What actually went wrong?
What actually went wrong?
Your father dropped you on your head as a child and thus you don't know how to use the catalog is what went wrong.
devil may cry 3 is just better
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
Our girls got shafted
loading screens, other then that its a top game
> What actually went wrong?
Nah I would put 5 over 3 since its just so much better in gameplay.
barely level design, no puzzles, most bosses are not memorable, ugly designs instead of cool ones like DMC1 and DMC3, more akin to DmC, trish is ugly and vergil is chubby, most of the new songs are not as good aside from devil trigger, etc
still a 9/10, the goods outshine the flaws by far
This isn't /vg/ you retarded newfag
exploring 1 big continuous area was better than disconnected areas and time jumping
>literal corridors as "level design"
>V isn't as customizable as other characters - nero has breakers, dante has swords and guns, V can only keep upgrading the same chicken and fat cat
>lackluster coop system with only 2 rooms in the whole game where it really matters despite half the levels being enabled for it
pity dmc3 becomes linear and starts with the backtracking after the first third
> Only 2 millions sold
Now, when the game has officialy flopped
> 4>3>1>DmC>5>1
4>3>1>DmC>5>2 of course
>tfw you're not a brainlet that complains about the absence of puzzles in DMC
>Has only been out for two weeks
>Fastest selling game in the series
Cope harder, Barry.
half of the ost is trash, most of the game plays in boring ass tree
>Shit gameplay
>Shit bosses
>Even the Vergil fight is waaay too structured to the point that fighting him is mostly like reading through a theather play (Stinger in, dodge his counter, then stinger in again for free hits)
still better than samey corridors for the whole game with only spare moments where you can kind of decide where to go next
compared with DMC3 and 4 where you can access almost all areas in game within a single mission
> Selling faster than 15 years old games
still haven't found a single secret mission besides the first
what the fuck is my problem
they're hidden in dumb places you wouldn't even expect they're accessible since the game is so closed up
How did 4 have better environments than 5? That's the real question.
Looking around for weird paintings is for pansies and you're a vicious style master. Who cares about a bit more health, anyway?
>no puzzles meme
because it was a complete random game and they added all the shit they could think in it
> Variety of levels is better than one endless black bowel
Literally how?
level design felt like a downgrade compared to 3rd game.especiall qliphoth tunnels. that was extra wack.
i was hoping we would get more fights on moving platforms or fights with platforming involved. bayonetta style. wasn`t the case, obviously.
combat is great, yes. maybe not even combat as a whole, but comboing part of it. while combo potential is massive in this game, i feel like enemies weren`t so challenging or interesting. most of them are practice dummies.
not every boss fight was amazing, but overall they did a great job, so not gonna complain.
the variety was nice but the execution was utter shit
Yeah, 5 really is a family shame
Puzzles help break up the monotony of the levels. Only brainlets are glad they're gone.
> Only brainlets are glad they're gone.
Welcome to the DMC threads, son
Gameplay wise, not much. It plays like an improved 4 now set in an actually complete game with some great bosses. Level design can be argued to help or hurt. It's simplified, but arguable what that openness really adds.
I think however the story cracks a lot under the weight of having to be a love letter to so much DMC at this point. 3 characters exist to basically do nothing, there's a huge mess of references, 3 separate stories that not so much converge but just kinda stumble into eachother, and no dramatic moment really has weight thanks to not really exploring how any character really reacts or interacts.
go play RE faggot
Never experienced any monotony. Not once did I find myself saying "Wow, I sure do wish I wasn't fighting. I could really go for a good gambling dice game board right now." Fuck you.
I thought it was good other than V who was a massive fucking drag to play as. And the fact I played it on a censorstation 4.
Not much really. Lack of bloody palace at launch but that's about it.
Imagine being this retarded
Does any of that shit even matter in 3 when it's still divided into chapters anyway
too short
Biggest problem is V. They tried something different and I can respect that but it doesn't change the fact that my heart sinks replaying it and hitting his missions.
> Calling someone retarded to validate your point of view
It doesn't work like this, nigger
The story and DMD health values. Otherwise, not much. It's a winner. Looking forward to April Fool's.
Very few things, BUT.
>lack of arms in areas as nero
>no option to switch arms
>most music is very mediocre and short but some is God tier
>lack of taunts compared to 4
>no option to play as 1 character throughout the story after completion
Were my issues.
Only problem with the game? Everything after Vergil is introduced feels a tiny bit rushed. Also the arena and music for the Vergil fights isn't too great.
Why do people think the story sucks? I thought it was great, if a little disjointed in the first half.
Waiting until mission 10 to give the player ANY context was a mistake.
Imo DMC5's level design is better for the type of game it is. Don't pretend like "carrying some object to some place" is exciting gameplay. It just becomes a chore on repeat playthroughs.
> Hating the only decent girl in the game
>"carrying some object to some place"
Isn't that literally what 5 does with the "use the nidhogg hatchling" shit?
Nico's like the best thing about the cutscenes, though.
>Annoying accent
>Swears every other word
She's a DmC tier character.
Have sex, incel.
>caring about level design in a hack-n-slash
>acting like nothing else matters
DMCV was better in every single respect.
>Smoking and swearing is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
Cry about it.
Still better than tranny Lady and Trash
Only in like the first 4 missions.
If you wanna endlessly kill enemies then just hit bloody palace, no need to gimp the single player with combo autism larping.
You aren't even trying.
it's what 3 did too, it's just more streamlined because it wasn't exciting to begin with and they didn't wanna waste effort they could put elsewhere
i think they almost wanted to cut that part of the game entirely seeing how the "puzzle" moments are barely there, but it's still part of the whole DMC brand type of game so they just shrunk it down to a minimum, and i think it's for the best
Compare her with the DmC analogue Kat.
See how retarded you sound?
> caring about level design in a hack-n-slash
> caring about story in a hack-n-slash
> caring about enemies in a hack-n-slash
> caring about bosses in a hack-n-slash
> caring about music in a hack-n-slash
> caring about character design in a hack-n-slash
They should add the option to fight the bosses as all 3 and future characters. Also a boss rush mode.
i don't dislike her character or even acting i think, but i genuinely hate the accent
the best moment was when she almost ran over nero and starts bantering while still visibly freaking out
It worked better on 3 because the levels weren't literall boring hallways.
5 just took a weak part of the games and removed it completely instead of trying to improve opon it, that's just lazy as fuck.
Puzzles do not belong in a character action game.
Not enough different backgrounds
Overall colors of the game is too dark.
V gameplay.
No incentives / rewards to play on higher difficulties (i don't count an infinite devil trigger a good reward)
An even if you wanted too, you can just pay your way to the end with red orbs which you can farm millions in half an hour
Not letting me start the game on at least Son of Sparta difficulty. Demon hunter was piss easy and I felt like I learned nothing on my first playthrough.
>Not enough different backgrounds
THE GAME IS TOO FUCKING DARK. And when I turn the brightness up, it looks so washed out as if I'm playing with tape over my eyes. And no, I'm not colorblind
I really hope DMCV gets mission DLC with new environments.
Why it feels so shit compared to bayo 1 and 2?
This desu
Is there an upgrade for Cavalier? I keep seeing a red cavalier in videos
Buy DLC goyim
Deluxe Edition. You can buy it if you want, but it only gets one new move.
it's not lazy if that effort was put on the technology, graphics and gameplay instead
and honestly there aren't many memorable moments in 3 from the sheer level design, out of all the parts of the game, i think downsizing it to a minimum was the right choice
the soundtrack instead i think is one of the weakest, the only track i really like so far is just pull my devil trigger, since 3 i think the OST is getting less memorable each iteration, and that's one of the things they should've worked more on IMO
I don't think DmC ever had a character as silly as Nico. Shes gets about as zany as Dante.
>pick up nidhog
>can insta skip animations
>go somewhere else do fights
>find blocked area, use nidhog
>insta skip animation
I think there were a few short backtracks but fucking hell, this same mechanic would have been excruciatingly drawn out in a lot of other games.
Son of Sparda locked behind Devil Hunter and the art direction.
>since 1 i think the OST is getting less memorable each iteration
Fixed that for you.
>Son of Sparda locked behind Devil Hunter
You mean like it always is? You could've always gotten gud and beaten Urizen to unlock it anyway.
> no vergil theme remix for mission 19 / 20
> mission 19 exists instead of being a boss rush, and then mission 20 being a 2 part fight with Dante and Nero
>You mean like it always is?
Why was it always like that to begin with?
Level design is related to gameplay. Having a little bit of exploration makes the more fun and rewarding to play. I'm not saying you need super non linear, complex levels, but 5 is literal corridors; that's what BP is for.
never played 1, the first game in the series i played was 2 partially when i was a kid and my first completed game was 3
that being said, give me some tracks that rival 3's OST, i'm curious
DMC1's OST is kino.
I have the deluxe edition tho
Didn't play this
3 also gives you a better sense of place, games don't have to be super complex level design wise but there's something be said for the feeling of actually being in a real place rather than moving through what feels like a bunch of very artificially blocked off areas with set dressing.
All of them, kinda. Flock Off, Ultra Violet and Super Ultra Violet, Pubic Enemy, Lock & Load, Karnival, Mental Machine, Anarchy in the U.W, Theme of Trish, Pillow Talk.
People have been exaggerating DMC5 blandness in terms of level design.
Most levels are packed with secret areas, side challenges and easter eggs. There's also still a lot platforming sections, traps, hard to reach place, environmental hazards and other shit. Fuck in Mission 11 there's even a hidden weapon. And some Missions you can even skip some parts if you're skillful enough (for example Mission 12).
People that have been saying the game is the most linear of the series are clearly just skipping all these stuff.
Granted 3 and 1 are better in this regard, but 5 is definitively not the most linear one.
Besides I never got the "same environments" argument. This game is literally the most varied and diverse when it comes to locations. You have train station, plazas, church, library, sewers, sunken city parts, floating city parts, hotel, backstreets and alleys, cemetery, catacombs, Dante's Mansion, and even the Demon Tree is usually varied in it's environments (some parts resemble hellscapes, others huge caverns, there's the fleshy nest like locations and even the top of the tree).
Then just switch it in the loadout screen. When you select Cavaliere, you'll see an option to switch it to R.
DMC4 environments
>Snow capped mountains
>Downtown Fortuna
>Gothic castles
DMC5 environments
One cool detail people probably don't even think about is that in Mission 2 the sun comes out while you're inside the mansion.
>doesn't even read the post
Also location != colours
Not much. Level design is mostly shit. That’s about it.
DMC5 environments
>Tree infested city
It was right to do away with the puzzles but it deserved more secrets.
Peak DMC5 level design was V’s first level, where there were secret areas hidden behind destructible environment props, that dual-niddhatch “puzzle”, shortcuts, etc.
Or, alternately, like that one mission where Dante has to do shit like fight enemies while staying airborne so the ground doesn’t collapse. Stuff that plays with the level geometry to make the encounters different in ways besides “3 Cainas and 1 Judecca vs 2 Cainas and 2 Judeccas”
Every mission should have been laid out to that standard, but by the end of the game it was largely “hallways and rooms, hallways and rooms”
Bringing good news to a shitpost thred
it's almost as if a demon tree infested a city
wow user
just wow
Post YFW you're not Tameem.
DMC4 enviroments:
>Another more boring castle
DMC5 enviroments:
>train station
>sunken city parts
>floating city parts
>city streets
>Dante's Mansion
>Demon Tree
Is it wrong that I want DmC2 made by the DMCV team? DmC's dialogue and plot was retarded, but there was potential for a spin-off.
Wow, such a great idea to make a whole game inside a demon tree infested a city
> Counting literally 1 min areas as levels
Absolute 5's state
Dante and Nero have more taunts than 4. But most of them "overlap" meaning that if you reach S you can still get some B-A taunts. Nero has all his taunts from 4 plus the new ones. And the A ones even have added utility (rev/bullet charge)
I'm not even counting EX taunts or the one you get for beating the credits btw i just realized those exist while posting this
V needs more moves added later on. They have alot of background to work with Dante and Nero so playing V just feels limp dicked most of the time. even if you try to be more flashy. Biggest example is just after you're done with mission 12.
>You just acquired Cavaliere with dante
>get fucking majin DT, and baller sword Dante with all the utility it can give you to any other DA and the flat upgrade it gives to styles in DT
>To top it off you get the wacky firearm
>start mission 13
>"Oh hey you want to play as the dude that just unlocked his Gohan Blanco form or V that won't get anything new at all :)?"
Yes, I'm afraid you're retarded. DMC5 already incorporated a lot of the cool shit that DmC did.
>Being reductionist for 4
>Counting areas you spend less than two mins in for 5
levels in the 2nd half aren't as interesting. Story's meh. V is fsun but not as fun as nero and dante. Deluxe edition locking finished game content behind a payall. Other then that it's a solid game.
Anything gameplay related that was salvagable was itsuno's doing, there is a reason why vergil has doppleganger in this game too. It was another chance for him to add cool shit to a character he may not have another shot at.
Definitive Edition tried to salvage most of the gameplay errors and made it mid-okay tier. still not worth a buy
>Deluxe edition locking finished game content behind a payall.
Wait, seriously? First time I've heard of this.
This and enemy design is really dull, they all kinda bleed together.
Otherwise this is a pretty good summary honestly
>not worth a buy
Come on, it's worth 20 bucks. The combat's pretty fun, the environments are neat, and the story is hilarious.
5 of Nero’s breakers and one of Dante’s weapons, all of which are mechanically unique, are DLC only.
>you suck speed boat
>DmC2 made by the DMCV team
That's DMC5.
I'm not trying to troll, DMC3 was the devs salvaging the few good things DMC2 did and turning that into an overall good game. DMC5 did this exact same thing with DmC.
stop acting stupid user
4 is cool but makes almost no sense to have that many set pieces back to back
5 might be greyish, but at least the stages being connected make sense and don't get repeated unlike the previous games
even if we get a full list of area variation on both games dmc5 is still on top since almost every stage is split into at least 2 sections
Damn is it really 20? I guess my 3rd world shithole that has to be at least 40.
You're not wrong but they're all garbage except the other gerbera wich is godtier. Dante having an actual good move behind Cavaliere-R is kinda bullshit thought. It's like Nero's calibur except it has more aoe
How does the online work exactly? In the missions that have other allies fighting on screen and at the end I get asked to rank them I doubt that they're really playing online, or are they?
Is it just me, or is it weird that there are no Just Charge mechanics in DMC5 at all? I feel like there’s been at least one weapon in every game so far that has them.
>Peak DMC5 level design was V’s first level, where there were secret areas hidden behind destructible environment props, that dual-niddhatch “puzzle”, shortcuts, etc.
>fuck up on the intended path
>just jump on Nightmare/Shadow spear and brute force my way into the secret mission/fragment
Does the DB not count?
>It doesn't work like this nigger
Imagine being so retarded you say it doesn't work that way and do the thing right after
different user by the way
symbol next to their name means it's live. You can actually watch people play live from afar sometimes, and sometimes it's ghost data. Try out mission 13 on SOS or DMD and you'll almost always have someone to actually play with.
saved for dlc maybe. i dont mind it
>we will never have Dante vs Donte
>DMC x Bayonetta will literally never happen
Does the DB do something different if you release it at the exact moment it’s fully charged..? I didn’t think so.
There are plenty of charge mechanics and plenty of just frame PRESS mechanics, but zero “perfect charge-release” mechanics.
You guys would complain if it did happen
The hate of DmC here is self satire levels
Can you just clarify a few moment for me?
When and how trubo-autist like Vergil fucked some random woman and get a son? Why the hell do we have ZERO info about that event and that woman?
Did Dante ever fucked Lady, Trish or brown chick from DMC2?
Also is Virgil's whole motivation is just to get stronger so he could finally beat Dante? Is this some anime?
Reminder that DmC's story would've been good if you played someone who just thought he was Dante instead
its just extras like alternate colors for characters and devil breakers, and some songs from the past games. Its small stuff, but its still finished stuff nonetheless. I acknowledge its a problem of the greater gaming industry at large but its still pretty lame, wish it was unlockable. Dont know why shitposters ignored the deluxe edition content and only focused on the MTX.
I also want to criticise the cameo system being underutilized I think there were only 2 missions were you got to fight together and other missions you couldn't even get a good view at other players fighting.
I actually really liked the enemy design this time, I thought it was better then 4. I think the colors itself was dull but design of the demons I thought were very cool, like the glutton demon who has legs coming out of its mouth, or the flying magic demon with multiple mouths.
That's cool. I haven't seen any stupid usernames yet so I was dubious of the whole thing.
If they have a weird ((( ))) on top of their names it's a "replay" ghost,. If not is a real player. you only get to actually play with people on 7 and 13. The rest you see on the distance fighting
Cavaliere has something similar, you gotta use the next attack when lightning comes out and it deals more damage/extra hits or something like that.
>a bunch of fluff that gets in the way of the core gameplay makes it the better game because you call it level design
Yeah man, going around and picking up the magic knick knacks was always what I loved about 1 and 3.
It’s playable now, the data’s all there, just takes a bit of modding to access.
Sweet Surrender is based for DMD. You can just equip a bunch of them before a boss to heal up and then switch them out for real Breakers.
Imagine if I took your favorite game of all time, turned it into something completely different on almost every level, and gave it maybe 2 or 3 redeeming qualities, then made you wait 12 years for an actual sequel. Tell me you'd be okay with that. Don't forget they literally cut the budget and production time of 4 as well.
They lost some of the facial mocap files and decided it wing it on manually hand-animating the mouths occasionally, and it looks like complete fucking shit in comparison to the actual mocap.
something something fortuna (DMC4 city), she's not relevant and only adds to Vergil's autism points
no, also autism
yes, it's autism
If you're lucky enough to have friends that also play it you can turn on preferring friends in the network data and co-op with them. Only thing I'm not sure is if it's cross platform or not.
> Making a whole but shitty world if better than a great but irrational world
It ended as soon as things were getting great. It just needed some more Nero with Vergil and a couple "enter hell and defeat Mundus/the fucking tree" chapters and it would've felt complete.
>no DMC x Bayonetta vs DmC since Donte is half demon and half angel
The jungle in 4 is one of the worst locations in the series with how bland it is, and doubly so given that it's so out of place they have to bullshit it with demonic influences on the area or some shit.
The broken lab you have a single fight at is cool, but then you have the moving platforms with an enemy pit right after it, so fuck that.
>you gotta use the next attack when lightning comes out and it deals more damage/extra hits or something like that
There’s two windows, one makes the next attack come quicker and the other makes the next attack last longer, but they’re based on presses, not charges.
Ex-ACT, Bringer Knuckle, V’s cane-teleport, Royal Guard, all work the same, in that pressing a button at the right time gives you some added functionality.
What separates those from a Just Charge is that in a Just Charge, you’re locked in place winding something up, so a sweet-spot release timing-wise is much more challenging to accomplish. If you fuck up an Exceed or Cavalier timing, you’re still attacking, the cost of attempting the Just Frame is nothing. The cost of attempting a Just Charge is that the attack doesn’t come out on time and you get hit, or you whiff since it’s too soon.
DmC's story would've been at least half decent if they didn't completely fucking change it.
I feel like this actually has some sort of atmosphere and a certain original feel to it while the finished product just feels like a cheap ripoff.
I think this Dante could've actually been an interesting character.
I actually liked the jungle and was meh on most of the rest of the game. It looked good for the time, especially for an action game. The actual level design is shitty in the jungle, but still neat.
>A generic medieval city
>A generic modern city
4 and 5's environments both sucked, minus the Order and the Sword Castle and Qliphot. 1 and 3 actually tried to be interesting.
I preferr to imagine my favorite game of all time, going in a drastically different direction, and it being pulled off amazingly well. Though the combat was too easy. It was the only competent story besides 3 (yes it was). And asthetically the best looking levels in the entire franchise. If they had just changed the name and the characters names, this place would have loved it.
But this is an extremely unpopular opinion on Yea Forums. Maybe the most unpopular opinion.
Watch all the (you)'s I'm about to get.
That would have been a good reveal, that he was mkultra'd. I loved that theory. The game was God of War tier in terms of actual gameplay, which is fine sometimes.
>Vergil fights have too much of the DmC delay on his animations, bit disappointing, barely brings anything new
>only two co-op missions
>V moveset is kind of lacking, why does cane only have one move in the shop?
>can't choose prologue costume versions of the characters
>game feels far too easy on Devil Hunter
>give up menu before retry mission is just an annoying extra step
>Rebellion apparently doesn't get Drive
>so many fucking loading screens
>plot is very rushed in the ending
>only competent story in the series
Ah yes, because sniper rifle abortion is such a benchmark for quality writing
>Tighter gameplay; weapons have a smaller but more dependable moveset. The PC version even has the style switcher mod.
>The enemy roster is more varied and challenging.
>More and better bosses, with a proper boss rush level.
>More interesting level design.
>Actual difficulty. Just like the reboot, even Son of Sparda is a cakewalk in V (and ironically, the only enemies that really push my shit in are the teleporting ones).
I could go on and on.
> 3 actually tried to be interesting
> Endless shitte generic castle
You can have your opinion, I don't care, but it's an action series first meant to be about the gameplay and you literally said it was too easy as someone that clearly doesn't care as much about the series as some of us. If YOU think it's too easy, imagine what it is to DMC autists?
The entire time all i thought was, "im in a city" or "im in a silver vine looking area"
The whole game
DINO was definitely more interesting than Donte. Capcom really just could not stop shitting the bed in that era.
>in a series where a character road a motorcycle up a tower
why don't you try complaining the characters in DmC had legs or something
really cool how all the non gameplay stuff is rendered in engine so it takes a fucking eternity to load in a restart heavy game lol
>Tighter and dependable are just ways of saying you cant hang
>counting a mod
>no nero
>bosses suck
None of the depth, game play in 3 is ass compared
See, the difference here is that kind of shit is entertaining to see. Sniper rifle abortion is just edgy for the sake of being edgy.
It has its flaws, some parts of the story could have used some more fleshing out, especially before the end, Lady and Trish should have been less pointless and there's some of the music that I don't like. Overall it's a great game, though.
>dumb action scene is equivalent to abortions with guns
>no puzzles
>he doesn't know
that's how i know you didn't played the game
>its edgy to kill a demon baby
>its edgy to kill a baby
alotta assumptions here
Those fucking DmC character did have legs though. Such shit game
>only 2 rooms in the whole game where it really matters
>he doesn't know
Retards ITT keep outing themselves
>a dumb scene isnt equivalent to another dumb scene
I don't even think you're baiting but you're literally just strawmaning stupid shit. You like DmC, no one cares. You're not stupid enough to not understand why other people hate it.
> this retarded puzzle with blood fountain
> "puzzles" to open secret missions
Can't recall more
You know, it started as kind if a meme but I’m honestly getting a little upset at how much of a perma-virgin Itsuno makes Dante. I forgave it in 4 because Dante was more of a supporting character (which in itself was stupid but whatever) but in 5 it just feels kinda weird like I don’t even know what kind of relationship Dante even has with Lady or Trish anymore.
Buddy, DmC is shit for a majority of reasons and the fact that you’re actually trying to defend sniper rifle abortion as an example of quality writing and the game’s edgy “FUCK CAPITALISM” tone (even though the game had one hell of a marketing campaign) just screams try hard and contrarian. For God’s sake man, play some good games.
And I fucking hate it.
The city looked so much cooler at night.
It's too good. Can't enjoy other new games because it's not DMC5
Those are puzzles retards keep saying they don't exist. They moved them to the secret missions so they
>can be actually secret instead of a paper in the wall
>Don't disturb the core campain with shitty chore puzzles
I actually liked DmC, but I’m not retarded enough to draw equivalence between hilarious action b-movie cheese and edgy drama bait.
If you’re gonna compare a scene in DmC to Dante riding a motorcycle up a building, it should be naked Donte getting dressed in mid-air while his trailer flips through the air.
>they're gone
They are not gone, retard
Looking at a wall is NOT a puzzle.
the weirdly bland levels of dmc5 are more pronounced by the freely controlled camera and the lack of area transitions like when you walk through a door in 3/4
the first mission in 4 is literally combat -> corridor -> combat -> corridor -> combat etc but you barely notice it because the screen transitions and camera angles work in tandem to make it feel like you're constantly switching environments. in 5 you literally clear a room then run along to the next room then clear it all in one continuous take, it's a bit jarring how bland it it, it makes you wonder what the point in even framing the game as levels was
>no nero
This is a good thing. Fuck nero
What a load of nothing
It looks like they're just scared of shippers at this point. You can't give him to either girl, fans of the other will be mad.
>combat is monotonous
You should probably go back to bejeweled
>needing heals on dmd
>fighting a bunch of demons is monotonous
>that fucking tower spinning puzzle from dmc3 is somehow fun
literal autism
>During the Vergil vs Nero fight you can use your Devil Buster to grab both Vergil and his clone and bash their heads together.
> Donte getting dressed in mid-air while his trailer flips through the air
Itsuno ripped that off in opening cut scene where Nuro rolls in the air in slow-mo while his bitch cathing a cigarette with her juicy lips
> Actually believe that looking at the wall is puzzle
Says a lot about 5's fags IQ
It's too ez
>Soul eaters, fallen, enigmas on dmd, dullahans, geryon, gigapede, arkham, lady
Please shuffle away
>style switcher in 3
>touching the ground at all as Nero in DMD
How do people even get hit by that point, he has every tool in the books to fly.
Tell us about the big brain puzzles in past dmcs user.
>god I enjoyed that shit like picking up that scepter and sticking it into the hole
>and the parts with the doors moving about or some shit and i had to collect three maguffins for the stupid elevator
Please post your S ranks on DMD.
And it was great both times. I love that type of nonsense; it was great in Bayo, it was great in MGR, and it’s great in both DmC and DMC5. DmC has less of it, but what it does have is still good.
Imagine unironically thinking that DMCV fails in any of those respects.
op btfo
evidence of butthurt here:
No best boy
How the fuck do I git gud as pizza demon
>weak part of the games
It was a carry over from RE that they never got rid of because of tradition to the first game, nothing more. It shouldn't even be there on the first place.
Looking to the 5's sales flop you can consider that a lot of people think that way
>having a blast playing DMC5
>saw some vids with Guard Style
>wanna try it
>the fun stopped
Is just not for me? or this is how i'm supposed to feel at the beggining?
So you've never found any secret missions past the first.
Literally press block son, it’s not hard.
Do you mean getting style and S ranks, or breaking the game gud? Styling is simple if you learn all your moves in Swordmaster. You can play the entire game with trickster and swordmaster. Tack on Gunslinger ebony and ivory back forward style move and you can maintain S ranks ez.
Yes and even the characters joke about it.
Interesting way to look at it.
The story was absolute garbage. I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit where they waste away a cool new character so that fans can cream themselves over the reveal of their favorite cool katana man. The ending feels like it has no stakes or consequences, they just fight and then everyone is just alright with each other, Vergil killed like millions of people in not London and Dante talks with him like he's just some normal bro.
Not him but my nigga dmc5 sold the most of ALL dmcs.
i meant the royal block just blocking feels stupid i would just keep using trickster if i want to just avoid damage
Reminder that nostalgiafags are completely retarded and base their opinions on an objectively invalid source (nostalgia)
You post in so many threads, it's just getting pathetic at this point. We get it.
Uhm, WRONG BITCH! I'll POOP in your fucking BUTTHOLE kid!
Practice in the void, Angelos are particularly good for it.
5 is literally going to be the best selling character action game of all time
yeah the reason Dante doesn't care is because he's an anti-hero
I more or less remember the movesets, but my brain freezes when I try to chain combos - like I have no imagination whatsoever and I just repeat ignition>uppercut>Real Impact
Do you understand, that if game sells barely better than 15 years old ancestors (which didn't sell well even for their time) it can be considered as flop. 2kk copies in 2019 is nothing, even Anthem sold 4.
Go to the void and deprogram yourself. I used to get in ruts like that back in 3, and especially in 4. You have to force yourself to break the habits, which are probably ingrained in your muscle memory at this point. Break it down to one style at a time from scratch like you're a retard to fix it, and soon enough you'll be doing it just fine.
One that's very reliable is to charge Round Trips with DSD, launch the enemy, unleash round trips, clash a couple of times with the sword, do an aerial revolver with Cerberus, jump off the enemy, switch to GS and do a Rainstorm on him.
>he doens't know
imagine being this guy
Difficulty levels are 0.5 lower than they should. Have to beat the game at least twice before having fun.
That's because Anthem is GOTY.
it did in level design and story sort of.
This. This game’s popularity on Yea Forums is a constant reminder of how many actual shitters post here.
Nothing it was the best game I've played in the last ~10 years, but you knew that already.
>King Cerberus on DMD
Jesus christ, I can only do like 1/4th of his health before he fucking shreds me. Does anyone have any tips? It just feels like he has so much goddamn health or something.
>cameo system being underutilized
>literally named cameo
>complains that you can't play the entire campaing with other player
Also the fact that no other game in the genre does this, this is a completely new mechanic that will force games like bayonetta and god of war to add something like this. Besides, the whole coop experience may be introduced in bloody palace which is literally pvp.
cringe and blue pilled
>Does anyone have any tips?
I'm not saying its bad, just not as good as it could be. I can say the same with V's gameplay in general. Its fun, not as fun or deep as dante and nero but I can forgive capcom since its their first time trying this type of character in devil may cry.
>complains that you can't play the entire campaing with other player
not saying that, I just wish there were more missions or just sections of teaming up, not the whole campaign. Maybe like 4 or 5 missions. The whole game could benefit with a longer story with more missions in general, the story felt rushed in the end.
I boycotted this game while I was campaigning for 5. Now that 5 is out I'm going to buy this game used and play it while I wait for DMC5 dlc.
Jump Cancel his back
Best way to dodge the small icicles is to run away from him
>Allready hit 2 million sales
>Took Dmc:dmc it's whole lifetime and a rerelease to get there
lmao barrybots seething
I do DSD aerial rave + summon sword jump cancels. It's not especially fast but it builds up DT fairly quick without having to use Royal Guard, you can use the JCs to easily get out of the way of his swipes (or an Air Trick if you're not confident it's safe), and it's an easy and repetitious pattern that doesn't take much effort to do.
> "puzzles" to open secret missions
yep, there is twelve of them, more than there are in 4, without counting the shit you have to do to get the orb parts. Downplaying them as "" just shows that you haven't discovered them all.
>more interesting level design
I can only give you this one, Temen negro actually looked cool and demonic.
>he doesn't know
wew lad, maybe you can actually play the game instead of shitpost in a CP board
I recall one of Morrison's letters saying Dante gets laid enough. I just don't think he's in a relationship with anyone, probably on purpose.
I think he views Lady and Trish as family and colleagues.
It was lukewarm. Nothing special about it and easy AF
while that is a very valid point i just wanna point out that level exploration and strict fighting are very segmented in the series, when i meant they focused on gameplay i meant the straight on brawling, which is nearly always in a small arena blocked off by barriers while levels are the explorable part, would be interesting if the game actually had those intertwined with the levels actually mattering into the gameplay in a consistent matter, but that's seldom the case
>looking at the wall
Imagine complaining about a game that you didn't even play
>being this new to the series
> you haven't discovered them all.
Yeah, only 8-9 of them for 2 playthroughs but I don't think last 3 won't be "puzzle"
here is a (you)
At first just press block and use the DT until you catch the timing.
The secret missions themselves are the puzzles. They made it so that puzzles don't kill the fun when replaying the game (since puzzles are only fun until you solve them) and instead kept them contained to the side missions so you can optionally replay them at your liesure. They also out the Secret Missions in their own menu so you don't have to replay a level just to get to a mission.
It's perfect.
Imagine being so delusional faggot who deny reality
The story is really straightforward, i just don't get how you can miss it's point so hard.
>says the person who is backing a game that was shilled to hell and back months before release
Microtransactions and censorship
>finally S ranked mission 10
thanks to anons advice to avoid battle you dont have to fight (unless you are sure you can finish a fight S rank or above) so you get a pretty good end score.
Nigger, this game was literally not shilled. Fans have been waiting for over a decade. Get your stupid fucking zoomer head out of your ass.
Shut the fuck up groovy gopher.
What? I know discovering the secret mission isn't the puzzle. Playing it is the puzzle.
Picking up a key or part of a statue and returning it to the door you already ran into isn't really a puzzle either, nor is hitting a die when the right number is on top. DMC has never been great with puzzles.
V fucking sucks to play and he makes DMD one of the most irritating things in the entire series. FUCKING SHADOW GOD DAMN IT.
>literally quotes my advice
You're welcome my dude. I'm glad you made it. Now experience the hell that is 12 and 18.
Funnily, this is going to be the main strategy for the game it seems; purposely avoid fights with few or weak enemies you can't style hard on.
Dumb ESL
already finished 12. not looking forward to 18.
Lolwut? This game is literally paid shilled, nigger. There were almost 10 at the same time on /v on release and only one after 1 week
No but like...I agree. There are no puzzles within the context of the campaign itself. I think that's a good thing.
18 was my biggest struggle. My advice now is just make sure you have 5.2k or more on the first bird fight and the following 3 enemies. Gunslinger is great for the cat, and focus the bird down first on the fight with the cat and bird.
Aw. Thanks.
Do you not understand how long people have waited for this game? Are you braindead?
Give an example of a puzzle for you, as people ITT have already given you examples of puzzles in DMCV
>dmc3 isn't shounen anime tier bullshit
will give it a shoot. thanks.
Fuck off paid shill
Just finished DMC 4 which means that I finished DMC 1,2 and 4 right now. I possess DMC 5 but friends tell me I shouldn't play it until I finished DMC 3 which is the only one I don't possess...
Should I play it anyway?
How bad are the loading screens? I have it on an SSD so they go by pretty quickly for me, but I realized at one point that it might not be so quick on consoles.
>imagine V stopping the game to shoot at cans with griffon
no, play 3 first.
I finally fucking beat him, holy shit. Thanks for the advice anons, that actually helped me out a lot.
I'm surprised that you don't have 3, or just the HD collection at this point.
5 takes a lot from 3, but it might be fun to play 5 and then go back and see what happened in 3. Follow your heart, user.
absolutely not, the whole game is basically based around fanservice that you need to have played 3 to really get
shit story, shit world, no kyrie, dante pedo jackson
The loading screens are pretty fast. I got an age old Seagate HDD and they don't take any longer than 10 seconds..
nintenbros not being able to play it
>no kyrie
He said what went wrong, not right.
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > DmC > 5
>dante pedo
Fuck off resetranny
Nintenbro here, I played it.
Did the same recently. Perseverance is the true king of style.
>how long people have waited for this game
Is this mother fucker for real?
Because it changes enemy placements.
The fight at the "these ladies work fast" can be skipped. Go to the place where you can pick up blue orb. But dont fall down. Just visit the edge and go back. This will trigger the fight without locking you in and then when you enter the next fight it will not trigger at all.
t. child molester
This image is literally like a decade old. Grow the fuck up.
>we will never have Dante vs Donte
You just gotta wait until Dante finally breeds with a woman and has a son.
Why the fuck was there some sort of bizarre mechanism where you had to channel blood into a statue's foundation which opens a path underground in Dante's old town?
The shitty way it calculates style. Just sit there with RG untill you hit s rank then start attacking. Guarantee 7k points
Too much attachment to DMC4. An unwillingness to change the game from 3 and 4 to its own combat system, its own combos and its own animations. If they'd started from scratch rather than replicating the same moves it would've made a significant difference.
But the question is why. What did IT do that 5 didn't.
Kill yourself.
Recycling stages simulator 4
Enemies hardly attack you even on dmd. Replaying the game for the third time it's impossible not to notice the lack of variety in environments. The story is a complete afterthought, Lady and Trish do fuck in the game.
The game really needs more enemies. Some fights are so underwhelming, it's recommended to skip them to keep your rank high.
Came to post this.
dmc 3 and 4 had better gameplay
>started from scratch
yeah they just needed to make DmC: DmC: Devil may cry
-not enough Dante
-bad level design
-lame music
-kind of bad story despite lots of cutscenes
They aren't that bad but there are too many of them for how many times you will be playing each mission if you want to play and perfect all modes.
>Select a mission
>cutscene you'll likely skip after seeing it once or twice
>mission menu
>sometimes another cutscene
>finally in mission
>die or want to do better
>repeat from step 2 if you decide to restart
An option to disable cutscenes on repeat playtroughs would help, but also they need to make restarting levels just as quick as starting from checkpoints, especially when some missions have the start of the mission as the only checkpoint because it's a boss fight, so restarting and using a checkpoint puts you at the exact same position except one has extra steps for no good reason.
Nero is a fucking twerp with a dildo arm
Nico is a lucky girl then.
Based, cucks will defend this abomination