What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: coolhitboxesbro.webm (720x405, 2.9M)

From can never get the hitboxes on grab attacks correct.

Wait, it's another soulsshit clone?

just like dark souls

>dashes into enemies hand

Yhea that enemy is shit,
the tipe of shit that can literaly destroy a game

the retard dodged too late, his head brushed the had triggering the animation, had he dodge literally .5 seconds earlier it would of been a clean dodge

There's a literally video
The cope is real

Attached: sure.jpg (395x286, 51K)


how do we call the franchise now?






OP is a faggot that failed to dodge.
You pic proved it.

Attached: 1509324043347.gif (384x240, 397K)

soulsdrones been justifying this for years now, nothing new here

Attached: shockwave.webm (1280x720, 883K)

The pic proves me 100% correct. The hand clearly swipes past.

Youre blind but you knew what my reply was.
Is it text to speech?

you can close the thread now you lost
no need to respond

Attached: actually retarded.png (443x610, 573K)

Does anyone have that graph relating to searches about artificial difficulty existing only after the PC release of souls

>fings clearly clip character
>huurrr i was clear
cry more, faget

>What went wrong?
It's a Souls game without soul

>clearly clip

This guy is going to be the new Capra Demon.

dodge doesn't give you iframes, clipping through his hand doesn't mean it doesn't mean you avoided the attack.

>skips to after the clip
>"see, it never happened, please ignore "


fromsoftware can do no wrong

Attached: 1512659490358.png (485x443, 22K)

>dark soles 4
>no i-frames


*breath in*


I hope you pirated that shit, pal

Attached: 1553024559301.jpg (1024x576, 105K)

no please
this makes me sad ): I'm about to purchase this tonight

This is why Dark Souls games are bad. Enemies have "homing" attacks and grabs. Dodge a slow, heavy overhead swing too early and the will turn to hit you anyways. This would be fine if the player could do the same. When the enemy dodges too early you're fucked no matter what and your blade will just slam into the ground. Sekiro only has this issue with grabs from what I've seen so far (just got shuriken and killed the headless guy before the demon bell). Likely due to the lack of heavy overhead attacks.

Anyone know if the demon bell is even worth it? It's in the first area after the tutorial. A semi-hidden path off some cliffside has an undead miniboss that can only die with the pink petals obtained just before that area. I'd spoiler this but the petals are impossible to miss on that path.

Attached: 1534331868705.jpg (2048x1536, 789K)

>This is why Dark Souls games are bad.
>toddlershit in the picture
go play your new Woshi game or whatever, baby. the adults are having a discussion here

>no dodging i-frames
>dodging into the hand
>laterally dodging any grab attack, in any game
here's your (You) and another post to give shitpost replies

>the adults
confirmed underage

Attached: 1553022710052.png (3840x2160, 2.13M)

Yikes, looks like I'm skipping this hot garbage.

I don't mean boomers but by the rules of this board you shouldn't even be here. Play on that nintendo for 5 or 6 more years before posting again

>its another from software game with broken hit detection

Attached: 1408925147336.webm (844x468, 1.89M)

And dropped. Shit like this breaks the fun for me.

You shouldn't have gotten greedy.
You waited to long to dodge.
You got clipped
Etc etc.

Fromsoft became a one trick pony.

garbage because that's what it is

Attached: 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg (258x245, 12K)

This shows nothing. What are you on about?

>die by a genuine bullshit death
>he doesnt sperg
So he is just an act?


I love how calm he is when he doesn't die intentionally, it's clear he's just a retard for views

This shit's normal for their games, I don't know how anyone wouldn't expect it.

So which discord is raiding this game?

Attached: DS3.webm (720x540, 2.51M)

You got caught.
You see your character pop into the center but that's just to join the animation.

Attached: 1553281020095.jpg (720x405, 82K)

user Miiverse was just a bunch of funny pictures of sad or autistic children, get the stick out of your ass and just laugh at the picture

This is a nice webm OP, but nothing will ever stop hitbox-kun from posting Dark Souls 2 webms over and over again.


It looks terrible on PS4.

why was it bullshit? he stood still for 5 whole seconds hitting that monster
should someone expect to be easy if they just go around it? makes no sense
realistically a monster would react like that if there was someone hitting its back for a millenia of years
or is your idea of non-bullshit reaction for the monster to hit the air in front of it where nothing is happening?

>he doesnt even have the flame barrel prosthetic equipped
>stands directly in front of enemy instead of circling
>tries to r1 spam and gets smashed
>cries about it on internet

Attached: 2r9bw3.png (1300x2000, 206K)

I already laughed at a dozen mii pictures for it to seem genuine at this point. you can tell when people got "on the meme" that they started pretending they're kids whose parents neglect and fight in the distance eticetera

Wait. There is no invincibility during rolling?

Attached: 1523146511308.webm (640x480, 1.6M)

Lmao! now post the one where she grabbed like three player at once

>giant fingers catches little man's clothes.

netplay doesn't count there is a forced delay so yes of course shit like this happen.

Just jump, nerd

how do i get past the drunkard in the first past sequence? He's fucking me up bros

Did Nintendo molest you as a child? Calm down. Miiverse shut down in 2017. All that's left is funny screencaps. I don't even own a Nintendo console aside from my old GCube, but it's odd that you're telling someone to go play a Nintendo console until they grow up when Sony is doing pic related.

Attached: dfa.jpg (1500x1070, 298K)

Just keep trying until you learn to parry all his attacks. Also, there's a guy by the pond that helps you in that fight if you talk to him. I missed him at first.

>using DS2 of all games to say the entire series has hitbox problems

DS2 by FAR as much bigger issues in that regard

Attached: 1552837051134.png (622x621, 772K)

>use 4 shots of flame barrel with10 oil pots
>1 health bar
>switches to phase 2 with undodgeable grabs

Attached: Its Ben.jpg (600x678, 250K)

from brainlet shills in this tread
>hurrr you can clearly see that the tip of his fingernail clipped the pixel of his cloth shut up git gud looooool
yeah motherfucker explain to me how the character literally teleports to the grab from that, really well made game sorry I'm gonna play candy crush now like the retard casul I am

Attached: DFZhDUBXkAA09Bb.jpg (700x700, 52K)

ds3 has i frames, it gives the illusion of good hitboxes. Same thing happens in DS2 - when you put25+ in ADP suddenly the game feels like it's working.

oh shit I thought that was an enemy. thanks my dude

No game can because if you put hitbox on the arm, you’ll always see that auto correct movement to go into grab animation. You can make grab hitbox really small just infront of the grabber but you’ll have arm clip through the player and still miss.
Many games simply does camera trick that zoom in the action really fast when grab happens to hide the weird janky auto-correct movement

What does this prove other than the player got parried like a shitter hitboxkun

He dies pretty easily, but he's a good distraction to let you take out the mobs while the boss anally destroys him

did you actually watch the webm ?

Attached: 1517516770455.jpg (707x536, 154K)

>6'0" vs 5'11"

Holy shit what was that hitbox? Is that DS 2 again?

Why didn't he just dodge backwards?
Can someone else get to this part and show us how its supposed to be done?

>starts winding up for a grab
>literally just sprint away
>by the time he does it you're a mile away

stop playing like dark souls


Attached: bones_time.gif (500x281, 657K)

It actually takes 1 oil and 1 shot from the flame to stun him. Do it 2 times to deplete 1 health bar. Repeat process. Why are there so many retard playing this game? Its not for your kind.

>while he is attempting to grab me, I should be able to run through his hand without his hand grabbing me
>but, strangely enough, I can't do that
>"hitboxes are broken!! not enough iframes!!! this game sux!!!!1!1!"


Attached: 1539597640709.jpg (657x434, 58K)

0 replies

even here on Yea Forums

Here is the offending frame. Clearly snagged by the hitbox as the fingers are clipping through the player. OP doesn't want to git gud, he just wants the game to make him feel invincible.

Attached: 1551539330866.jpg (712x402, 77K)

t. NPC

The game would be fun if they would have a somewhat consistently learning curve but you come to a point where you face elites who two-shots you and its just not fun anymore

yeah hes totally in the middle of both hands there as the grab animation suggests you fucking inbred

Your mother didn't get that abortion.

Attached: an extra ingrediant to the thread.gif (268x200, 1.69M)