>yfw you enter ''THE ZONE''
Yfw you enter ''THE ZONE''
Other urls found in this thread:
>enter The Zone
>drop back to being above average plateau
>turn off game in frustration
Fuck off Koga
Such a shit series, proves that shonenfags truly are the worst.
>15th try on boss
>learn all it's patterns
>Dodge every attack perfectly
>Beat him without taking damage
I love getting in Z O N E
>match starts, go scout
>5ks then to 10 ks
>no deaths going onto 20th ks
>I have become one with the "ZONE"
>yfw entering the Zone
Haha what the fuck
You know what time it is.
Post it.
Us gamers, right?
>the zone
What’s this new meme you zoomers?
>Marathoning DMC
>get to 3
>hey this isn't bad
>play until 2 am
>Arkham a shit
>after 5 attempts decide to grind red orbs in mission 1
>b rank, b rank, a rank, s rank, s, s, s, s
>buy heals as I'm tired as shit of dying
>Style the shit out of Arkham, no heals used
>2:30 am
>body is running on adrenaline and monster energy
>Vergil is wrecking my ass sideways, longways, every way imaginable
>frustration is getting bigger
>4 am
>attempt 16
>actually pull DT irl
>fingers numb, mind clearest its been in years.
>zone has been entered, pillaged, and colonized
>actually no hit final Vergil
>fall on bed and pass out
Will never forget
There is nothing better than blasting trance and techno while playing CS at 2 am, on at least three energy drinks and a small amount of turkish amphetamines
>Doesn't know about zone threads
>Calling others zoomers
TFW you got greedy
>Funk song
>singer goes "COME ON!" as you pull some sick shit
Interesting fact.
The "zone" is actually real.
It's the state you are in when you are trying to do something that is SLIGHTLY above your current capacities.
Fuck This fag, Ohma resurrection when? Or you think Karla, with all the kure clan secrets at her disposition, is gonna leave him dead?
Literally me after a 1v5 Clutch
In the unlikely event that this isn't just mid-tier bait:
The Zone is a very old concept. I've seen it referenced as far back as the 90s, mostly by athletes. Another common name for it is Flow. Its that state of intense concentration where you stop being truly aware of the controls and your surroundings, and you begin to play without conscious thought.
>Zooming in this much to see 8 pixels to be offended about
Was struggling against Logarius a couple days ago while listening to music, after several failed runs this came on, and I felt like I actually grew eyes on the inside, and promptly defeated him without problem youtube.com
>feel bad because i cant enter in zone
>try to support the team
>cheer when they do something good, help when do something bad
>mfw i helps other people to enter the zone
>mfw i was the zone the entire time
>Down to 4 vs you in Gears of War
>Pick up the Longshot
>fallen teammates are watching on
>inthezone.mode initiated
Original GoW multiplayer was fucking great
That's not what the zone is, the zone is just flow.
>yfw you leave "the zone"
Ohma is dead.
But i hope he nutted Karla before death.
Rhythm Fireworks 2 was the only DDR-like that I ever beat 100% and it was solely because of this
>Enter the zone
>Carry the time for both rounds of a full match
>"wow great job user"
>exit the game afterwards so I don't lose my gamer high™ to a worse match
would you fucc cosmo?
I be like: fuck you all
Pledge your allegiance to China and install Epic Games Store
Holy fuck, this looks like pseudo 3D on the phone. Cool.
>enter the zone
>drop an instakill
>15 kill win pubg game with my friend spectating me solo it for the last few rings
What manga?
Kengan Asura.
Is Kengan Omega actually