No loot trading in 5 mans confirmed

No loot trading in 5 mans confirmed.

Just how seething are the retailcucks that classic devs are LISTENING?

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Other urls found in this thread:

reminder that when WoW was released it was widely regarded as the most casual MMO on the market and it's low difficulty/skill barrier is what made it popular

Tirisfal is my home.

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Most vanillacunts on Yea Forums weren't even born when vanilla was released lmao

Really? I was sure some incompetent exec was going to screw this one up. I'm impressed

The failure of MMOs prior, such as Everquest, to do more than stagnate is what made it popular.
The fact that nobody has taken advantage of WoW's own stagnation, allowing Blizzard to reclaim the market with their own product again, is an indictment of the industry.

I wonder what they will complain now. We need a bingo card for threads.

This. I can't believe I'm even marginally excited to go back to a game from 15 years ago. Maybe if it succeeds hard enough somebody will take notice and make some new MMO that isn't dogshit. Not counting on it though.

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they'll just keep complaining about starter zone sharding
>b-but not being able to play is part of the game

>listened to community on phases change
>listened to community on loot trading

It's actually happening bros. We're going home.

You can't go back.

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Sharding is there not because of the amount of people in the starting zones but because of the tourists, it is better to have sharding for a single month than have dead realms in 3.

Wrong. We want to relive our experiences, and do it again better. We were kids who sucked at the game, grew with the expansions, and grew away from what it became. We're going home.

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Will you join my Yea Forums guild I swear it'll be different than all the other Yea Forums guilds

You began with WotLK lmao

I’m going to make a Yea Forums guild just so I can have all the cancerous faggots in one place, then I’ll screen cap them all and keep posting them here, so everyone knows who to avoid.

>start playing retail in cata
>still shill for classic

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There are actual adults on Yea Forums seething zoomers

>catababbies atoning for their sins
the release of classic has truly worked miracles.

What if I started a guild here but it wasn't a Yea Forums guild.

How is this good?

I'm planning to roll an Orc Hunter and make Arcanite Reaper asap. How reasonable do you guys think getting 20 Arcanite Bars made is going to be with only 2k pop? I'm debating on rolling a 39 twink to have Alchy but I'd rather not sink the time into it until I'm progressed enough on the main.

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Doing the Lords work user,

False assumptions yo. Prior i played SWG from pre-cu til NGE when it was unplayable garbage. It's not like it's super unique and special to have been there.

It means premade groups can't abuse it to steal loot.

>There are actual adults on Yea Forums
Yeah and they are playing retail because they realize that even with all its faults its way better than vanilla lol

Not worth it at all.

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Ah ok. Never played any dungeons or raids with a guild

That's a nice pic, where are your arguments lol

Just wait for Dire Maul and get Barbarous blade.


There's nothing to be gained from retail in it's current state. Funny joke though.

Yeah he's looking at least 500g in bar costs and who knows how much in crafting fees for something easily replaced.

This is fucking amazing news. Reserving shit is a plague on private servers and there's a big chance this kind of behaviour would end up in Classic as well, which the existence of loot trading would surely facilitate.

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No u lol

You can gain fun and fulfillment, something a vanillafag is unable to understand as he rolls around in the shit pit that is vanilla

One change I wish they'd do is just randomize the AQ war effort items so that people can't stockpile them months in advance.

Arcanite reaper is a meme weapon. Absolutely not worth the mats for what it gives, and is only valuable to retailfags who want to have “MUH EPIC ARCANITE REAPER!!1!1”
Just get barbarous blade or something.

>not joining a reserve run only to fake a DC at the end, so nobody can accuse you of deliberately fucking them

You haven't provided any either, you just stated your point of view.

I’m still gonna reserve ironfoe and there isn’t anything you can do about it

>You can gain fun and fulfillment

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lol reply to me again when you have written out your arguments.
Remember: you were the ones who claimed vanilla was better than retail. lol


As long as its stated that you are reserving it while forming the group who gives a fuck.

Noone said that, you retarded mongrel, you are the one who got triggered over people being happy about Blizz making right decisions. But you can keep being buttblassted faggot, nothing changes either way.

I'm going to ninja it for my ret spec and there's nothing you can do about it.

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>Arguing with the retarded on a matter of taste
Spaghettios might be your favorite but that doesnt make it the best. Take this (you) and go start yourself a shoe shining business so you can make something of yourself

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You okay there bud?

Come one vanillafag, you can do better than this

How about you post some arguments instead of memes from r/vanillawowcirclejerk lol

That's the joke, user.

>zoomers thinking writing "reserve" will make me not ninja their shit

Have they confirmed yet that modern addons won't be allowed? Because that's an absolute fucking necessity.

7.3.5 engine so modern addons will probably work fine

>Because that's an absolute fucking necessity.

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seethe more pls

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>Ummm Blizz? Can we have modern addons please? The game is kinda shit without them...

Why don't they just give everyone their own loot?

>make quest addons
>make the information largely accurate
>except the most irritating quest item locations, which get flagged as in the bottom of annoying caves

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It is, though. If modern matchmaking addons are allowed classic is dead on arrival. If I want to find a group for Deadmines or SFK I want to do it the old way, not just click a button and get grouped anonymously like I'm playing retail.

Imagine being this delusional to want to grind again in vanilla like before.

Addons can't do that, user. Not to mention you have to still walk to the dungeon.


Vanilla had a much more powerful API though.
You could literally have addons autonomously controlling your character and doing a rotation.

disregard, I read your post wrong
the new grouping is a feature of Legion and addons were only there to somewhat automate it, which they disabled later on anyways

Good for you guys! I love wow, never played classic, I got in during WoTLK its cool that you guys get the old school stuff

Calling it now:
Classic will be the biggest release of 2019

>vanilla was so shit and so boring to play you need addons to do it for you
lol nice game vanillakaks

>Still have to walk to the dungeon
>Still have to play on the same realm, meaning you arent able to just be a cunt and leave scot free
>Its already a feature from vanilla that nobody used because who the fuck sits in org when they want a group for Scholo/Strat/UBRS just use general chat lmao

bfa? more like btfo! LMAO

>addon that emulates the group finder is created due the popular demand of casuals
>nostalgia fags are spending hours on end in lfg while everyone else plays retail lite
gonna be kek

there already exists a lfg-like addon that was created for 1.12 private servers and to noone's surprise it was barely used, if at all
also nothing guarantees that you can make such an addon, it'll depends on the API. I think on the private servers they did it because you could open a global channel or whatever, so the addon would just join that channel and post/parse shit in there, basically made their own protocol

Can you proc windfury off of windfury hits?

That got fixed pretty early in vanilla, so no.

>there already exists a lfg-like addon that was created for 1.12 private servers and to noone's surprise it was barely used, if at all
because a lfg that doesnt tp you to the dungeon is garbage. you can simply spam in chat and probably get people faster since someone might need to run the dungeon on his alt

Druids should be able to cross faction chat in Moonglade

Undead should be able to speak common (again)

Change my mind

to be fair if hes a hunter and since mara will be open, gold wont be an issue for him.
But you're right.

How shit will Night Elves be as rogues? I wanna hit peak nostalgia and play my first character, but their racials look like shart. Do I just bite the bullet and go H*man, Yea Forums?

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nope, you gotta go gnome. Escape artist is best for pvp.

Stop being a m*inm*xer and play the thing you like. You'll have to spend hundreds of hours staring at that fucking character, is approval of some nameless grognards on the internet so important to you?

What about classic makes the r*tailcûcks seeth so hard?

minmaxers deserve the rope

Forsaken should still classify as undead rather than humanoid so anti-undead abilities like exorcism works on them.

Change my mind.

They're fine.
If I remember right, shadowmeld passive basically gives you a free point in MoD. so it's not "shit", just outshined by human sword/mace racial or gnome snare escape or dwarf stoneform.
I'd go dwarf for pvp but I also just really like dwarves.
You absolutely 100% do not have to min max your racial choice. Even for priests. Just don't stress it. The kind of people who would be assblasted by your race are not the ones you'd want to play with anyhow.

>uh dude why do you play a warrior wearing leather and holding a staff while you are fury?

yes, go from one extreme to the other, based retard

Good luck with your meme spellstone/firestone spec cocksucker lol

>if you're not maximizing your stats right from the character creation screen you're a fucking retard who wears leather and uses meme items lmao
I don't care what you do, just stop shitposting about it already

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i can't

Forsaken should be immune to fear, bleeding, and charms but suffer more holy dmg and get demolished if forced to 1v1 a paladin

>ten years of gameplay quality of life changes that have very little impact on the game as a whole
>throw it all away
really can't wait to spend 100g every time I want to pvp and go back to my raid spec because the devs are actually gonna give in to you rose tinted troglodytes

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>wall walking was "fixed" in patch 1.1

So its gonna be like FFXIV General

Yeah, it's called an rpg. Just like Legolas didn't have wizard powers or could use a bow and arrow. You specialize.

they arent

grow up

>"i deliberately came to play classic even though I hate it, how could this happen to me"

>loot trading
>16 debuffs from the start
>no info on pvp
>no info on itemization

Yeah this is not "no changes" or "blizzlike". This is just funserver hosted by Blizzard.

Back to private servers it is.

I argued about whether stoneform slowed you down here with some guy a couple of months ago. Because I didn't see it listed anywhere in the changes for stoneform, because it wasn't even mentioned in the spell itself, and because I found no one talking about it, I thought I had made up the memory of it slowing you down and therefore argued that it never slowed you down. Now I finally noticed that there was a patch note, that isn't listed on the stoneform page in any of the wikies, that says this

>No longer snares the user.
Sorry man.

why the fuck would did they trade these cool RP features for muh '''''''''''''''''''balance''''''''''''''''''?

>The kind of people who would be assblasted by your race are not the ones you'd want to play with anyhow.
Anyone too shit to clear content or win battles without minmaxxing is someone who's ass you'll be stuck carrying.

Enjoy your fun servers.

>info about loot trading literally in the op
>info about itemizations was one week ago
This is new level of shitposting.

this is the problem with you and every single retard that keeps complaining.
Why do you feel like you MUST play this? I don't understand. The retail zoomers keep kicking and screaming and still can't get over the fact that this is happening but to me it makes no sense.
Are you going to lose friends on retail over this? Are you autistic and feel the need to check out / play every single thing Blizzard has shat out? Because that's the only reason that I see for acting like this

>ten years of gameplay
whoa there, champ. Let's not be hasty

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>if you actually care about the effectiveness of your character you are a no-fun-allowed autistic minmaxer who hates the game
And you have the balls to say I am shitposting? Fuck off back to r/vanillalovers, shiteater.

>really can't wait to spend 100g every time I want to pvp and go back to my raid spec
On its surface this would seem like a valid fear. However, in retail vanilla it was very common for people to raid/pvp/farm in a spec that was considered "good enough" to do everything. The ultra min-max talents were only a thing for guilds pushing for server firsts and even they let a lot slide. For example, the default resto shaman raiding spec is complete trash for anything that isn't pve healing, so a lot would still occupy a healing role in raids but would do so with 21 points in resto, enabling them to 30/0/21 or 0/30/21 to do plenty of other shit in the game.
Later in vanilla, and when progression is more intense, you can actually afford the 100g per week if you so choose.

Anyhow, my point is that I think we'd go back to that mentality for classic. Respec caps are cheater on private servers so the sheer gold cost, especially early, would be a big wake up for pserver "vanilla veterans".

Yes, loot trading aka fun server tier and not "no changes" or "blizzlike" will be in the game.

Zero information regarding itemization has been posted. Same for PvP.

Classic will flop because the retarded community that didn't even play vanilla in retail and only ever cleared MC on horrible Nostcore servers will keep sucking Blizzards dick and enjoy the assfucking Blizzard gives them.

The changes will keep on coming, and you will keep accepting them like the fucking morons you are.

Why is it always fucking wojaks? Have you been on reddit so long you can't come up with anything else?

they know classic is the last nail in retail's coffin

I told you, I don't care what you do, even better if you're willing to go extra lenghts, congrats. But holy shit stop acting like a literal fucking child who keeps tells everyone what they should do and that they're retarded for not doing the same thing you do when nobody even asked you in the first place

It wasn't good a decade ago why would it feel good now? Shit, I'd rather play a funserver with free teleports at that point. Like I have time for vanilla's bullshit in my 30s.

>Fury for PvE dps
>Prot for raid tanking
>Arms for PvP
I guess I can just do it all as arms, should be good enough to just tank dungeons with that. Part of me wants to roll a Hunter so I could get by with just one spec.

what exactly is your argument here
>why would it feel good now
>muh opinion is objective truth
>Like I have time for ...
>I have a problem with this thing so everyone should
literally who is forcing you to play this, tell me. Are you being held at gunpoint?

>um bro? you shouldn't invest in this talent, it's pretty useless. And change your gear a bit bro, agility isn't good for mages
Are you brain-damaged?

>industry failures can't make a better product than something made 15 years ago
>including the same company that made the gold standard

MMOs were a mistake

>umm bro why would you play class X when Y is so much better because of this 1% stat increase lmao
this is what I mean, this is what is regarded as minmaxing
Telling someone to not be retarded and wear gear that hugely benefits his role instead doesn't count by my understanding

stfu retard, no one is arguing about going agility on mages. racials are what?

You retard, the moment you resub for classic you become a retailcuck.

unironically based

The funny thing is that these Yea Forums minmaxers will never be in any kind of leading role in a guild. Too autistic for that. No one will listen to their autism because they'll be just another grunt in a run of the mill guild.

Already doing world records, stay seething.

I don't think people really care about world records in the special olympics.

Stay seething.

This shit will be kinda popular for a little bit but will die off because classiccucks will whine and moan about having to pay for a sub and everyone will stop playing.

1.2 AV, so no.

Have fun not getting in raids because "lol why should I do things that make me more effective?"

stop pretending your shitty private server clique in any way reflects how classic is going to look like

>i wont get into raid is because my human lock has 5% less int than a gnome lock
sure bro

No you will not just get in because having more than 2 locks is a waste.

>implying I played vanilla is shitty private servers
Quite reaching there

No, you'll probably get denied because you invested in a meme build in your desperation to prove that vanilla is a good and fun game.


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Nah, I know your type. You see raids very differently because you have little to no experience with them, and no experience in leading them. You only see the numbers, and completely fail to see the human element. People who have experience with these things don't make that mistake, but people /or autists) who lack the experience start from the assumption that people are robots who perform the same.

When you recruit for a guild, you look at the class and then you look at the person. The race is not really a consideration, because its effect on performance is significantly smaller than other factors. A human rogue who stands in void zones and chains cleaves is worthless, and you'd much prefer a night elf that doesn't do the same. You're selecting from a limited pool of people, so there isn't an unlimited supply of skill capped players of the optimal race, not even close.

This is why I know you spend more time theorizing about raids than actually running them.

Been running vanilla raids for 4 years now, try again.

Nice. Your argument?

Forgot your proof.

If you had any knowledge you would already know where to find it.

then ill just need to be one of the 2
is sm/ruin meta enough for you, mr world records?

I'm going to ninja the shit out of loot.

>if I want you to have a decent build instead of "I AM HAVING FUN OK" build i am mr world records

>if you pick a class that's not the literal best for this specific stat you're a dumb nigger who only wants to play meme specs and, god forbid, have fun
I can't believe this retard is actually using "having fun" as an argument against something

>Community will be autistic faggots whining over racial buffs and maxing in a 10 year old mmo
>The other half will be screeching at you for gaining more than one level a week and not enjoying vanilla 'properly'

I think this thread pretty much sums up why it isn't worth "going back"

>still too autistic to understand no one is talking about building wrong but to pick races you dont like for minor stats boost
last (you) you get from me

Don't play it then you retarded turd

How is being a nuisance to every single member of your raid and your guild, while having to be carried through dungeons and raids every singe time, fun?

Only 10% of Yea Forums was even in Classic. Why the fuck do you pretend you played it and why the fuck do you pretend it was anything but complete trash? (and why do you do it every single fucking day?

Looks like I hit the mark then. Now I can go to bed satisfied that I can read people.

how is playing with an underaged obnoxious pile of shit fun?
Kill yourself you retarded fucking shitstain, we already told you your arguments are garbage and why, stop pretending there's only 2 extremes

>waste your group's time by being a liability

>still too autistic too understand you are playing the game wrong

I'm playing Female Tauren Ench Shaman for raids and Yea Forums can't stop me

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Unironically this but started in wotlk because I never had a good enough pc, played some classic priv servers and it's pretty obvious the "values" of the old expansions were far better, but that's not to say they weren't without their problems. People are going to be pissed and complain when they remember how useless some classes were etc.


>ummm bro if you're already not making stat spreadsheets, item lists and making up a leveling routes you're a fun-loving faggot who is a nuisance to me while I also like to pretend everyone around me feels the same way and is autistic as I am

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He doesn't want to be left alone, a bitter boomer's worst nightmare.

>ummm bro I really have no arguments to defend my shitty and ineffectual playstyle so I'm gonna post a greentext and a wojak meme
lol vanilla is made for you


I'm going undead warrior and Yea Forums wishes they could stop me

>ummmmm bro my only argument is mages wearing agility gear, why aren't you taking me seriously

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Im starting to think some of you are just looking for attention.

B-but muh racials...

But you can't read people, sorry. You were completely wrong and you are as clueless about as you are about vanilla wow.

>ummm bro why aren't you taking my posts seriously even though I already got told that my argument is garbage and was given an example of being an obnoxious pile of shit who cares about muh racials which I have no counter-argument to

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Well, vanillafags certainly aren't gonna get any fun or sex so they go for attention
Why do you think all these "WERE GOING HOME BOYS" threads appear? It is literal videogame virtue signalling.



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>enter classic thread
Thanks for the laugh, seething retailcuck

>hehe I keep linking to the same post which holds no viable arguments to what's being discussed

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Will I get memed on for making a human lock? It's that or undead but I feel like there will be a billion ud warlocks and that being an alliance warlock will give me a better chance of raiding.


Reserving gear is the right of every tank and it will be a thing on classic servers, with or without loot trading.

gonna play hunter and need everything
suck my dick classic cucks

you won't get memed on for anything, idiot. Stop listening to the seething children who pretend they even raid, let alone make any significant progress or clear times

Osrs is going down a bad path honestly. The game is solid but once again power creep is slowly becoming a problem as well as the core values of the old game (pvp and group activities) starting to become less and less important to the general playerbase. Ironman mode is partially to blame for this even though it's a solid option for gameplay, people are starting to want the game to be balanced around ironman mode. Reddit is mostly to blame since now any random shitter can put their 2 cents in and actually get listened to regardless of the fact that most of them play for an hour a week at best.

O-okay. Also as alliance how hard is it to do/get to SM without getting ganked. SM is my all time favorite 5 man

>Infinite breath for ganking in Stormwind canals
>Wotf to resist the temptation of thot streamers
>small hitbox/hardest Horde race to click on (eat shit gnomefags)
>cannabalize = literal infinite health

Undead already have the best racials tho

Anyone talking about min/maxing in this thread is fucking retarded and never played Pre-BC.

All of those raids, excluding Naxx, were easily done with less than 40 people. Nobody mix/maxed, but special combos like dwarf priests were very much loved because of their fearward.

Don't forget Paladins as well. They're the reason PvE and PvP is dominated by the Alliance.

Horde will co-ordinate an attack on your party before they can reach the summoning stones. You can try to go through plaguelands.

That's solely due to blessing of salvation though.

Wasn't it more due to blessing of kings? IIRC shamans had a ward that lowered threat generation, but I do not recall when they had it.

And Holy Paladins scale better with gear than priests which means with AQ/Naxx gear a Holy paladin is better than a priest in both PvE and PvP.

Totems are wacky to place. And you want totems for different situations. I don't remember how totems worked, but there were different elements you oculdp lace, so you had to choose accordingly?

BoS allowed DPS across the board to do 40% or so more dps, allowed healers to spend more mana (for less threat) and shorter fights.

I started playing during the ass-end of vanilla (actually im pretty sure its the tbc pre-patch)
wont exactly be coming home for me but im still excited.

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it was both. The fact that it was Blizzard got people interested, the fact that it was easy made sure the casuals stayed, the fact that it actually released content made the mmo vets stay.

thinking of doing a holy priest, idk i played holy paladin in vanilla and levelling was such a slog, even with a bunch of ret talents. Id like to do warlock or tauren hunter too

Totems are laying it on with a spade, while salvation is a precision tool.

I always heard that that totem was bugged and never really worked, but that could have been because threat mechanics were a mystery for most of vanilla

Yes bros! Can't wait for them to see how successful Classic will be and cancel all funding for retail and focus on making new content for Classic.

Any word in dishonorable kills yet?

I can't go home with you guys until I get word, and since they wont talk about it I fear for the worst.

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enjoy your rose-tinted game, gaylords. come back to xiv when you get bored at level 35.

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Dwarf Priests are a meme.

If you stand in the RIGHT FUCKING PLACE there is NO WAY you are going fucking get into the GOD DAMN WHELPS.

Do you actually enjoy xiv, literally everyone I know who still plays it sound absolutely miserable

Let alone the static folks who basically just have a second job where they hate all their co workers

>come back to xiv
who even plays that game?
Doesn't it have less than 300000 even playing it?
I think OR7 has more players.

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Issue was that a feared tank meant the boss went on the next in threat. And if the tank wasn't 10% (or what the threshold was) above 2nd in threat, that meant he wouldn't regain it after fear.
I'm just glad all content will be viable at 60 when all is released. That MC, BWL, AQ still holds their shit with naxx out.

Only complete retards need to minmax, you can perfectly do any of the content without having to go the autists route.

buddy bone slicing hatchets are way better

>playing garbage weebshit
Think i'd rather play retail lol

I'm so glad it's coming back bros. We have been playing garbage for so long, it's time we get to play the single greatest mmorpg of all time again, even when broken shit like pic related is not possible anymore

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> wants to play either Paladin or Shaman
>want to tank for her as Warrior while she heals and buffs
>not sure which combo would be better


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is it "WoW classic" or "classic WoW"?

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go back to xiv tranny

whats that buff user??

paladin is easier and (s)he can just focus on pressing the healing button instead of trying to figure out which is the right totem

who cares

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every rank of Touch of Weakness stacked which does instantly 1k shadow damage to the next melee that attacks you

>horde chat belfs sperging on people talking about classic

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based where can i read about it

totems are group specific
tranquil air shares element with windfury totem

how do you know they are belf players
i think you're just obsessed with them

Horde always had the worst playerbase long before the belfs.

nvm found it

im starting to look forward to classic now, just hope i dont get banned for bad words

It's not like retail is going anywhere. This is just for people who want the classic experience.

>people keep adopting the retail mentality that specs = classes and you can't do anything that doesn't perfectly line up with your spec

Respeccing is a meme. They gave you 51 points for a reason, christ. The whole reason vanilla classes are more fun is that you are a jack of all trades, master of ONE. Just because you pick one thing to SPECIALIZE in doesn't mean you have to throw out the other ones because you're 3% less effective at healing in pvp.

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imagine being a fucking weeb

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go back zoomer

>devs revert a retarded change they were going to make to a small system
>hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people cry out in pure jubilation and start hugging and pissing themselves

How can anyone ignore the love, passion, and dedication present in the greater vanilla community? It's like the president just made a speech that we won the space race. A sea of pure happiness floods in from all directions. All the shitty classic youtubers slapping together all caps videos in minutes. Just because of "hmm guys sorry we're stupid, no looy trading in non-raids"

When will Blizzard fucking realize the magnitude of what they have in their hands and stop doing dumb stuff to begin with? You rarely see this kind of deep engagement within a vidya playerbase.

dont fully understand your post but i want to add my input

i love wow and vanilla (still have my box) but the one thing is how you cant pvp and pve unless you have fuck you gold

kinda lame, I wanna raid and do pvp when im not raiding but i will have to use pve specs to do it because i wont be able to respec 4 times a week

maybe if there was a way to check names in game
just maybe
I don't know

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It just shows how much Blizzard isn't trusted. People are thankful for anything that isn't the most horrible of design choices because that's what retail WoW is.

>now get cucked in raid pugs

>Checking named on 4chin

how is it any different

>retail wow for even dumber retards

Based naruto. Going to not doing it___

>summoning stones

not in 1.12

>i love wow and vanilla (still have my box) but the one thing is how you cant pvp and pve unless you have fuck you gold
Not entirely accurate. You're right that if you're min-maxing completely and only going for one specific role that you have to respec twice a week. It's brought up a lot but most pure raiding optimal specs are pretty dogshit in pvp (or even farming). However that doesn't mean you can't do BOTH things with a hybrid spec. Paladins can easily heal raids without going farther than 21 pts in holy (or even 20), and that frees up a fuckload of pts to be able to do anything else in the game.
Mileage can vary depending on the class, some will have it easier than others. Also depends on your guild - if you're in a poopsock guild going for server firsts then you may be SOL. But I'd argue that sounds pure unfun anyhow but i'm not you.

Very well put. The amount of celebration for good things must be directly proportional to how afraid we are.

it is accurate

hybrids will be worse at both, give me an example of how you're gonna hybrid as a rogue? serious question

almost everything good for pve is bad for pvp and vice versa

Should I roll a hunter or a warlock?

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really depends on what you want to do buddy

Warlock if you want people to like you
Hunter if you enjoy being hated
Both will make you cash dollars

No idea what I want to play, I just know I don’t want to play Druid or Hunter. I’m thinking about doing the Enhance 2hander meme spec just for fun.

I honestly don't know enough about rogues to be able to argue one way or the other. My example was paladins, and I know paladins and shamans. Both can easily raid heal with only 21 pts in their respective healing trees.
If what you're saying is correct, then yeah you may be boned as a rogue. Someone else may know more.

I never played ranged dps in vanilla but pet classes seem like they'd be more interesting than mage.

How do I make loads a money?

Makes me want to go Pala. How do they scale better and also at what point do I actually look like a Pala?

Bonus question: Are they fun in PVP and is ret an absolute meme?

rogues cant do it pal

the best you can hope for is adrenaline rushing someone to death in pve spec which wont happen because you dont have good burst

play hunter if you just want to experience wow

warlocks dont make shit that guy is an idiot, most people that roll warlock end up hating it

>pet classes seem like they'd be more interesting than mage.
Pet AI in WoW has always been shit but Classic AI get stuck on everything and are hard retarded
But they can tank so easy and you make money off of all solo shit you do and you can do it so easy compared to any other class

Warlocks also are good at soloing shit and do a lot of good dmg
And people need locks summons and some fights need a tanky ranged to tank
That other user is a retard for saying Locks are bad

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>How do I make loads a money?
Not him but both can farm mara, which will be great gold early on - since not a lot of classes can do it and since it's instanced which means no competition, no ganks, etc.
Once dire maul is out, hunter is able to solo dire maul tribute (priests can too, maybe druids with gear and even rogue with ultra gear? unsure).
>Are they fun in PVP and is ret an absolute meme?
Ret is still a ton of fun in pvp, and as long as you're freedom'ing your warriorbros and cleansing your team, you're good. But the enemy team will just literally avoid you and you're missing out on being the best pvp healer (hpaladin) in the game.
in pve 100% meme. doesn't mean it wont happen, but it's wholly unnecessary. if its a gear issue, there is loads of raid gear tht will get tossed to paladins - no one expects them to be holy their entire lives outside of raids. And rag hammer should almost always go to a shaman or paladin (or whoever gets the mats first, really). Either way you'll be swimming in 2handers to grab assuming you're raiding weekly, and can always just get TUF.

Someone has to. Plus you'll make some rare axesmith very very happy.

Arcanite Reaper is dope man. Crushing fag mages running in for 1k is fun. Screw the bone hatchet minmaxers!

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>no rppvp servers
Sorry lads, go on without me. I have no home to go back to.

>They're the reason PvE and PvP is dominated by the Alliance.
This is false.

PvE and PvP is dominated by Horde.

Stop spreading your fake news bullshit in these threads.

Shamans are much better than paladins.

wait what

i was planning on playing rppvp

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>Can still loot trade in UBRS and ZG

Cmonnnn maaannn...

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>And rag hammer should almost always go to a shaman or paladin

Don't forget the incredibly charming and soulful art and soundtrack.

>wake up
>positive news for classic
>wake up
>positive news for classic
>wake up
>positive news for classic

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>not having a guild
big yikes

>They're the reason PvE and PvP is dominated by the Alliance.
This isn't true at all? Most world first were Horde in classic and PvP has always been Horde

Even on Private servers Horde are the Dominate

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>Can still loot trade in places everyone uses master looter

Haven fun in your hugboxes. Reminder though that you are on the same level as the retail people. Blizzard didn't want classic servers because they couldn't believe there are retards out there that would pay money for less. Shocking since retail is already less but whatever

According to the Q&A (was the only classic question they answered, btw) there will be "normal", PVP, and RP servers.
They said RP-PVP could be a thing later if there is sufficient demand, this was also said on a recent EU bnet blue post.
I'd have to double check, but i think at least part of the reason is that rp-pvp as a server-mode wasn't added until later. Although i think the bigger issue is they're not 100% sure of how many people are going to be playing yet and want to err on too few servers rather than too many.

ironfoe ret is a literal Pserver meme build.

>Can still loot trade in UBRS
you can't
>The answer to the UBRS question is: loot trading will be available in content that has a raid lock. UBRS will not have a raid lock.

They've already said you can't in UBRS. It's actual Raids only.

RP-PvP servers in live ended up being virtually identical to PvP servers a few months after one of them launched, ED was the last one that could remotely be considered an RP server

rogues are the best class in the game, racials mean very little. It's not a game breaking pvp option like it is for warrior.
Nelf is fun since 95% of the time, you'll get an opener on other rogues and ferals. Which is big in pvp situations.

Current changes so far:
Time line changes
Debuff slot changes
Loot trade changes

No information:
PvP gear and honor system

Dead on arrival confirmed. Changed until it becomes Nu-Blizzard cuck game.

>rogues are the best class in the game
unless you do anything that isn't 1v1 pvp will all your cooldowns up

Should I roll fury warrior or warlock?

At least with warrior I can tank dungeons and keep plate loot for myself. But but warlock has a lot of cool spells.

Lets not forget about getting the quests for the dungeon. You want to go to ragefire chasm? Damn go take the quest from fucking ironforge LOL! I can't understand classicfags. Wanting to spend hours to find a group,then having to travel to get the quests that aren't even near the area and then travelling back to the dungeon. Its fucking retarded

Most rogues have friends to make up for them being bad in PvE alone
In PvP sure go crazy

We literally got an update on itemazation with the patch release changes

>Can still deceive the master looter by equipping a green and handing the piece off to a friend.

noob question:
how do rogues deal with classes that get the jump on them and put a bleed or dot on them they can't clear?
I've only played classes that can heal and even tho there are plenty of matchups where im at a big disadvantage, i can worst case still juke a kick to get heals off or a dumb shaman flame shocks me while i free cast. My concern is how to deal with situations where i have no option since when i think of being a rogue, i think of gouge and getting out of combat to re-stealth (not sure if that's correct).

spookycomfy as fuck

why if you people want to bait do you always make it so easy to see

When you tack on an out of place lol at the end of every post it makes you look mad as fuck lol

WOW was well designed, MMOs before it were archaic.

Yes, it was the casual MMO, but it wasn't like today where you have a hardcore scene who play the game like a fucking job to beat Ion Hozzikostas, or a mouthbreather "I WANT IT NOW" scene where everyone just farms LFR and dailies every day for jack shit not realizing their ilvl doesn't mean shit in 6 months when its soft reset by the next major patch.

WOW post 3.2 has been ruined because they catered too hard to hardcore players with retarded difficulty modes and easymode catch up systems that allowed you to skip tiers of content with alts via badge gear, thus removing any progression from the end game, now everyone is stuck in a release cycle limbo where the only thing preventing you from getting through the end game isn't your own effort, but the time gating roadblocks that blizzard implements, because everyone will beat any raid blizzard releases day 1 and will then be stuck farming that same raid for 6 months to a year, with the only reward being an arbitrary increase to your item level that gets reset next patch anyway with catch up gear.

So yeah, going back to vanilla is a good thing, vanilla was a good mix between accessable, in that it wasn't an absolute fucking chore to play like EQ is, but it also wasn't retarded, and didn't invalidate your character progression like WOW does today.

Orc hunter or Dwarf hunter for world pvp, ganking and being an asshole?

Rogue is shit in everything that isn't ganking. Awful in group pvp, bad in 1v1 without cooldowns, outclassed by warriors in pve.

I can personally attest to this. Nublizz deserves everything that's said about them, but in my time, I never met an RPPVP server that was really worthwhile in either department. It sounds like the most perfect server possible, but it just never worked.
I would like at least one RPPvP with moderation in it so people took it seriously. But having none is not a great loss. I still wonder about the actual reason why they refuse to do it, though. It's not like it takes extra special resources.


Guys like me that are super paranoid and stalky. Are you going to make sure to keep screenshots and databases of players and their loot before raids? I'm going to make sure loot traders get exposed. I'll make sure that their items match what they looted and if it doesn't I will expose them to the server as ninja looters. It won't be easy. It won't be nice. It will be a war to find the most unscrupulous players on the server.

both are fantastic. id give dorf the slight edge.
NE is great obviously as well for fun surprise attacks.

I remember that the language is appropriate for people playing wow back then. I'm just trying to help you immerse yourself better. Helping you "go home" as you people say. If only i was trolling. I really don't see the point of going back to the broken version of a game. Retail is truly horrible but denying it and trying to go back is a really bad idea. We need to go forward not backwards

I hope they don't add pvp to the game.

Think about how much autism it causes.

What's the fucking point of loottrading in 5 man, when the issue of it lies actually in 40 man raids where people are going to abuse it since loot from there will actually be valuable?
Loottrading in raids enable = no sub from me, blizz can gtfo, I can live with sharding but not with this shit. Crybabies who can't even masterloot properly should not be excused.

they are lol
blind, trink to remove bleed


you're clearly underage or trolling badly
stop replying to this thread your asshurt can be seen from orbit

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>pugging raids instead of joining a guild

RP-PVP Alliance.
>Cool stories and cool characters with lore friendly names
>Can start wars and fuck up the other factions, houses, game of thrones, unique battles with certain classes
>Big night elf titties

The single most valid way to play the game.

Orc is generally better due to stun resistance allowing you to counter a rogue stunlock.

NE is probably best for being an asshole because you can camp in Stonetalon mountains just outside the horde town and snipe people with aimed shot from stealth

>Fury for tanking
>Fury for PvP too since mortal strike is overrated as fuck especially in vanilla where your opponent ~really~ isn't going to be self healing enough for the debuff to matter.

>trink to remove bleed

>My games better and you're a child if you don't agree
where's yours?

>make massive RPG world
>sit in capital all day

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>He doesn't know

every time

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Luffa for bleeds, cleansing potion for everything else


wont be in at release though probably

I see no reason for Blizzard to dodge RP-PVP servers... why?

>game of thrones


How can you tell when playing WoW is an addiction? I like playing it but I stop playing frequently when I'm bored. But I'm always afraid that the desire to play again is fighting an addiction. I'm concerned the same issue will persist with classic.

>i watched world of roguecraft so im basically an expert
Rogues are only used for defending flags in bgs, in pve they're just a shittier warrior.

no need to split servers by the hairs when you could just join a faggot rp server where you belong

RP servers shouldn't exist in the first place. Take your D&D shit to /tell

You should have improved gouge if you're PVPing, which in vanilla IIRC is a 4-6 second incapacitate, long enough for you to get away and restealth, use a cleansing potion or luffa to remove bleeds.

If you're low level you should be able to just out damage any other class reguardless because no class has good early game scaling except rogue.

>needing cleansing potion in pvp


world of roguecraft is full of terrible players against the rogue

tell me what was wrong with my post

>getting classic requires you to pay for retail monthly


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Why are the only people that enjoy live anti-soical incels that hate talking to people or earning what they want? It's like talking to an army of adult children whenever you tell people in LFR that they should try harder content if they want better gear.

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Shut up I saw that post. :c

We just need to make more posts and bitch it seems to be working so far.

>guys I know our car has no wheels
>or an engine
>or a windshield
>but trying to replace these parts is a really bad idea
>we need to come up with a new car design, not go back to when we had a working car

Are guns viable for hunters, I only see people talk about bow progression and shit

Dude, there are people ITT that find anything to say about it not being just like they remember it and thats how Blizzard will make their wish never come true. Its not the fact that the skills are changed or sharding or whatever you mind tries to feed you. Its just the fact that classic has passed and it won't come back. It won't feel the same and you will blame it on everything but the fact that its just nostalgia. This isn't even projecting, we all learn that in life nothing ever is the same and you don't experience the same event in the same way the second time.

you paying for retail gives you access to classic
so your stupid logic goes both ways you sped

When you purposely avoid doing life stuff to play WoW. Chores, going shopping, spending time with your gf (unless she is playing and addicted too), working less, doing less things outside, and generally having your only hobby being playing WoW.

Those together are a major problem.

No dude, its like saying that you need to go back to carriages because your new car is missing a bumper

You're absolutely right. It's going to be better this time around.

But we're talking about a video game, not a car.

the game's genre literally has ''roleplaying'' in it

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No one wants to experience the same thing the same way. Life is a journey. I'm not the same man I was 14 years ago. I recently played a bunch on pserver and had immense enjoyment from it. If it's even 90% like a private vanilla server I will sink at least a couple hundred hours of playtime in.

So out of 106 IPs 4 of them are people spamming the thread with "LOL IT WILL BE BAD" post
Imagine if mods kicked them out and the rest of the 100 people wouldn't have to see low tier bait every thread

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So just playing it in my free time isn't an addiction? I struggle to even explain why I like it sometimes, I can't justify playing it opposed to other games. But I don't know why I would have to.

>Game of Thrones
you think you want this until you spend 2 seconds on Moon Guard and you realize political RP is exclusively done by people who just copy Game of Thrones (or whatever fantasy IP is currently in vogue) and half of all characters involved are le scheming political masterminds that all bitch at each other nonstop when their egos bounce off each other

>tfw no WOTLK return
I never played classic sadly, only a little of WOTLK. (i was literally too poor to play classic at the time, i played a shitload of WAR3 tho, still play it to this day.)
Classic is probably a lot different from WOTLK, but it's at least the closest experience to it, i'm not a fan of the new wow, when most areas are literally now useless and the story is a fucking clusterfuck.

Any recommandation from oldfags for classic?

Don't worry my friend. Soon your hugbox will be complete and all 100 of you can circlejerk how awesome the game is. How does this help WoW as a franchise?

Would Eliot Rodger had like WOW classic? he stopped wow not because he hated playing games but because he wasn't fan of what the game had become. (i think it was mist of pandaria or warlord of dreanor at the time.)

Cringe zoomer

Just use the opportunity to experience vanilla, read up a bit but don't go all out on guides like a minmaxing faggot. I'm sure you'll like it.

I'm sorry that your frontal lobe was damaged but you probably shouldn't try discussing old video games if you are unfit to do so.

>Wow as a franchise
Don't care. Played an hour today on the free trial and was disgusted how stupid and botlike the players are. No one talks and they all go from point A to B.

Just tried retail wow on a trial hunter
>Join instance instantly
>no one says a word, no one is ever in any danger, I feel like I could be a bot or not even there and no difference would be made
>make a joke
>again no one responds or even looks like they're nothing more than autobots
>instance ends everyone leaves
>never see these niggers again

No challenge, no fun, just go from point a to b with no differing paths and then leave. Why not play a single player game at this point? None of these other players matter.

Nothing like vanilla wow at all. It's genuinely disgusting and unfun. I hope that dies and classic remains.

yeah Blizz replied to the thread about loot trading, so if enough people make noise about RP-PVP, who knows? WoW is free this weekend, so you can just make a thread or reply to an existing one

Throttling the idea by making it a late release is only going to make it worse. Nobody is going to level to 60 just to troll rpers and those that will will get fucked by people more dedicated to them. If there is one server for the community to rally around then the community will be strong. RP only works if the server is tight. That’s why there’s only three worthwhile servers, one for ally, one for horde, and one pvp one. It’s fucking atrocious to say this doesn’t deserve a chance to be done right this time because when it was done poorly before it failed. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

fuck gnomes, and fuck minmaxing

>bro if no one comes into your conversation about the game and rub shit all over the wall it's a hug box LOL!?!?!
I think you just need meds and to learn that people can talk and not have to smash shit on there face to be noticed.

He probably would have found friends in a min max guild. They're usually virgins, angry, and take the game way too seriously. It would have been interesting though as I believe he hated asian people.

They probably don't want to risk having an overflow of pvp min maxers rolling for easy targets, never actually engaging in the rp. You need GMs to enforce rp standards and they have been clear about not wanting to spend money on extra GMs. It would be pretty lucky to see even one server become another Emerald Dream these days. Sucks cuz I like to RP and do faction events. To me the risk is worth the offchance but I get their side too.

>How does this help WoW as a franchise?
lol why would I care about the future of a franchise that died 10 years ago? ill stick to the superior versions of the game, thanks.

I don't want to play with guides anyway, i enjoy playing MMO in just my way.
Going to go dwarf hunter with the rifle speciality, can't wait to buy bullets like the good old days, loved doing that when i was bored for some reasons;

Counterpoint - Stoneform means Rogue cannot slow you down for 8 seconds, letting you gain some distance on his Wing Clipped sorry ass. It also removes Blind.

Plus Search Treasure is actually a fun racial and I'm certain it helps with some quests.

genuine cringe

fuck off incels glorifying another incel


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tfw Eliot would had maybe survived and not done his retribution if wow classic was released at the time. because he would have spent all his day raging at playing wow.

I played on northdale today and went to Kurzen's jungle camp to kill alliance on my level 50 rogue. It's pretty damn fun murdering 5-10 people and then having them have to get into large groups. It makes me feel like a raid boss or something. Eventually the only people able to quest were lowbies that called level 60s to escort them from point A to B, and these level 60s weren't helping anyone that wasn't their friend. So I could still eat the lone wolves and groups of 2-3.

World PvP is so much fun. :)

>Change vanilla
>Just like we remember!

Lel you guys are delusional.

>Open on dwarf
>Kill you in the 5 seconds of free smack time
>Dodge that gay stun shit and smash the rogue

>stoneform is better than orc racial

the state of alliance

kys cringelord

What? i was first asking a question, i'm not gloryfing the faggot.
also, you do know you are on Yea Forums right? are you a newfag offended by anything?

I just called him an angry virgin dumbass. I've got a wife.

Keep saying it shill

I'm gonna go full lazy hunter and not even loot mobs just AFK popping off mobs with my bags absolutely full of ammo.

Will people not like me if I go male dwarf holy pally

Bros which class is the most fun and in demand healslut? Torn between shaman, pally and priest.

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>are you a newfag
>replied to himself

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Priest will always be the most in demand. Pallies are a diamond a dozen.

>Kill you in the 5 seconds of free smack time

Nice hyperbole.

Except I didn't say it was better? I guess Horde brainlets need to stuff words in people's mouth just to get a point across, oh wait you didn't even make one.

dwarf priest solely for fear ward

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fug i mean to you.

>Nice hyperbole.
Oh you're pretending to be retarded
Because anyone with a brain knows rogues can stun lock people for 5 seconds

>tfw blacklisting and ignoring all transphobic, min/max, racist players and making sure to report them everytime they talk

Only you and I can make Azeroth a better place. Remember to use your report quota to purge these disruptive players from our servers.

Imagine actually planning to play druid

>Classic will be the biggest release of 2019

I dont think so

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Not hyperbole this is vanilla with it's super fast PvP with literal one shots and shit. People chug utility potions all day because if that warrior melees you even once you're dead.

Kill yourself. It was literally cutting edge at release, something WoW was not.

Why would anyone dislike dedicated healers?

>Something WOW was not
Except WOW was the first MMO that didn't need to segment its continents with loading screens, that was pretty revolutionary for the time.

>you get one shot if you're in blues and your enemy is in full naxx bis
no shit, but that's not going to be a common scenario.

>It also removes Blind.
Can you activate it while blind? I thought it would prevent blind if it was up but not if it was on you already

>Because anyone with a brain knows rogues can stun lock people for 5 seconds

That's not what I was contesting, wasn't it? Given equal gear and excluding endgame stuff, Rogue won't kill a Hunter in 5 seconds, period. You're either a genuine retard or you're trying to extend this conversation artificially, either way you're pathetic.

>Not getting the Maine Coon pet
>They changed the name because it was racist
Poor Cat

>even if it does stay in, people will complain about it and it will get changed
I wonder if it would be possible to design an addon that replaces its name string with "[The Nicker]" regardless of what it gets changed to.

You're moving the goal post faggot

All signs point to yes.

>b-but what about this situation that will happen 0.1% of the time!
lol ok

>blizzard is listening to the classic community more than they ever have for retail
Retailcucks stay FUMING

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Imagine being this retarded

Crazy how spergy people like you are when you are wrong and have to move the goalpost

Isn't retail WoW what it is because they listened?


>Lineage 2 released a full year earlier and had a full open world without loadscreens other than for dungeon interiors
Mongoloid. Stop talking about shit you have no knowledge of.

>you get one shot because your naxx epics have less stamina on them than blues

Curious if the retail devs will start listening with all the changes that happened at Blizzard. Seems like they're on the right track with shit like removing lootboxes from HotS and putting Diablo on GoG.

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reddit ruined wow with their incessant threads about X is op or change Y so casuals can Z

You're both retarded

because they listened(to reddit).

>We want to relive our experiences
You're not going to last a month. It's not about trying to relive the past time or anything like that, it was just a fun game to play.

user don't tell me you actually believe people getting one shot is a regular thing in vanilla

He was just saying that most of the time a hunter will survive a rogue's initial stunlock. That's true, unless there's a big gear difference in favor of the rogue.

Orc racial is still better though. But there's no need to be mad about stuff like this, right?

cope harder

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Retail wow is a combination of listening to players and just overall inability for the dev team to man up to mistakes until its 2 expansions later.

Reddit barely existed by the time retail was ruined, zoomers.

Horde chat =/= Yea Forums you fucking retard.

Why do doomers say we can't relive classic WoW when I and thousands of others have done exactly that and the only reason classic is coming out?

Are they just upset they don't get the same feelings playing vanilla WoW or something? They sound a bit broken inside

Reddit is a state of mind.

You can absolutely enjoy it. No doubt. But you cannot relive the same feeling you got when you were a kid playing WoW for the first time. It will never be the same. It's a solved game, there are no mysteries or surprises, everyone knows how to minmax etc.

Cringy zoomers can leave any time

when do you count wow as becoming ruined
because, as someone who actually plays the game, I'd say it was WoD that killed the game

Reddit demanded and expedited blizzard dropping the expansion to work on legion
WoD had some of, if not, the best raiding content in the game at a mythic level, the new mythic dungeons were amazing
the only problem the expansion had, was that it didnt deliver on "put your garrison in any zone you want" and it didnt have content coming fast enough for casuals (lfr, pet battles, etc.)

They believe that the only experience in a game is to play if the first time, after that there is nothing to be gained from more playing of said game. See it once and never again as opposed to understanding that it wasnt the game it was the community.

The WoW devs still listened to the same beta males and trannies who infest reddit now. The kind of people who don’t want to rise to any occasion and declare wherever they are to be the new peak.

There's no saving this one. He doesn't even have two brain cells to rub together. Or he knows he's fucking retarded and is trying to deflect. Probably both.

What's a good way for shamans to make gold in classic? besides herbalism & alchemy.
I know they can aoe dire maul east lashers but that won't be in at launch. Anything similar?

you already fucked up and got shit on hard , what do you want now?

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>WoD had some of, if not, the best raiding content in the game at a mythic level

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>But you cannot relive the same feeling you got when you were a kid playing WoW for the first time. It will never be the same. It's a solved game, there are no mysteries or surprises, everyone knows how to minmax etc.

And it's not about that, those idiots have already been weeded out in private servers for the most part. Most people who are excited about WoW aren't excited because they think it'll make them feel 12 again.

How much is Activision paying you for these posts?

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but I am being surprised and finding mystery because I never did a lot of things. I avoid min maxers and don't really spend time with them ingame. There are people like me around as well.

No seriously
Go away you cringy zoomers

>post vanilla tunes

Just farm the bats in EPL dude it's like 30 gold an hour with skinning.


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so youre telling me you didnt raid BRF or HFC (minus hellfire asshold)

How much is Activion paying you to stay in these threads and make the same post?

Not going to argue that blizz doesn't cater to certain groups or not, but unironically they have NEVER paid attention to their forums. It's always been a containment zone.
I'd argue their choices have almost always been solely based on player engagement and the bottom line, period. For better or worse.
I feel like it's a meme to attribute screeching on a forum to meaning more than it does. CMs are historically tard-wranglers and not a lot more. They may certainly compile issues and pass them along, but that's as far as it goes.
You could use an AI to analyze all posts on bnet, all posts on reddit, all posts on mmochamp, and all it would be able to determine with any amount of consensus would be "whoa lots of retards here lol".

I can't wait for the game to release and be dead after just a few months.

WoWbabbies has always been insufferable faggots ever since Vanilla.

What does someone raiding the content have to make it the "BEST" content.
WoD was fucking trash through and trough

Is there a reason spell hit chance takes such a nosedive against higher level targets, while physical skills and melee hits usually still connect? The end result is that rogues and hunters can fight enemies >8 levels higher, while pretty much every other class can't do shit.

I've done that before too, and you're right it's good cash. No skinning at the time however but in hindsight i should have. Also low traffic since no one wants to fuck with the disease or poison (i forget which).
Was hoping for something else instanced since that means no need to look over my back for ganks, can afk to take a shit, etc.
But thank you! I appreciate your help, user.

Say it again shill

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it'll last longer than a few months, but there will come a time when people have absolutely worn out every aspect of vanilla, and then comes the difficult decision of where to go from there. Admittedly going to BC won't be that hard, BC was peak WoW, but it's a sign of things to come. Once that is exhausted then what? WotLK? Cata?

what if i told you that you dont need to relive anything because it a genuinely good game? the nostalgia is just the cherry on top

>WoD was fucking trash through and trough
yeah thats just confirmation that you didnt raid at all in WoD

Good times

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WoD had nice questing as well. SMV was chill

>y-you can't go back


it's an open secret that blizzard caters towards reddit honestly
they see reddit as a level above the wow forums, since everyone there is a massive elitist, somehow, but none of them ever have any proof to back their claims
yet blizzard still listen to the

the same can be seen with valve and dota, or even with overwatch, blizzard listen to reddit over the forums and actual pros/players

>WoD was the worst Xpac that killed WoW before BFA
And you're the ONLY person that would argue otherwise
You're a contrarian or actual retard

i had a good laugh

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are you retarded or what?
I'm saying that reddit ruined WoD, WoD had the highest potential of all the expansions, but mindless retards like yourself, and redditors, demanded that blizzard drop WoD instantly and push out Legion, because WoD was too hard for casuals

You mean the server played by 90% chinks and russians, ok?

cata was my favorite expansion for class mechanics, smooth gameplay, and pvp, but none of it was fun because the rest of the game was dogshit. without a community, pvp dwindled. I'm glad vanilla is getting another shot. community and immersion is the core part of vanilla.

if they ever made a combination of vanilla and cataclysm I'd probably be a NEET for a decade playing that shit.

>WoD had the highest potential of all the expansions
no it didn't. wow stop being both an mmo and an rpg by the the time cata came around. wod fits squarely in the era of the game being third-person diablo.

>You mean the server that was so popular blizzard decided to make classic?


WoW has never been a RPG....WoW was the MMO that removed the RPG from MMORPG's.

The server that had a few thousands chinks and Russians playing on it?
Yeah man so popular!

Reminder to post Nost tribute videos to BTFO retail shills

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>WoW has never been a RPG
Yeah okay you're actually retarded
You think WoD was good and this is hard proof you need to be banned from the internet all together and put into a helmet with a handler

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absolutely seething

fuck off retarded shillbot
I bet your mom cut off access to his card around the end of cata and thats why youre such a salty fucking manchild

come back when you have a single AOTC

zoomer detected

>people are defending any Xpac after Woltk

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As I said, you can enjoy it. I was replying to someone who specifically talked of 'reliving' it, which is not possible as it will never be the same.

>You think WoD was good
When did I ever state this? Compared to any other MMO at the time that had lots of unique features, required the players to actually use their brain, was actually punishing and demanding WoW was pretty much the today's equivilent of Fortnite.

WoW has always been aimed and catered to kids and the normalfag audience. I mean that's fine when you were a kid and shit at games.
But there's zero reason to play the most casual KR cartoony graphic MMO if you're an adult and have more than 5 braincells.

It's true, It also had the best raiding content in the game at an LFR level too since I could solo wipe groups by doing too much damage on Kromog.

Look at him crying.

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>Lineage 2 pvp
>Just rightclick and watch
KEK nice hardcore game bro
casualwow babies BTFO

I know you are zoomer
Now leave

>Come into thread about classic
>People are defending WoD the 2nd worst expansion in all of WoW
Really making me think blizzard was right about you not wanting real classic back.
Probably why they are tweaking it for retards like all of you.

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and OOF

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am I coolio yet \B\r0s

best PVP race for warrior, GO!

also, how much can you fuck things over as Prot in PVP?

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This is all asspain and an attempt to keep this dead thread alive

Why is it so important to you? Genuinely why woukdnit other you that people would want to relive a dead game?

Gnome because FUCK MAGES

Say what you want.

Claim what you want.

Project what you want.

Classic is coming.

have a great summer man
I know I will.

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And will be dead after just a few months.

This isn't debatable.
>prot pvp
Not a lot. Your viability is literally just spamming hamstring with WT totem and executing people. If you're going tank and you want to pvp, you will want to respec.

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Brace for impact

I will sacrifice my PVP viability once I start raiding until I get some sick loot. Then I'll respec and sever some heads with some sick raid weapenz.

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Did anyone bother to play the trial of retail that just started? I spent like 20 minutes having to sit through some bullshit cutscenes with faction leaders having some anime showdown, the combat consisted of mashing 5 buttons endlessly, and then it just dumps me into Orgrimmar.

at least gearscore doesn't exist in classic
that shit is aids

>the combat consisted of mashing 5 buttons endlessly
Well classic WoW it was just 1-2 buttons.

>trial of retail
you mean that free weekend thing?

as if inspecting gear isn't a thing, c'mon now

yes. what a waste of 60gb.

I logged in to get my Blood Elf heritage armor, it looks cool and I think they did a decent job with the questline, even if gameplay-wise it was shit.

Aaaaand uninstalled again.

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>It's a solved game
bahahahaha no. Everything on private servers ranges from either slightly wrong to extremely wrong. It's possible to see large meta changes with the release of classic WoW with its original coding.

Are ninjas and ninja guilds really punished?

>ninja is in ninja guild
>he doesn't care if he ninjas cause his guild are minmax pros and he only needs to grab gear quick

Pugs are seen as nobodies to these people

i would log in and do this but it's just so boring and not worth it

You are wrong. The game will indeed be hindered by no surprises and everyone min-maxing, but that's far from what makes Vanilla special. What I do wonder, however is why you even come into these threads if you're just complaining and have nothing to add.

Why don't you criticize Vanilla instead? That'd be more productive.

Ninjas were punished after a while and it's in the ToS to not just ninja loot

>ninja guild
this can't exist

But there are indepth theorycrafting guides on everything from elitistjerks from back in the day.
I'll tell you my secret: I'm one of the ones who wants to 'go home' but have my doubts about about being able to relive the past and want you guys to convince me that it will be great.

question, what was the optimal 40 man spec for MC, like how many of each class was needed

>I'll tell you my secret: I'm one of the ones who wants to 'go home' but have my doubts about about being able to relive the past and want you guys to convince me that it will be great.
it's simple:
go to retail, make a character and get to level 20 doing quests

then go to a private server, make a character and get to level 20 doing quests

the sort of people who enjoys the former will NOT be in the latter, no chance, instead they'll be on the forums crying that half of the quests are literally impossible for them to do

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It depends on how much gear you have.

>But there are indepth theorycrafting guides on everything from elitistjerks from back in the day.
And with more time, people found entirely new ways of playing on the private servers. And people will find more ways to improve their gameplay combining transferrable pserver strategies with new innovations today. For such a "solved" game, there is a ton of misinformation running around to the point where it can be difficult to find somebody who isn't completely talking out of their ass.

What's wrong with loot trading?

Still in raids, which is also a problem when people join random raids rather than doing them with a guild.

People scamming each other in groups. If you go to a group, people may roll for their friends making an unfair roll.
It also encourages secret sales. If you get something good, people in the dungeon or raid may whisper you to buy it from you. It creates a market that shouldn't be there.

pugs rolling on all leaving 1 guy fucked out of loot

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>join random raids
found your problem

What's more fun, shadowbolt spammer or huntard?

minimum for ideal MC
>5 warriors (primarily for Garr, domo and sulf) 2 tank specced i pref while the rest are dps who can swap into tank gear when needed
>3 warlocks
>4 mages
>2 hunters
>1 druid
>4 paladins or 5 shamans
>4-5 priests
>rogues are good dps but don't offer anything other than dps so how many you want.

If you can fill in those basics slots you're pretty much good for MC.

Vanilla quests are shite the real meta is grinding beasts for amazing, nearly the best EXP/hr

>Concerned about loot trading when ALL SELLABLES RES and x, x, and x RES runs are a thing

People rarely ninja they straight up tell you they're taking everything of value and to go jack yourself off. The fact that the classic community encourages reserved runs and participates in them is a much bigger problem.

People on reddit and wow forums have some good arguments that it'll be a real problem. Supposedly it happens all the time on private servers.

loot trading is still a problem, even if it's a much smaller problem than what feared, and probably won't affect me because I've never played at max level.

Loot trading isn't the only change either. Supposedly there is something called Spell Batching that people are complaining about. I don't know what it is, but skilled PvPers use it all the time.
But even if I won't use it, knowing there are mechanics that can be mastered and that some people are good enough to do it still gives me enjoyment. So it affects me even if I never use it.

There are more problems too, like modern graphics being given an advantage in PvP, right click reporting, sharding, probably cross faction communication, and now many are mad about no RP PVP servers. There's still plenty to complain about.

the point being in vanilla mobs- wait a minute, fuck off retailfag

What are good class combos for a wife/husband duo? We've tried mage (her) and rogue (me) but I really feel like she's just a huge target and too weak to survive WPvP. It's really frustrating to have her get fucked up while I can escape so easily.

This, fuck reserved shit, bunch of entitled tanks and healers

>mfw 80% of the thread didn't play vanilla retail in 2005

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So you're mad you can't bot in Classic because it'll be using the modern game architecture instead of the Vanilla architecture that was riddled with a million and five security holes and errors?

When this game drops and fails to meet some expectations and the public turns on it because Blizzfags are retarded, will you still be playing classic?

why don't you make your own group then?

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>PvP is literally AI battelgrounds in WoW now

hahahahah holy shit I guess WoW players will feel like they're playing other players

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warrior-priest combo
super easy finding dungeon groups and you're a rape train in pvp

That's just a brawl though.

it's a brawl to let people piss about on the new map, so they can see the changes without actually hindering their bg team by sightseeing

>pally is godlike single target healer
>plate wearers
>pally can FUCKING BUBBLE (and BoP)
>you can run your own dungeon groups and reserve loot
no contest, broseph

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spell batching is where spell effects go off at the same time. Like the server will check every 0.2 or 0.1 seconds or something.

So if 2 paladins use hammer of justice at each other at roughly the same time, they will both get stunned. Without spell batching, only 1 paladin will get stunned.

A few common examples of pvp manoeuvres make possible by spell batching are rogues gouging a mages blink or A warrior getting out of combat vs a rogue and charging the rogue the same time the rogue uses stealth breaking the stealth effect.

>A warrior getting out of combat vs a rogue and charging the rogue the same time the rogue uses stealth breaking the stealth effect.
good, fuck rogues

also, Blessing of Freedom, oh yeah baby

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They are buttering you up for the inevitable reveal of the classic server cash shop and character services. This is blizzard we are talking about. Search your feelings you know it to be true.

is that what causes the infamous rogue vanish bug? or is that just a latency thing?

Do you use the Golden Staff of the Sin'Dorei with the Heritage armour as well?

I'm a paladin, I was using the Sin'dorei Warblade with it... for the 30 seconds I tried it out. Greatsword of the Sin'dorei was my second option, but I thought the Warblade felt better, being more discrete.

2, since I'm a warrior.

oh that's more of a band-aid fix to prevent people from autoattacking rogues out of a vanish (made specifically to counteract spell batching).
So that should still work. Vanish pretty much makes you immune to incoming attacks for 0.5 seconds to ensure the vanish effect goes off. So the vanish bug is really just a result of a band-aid fix.
Vanish bug should still work without spell batching.