when? also, hopes? expectations? never evers?
When? also, hopes? expectations? never evers?
> when
> hopes
good stage builder
> expectations
> never evers
not Banjo
>implying there's even enough content for a full direct
They wouldn't do a while direct for a stage and home run contest.
joker, stage builder and home run footage. Pack 2 reveal at the end
HOPE: new set of color palettes, maybe some new items or assist trophies
Never and/or sometime in April
Actual Content beyond characters
>never evers
Your favorite character
of course they would. You're forgetting that they spoke about the fucking help menu and language options in the last one. With Joker trailer+gameplay overview, new modes, balance changes and a reveal for the next character, they could easily do a whole direct.
Stage Builder, Free echo fighters and alt skins
Some boring JRPG protagonist to get revealed as a character
>Never evers
Phoenix Wright
Why would they say direct in march if they aren't gonna do it then?
also buffs for little mac
they never said there would be a direct in march
>wanting more echos
>not wanting phoenix
god you're bluepilled
not him, but I think he wants Phoenix but realizes that his chances are slim. Also why don't you want more echoes?
when did i ever said i didnĀ“t wanted phoenix?
I thought never evers meant characters that you want, but you know right they will never be in smash.
Next week.
No counter moves for Joker
Mii costumes, Edrick reveal, more Amiibo, Stage Builder and Home Run contest, Joker
>Never evers
DLC echoes
I unironically want Alph, Blood Falcon, Ms. Pac-Man, and TP Link as (free) echo fighters down the line. Give them some of the custom moves from 4.
Porky, Elma, Hayabusa
Jason & Sophia III
>Never Evers
The Chief
you would think it would be that easy just giving them the custom moves that they had in smash 4
Going to guess early April
Not a leakfag, but I really want Erdrick/a DQ rep in Smash. Or unironically Steve, but I would expect a character that huge to be announced at E3
Stage builder and Joker gameplay/release date
>never ever
Doom Guy
Character specific break the targets mode
>never evers
>Ryu Hayabusa
>Phoenix Wright
Find a flaw.
You can't rule it out, Phoenix has a shot.
>Find a flaw
>putting fucking Lip on your list