of digital distribution it's easy as hell for developers to avoid working for publishers that treat devs like shit
So fucking sorry people are more upset they don't wanna be forced to use Chinese spyware to play games because Epic loves the taste of Chink cock

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>do that
>"Sexless manbaby virgins ruin a perfectly good game"

>"What gamers should be mad about:"
>proceeds to list things only developers should be mad about
Trannies are mentally inept.

go back to discord, you can fight for oppressed game developer rights there

Let the developers deal with that.

pretty sure i should be mad about my email being stolen and data sold
fuck that tranny

Work harder on my video games, tech wagie.

Game Devs in the companies with shit tier working conditions like this do what they're told, they don't make the business decisions.

>customers shouldn't stand up for their own interests, but those of easily replaced corporate wageslaves!

Fuck capitalism desu.

>What gamers should be mad about
>Things that don't affect gamers
This sure sounds like logical and very though out opinion by literally who

This is 100% true.

Why should gamers give a shit about developer’s complaints that don’t directly effect them. That’s like saying someone in North Dakota has to care about air pollution in NYC.

>>don't raise your voice about this issue because there is a worse one!
But that's not what that analogy is implying. It's not telling you to worry about a different, worse issue but to be consistent with your moral standards and actually worry about all situations that go against said standards instead of just the ones that are convenient for you. And that's a perfectly valid argument too, if you care about worker conditions then care about all workers, not just the ones that suit your lifestyle.

Epic pays the publishers off. The developers don't see a dime of those millions.

no faggot

I mean it's fully retarded to be a commie and support Apple when they are everything Commies complain about Capitalism

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>appropriating 7 year old dead Yea Forums meme

>consumer should do goverment regulations and dismiss the final product

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Gosh it’s like making video games started out as a hobby then a bunch of greedy Jews decided they could not only ruin that hobby but make it so the only good games are either indies or Asian

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The working conditions of others does impact you and everyone else because we benefit when people maximize their potential. If they have more financial security, they participate in the free market more which creates jobs and raises the standard of living for everyone. They cannot do this when they are overworked and underpaid.

Why is it my job to be mad over your work environment? I mean, it's not like I'm in favor of a shitty workplace but then it's not like it's my job to make it better either, and acting all huffy puffy over it wouldn't be genuine. The game not being on steam actually affects me personally, the workplace condition of the devs affects me as much as my workplace wellbeing affects you, which is, not a whole lot

What people on Twitter should be mad about
>Major corporations gaining an ever larger capability to monitor everything you do, capture an endless stream of data from you and exert a shadowy influence over what you are and aren't allowed to see, and how you get to interact with people on the internet
What people on Twitter are mad about
>stop saying mean words online >:(

>"Just because other people outside the country have it worse doesn't mean we can't complain about our own problems" is seen as a valid argument by these people
>"You can't complain about your situation as a consumer because other people have it worse" is also seen as a valid argument by these people

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Then move to a better job like coding for a bank if devs take shitty job conditions and not resingnating its their own fault

I haven’t benefited from lootboxes or day one DLC but my publishers sure do

I don't know how to explain to you that it's good to care about the welfare of other people.

>Be retard
>Intentionally pick a job (note: job, not career path) that is notorious for its shitty conditions
>literally everyone that's in software in an non-shit university will laugh at you if you say you want to make video games
>every single company group photo of a game studio - EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. ONE. - is full of 22-28 year olds that all look unhealthy as fuck. Normal people would come to the conclusion that there is extreme burnout and nobody stays for long
>literally everyone who is even remotely invested in the video game world knows the phrase "crunch time" and what it implies
>b-but all I do is play video games maybe that can be my career
>still fucking choose this shit

Alternative tl;dr
>Be retard
>Get retard consequences

Furfags are always wrong, regardless of what they're saying.

I'm not a game dev, it isn't my problem to be worried about. However I am a consumer of video games so consumers of games being fucked by the chinese is my concern.

>Shit that doesn't affect me
>Shit that doesn't affect me
>Shit that doesn't affect me


>Shit that affects me

Fuck off.

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This is their problem not their customers, they should band together and unionize as much as they can in order to have a bigger influence in their industry, epic giving publishers a bigger share wont do anything but increase their budget and board member revenue.

Women (male) really are the elephant graveyard of humor.

So what? When you have a job you just have to deal with shit like that. It's not like everyone signing over to epic will improve their shitry conditions.

>You criticize society, and yet you're a part of society, hmm, how interesting

>what gamers should be mad:
>shit that has nothing to do with them
>what gamers are mad at
>shit that has something to do with them

wow, realy makes me thinl

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It's not my job to fix their workplace. I'm the consumer, my sole role in the whole process is to buy or not buy the product. If they're overworked and underpaid it's not my job to negotiate with their boss. It's their job, it's their failing.


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the problems with devs studios is that they hire a lot of contractors to work on larger projects and unionizing in burgerstan could mean that a lot of employees get their contracts "renagotiated" into freelance contract where they have even less right or they get outright replaced by Pajeet's who work for a hand full of rice a day to create those games

>Why is it my job to be mad over your work environment?
Because there are benefits you reap from doing so. Even if you are operating from a purely selfish standpoint, it would be retarded to go back to the 1920s when children were working in factories with no safety protocols. We don't want people getting hurt on the job, let alone children, because if they get hurt then they can't fulfill their max potential as a participant in the market and instead become a drain on it or at best a neutral entity.

no one gives a shit about game devs, they wanted the job now they're crying about it, fuck off nigger

I work in the Pharmaceutical industry testing drugs and I work long hours and get paid worse than games programmers. Nobody cares about me and my work actually saves lives. Why should I care about people who make video games if they don't care about me?

If advocating for the people making the product you consume results in a higher quality final product, why would you be opposed to that?

i care about every worker rights and for that reason i hate corporations and i think that gamers are degenerate manchildrens and usseless to society in general

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Bullshit, there is no innovation in the absence of frugality

Literally just unionize lol it’s not hard

It's almost like unions could work against that or something.

Why should I care about devs? If they are so smart they probably knew beforehand that it is a shitty industry with no stability. They do it willingly. There is a reason most of them are a bunch of dumb fat kids with capeshit tshirts, no sane person in his 30's chooses to stay in game development.

>pretending this has ever happened anywhere ever.
Wageslaves are always going to do the bare minimum.

i don't want to play devil's advocate, but nearly every company on the internet finances themselves through the selling of user data, if'd be vehemently against it you shouldn't use this site since Goot also did the same shit on 2Chan and on here

Depending on how you vote you could in fact be working for or against their interests. Labor issues are not exclusively video game related.

These deals don't benefit anyone but the Publisher and anyone higher up wanting to line their pockets.

To blame the consumer on the property and dealings of what a company is doing is literally what every company wants. They don't want any of the blame shifted on them, they'd rather pass it down to the people who would least be affected by it.

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Correct, which is why i said they should unionize as much as they can, the industry is in a shitter and there should be perhaps some regulations in order to guarantee the workers better benefits that is out of a union's reach

But what about gamers that are workers?

It's more like
>You criticize poor work conditions, but when standing up for them means you lose your luxury items you back down like a hypocrite

how cucked are you that you work at a company that treats you like shit. If you have such high standards dont fucking work for places that have abysmal employee treatment, fucking leave the job and get a better one.
>i cant im useless and it was a fluke i got this job at all
exactly, so accept your slave fate faggot, you cant even fix your own problems.

There's a bizarre attitude among tech workers that because they like their job, it's okay to get picked down daily by management with unreasonable unpaid overtime demands and poor project management. You can like your job and still demand to be treated fairly.

I don't give a fuck about their working conditions. What I care about is the game good or not?

Imagine the things people could do and make if they didn’t work like bug men in office cubicles.

american unions are not better than the companies that they work against. Gamedev unions would be run by a tranny mafia instead of a dago one

>despite them saying you are a piece of shit, not the real audience and how you don't matter... you should care about them.
fuck them and hope the rockstar model becomes the norm

Fuck off retard.

I care about my entertainment and that includes when talentless game devs commit suicide

Shithead, it's literally reflected throughout the 20th century.

Nobody gives a fuck about developers if they don't like their job that is their problem.

Another brilliant American crying

Only cure for being a furry is a bullet in the skull.