He's right you know

He's right you know.

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I agree

yeah he is, but literally who is him?

>Twitter thread
>It's actually saying something truthful

Happens all the time for me. Most recent was Agent 3 in Splatoon 2

lol sleeping
>not pulling an all nighter with nothing but monster dew and doreetos fuelling the pain like a true gamer faggot

>twitter screenshot thread
>screenshot is some faggot
>faggot is speaking the truth

>being a retarded american shiteater

>random twitter literally who
>says something intelligent
>gets posted on Yea Forums
What timeline is this?

>Try and do some hard chain of inputs for 3 hours
>Give up and do other shit for 2
>Come back
>Get it on the first try
What's the name for this phenomenon?

Faggots quit to sleep
Chad's don't sleep til the boss is dead.

Absolutely correct. I remember the first time I got to Dracula. Struggling with him for like 2 hours before saying fuck it and going to bed. Sat in my bed seethinf for like an hour before falling asleep and then kicked his fucking ass first try when I woke up the next day. It's what games are all about.

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Is this a reference to how hilary is going to run again in 2020?

>Eating like absolute shit and ruining your body with lack of sleep
No way fag.

I experienced this feel recently in Hollow Knight.
But instead of gratification and accomplishment I just felt empty after beating Radiance the day after having struggled to the point of legit rage.
I was so fucking mad at myself for being so bad at the game and the beating The cunt like it was nothing.

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this but instead of a boss its overwatch and instead of winning i just wake up and keep on losing

Do you know what's even better than that?!
Beating the boss first try!?

and then he kicks your ass in ng+ so you realized it was just a fluke.

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That's only gonna make it harder to beat the boss. Your mind needs to rest. We're frail like that.

eating food, going out or having sex is better.
Christ what a loser.

I dunno, but it definitely has to do with the mythical powers of sleeping that let our brains re-organize and re-process information. It's also why it's best to study for an exam before sleeping.

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Kill yourself for forcing me to pay attention to game journalists you piece of shit

>get stuck on a level in baba for nearly 2 hours last night
>go to bed
>wake up and beat the level in less than 5 minutes

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He didn't say it was the best feeling. He just said it was a great feeling.

>not having the fight played over and over in your dreams and think up of new ways to defeat him like some sort of hyperbolic time chamber

fucking casuals

>Not eating a proper meal before a long gaming session.

Maybe it's just me but I definetly get better results with roasted chicken than I do the Ritos and Dew.

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Literally how I got addicted to MMO raids, downing a boss your group has been stuck on for literal weeks was fucking intoxicating.

wait is this guy a SJW
not yet sure if I'm allowed to agree or not

>He's right you know.
is that supposed to be a controversial opinion
also stop posting twitter shit. why didn't you just start a thread with the copy-pasted text


>beating your head against the wall neglecting sleep, nutrition, and exercise and expecting to improve.
>you improve slowly through sheer force of will, while also wasting a ton of time
I did this stupid shit too in my 20's. But after eating and living right I've never been better at games. It takes me about the same amount of time to beat as before but with less actual playtime AND I'm taking care of myself.

his face literally looks like the söy wojack

>One night
I'm pretty sure I dropped God of war 2 for 8 months towards the end, then finished the game in one sitting.

>Playing Splatoon 2s dlc
>Final boss is riddled with bullshit
>Try for a while, csnt beat em
>Next day see thread and someones suggestion is "Just go in relaxed and rested and youll do fine"
>take the advice, shower, jerk off, and retry
>beat it

I had same experience with splatoon 1 last boss.
I guess that different people get their highs from different things.

this is why vidya attracts undesirables. furries, dangerhairs, neckbeards, etc. failed humanoids who turn to electronic toys for a quick dopamine rush and sense of "accomplishment"
and the more you validate them the worse this hobby is gonna get

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Happened to me first time I was playing Dark Souls. Stayed up so late it was essentially daytime. Had finally gotten to Ornstein and Smough. Kept getting whooped because my brain was fried. Went downstairs, had pancakes, beat it first try afterwords.

Literally who?

Your brain literally reviews, processes and "practices" what you did that day in your sleep. Sleep is a critical part of learning and productivity and western work culture that says sleeping is lost productivity is literally retarded and full of shit.

>he hates vidya and still posts here
even more pathetic to be desu

t. jerma985

Brian's an old school mother fucker and I like him.

>Op posts a Twitter thread that isn't cancer
What the fuck?

Since getting my shit together and taking care of myself, I play better and feel better, I don't need to sink the same kind of time anymore to progress. I feel like a Chad now downing bosses other losers take several days of bad sleep and ruining their health to beat in a couple evenings after work. What degenerates don't understand is their lifestyle is holding them back not just in life but in their own self-proclaimed passion too.

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Did this the other day to Vergil on SoS. More like the 6th try though. His air combo into aerial judgement cut kept throwing me off. Satisfying as fuck.

I agree but how often does that happen nowadays? You're usually prompted to turn on invincibility mode as soon as you lose twice.

Sounds about right.

This asshole is really damn ugly, and he still managed to find a wife.

He's wrong though. Nothing to do with videogames, its just chemicals being released.

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>great feeling
Knowing I spent hours trying to defeat a boss or tried 10 and more times and then slaying the same boss on the 1st try only because i took a break and/or slept makes me feel like a fucking idiot for not being able to do it before.
It just shows me how easy that boss actually was and how utterly idiotic i was for failing such a lot of time for a long time.
For me it's not a great feeling, i actually hate it, is it just me?

I prefer either keep on trying until i beat it, or that even after a break it's still a challenge.
Sure, i'll have a fresh mind and i'll be rested so my approach would be different, but if it's still a challenge then i'll feel like i accomplished something, otherwise i was just dumb for not defeating before.

there are tons of better things. for instance, i've got my bed/sheets/blankets all set up just right so that once i've been in there for a little while it's exactly warm and comfortable enough to feel like i can't tell where i end and everything else begins, shit's so cash i shifted my sleep schedule just so i could wake up an hour early and sit there and feel it.

this whole post is gold

You can't call it first try if you lost to the boss several times before

Only good post ITT

>not pulling an all weeker with cocain and meth to keep you awake and a fresh bag of diapers for the business
The absolute state of casulels

>spend 3 hours straight and can’t kill the boss. Looked up guides, counted. Just utter failure repeatedly
>go grab some cookies and milk and snack on them while browsing monster girl material on /d/ for like an hour.
>come back, beat the thing in one try. Barely processed it it my mind. Just did it.
It feels like everytime I try to explain this feeling of “just go with the flow” to people, I get called an asshole for but I don’t know a better way to explain this phenomena

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Or you could have sex instead.

Imagine being proud of being insufficient.

it's true, I do my best work when I'm not even trying. It feels like I'm cheating, so then I try and then fuck everything up and become a fucktard loser shithead. So I don't know what to do. There's absolutely no middle ground.

Same desu. Always been that way with me and motor skills. Both video games and sports.

>playing game for the first time in a couple weeks
>play flawlessly, top of the score board, win several matches in a row
>start slowly getting worse until I'm just mid tier. sometimes do great, sometimes do terribly
why does this happen? I don't think it's matchmaking shenanigans because I almost always just do quick plays and normal matches.

Nah, keep going at it even though your increasing frustration is hampering with your reaction and thought process until you finally beat it only to feel no satisfaction is the patrician way

Especially if it's an easy boss that only you seem to struggle with.

you shouldn't feel bad. it's because when you sleep your brain takes time to organize every thing you learned. when you are tired and frustrated all it does is make you play worse even if you know the whole fight

it personally happens to me when I'm either overthinking, or I feel like I need to be 'trying'.

or when I'm drunk but that's a different situation

>getting baited this hard

isn't that guy a gay pornstar that fucks trannies

First try that day, you dumb pedant

its matchmaking.

Accomplishing something challenging is satisfying.

No shit.