Which Layton game has the most retarded twist?

Which Layton game has the most retarded twist?

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Last Specter

Pandora's Box.

the Phoenix Wright crossover

I still find Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box to be completely stupid.

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>Phoenix Wright crossover's "reveal"
>a "twist"

I love lost future to death but the big ass cave twist was really fucking dumb. Not so much the time travel because at least they had the balls to admit that it was supernatural

Am I the only one who still feels the sting of that Unwound Future ending?

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Probably the one where Luke reveals he's gay
Still can't believe they did that

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you better delete that shit right now

how are the 5 levels of stupidity holding that premise up not a twist

did you accurately predict that the town was full of invisible stagehands?


Fuck plot twists.
Emmy sucks balls and I hate her.
Why the fuck did they make three entire games revolve around her?
Get out, reeeee

The one where they cucked Flora (aka: all of them)

That ending to Last Spectre hurt me bad ngl

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Mystery Room 2 when?

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Azran Legacy. Everything else at least has Layton tier ending, but Azran Legacy is just pure lol it's magic. Not even PWvAA was that bad.

Is the Katrielle game worth playing I have it but haven't picked it back up since playing the beginning. It feels so soulless compared to the other Layton games.

I only ever got to play Mask of Miracles.
Layton games are NOWHERE in this country
Can I fucking, emulate them????

literally who?

I've only played the first one where everyone was a robot and the phoenix wright crossover where a company clearly violates multiple ethics laws and literally abducted and brainwashed 2 people because someone couldn't be half assed for real therapy. Makes sense considering how much of a shitty parent you have to be to leave toddlers on their own in a high tower. The way they explain the TWEEST is even more retarded
why did "darklaw" or whatever her name was abduct wright and maya in the first place? What purpose did that even hold? How did she know that they would open the book and then create the illusion of them being sucked in?

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meant 4.
It's still really fucking illegal.
most of the magic is never actually explained too, like how they did the whole door one

To answer your spoiler
>They opened the book with the hypnotic ink because she left it there by error
>It was literally a mistake
>She didn't know so she had to wing it
I'm not kidding, Phoenix being here was a literal fucking mistake

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Phoenix and Maya were collateral, they got high from the ink so Darklaw took them in.

It is. I finished it and I regret every moment.
The twist is terrible.

and can I fucking emulate this shit

Just because someone gets high off of ink doesn't mean you have to abduct and brainwash them but I guess they needed a reason to actually do the crossover with layton

I only played the first 4 but Id say
1. Lost /Unwound Future
2. Pandoras Box
3. Last Spectre
4. Curious Village

i'd wait for the official android/ios remasters. Curious Village HD was really good, DS FMV's are really bad

DS emulation was easy as fuck even when the DS was still alive.

Just watch the anime for that user, the plot is handled a little bit better there. At the very least, you don't have to torture yourself with the awful puzzles of that game.

unwound future
curious village
pandoras box
last spectre
3ds games, they suck balls

It's called Katrielle's mystery journal.

Lost future had the most retarded twist in that they reveal time travel doesnt exist it was just an incredibly elaborate fake london set up underground. Oh and then they reveal time travel is real through Laytons ex wife who was exploded temporarily into the future.

I mean, it's also the best twist but I digress

>Phoenix Wright unknowingly stumbles upon a fucking big conspiracy by doing lawyer shit.

It’s accurate to Ace Attorney, at least.

Even though the twist from 4 was really bad, 6 tops it EASY by virtue of having not just 1 but around 5 cuhrazy twists one after the other plopped at the end. What's worse is that the middle of the game isn't even spent building up the main plot, instead we have to meander through some of the most banal vignettes committed to a videogame. Terrible note to end the series on.