Okay Yea Forums be absolutely honest. No memes, just your honest opinion

Okay Yea Forums be absolutely honest. No memes, just your honest opinion.

What do you think of Sekiro?

Attached: sekiro-shadows-die-twice-wallpaper.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

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The setting doesn't interest me nor the combat but I might pirate it today.

It's honestly really fucking good but the learning curve and difficulty feel artificial and kinda bullshit many times.

I refunded it because I didn't like it

Different enough from Souls that I'm real satisfied.
Slightly similar enough so my hands are getting me fucking killed left right and center. Is there a better way to fight large groups of enemies? The camera freaking out and deciding I want to kill something in the distance is wrecking my ass.

9/10, gets marks off for the OST and feudal nippon setting (although I'm starting to like the setting now)
The difficulty is SIGNIFICANTLY higher in Sekiro than soulsborne.

Fun as fuck, though some of the bosses are total horseshit.

It's studio's 6th game in the same genre and there's still janky hitboxes and bullshit deaths.
Don't get me wrong, it's gonna be 10/10 once From polish it enough, but it's getting real fucking tiresome.

Not a fan, but that’s okay. I feel for the idiots who hyped it up as the next souls game, even after countless affirmations by the developers that it wasn’t. Might be a one and done for me. Looking forward to bloodborne 2 now that this dumpster fire is out of the way

Pretty good, would be great if not for some of the honestly bullshit stuff like tracking dive grabs and shit

It's a barebones, somewhat half-assed mod of Dark Souls 3. It just feels low effort and probably didn't actually have much development time or a large team. They pared it down to the basic essentials of a Souls game and nothing more.

Abandoned dungeon or snake/sunken? Valley first?

>Is there a better way to fight large groups of enemies?
Isn't there a perk where you can initiate a cloud of misty blood as a smokescreen and assassinate multiple enemies that way?

So far it's really fucking boring
But I didn't even unlock any skills yet so we'll see

It's surprisingly buggy.

mixed bag but still really good
maybe its because i don't really understand the combat system yet

and who the fuck said this game was easy? first few hours yeah but i've been getting raped a lot

lmao at the souls autists thinking stealth mechanics make the game like assassin's creed

I wish the stealth mechanics was more fleshed out like MGSV, I'm about 80% done and I just can't bring myself to finish it.

I honestly i am not a fan of a combat that is 90% parrying, and waiting for a meter to drop, there is a reason most games take dodging for the "superior" defense skill, 3/4 of what i did in like 5 hours is spamming L1 and evading only when the nippon moonrunes come out, is this supposed to be fun?

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hey bros where's the 3 story pagoda on the cliff edge

i think i see it but idk how to get to it

It's a solid 8.5 out of 10.
The game has the same issues that every souls game has, teleporting grab enemy attacks, getting hit behind walls, and unfair retard tier design boss fights.
Basically, you just have to pick the boss bit by bit while being punished for every mistake by getting half of your health removed. And here it's 10x worse because you can't grind and buff your character in any way. And it makes senes in dark souls because you're suppose to be killing these omnipotent gods and it's suppose to feel unfair, but here it's where the design is more grounded it's just shows how stupid this design is.

I'm enjoying it in bursts. The difficulty isn't bothering me (only exception is some horrific tracking on some attacks). It's pretty solid for what it is but honestly I can't see this game lasting long.

Fuck you

swim up the river

Dodging is great in games as long as its not i-frame abuse like Souls is.

From's combat is getting stale.

It's boring to just side step or parry until people are staggered to see the same killing blow a thousand times.

Does the game have any significant NG+ changes?

thanks mate

>judging the game based on whether or not it's like muh dark souls
it's already 10x better than DS2 and DS3, best from game since bloodborne
the fact that it's different is its biggest strength

It's not even the same genre

10 hours in, pretty fun so far

The fact that I'm seeing so much complaining about this game being hard is the biggest condemnation of the general skill level of someone who plays video games in years. It's the same shit as dark souls, but you parry instead of dodge. Rarely, or most of the time on specific enemies, you might dodge or jump, but 90% of the time it's just a very generous parry. The game is not hard, the story sucks, the english VA is laughable, and overall this game feels incredibly lazy compared to recent Fromsoft games like DS3 and Bloodborne, but even manages to feel lazy compared to classic Fromsoft games like just about anything in the Armored Core series. I have a feeling Activision had a lot to do with that, because they have a history of publishing games from popular creators only to have the released product be watered down and frankly just fucking stupid feeling at times. The first example of this I can think of was Activision-published Civ games.

Cool story bro

Just killed the granny after she killed me all day yesterday.
Easily GOTY so far and I really liked DMC.

This. No knock to the game itself I just didn't enjoy it too much.

replying to myself to make it known that i'm happy I PIRATED this game, seeing how assmad it makes retards on here. I can't imagine spending 60$ for a game with absolutely zero replayability.

>the fact that it's different is its biggest strength
Its literally fast souls but with nerfed dodging and parrying made a core mechanic lmao

yeah I loved Nioh because of that

It's okay. I think the level design is the worst part of it. A solid 7/10.

Game is pretty great so far I like that you can stealth a lot of enemies, even the mini bosses. Game is brutal as fuck and the platforming is awesome. How did you guys deal with the horse rider with the who is guarding the gate?

It's not different at all though? What are you on about? I called it a mod for good reason.

Pretty good, but no Bloodborne, at least so far. The music is very generic japan sengoku era. I really like the new mobility and I like how the mobs are ‘easier’ due to stealth and parry deathblow mechanics, while the bosses are MUCH harder than Souls bosses.

Level design is really good, lots of fun verticality, I just wish some stuff blended together, like, for instance, jumping should keep the crouch or standing up state, instead of forcing you to stand up; stealth kills should leave you in stealth mode instead of standing up, climbing ledges should leave you crouched as well etc.

The bosses I’ve fought so far (horsemen and lady butterfly, from the trailers) were really fun, the mini bosses too. FUCK THE FAT DRUNKARD

It's great but I keep dying and starting over. Gladly it goes really fast once you know what you're doing.

it's not that good. barely worth a pirate.
it's got a few combat gimmicks that are neat, but also lots of combat bullshit that from is known for. like enemies that change direction midair while you're dodging, ohko's everywhere, getting hit because your stupid shinobi faggot decides to twirl around a little bit instead of doing what you told him to do.

git gud

I like it but I think I set myself up for disappointment. The ost is bad and the bosses so far haven’t been great. The combat itself is fun. I prefer ds1 and bloodborne over this though

>playing in english
>thinking people are talking about mob difficulty instead of boss difficulty when talking about the challenge level
>ignoring thrust and sweep mechanics that are specially deadly in true boss fights and mini bosses
>complaining about atory when you haven’t finished


I hate it. I think it sucks. I think the movement is slow. i hate the frame stuttering. the combat is shitty.the dodge is useless. the healing pelets are worthless. the dodge attack is worthless. the sneaking doesnt work correctly. the enemies track on the level of DaS2

do i need a controller for this

What's the timing on the mikiri counter? Right when the kanji pops up or slightly after or does it vary by enemy? I'm getting fucked

is that the one where you fight the purple kicking dude in the hirata estate?

Sterile setting and the game itself is kind of boring. 7 out of 10. Though it has spouts of fun moments, most encounters are kind of lame and annoying to do.

Ogre has made me start a new game 4 times now. Hard to learn his moves when he hit's me twice and I'm dead.

Bosses really aren't that much harder, and the game gives you a million years and a BRIGHT FLASHING LIGHT for moves you cant parry, if this game is seriously hard for you seek help for your mental disability.

Remember when action games had actual good combat based on movement, timing and strategy instead of mashing the same move as infinitum to kill damage sponges? Someone let this man make another game with a decent budget already.

Attached: itagaki laughing.gif (225x169, 703K)

How do you unlock the door at the end of the hirata audience chamber?

vary by enemy, distance, weapon and attack.

Against thrusting swords, you pretty much can activate it as soon as the kanji appears, but the spear needs to be closer to you, if the guy is charging from afar.

You're trying to play it like souls and are failing good, also the sneaking works fine. Honestly you're all fucking garbage at games, stop blaming the game because you don't know what the fuck youre doing souls baby.

depends on the attack/enemy
some bosses/mobs really delay the attack

8/10 desu

Right when its flying at you, some enemies tell they are doing a thrust way before it comes out.

ty anons. guess i'll just git gud

trying to get better performance out of this game. I have an I5 2500k and a GTX560 with 8gb ram. I'm playing on low settings on the minimum resolution (think it's 600P) and getting a somewhat stable 18 fps.

Is there anything I can do to get 720P 30FPS? I just put the settings to low and don't know If I should turn something off to get better framerates.

I'm still not convinced Bloodborne should be seen as the "pinnacle", really. I'd say the first half has some of the best level design the series has seen, but the second half is fairly weak and and the game overall suffers from a lack of variety in aesthetics, environments, enemies etc. I think the pulp horror stuff is kind of cheesy, but that's just me. Good game though

Go the other way, you get the key somewhere else in the map. Backtrack till you find another pathway, there is a mini boss blocking the way

I got to the ogre and quit. Fuck him. How the fuck are you supposed to beat him when your blows do almost no damage and you can't parry any of his attacks?

>ruins the game with shitty camera

Sitting and parrying for 30 hours is objectively fucking worse than dodging and zooming around the area you fucking inbred faggot


Yea nah, i just beat the boss on the horse and the whole fight was fucking spamming the parry button, compared to Iundex Gundyr or Father Gascoigne this shit is fucking awful, please defend this please try. How is parrying and parrying for the whole encounter good combat design

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have you tried playing in windowed? my performance is dogshit in fullscreen for whatever reason but it runs fine in windowed, same with ds3

Hard but fair. It should appeal to fighting game fags more than it should to soulsfags.

>basing a game on parrying, not dodging without i-frames
what a borefest. very disapponting

looking for some opinions on some points

given how much mobility you have, do you guys have trouble getting lost?
i only watched trailers ecc but it seems like you are much more likely to lose track of where you wanted to go and level design seems way less linear.

on that note, the amount of loot seemed a bit lacking to me, is there any interesting consumable apart from the baloons and sugar that we've already seen?

how customizable are the prostetics in the mid-game? do they fill different niches with different paths?
any other prosthetic apart from flame,hat,axe,shuriken and spear?

Attached: OP enters a magical land.webm (640x360, 932K)

I have 2560k and a gtx660ti and I'm playing it on almost max settings with around 50 fps on average. Sure the game drops at some parts to like 28 but happens to everyone.

I'm not that far in (2 main bosses) but I'm loving it so far, the combat is super satisfying and the world is fun to explore. I just hope to see more varied environments and enemies later on, some of the shitposters here are making me worried.

pirated versions always have horrible performance

I watched a guy stream it for a few hours and it looks like the most repetitive bullshit I've seen in years.

it's not like from games have good camera either.

I see a lot of Anons saying I shouldn't fight the fatass drunkard yet. Should I take off from the memory and finish the first area I was in?

Does it have any online at all?

I've gotten the cinematic animation on him few times but he always kills me right before I get to finish him.
What kills me is that it takes about 20 mins to get back to him so it hurts extra hard when I die to him.

>Go to new area
>splits path
>path keeps splitting


based oatmeal cookie man

yeah you need at least one attack upgrade or he'll be a damage sponge that buttfucks you

>What kills me is that it takes about 20 mins to get back to him
What the fuck are you talking about if you are talking about the chained ogre then there is a weeb bonfire just right next to him on a cliff near a crow

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Is there any way to quickly switch between your prosthetics?

yeah sekiro isn't very good. The world isn't interesting, the enemy design is unfair, the combat is very shallow for an action game and it's FILLED with generic game design tropes. The stealth is 2011 kusoge tier, it has skill tress and batman hookshots. I never thought I'd see button tutorials to teach me how to shimmy across a ledge in a fromsoft game. It's only saving grace is pretty good level design. it's better than most AAA shovelware, but definitely the worst thing fromsoft has made since the last armored core.

It's a 9/10 for me.

DSP is that you?

are you too autistic that anything more than a straight line triggers you?
pick a path and explore

I start a new game every time I die.
That dragonrot shit activated my ocd.

i pirated it, bought the game and then refunded it after 2 hours just so i could fromsoft twice

The engine is garbage

6/10 seriously.

Player zooms around like sonic the fucking hedgehog. Enemies are souls rehashes and mostly the same shit over and over and over.... Locations are all the same and boring as fuck. Game loop is similar to souls but without the good bits. Can't bring myself to play longer than 20 mins at a time. Souls games you couldn't get the controller from my sweaty hands.
It's the souls version of skyrim vs morrowind.

you’re not parrying the whole encounter, you’re also damaging the enemy, jumping on their head, using your different prosthetics (firecrackers to scare animals like the fire bull and the horse, shuriken to ground targets that are in the air etc), parry is just one of the mechanics, plus you can still zoom around, since it sometimes it’s useful to just run (and the MC is MUCH FASTER than any Souls or BB protagonist)

you know rot only happens on true death right? just resurrect and then run back to the bonfire when you die.

*i could cuck

Wind Waker had more refined stealth mechanics than this. I really miss good stealth games.

liking feudal japan is a matter of personal taste
it's unironically deeper than dark souls 1 combat
the hookshot is straight up fun
and tutorials are clearly an activision decision to make things just a little more accessible to normalfags
nothin wrong with that

great game but still some camera and hitbox problems

it's pretty fun

but lady butterfly is destroying my will to live

can I play in windowed? I'm using steam big picture to get my DS4 to work.
a 660ti has like 2gb vram on the card. I think my main problem is my 560 only has 1024mb. i'm not overclocking though

I just got it on Steam. The game seems really nice and combat seems fun. However the fact that it's capped/locked at 60FPS even on PC is pissing me off and I'm considering refunding it just because of that.

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>given how much mobility you have, do you guys have trouble getting lost?
>i only watched trailers ecc but it seems like you are much more likely to lose track of where you wanted to go and level design seems way less linear.
Yes and no. A lot of places let you climb up pretty high and allows you to get your bearings. The problem is that the sections of each "area" all look incredibly similar, so you might think you've been there already.

>on that note, the amount of loot seemed a bit lacking to me, is there any interesting consumable apart from the baloons and sugar that we've already seen?
Loot is lacking. The coolest thing you can find are either skills or tools for your prostetic.

>how customizable are the prostetics in the mid-game? do they fill different niches with different paths?
>any other prosthetic apart from flame,hat,axe,shuriken and spear?
Not spoiling anything, but it kinda felt like I was just doing rock-paper-scissors for bosses.

t. casual faggot

This is a perfect example of an extremely rewarding game with a high skill ceiling, has a lot of depth and rewards skill. Honestly the more people screech about souls and BB the more I disregard your garbage takes. It's been out for a day and shitposters are saying everything is garbage. From day 1 since it was found out it wasn't a souls game you fags have been crying your eyes out and shitposting nonstop. Fuck off retard.

>Fromcucks will defend this

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literally eavesdrop enemies
“he seems to be really scared of fire”
get the prosthetic arm that shoots fire for an easy time, otherwise, just dodge properly, keep running, since theree’s no stamina, don’t let him touch you

Yeah it wasn't super clear what are the downsides of the resurrect feature. If it doesn't count resurrecting as dying then this is way easier than I thought.

It's fun. The combat system is more engaging then Souls, and the mobility combined with stealth options makes it so that situations can be approached in different and dynamic ways.


>3rd boss down
>everyone has lung cancer

I played the tutorial and a little bit of the first real area last night.
I am enjoying it a lot if I'm being honest. There is something really satisfying about coming out on top in tough encounters.
I can't wait to see the first real boss.

Yeah, no, this guy is asbolute bullshit and the grab's hitbox makes no sense

you can equip three at a time, then press triangle to cycle through the equipped ones

I can't see shit, Captain. What are you trying to show here, your lack of ability to use capture software or lack of willpower to make a webm?

is it better than the souls saga NO , is it really good YES , it have a loot of issues at least to me hate the enemy design , and all the snow lvls they feel visually boring and uninteresting but love , the green areas with bambu and the temples and fucking love the brutall of the executions feels so good to kill the enemies of this game , each soul game were a 9 in my eyes , the lack of online and build variety of the game make the game and 8 to me is a very good game but one step behind the souls games , but that doesnt mean im not going to play the shit of the game and 100% it feels a more adult game and experience like it has an air of Luc Besson surrounding the set pieces story and gameplay

It doesn't. You can just teleport back when you die.

That said fear about rot is way overrated. I died so many times I had ten NPCs rotted and I cured them all at once just by doing the shrine lady's quest.


Im liking it a lot. I like how there are numerous ways to progress. Combat feels really good, like an actual sword fight. Regular enemies pose a threat if youre caught slipping. Bosses are straight up challenging. Nothing bad to say so far other than the graphics are kinda shit.

>I never thought I'd see button tutorials to teach me how to shimmy across a ledge in a fromsoft game.
This pisses me off the most actually. Fucking tutorials. It shows you a button prompt near a wall anyway, so why not highlight the first ledge in some way to draw your attention to it?
Fucking Activision.

you can cure them all at once just by talking to the shrine lady and doing her quest. i had the same issue

Is juzou drunk meant to be tedious? how the fuck do I fight him?

I hated parrying in soulsborne. Never used it.
Same with viceral attacks for i-frames.
This game is literally nothing but parrying and viceral attack i-frames.
I won't even pirate it. I'll just watch Lobos stream it and be done with it forever.

you just need to jump
game literally tells you that
are you all just a bunch of shit-eating contrarians that skip all tutorials and dialogue, get mad you don't know what to do, then parrot opinions all day?

am I supposed to fight her before the horse general guy? I can get her to second phase consistently but I end up getting my shit pushed in. maybe I should just get more snap seeds. Using throwing Ninja knives seems to help

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how do you prevent terror stat from building up? I wanna kill the headless thing in the dark cave, but it annihilates me due to the terror status. I know I have tomuse divine confetti to hit it, but the damage is way too high

>liking feudal japan is a matter of personal taste
No it's not because it's set in feudal japan, it's just a boring setting, things are not distinct enough. I enjoyed Nioh.
>it's unironically deeper than dark souls 1 combat
dark souls 1 wasn't an action game
>the hookshot is straight up fun
not when it's the 30th game that's had one. again, it's a game design trope.
> tutorials are clearly an activision decision to make things just a little more accessible to normalfags
nothin wrong with that
there is plenty wrong with that which is why people don't like them insulting their intelligence and ruining the pacing and atmosphere of the games.

Im stuck on this mother fucker too.
2 hits you dead

it's worse when you enter a boss fight and the moment you're about to dodge you get a fucking pop up box saying "collect some flowers and you can upgrade your sandles" or whatever

get your first attack upgrade from the other world retard

>I did it this way so everyone did.
You can use Firecrackers to stun the horse to get hits in, a few of his attacks allow you to grapple him to jump over shit and get hits in, and you can counter his thrust for posture damage+window to get hits in.

The literal only bullshit dumb encounter are the Headless guys because you can't roll/dodge and they have a grab. If you run out of the item to buff yourself to kill his ass, which is the only way you can dodge around him, its just an annoying ass fight

I think it just got cracked by codex.

I stood perfectly still and parried everything. That boss was shit.


you can definitely kill her the moment you unlock the memory
it's a bit easier if you kill horse man and get 4 beads tho

Yeah, but can they get it again? I assume so since the item is consumed upon use and you can buy more.

All you have to do is jump and he will never touch you

yeah they get it again, but you can buy the cure several times

come back later, after a few attack power upgrades or kill every minor enemy in the arena by yourself (kite juzou), then talk to the soldier at the entrance of the arena and let him help you.

Throw oil and use fire prosthetic.

Parry everything, jump during sweeping attacks.

You did not play this game.

I don't agree with that. You can stealth kill a bunch of guys around, run the fuck away when more aggro and repeat. I ended up with Me, Drunk guy, one small add and I was able to recruit the dude to help me. So I got a 2v1 essentially against the drunk guy

Same bro. I've finally gotten her down to halfway on the second phase but I keep choking.

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I’m 8 hours in and I just beat the horse guy. Am I a shitter or is this game really fucking hard

I beat him already, but you got to remove the shit you have in the eys and call out flaws when you see them.
Him being able to autocorrect his target mid jump when doing his lunge grab or drop kick is stupid, alongside his grab's hitbox which is way bigger than what's portrayed

the big issue here is less the prompts but the fact that i'm doing generic stealth shit like shimmying across ledges in the first place. Watch super bunnyhops old video on game design trends ruining games. It describes sekiro to a T. even the dark souls "use shoulder buttons to attack/block and r3 to target" is becoming a generic trend.

This, blodborne, and all dark souls games are just the worst. Literally only faggots with AIDS play these games.
Touch a vagina, losers.

>game literally tells you that
really? it tells you jumps are for sweeps, not grabs
fuck his grab shit attack you can dodge only 3 times out of 5 and sometimes he spams them constantly

>attack enemy
>they immediately attack as well
>super armors through my attack like it's nothing and hits me for 60% of my health
>can't do shit about it because there's no cancelling
REEEEEEEEEEE and I know it's just going to get worse as the game goes on too.

The game is great so far but I can already tell it's going to piss me off way more than any other From game.

The summoned monsters were scary at first, but after a few tries you’ll notice they don’t do much. Just run around the arena when she uses them to summon a million spells directed at you

is horse guy after ogre?

I'm enjoying it so far, but I wish the game had delimbing. It would be a perfect fit.

nobody said he's impossible, retard
he's just much much more manageable with the upgrade

he’s much easier than the rest of the bosses, enjoy

Horse rider boss was pretty solid but lady butterfly is so fucking boring I’m going insane

I think I was able to cancel my swings into block with a slight delay, or maybe the transition was just smooth

Im 2 hours in. So far I think it has a lot of great ideas for a good combat system but the enemy design is hot garbage.
>Their tells rarely feel fair and the grab moves track you, making dodging them artificially difficult (which is your only defensive option against them since deflecting is out and Jumping dosent work on all of them).
>Their AI for stealth is some of the worst Ive seen in an AAA game

Early on I feel like Im just tapping R1 a bunch and just dodging at the right time for some enemies like this stupid ogre and it's really boring.
Even deflecting, despite being a cool idea, isnt really satisfying after a bit due to this awful souls-esq anticipation in every enemies swing. It ruins the rhythm of it.

The trick arm in combat is super dissapointing too. They're just carry over for the spells in souls so far. The grappling hook is fun at least. The level design is pretty ok too but it lacks the history that some soul games express. It's just a lot of ruined houses in this game. Their new approach to story telling in general leaves a lot to be desired to. It's souls in presentation but with more cut scenes, and less impacting dialogue.

Another minor gripe. WHY does it show the description every time you pick up an item now? Even if it's one you've already read. It's caused me to skip some I haven't read yet just to get the ugly box off the screen.

Probably gonna hit that fat return and wait for a sale or DLC to pick up again. I still got more DMCV to play anyway.

>kino boss is boring

>>they immediately attack as well
i'm slow, but come on , it's easy to block, it's not the issue with combat
the issue same as souls you gotta learn enemies by heart to play well, not the game mechanics

she's one of the quickest, easiest bosses in the game
literally git gud
knock her out of the air and combo her ass to death

If he can't kill the drunk guy, he probably cannot kill Lady Butterfly. If he can't beat the drunk guy, he probably can't beat the horse guy. There is no avenues for Attack upgrades besides them unless he goes all to way to Genchiro at the top of the castle.

Jumping seems to be very good in this game. You can run around roofs no problem, making hit and run ninja like tactics very viable.

Extremely disappointed. The enemy and environment variety is something I would expect from a third rate clone like The Surge, not something I was expecting from From.
Half the minibosses are just this game's equivalent of npc hunters. Some even get recycled throughout the game. Having a bunch of regular enemies around the miniboss isn't either fun or interesting, it just leads to cheesing the game by hiding and waiting for the enemies to de-aggro.
The posture indicator doesn't work well, it starts looking almost full a long time before it actually *is* almost full.
The skill trees seem filled by useless shit, with the exception of mikiri which is basically mandatory.
Money is equally useless. I'm actually annoyed when I receive Unseen Aids because it just means I have more experience and money that I don't know what to do with, how does that constitute 'aid'?
I honestly don't understand what happened to From Software.

Oh yh the horse guy was fine. I just feel like I’m taking ages. Haven’t really been stuck anywhere for too long

This another issue. Having a fast paced action game like this with the souls heavy swings and buffering? Wtf are you thinking?

>grab moves track you
Maybe you should jump and not side step?

lady butterfly is super easy though

Stop defending shitty design.

stop being mad because you're bad
you're supposed to jump, you smooth-brained reptile

Fully agree. At least with the dodge system in the other games you were always MOVING. It iced a bit of the repetitiveness to know you are still controlling your motion.

The hirsemguy is a million times more forgiving than the drunkard

Stop defending shitty design.

>finally feel like i got her mechanics down
>she jumps into the air, lands on top of me and impales me 10 seconds into the fight

Come one Sekiro shake them off; they have to come off.

Attached: GoodCrab.gif (370x282, 914K)

It is definitely the same genre, down to the subgenre. The tacked-on stealth makes no difference.

Yeah well I paid for it, so what?

learning curves cant be artificial. there's no way to fake a learning curve. that's your own personal experience.


The game tells me I can put them in the fucking slot so I can press up on a controller to quick-use them, but I can't select any of them. If I go in the menu/inventory I can only press X to use them but I can't figure out how to ACTUALLY put them in the quick slot.

Attached: 1515832741903.png (800x605, 614K)

The point is you can't cancel out of your attack animation so you end up trading a hit with an enemy, and that's a really fucking bad exchange for you.

It doesn't feel like shitty design to me. Try to learn the game and adapt.

whatever you say DSP

Didn't expect it to be this fun, didn't really like the previous Souls games. Also, I think that it's even better than DMCV, it takes SOME effort and I appreciate that

just dodge it bro it's easy

>I honestly don't understand what happened to From Software.
They tried something new and didn't spend much time reflecting on it beforehand. Also Activision.

Overall the combat is fun, but prosthetic tools that you don't use up still requiring ammo feels bad. It would be fine for shuriken and flame barrel to require fuel, but not being able to use the axe because you're out of paper dolls is lame.

Regular enemies are pretty trivial to fight anyway, and all the paper doll system does is make me regret using my abilities against enemies I'm supposed to use them against.

jesus christ you people are fucking retarded

You're the intended audience, and honestly that's good to hear that there is one. I'm just not interested in the setting and button-heavy combat.

I hate spearfaggots

Been playing for some 15+ hours.

It's good. Not great. I think I prefer all Souls games and Bloodborne over it.
I just don't really care for the sengoku Japan setting and the typical tropes that come with it.
Then the game is just... I don't know how to put it, but it feels like the atmosphere just isn't there like how it was with Souls games. I don't want to say "It lacks the soul of previous Souls titles" because that would be a memey as fuck thing to say but that's what it boils down to for me.

Probably too early to judge but I guess I'd give it something like a 7.5/10 with me giving other souls games something between 8/10 and 9.5/10
My English isn't good enough to put into words that I'm thinking but I just really don't "feel it" the way I did with the other games. I also think I preferred the slower, more restricted movement and combat of the older titles.

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If you didn't spam L1 you would fuck their posture up faster and it wouldn't feel like 90% parrying.

I'm in the same boat, wasn't a big fan of Souls and I'm having a blast with Sekiro. DMC5 also felt pretty underwhelming in comparison with its shitty levels and enemies that hardly attack you even on dmd.

hm, they nailed parry system to a frame
there is no timing, just reaction, the only thing I do well in this game is parry exchanges because it's not stupid delays like souls, it's react to what you see

I'm having fun but Jesus is it hard to get used to
Died like 20 times to Juzo the Drunkard

>people that can’t read tooltips when the game, this time, pauses to show you what you have to press

I swear, you people

I own the collectors edition and played it both last night and today.

of course it plays different than a souls game. souls has options. souls games arent hard.. this game is asking for me to parry all the time and im not good at parrying. im getting annihilated by one enemy over and over and i know its not a boss. A game being hard isnt the problem. the problem is i feel like half the time getting hit shouldnt be my fault as im reacting to what is happening on screen.

I'm getting my ass kicked by the Drunkard. I'm guessing I'm missing something like a prosthetic tool

Same but I'm at the stair ogre and it doesn't look likely I'll be able to beat him any time soon.

Are you serious? I have to wait fourteen years for an opening and it takes 32 billion hits to get her to second phase. I’m literally falling asleep.

In some duels my hands were shaking and I was really hardtrying in order to win, it feels like a real challenge

Thats the best sign that its a good game for me

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Boring setting, stealth is a fucking joke, still plays too much like a souls game (hard if you're new but easy if you know how to abuse the AI at your advantage). Also it's floaty as shit.

>Then the game is just... I don't know how to put it, but it feels like the atmosphere just isn't there like how it was with Souls games. I don't want to say "It lacks the soul of previous Souls titles" because that would be a memey as fuck thing to say but that's what it boils down to for me.
That's exactly it, though. You're not thrown into it, stopping everywhere and wondering what the fuck is even going on, trying to figure it out yourself. In Sekiro you're just kinda... along for the ride and await the next cutscene.

>no memes
>asks about a meme game

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For a semi stealth game the AI is pretty fucking stupid, enemies get stuck on shit all the time

Playing From games in blind - best thing ever.
I love it.

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There's no shame in letting the NPC fight with you user

Pretty much my exact same sentiment.

It literally says to press left/right to cycle through the quick items so I can put them in my active slot, yet I do that and there is nothing in there??? I'm not retarded, either my game is bugged or this shit is not clear at all.

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I think it is very good but I am a stubborn asshole that refuses to leave an area until I beat it and that is kind of messing up the game for me. If I encounter a foe that I cannot beat I devote the next two hours to beating him just because fuck that guy he's not gonna win.

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It was too hard and I couldn't progress so I uninstalled it and went back to games that are fun.

ah, fellow windowed user, also suffering from forced 60hz on your monitor?

she has a ton of openings
you aren't taking advantage of them

A game that punishes you for being good with reduced replayability is stupid..

If you aren't a shitter who pozzes everyone with dragon aids your first time and get a good ending you can do done with the game in a day or two

>is this insecure about something retarded like pirating he has to justify it

You have to equip the items. It should be the longest row in your inventory.

Posted it in a couple other threads today. Was cynical about it from the trailers and bits of gameplay; pleasantly surprised after a couple hours of play.
>movement and platforming elements are really solid and “off the rails” if that makes sense. Almost everything can be walked on, there’s a bit of depth to the climbing mechanics
>The grapple points are everywhere, and I realized the design was less “you can only grapple to the spot we want you to”, and more like “we WANT you to be able to grapple everywhere, but it works more smoothly if you have hard points to quickly grab, rather than having to manually aim in a fast-paced 3rd person game.”
>Seems to be a solid PC port. I maxed every setting and I’ve never dipped beneath 60fps at 1080p on a 1070
>first level after tutorial (Ashina Outskirts) is promisingly open-ended. I got Crysis vibes from how many angles I could approach an encounter from.
>combat has some nice depth so far. There’s a rock/paper/scissors system where some attacks have specific counters (jump over sweeps, parry thrusts, dodge grapples), and I like how vitality caps posture.
>English VA work is lousy compared to the god-tier stuff from Dark Souls/Bloodborne. Restarted 5 mins into the tutorial and switched to Japanese audio. Nip voicework is pretty good, at least.
>Textures are shockingly low-res and ugly close up. I got DaS2 flashbacks from how bad Wolf looked in one of the early cutscenes. Graphics in general are a weak point of Sekiro so far.
>Have to manually pick up money from things you kill by holding down the interact button. It has a massive AoE pull, but it’s a weird requirement when I see no reason you couldn’t just get money with your experience.

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>can't sheath your sword


It's literally a From Software full-on action game. So, garbage. Specially in a market with so many better options.

>and BB the more I disregard your garbage takes
> the more I disregard your garbage
>I disregard your garbage
>I disregard

Good thing no one cares what you think then.

My monitor is 75hz, so i don't feel difference.

Did a caveman type this?

You should really stop that. A lot of the bosses are designed around you using certain tools or having damage upgrades already. Otherwise it just turns into a 2 hour whackfest.

Press the start button, in the pause menu select quick item slots with A and choose the item you want to assign to the slot from the list. When you have items assigned, then you can circle through them with dpad's left/right in the game.

Same with prosthetics and combat arts: whatever you get unlocked you need to go the pause menu and equip it in corresponding slots.

The boss design is solid but the enemy design is trash. The levels, while they have a lot of verticality are even more linear than DS3. Prosthetic arms are so situational that everything but the firecrackers feel awful to use unless you use them against their specific enemy type. The skill trees have a lot of combat arts to use but they are also of dubious quality. The fact that you only get 1 weapon means that you handle nearly every fight in the same way.

Definitely not worth $60 dollars. Pirate or wait for a sale.

>heard the guards talk about stair ogre being weak to fire
>decide to lure stair ogre into the bonfire in the area
>takes no damage from the fire

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Should I go left, right or continue with the hirata estate?

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Some tips:
- Before he breaks off his stockade frame thing, you can go behind him and hit him quite a bit, usually around 1/4-1/2 of his first healthbar
- flamethrower makes him cower and give you a few free hits.
- the skill that lets you grapple and swing your sword gives you a free hit every time you dodge a grab.
- you can get in and out of his range quickly with the skill that lets you follow up a shuriken with a sword slash.

Don't get greedy, dip in for a hit or two when you know it's safe and he's recently used a punishable attack, then get the hell out of range. In my experience, it's safer to dodge than parry him.

the game feeling and looking like a souls game, but having weird new controls is fucking me over constantly. once the learning curve is over, i'll enjoy it more.

What is hard to understand? The dumb world tendency mechanic exists to artificially inflate playtime by forcing people who continually fuck up to play again for a good ending. If you don't suck and get one your first try you have less incentive to keep playing an already short game

How do I enable the minimap? This level design is confusing as fuck

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It just makes me want to replay Nioh.
Systems feel very similar but Nioh has the fun RPG aspect where Sekiro is just action so it's like half the game.
The stealth would be cool if they still didn't force you into encounters and actually let you stealth.

Wall jumping and climbing were a very pleasant surprise to me. Running around rooftops planning assaults is fun.

been seeing pirates say they can't use a DS4 to play. is this true?

you could, you know, use the flamethrower
swear to god Yea Forums is full of retards that do everything in the most obtuse way possible

I don't think it really feels much like a Souls game. It lacks that feeling of "mystery".

is Horse guy easier than Butterfly lady?

The combat is pretty basic souls. But it's tight. I'm liking it, but I'm also just playing it back and forth between DMC sessions.

>getting hit behind walls
i got detected in stealth through a wall, and a guy poke his spear through the whole house he was inside of to kill me. this takes the cake for the most bullshit death i've ever had in a From game. i felt like how DSP feels in completely avoidable situations. there was literally nothing i could do.

Is there any special tool to kill the Seven Spear Samurai dude in Ashina Castle?

where did I miss flame tool? I got to juzo in hirata estate

Thanks for helps but how do you even get skills?

i'm 3 hours in and so far so good

ill just pirate it play it and delete it. Doesnt seem that good

I still prefer bloodborne so far, this game doesn't have a strong impact and atmosphere the way bloodborne had. I mean bloodborne, the first ladder you climb you hear the fucking cleric beast from far away and shit your pants asking yourself what the fuck it was, that's the type of shit that made like the game so much, the whole "game doesn't invite you to its world but grabs you by the collar and watches you struggle inside of it"

Why does my PC automatically delete the steamclient64_dll file?

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>getting the good ending by being good means the game is bad because people who get the bad ending have to play again to get the good ending

nigger are you just straight up retarded

Just go wherever. Doesn't matter anyway.

>It lacks that feeling of "mystery".
you're in the very first part. it gets more mysterious very quickly.

Mine is working. DS4 windows and stop the NVContainerLocal service in task manager.

XC2 meme
Poster is a retard

Yup checks out

>Fun rpg aspect.
Faggot nigger spotted.
Go back to doing your "builds' in the souls game.

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That doesnt make the tracking feel fair since it seems like you dodged then they just slid towards you like some DS2 stuff.

Jumping is the better answer but it dosent work on all grabs.

go to your start menu

>so many better options
Such as?

Extremely, I only beat Drunkard, Shinobi Hunter and Lady Butterly after him

Just started and I think I missed a tutorial prompt. Carver guy is coughing now. That's caused by reviving upon death? Or just dying to anything in general?

windows defender. go into the quarantined section and tell it to stop doing that.

Consider suicide

I don't know man, I like this squid dude. People liked it in Bloodborne

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>tfw there could've been a world where we had trick weapons with sekiro movement options

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thanks m8

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It's inside a campfire early on in Hirata Estate.
You get skill points from killing stuff, you pray at an idol and buy them

every other previous souls game before, maybe?

Little homos with big hats after the horseman boss are completely destroying me.

Dunno, but you can totally cheese his ass if you have the skill that lets you use your combat arts in the air and the first Ashina Combat art. Wait for an opening, use the slash, rinse and repeat.

Just got to the Guardian Ape. Dear lord this guy is gonna take me a while.

I've seen gameplay, presentation wise it looks great but everything else is on the meh side for me. Gonna wait for a huge price drop.

Didn't find the flamethrower yet.
Also the bonfire seemed like an obvious thing I was supposed to use against him because it's in the same area and I take damage from it if I get too close.

From this image alone I remember four different areas connected to it. I recognized I was near the beginning of the game and went straight towards that to see where I could go with the arm now that I could not before.

Dying for real causes Dragonrot, don’t take any chances and revive yourself and GTFO back to a bonfire

Just use the axe

what buff do you get for beating the actual bosses?

The game is bad because it's short and has no replay value unless you're bad.

Is that a simple enough statement for your peanut brain?

This is what I miss the most; exploring the world. Here you just explore the story and its characters. It's really lacking.

>It's inside a campfire early on in Hirata Estate.
hiding flame icon in the flame,why would you hate your players so much

Until they fix the thing where music and sound effects start to go extremely quiet until the game becomes entirely silent all the time I'm not bothering
That's annoying as fuck. This game goes from blasting music at full volume to drowning it out and then complete silence constantly. Some weird ass fucking bug in combat.

Any other action game?

The setting is nice but the combat reminds me of DaS2's bugs. Especially the grabs where you just fucking teleport into the enemy's reach.

I've killed tons of guards but haven't gotten one yet. Does dying remove them or something because I've died like 1000 times by now.

Why does your master look so fucking shitty? Like the little fucker looks like a goddamn PS2 model


Lads, I have a 2600x and a vega 56 with a SSD and running 1080p max with 60fps and getting severe drops in combat in the first area.

What do?

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What is there to do in the Dungeon? Should I progress through it before going back to Ashina Castle?


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>Different movement
>Different combat
>Different leveling
>Skill trees
>Same game
Loling at u

>really popular game comes out
>ironic shitposting about how it's actually bad and how were so fucking woke for realizing it.

It's great and you fags can die of aids.

So reviving doesn't cause dragonrot?

>download ETA 30 minutes

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>Red nip letter appears over the characters head
>No idea what it means
>Get hit with shit

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Thanks- so that means that I should always hit revive whenever I die for the 1st time? Seems kinda lame that you'd have to retreat after, reminds me of world tendency.

Something tells me the game doesn't like AMD

It's fine. He's just raging for the sake of raging. You thought outside the box and the game didn't reward you for it, definitely not your fault.

You lose half your skill point progress when you die, unless you get unseen aid.

>anticipated game attracts lots of streamers and viewers
wow who would've guessed

It's pretty boring to me. The combat is designed for 1v1 and naturally GENIUS DIRECTOR Miyazaki groups annoying enemies like shield guys or giants up with ranged fuckers or grunts so I cheese by aggroing only one, waiting until it walks s l o w l y to me and then killing him.

Going full shinobi style stealth is simply not viable. Honestly could've just left tall grass type shit out of the game and nothing of value would be lost.

The level design feels like shit too. The verticality doesn't really create interesting situations, and exploring doesn't give you anything worthwile either. Feels like a waste of fucking time jumping around rooftops and trees and shit hoping it leads somewhere cool and then it never does.

Glad I pirated desu. But I gotta say boss and miniboss fights are really cool. That's where the game shines. Everything else is kinda mediocre though.

Also I fucking hate how there's no armor customization or at least costumes in this game. Sengoku Japan is aesthetic as fuck and I'm stuck here playing as the most boring looking motherfucker in the entire country.

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>if a game is popular it HAS to be amazing
That's not how it works. Fallout 4 and Skyrim are extremely popular and both are mediocre as fuck.

Sekiro isn't that bad, but it isn't great either.

You lose half the experience you've gained to the next skill point on death, and half your money.

have you never played a single-player action game before?
you finish all the content and move on
what, do you want pvp where everyone can spiderman around and fling shit and parry/poisebreak each other for instakills?

You get a attack power buff.

Also when you beat horse dude, there’s a sidequest on the nearby temple from some old dude to kill 3 midgets near the gate by the bonfire, he gives you the Ashina Art tree and there’s some cool skills to increase posture damage

Also on top of his temple there’s a prayer bead

Dying loses half your progress to your next skill point, but doesn't remove skill points. XP bar is blue in the top right. On death you lose half but not any existing skill points

you go play an action action game then like DMC and stop playing this half game then nigger

Oh fuck off the game is cool but it's full of the usual souls bullshit.

Giant rooster most OP enemy. I tried to sneak up on one and it put me down and hit me again, killing me.

you have to grow a brain

steamfags with nvidia/intel are bitching too

>im not good
You wrote the reply for me

Sort of upset to be honest. The game is awesome and I'm having a blast but it makes me upset that a new Tenchu game could've been like this and instead of giving us Tenchu they gave us this game.

One can hope that Tenchu isn't forgotten and soon we'll get our game.

>Play as a ninja
>Only wear bright orange at night

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Good lads, where are the save files for the game located on PC?

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>le "it's not bad but it's not great"

How original.

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>have 2 resurrection thingys
>die once, lose one, one left
>die again, die for real
>just so the game can introduce the rot mechanic to me

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I have a 970 and the game runs "fine" without major frape drops, stuttering or freezing. Usually hovers around 50s.

You will be able to learn skills at the Buddha statues. Keep playing.

I've seen so many people on Yea Forums legitimately argue that no multiplayer means there is no reason to keep playing it. Its like single player games are a complete enigma to some Yea Forumsirgins.

Ok cool thanks for the help.
Didn't expect grinding to be viable in this game.

>The combat is designed for 1v1
Git gud faggot.
You can 1 v world as long as you don't try to die in group of enemies.

Finally a good game after the mediocrity of re2 and dmc5.

I killed all the common enemies around him then called in the npc when it was a 2v1, worked well for me.

there's a cooldown on rezzing

No, it’s dying for real that causes dragonrot. Always revive yourself, and if you don’t have revives, better go to an idol

C:\Users\"Your Account"\AppData\Roaming\Sekiro

Have to agree with you here regarding the parrying. Parrying and the whole posture mechanic just make the game not that fun. So far lady butterfly was the most interesting boss style wise but boring to fight because the whole fight is just R1 L1 = win. Dunno but it feels bland.

If you have autism and want to avoid WORLD TENDENCY fucking your game state you can run back to bonfires after deaths to recharge your freebie, make sure to abuse the fuck out of the assassin's creed one shots against every enemy they work on too since fuck fighting every mook

Yeah how dare people actually make use of numbers other than 0/10 or 10/10 right you cancerous retarded metacritic shitter
Kill yourself you redditor fuck

it's good but feels like too many of the mechanics are unecessary or can be ignored for more efficient and even funner play. Also the maps aren't that well thought out considering it's meant to make you feel like you have options. There's ONE sneak route and ONE kill em all route. I also think a lot of the item usage is very clunky even compared to Nioh or something.

I have severe drops to 55 fps occasionally too. AMD R5 2600X + nV GTX 1080, max settings at 1080p, purchased from CODEX store.

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The game told you at the very start that there are 3 variations of mortal strikes or whatever it's called: one you deflect, one you side step and one that you jump. These 3 options is all you need to keep in mind when figuring out an enemy's move list.

>Dying loses half your progress to your next skill point, but doesn't remove skill points.
Not him but I did not know that. Thanks.


Guess I've been playing wrong the entire time. I already cure dragonrot once but got it again now for "the fine son". Who is he?

>Dragonrot in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice affects the NPCs by making them sick, which prevents progression of their Quests. In addition, the more Dragonrot you accumulate, the less Unseen Aid you will have. Each time you die and respawn at a Sculptor's Idol each NPC has a chance to gain Rot Essence. They all have their individual chance, with some being higher than others. The Sculptor will always be effected first. It does not matter whether you Resurrect or not, you can still gain Dragonrot if you respawn at a Sculptor's Idol, so there is no point in not Resurrecting if you can.

Locking you out of content? This must be the Soul Memory of the game

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are you supposed to beat the purple ninja guy in the dream by the 3 story pagoda at the beginning of the game? took me 2 hours to beat him

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It's so hard

I don't find Souls games fun to play.
DMC5 felt underwhelming and I have already played bayo to hell and back.

>retarded metacritic shitter
>Kill yourself you redditor fuck

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i honestly can’t tell if im enjoying this game or not.

Is it me or does the game switch between easy and very hard constantly? The shinobi hunter is raping my ass.

system 32

Hearing Soulsfaggots complain about tracking moves will never not be funny to me, an absolute classic.

Game turned out exactly as i thought it would so i basically already said everything i could say about it. One thing i did not foresee though was:

>Enter boss room
>Boss cutscene triggers
>Boss cutscene sets up and tries to hype up the fight
>Oh boy here come that transition into gameplay

Who thought this was a good idea or even acceptable?

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Just use the spear parry bro. It fucks him up.

>throwing oil on enemies near fire doesn't set them on fire
>hook doesn't work on every rooftop
>enemies can still hit you trough walls
>hitboxes are still shit
>stealth is shit
>watch animation for every kill
Yeah good work From.

What's up with all the faggots going "I don't care for the setting." Petty white sucks. The blackies can't genocide you fast enough.


I thought it was the game I wanted, a verticality infused pseudo stealth action game with no memes like leveling or weapon upgrades but it feels so off, no matter what you do you never feel like you are overcoming much and everything seems like a chore

elaborate please

Like the other user said, it's a lot more like world tendency in demon's, but in that game you could undo black tendency by killing invaders. Don't know if dragonrot is permanent or not

what an incredibly faggy t-shirt
'I'm bad at video games and I'm PROUD of that and want validation for not giving into toxic gamer culture!'

One stealth kill and get the spear parry skill.

Activision thought things would be too obtuse if not explained to you directly and concisely like that.

>long action game
>only one weapon
>only one combo
not nice

Souls games are so deprived of content that multiplayer keeps them alive. Sekiro fucked up by not having multiplayer, it'll be forgotten about rather quickly.

So basically it's about as good as DaS 3(not very)?

most people grabbed the tool and left, does he drop anything?

You're not the only one. Game isn't that demanding and runs perfect even on 1440p but at some times it spikes down to ~55 for seemingly random reasons.

>Chained Ogre takes fucking forever to kill and his grabs have bullshit radius

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So do NPCs die if you don't cure them fast enough?

Also, what the fuck does Resurrection power do? I got an item that increases it doesn't seem like anything happened

Hey buyfags, has the game been updated yet? Pirate version is on 1.02. Waiting for those inevitable QOL changes.

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I unironically wish I had bought Division 2 instead of Sekiro.
Oh well.

Also they need to fix the fucking sound bug with music going loud to quiet constantly.

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DS3 was great though

>I'm bad at Dark Souls and its the fault of the game AND the community!
epic bait
Same thing is happening with Sekiro too, hilariously enough.

>Souls games are so deprived of content that multiplayer keeps them alive.
You're fucking retarded; you can do different builds and have different routes. You people have brain problems.

I like the settings, I adore japanese castles

>you can do different builds
Not in Sekiro!
Starting to question who the retard really is here

Are treasure carps farmable? The only one left near the merchant is deep under the water. Shurikens barely make a scratch and I can't reach it with the sword

why don't you just buy the game. are you poor?

>Ogre fears fire
>Try to lure him into a big fire that's nearby
>He walks into it
>It does nothing
Turns out I needed to get the fire prosthetic upgrade, I don't know if the devs just overlooked this or what but I really like it so far, made it to Genichiro and taking a break for a bit

DaS 3 was the third best Souls game after DaS and BB and Sekiro is nowhere near as good as it.

Is there a way to cure dragon rot?

I was talking about Dark Souls you fucking retard, and also there are different skill trees in Sekiro you double fucking retard.

Because I have to uninstall it first and quit playing for an hour.

>Corrupted Monk phase 3

It really wasn't. It was formulaic and linear as fuck.

>implying builds mean shit in souls
you got two options magic and melee.

>what are spikes
>what is trial and error
those are artificial difficulty

What's the protestic tool in the upgrade window after the first fire cracker upgrade?

>You use one Katana for the whole game
>Its moveset fucking sucks

weakest of the souls games cause it did nothing new
from is good at combat but GREAT at exploration and world building
take all of that away or make it boring and you are left with a good game not a great one.


Mini bosses give you a 1/4 of the bead, what do bosses give you?

You can dispell it by doing estus girl quest, user.

linearity is fine

>Muh movesets
>Muh hundreds of weapons
Unironically kys

People still wouldn't play Dark Souls that much without the multiplayer even just with builds, Sekiro even less so because there's no builds to speak of and one weapon/combo. It's straight up embarrassing people think this was going to be better than DMCV

these rooftops are worse than the silver knights the first time I played DS1

Not in a Souls game. Having to beat half or more of the game before you even get the weapon you want is retarded as fuck.

The straw hats with the spinning scythes at the buddist temple are more annoying than anything else combined. It's such a drag taking them down.

My honest opinion is that it’s unplayable.

Shitty 60fps cap means that my gpu/cpu utilisation are around 50% each, running the game easily at 60fps 1440p maxed. But then completely randomly the gpu spikes to 100% and game stutters massively. Happens even on main menu, cutscenes etc. no problem in other games.

good game

Boring with a sprinkle of artificial difficulty.

attack up item.

Big bosses give you memories to upgrade your attack power, and some side stuff which depends on the boss.

Great game, enemies too easy bosses too hard.

So... just like every other From game in existence.

>People still wouldn't play Dark Souls that much without the multiplayer even just with builds
This is sheer desperation to get a point in. People still play DeS even with the servers down, fucking retard.

Good to know, thanks.

My DS4 won't work ingame so I refuse to play

0/10 so far

Tried everything people have suggested with DS4Windows, the nVidia service shit, steam config, nothing fixes it.

Is mr Horse first boss? Makes me scared of what is to follow

>if I can't use my super specific build for the entirety of NG then it's shit
oh you're one of those people who can't just play like a normal person

Not as much that would be if the servers were still up, you paste eating simpleton

Just stealth them, way painless that way, I couldn't even find a good way to beat them in combat without wasting tons of resources

Guya help me. I've pirated SEKIRO and when I open it up there's just a black screen what do I do?

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game is too hard i cant ..i cant anymore

>he needs other people to have fun

>the diving raven at Ashina Castle
That got a chuckle out of me.

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And the boar in DS1 takes fire damage if it walks too close to the fire. Other enemies as well.

He's retarded, user.

Horseboss is a cakewalk compared to the estate boss.

I think its ogre"I grab you from beyond" chained.

how the fuck is trial and error artificial difficulty?

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Only 1 hour in, and I think it’s pretty good, adding stealth just makes it much cooler and the combat is satisfying when you’re parrying. However the camera is shitty as fuck, but that’s every souls game. I just hope there’s replay value in Ng+, because there’s no other weapons or pvp in the game

Try waiting a bit, the first time I launched the game it was loading for a while.

Only generic upgrade materials and the leveling thing.
Just go back later for the latter.

>Generic mid evil settings
>Generic Japanese setting
>This is so boring who would want to play this

Copy the crack in its correct place dumbass, the installer even does it for you.

>restricts you until you beat half the game
Yeah that's what I would call pretty shit. If you're going to let me make my own character then let me play how I want.

>and the leveling thing.
beads? oh cool, will kill later

Great game.

>mid evil
lol gotta be bait

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anybody stuck on horse rider? he is basically a filter to see if you know how L1 works. I think they were a bit stingy on the gourds. Should have started at like 4/5 gourds. With 3 gourds you fuck up once and you have to restart the fight.

>Switching to English in the first place

What a fucking faggot you are.

>Ledge Grabbing, Item Collecting, and talking to people are all the same button
>If you remap one you have to remap them all together

This has been my only complaint so far, I just wanted to move item usage to X where it belonged but now I have to ledge grab with D-Pad Up

Is fighting genichiro a one and done thing after the castle or will he appear later in other routes

>die like a bitch right away to the guy at the end of the tutorial
>haha I'll just try again

So how far can you get in that fight? Obviously getting your arm Revolver Ocelot'd is part of the story.

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Playing on PC with ps4 pad, where's the vibration? There's an option to set it but don't actually feel one

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this is why steam reviews are a bad idea. niggers use it to downvote for techincal problems unrelated to the game.
kys my man

Is this trolling? Either way, I don't like it.

that's what NG+ is for

yeah just did that gay shit. really not liking how this game doesn't reward common sense.

Have you tried playing with a white man's controller? You know, one with real drivers that are made by white people?

It's very repetitive and level design is mediocre. I thought it would be bloodborn tier game but I actually don't even want to continue to play it.

Take your own advice you fanboy cunt

That's directly related to the game you stupid fucking shill.

you can beat him, you get a different cutscene but yeah you still lose your arm

I agree, but the vocal sony shitposting squad won't allow this opinion and astroturfs Bloodborne as the greatest game of all time, even though it's an 8/10 tops


nope, in the pagoda you get a prosthetic addon. he himself drops a bead and the iron ore



I didn't give a steam review, I jokingly scored it because I can't play

You're shoehorning some weird random shit here

Spikes and trial/error are not a curve either genius, hence the names.

I'm 10h in and... I think it's pretty great, maybe even best FS game and I'm a huge DS fan... but it's still too early to judge

I hope rest of the game is great

>playing a DaS ng+
No thanks. Literally zero reason to do so.

no it isnt. we both know it isnt. its a technical issue.
enjoy this last (You) dumb cunt

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>Tutorial tells you to use dodge for grabs
>Get grabbed anyways

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So what happens if you beat the guy in the flower field at the start?

Just an achivement?


dodge better idiot

A technical issue with that specific game, you retard. Other games work with the DS4 flawlessly.

They might just be the worst non boss enemy in the game desu.

>the movement is slow
literally wtf
he glides around like fucking sonic ffs

they are the definition of artificial learning difficulty curve

It literally tells you to either dodge or jump or deflect.

>Literally zero reason to do so.
except you know, using the build you care so much about for the entire game

The Tengu Ninja throws a shuriken at you, and when you go to deflect it Genichiro stands up and cuts your arm and tells you to learn the difference between honor and victory.

>and evading only when the nippon moonrunes come out, is this supposed to be fun?
you can parry those
and yes it's very fun to have a combat system that, given enough skill, allows you to completely overpower an enemy and take 0 damage while staying on their face for the entire fight

srsly wtf were they thinking here

Those little dwarf fuckers with hats are also very annoying

I already played the entire game. Nothing changes except that I can finally use the weapon I want. Not worth it.


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the from formula is getting really stale now. If I didnt play 3 dark souls, demonsouls and bloodborne then maybe i'd enjoy it more, but because i have, a lot of it feels and plays far too similiar to those titles.

its really a rhythm game but with a shitty camera that wants to fuck you over constantly

>*blocks your progress*

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after what boss do i reach the buddhist temple area? i'm afraid i missed it

Only got to play for a couple hours last night, but I enjoyed what I played. Only real gripes with it are that you don't auto-grab ledges and the FUCKING fish.

>Deflect grabs
Are you retarded

>Yea Forums and steam forums bitching about difficulty
It's beautiful lads

the multiple health bars/resurrect mechanic is just dumb

so you never replay any souls game? but you also care a lot about linearity. that's very bizarre.

This is fucking stupid. Emma moved areas and in the new area she doesn't let me give her gourd seeds. I have fucking 2 of them and it would be very useful

>have i7-7700k
>1060 3gb that i've been meaning to replace for the last 4 years
>game runs flawless maxed out at 2k

AMD is my favorite meme.

I honestly feel like I'm doing something wrong. it's just clang clang clang against her and waiting for her to jump and miss before I get a single hit in and then goes back to clang clang clang against her.

>but because i have, a lot of it feels and plays far too similiar to those titles.
This is what I expected. Why can't From innovate?


>be a dark souls fun
>buy sekiro
>played: 72 minutes on steam
>game is annoying, path is unclear, enemies are just health sponges, combat is very monotonous
Should I just refund this game? The graphics are pretty, at least...

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At the guardian monkey atm, game's pretty good, I don't like how fucked you are when there are multiple big dudes on you that slash 80% of your health, and their posture recovers so fast that they are basically immortal.
the bossfights are very rythmic and fun so far.
I like the soulsborne better though, stealth shit is booring, tools are booring, I miss builds and invasions

>ignoring the fact that From's English VA's have been some of the best in the last decade of vidya.
Even when they cut content it's superb - youtube.com/watch?v=AY_J6GKLTcI

>get to the ogre
>half of the motherfucker's moves track like crazy so you have to dodge really late
really fromsoft?

>water level
Oh god pls no.

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>1060 3gb

the game tries to trick you into using dodges to avoid grabs when that's total bullshit, use jumps to avoid grabs because the dodge is fucking awful

Replayed DeS. After that I realized there was never a reason to play ng+ in From games.

>snake eyes
yep, i'm done

Sekiro is what happens when you take the soul out of a souls game.

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Not really because you axe them once and it's over because their hat breaks.

already better than the souls game where water kills you for no reason

Never played from soft games and sekiro is KILLING me. Spear boss is my nemesis. I got the mkiri w/e counter but dude keeps fucking me. Any help?

I absolutely adore this game though.

>I think the pulp horror stuff is kind of cheesy,
But that shit's good

You CAN'T deflect grabs, you numpty. Your only option is to get out of the way.

there is, sorry your autism doesn't let you enjoy them a second time through

This is why you pirate first dingus.

Where do I go after I beat the samurai past the ogre? The bridge is broken and I found a dark cave down the cliffs but it seems spooky in there. Is that the way forward?

No, that's dark souls 3.

Game is actually piss easy

What's wrong with the rooftop tengus?

A good evolution of the Souls gameplay formula.

The settings is kinda meh though. Nioh already did it and I would argue better

Deep and truthpilled.

Shill threads, so many

Yea Forums's full of casuals masquerading as hardcore gamers.

go to the bridge and jump down left

English VA was good because it was the main focus as it fit the setting more and From handled it themselves, even Japanese players had English VA by default. It's the reverse here. It defaults to Japanese for a reason

Does the Wolfs hair get more gray the more you die? I've died so many times to that ogre that I only just now noticed Wolf is halfway gray.

>pretty fucking great new combat mechanics based on posture and reactionary play
>cool stealth and grappling hook
>fantasy setting based on medieval nippon
>great atmosphere

10/10 would bang

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I really hope From makes more kino console exclusives just to see your retarded fat PCkek ass seethe again.

>A good evolution of the Souls gameplay formula.
Hell no it isn't. It's worse than before. I much prefer the gameplay of proper Souls over Sekiro's.

>every thread in here is just bitching about the difficulty
>Reddit is enjoying it
Were we the bad guys all along?

There is a passage down to the left by the bridge with snek

Not as retarded as someone who dropped 60 dollars on a game they're not gonna play more than two times at the most

Yes, you can also go back to the "hub" where the prosthetics guy is and access additional area through there

Souls games are not even that good. Both 2 and 3 are shit in different departments.

you must be retarded. I'm playing on a HD 6870 a strictly worse card than yours and I'm playing on 40-60 fps in 760p

>Never played from soft games and sekiro is KILLING me
You may unironically be in better position than someone who played souls a lot. It feels like they specifically designed some shit to fuck with those who have muscle memory from soulsborne.

Bro I've been playing Souls for 10 years. It's good.


It depends on your taste I guess, but I much prefer the eerie "aged" feeling the world of Dark Souls has, where it's like you're wandering a world where everything has already happened and you're just seeing the remnants. I do like the weird comparison Bloodborne makes between Lovecraft tentacle creatures and gothic architecture, though, with the Amygdalas.

Its fucking awesome. I just beat the horseman boss, but at what cost? I spread rot to two players. I'm having a blast though, I love how you actually clash with bosses.

i really REALLY like how the cut all the useless fat from the souls games like having other useless weapons and armor and etc. This is PURE souls.

I don't care what you guys say there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING more satisfying than facing a spearmen and stepping on his weapon when he thrusts.

The red attacks come in different forms. You can deflect thrusts, grabs you have to jump or sidestep.

I don't find Sekiro that hard. I just don't find it that fun.
It lacks the atmosphere Souls games have.
Also the level design is kinda poor.

Reminder that sneak attacking bosses is the equivalent of summoning in Souls.

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Out of curiosity, did you beat butterfly before him or not?

>ur only gonna play it two times at most!
I played MMX before you were born and I just replayed it this last month. What a dumb fucking retard you are.

The fatass was the easiest miniboss for me. Absolutely trivial using the help. I used the same strategy I'm using on every miniboss: >take out as much of his mob as possible by stealth
>run away when they all aggro
>wait for most of them to deaggro
>repeat until only the miniboss is left
>stealth the miniboss
>talk to the npc helper
>spam R1

based enthusiasm anons having fun playing video games

If you can sneak attack it then it's not a boss now is it. You mean strong mobs or minibosses I guess.

Yeah fuck choice, just give me a linear straight path to go through.

Nioh had piss poor locations that looked like they were randomly generated.

I have over 1k hours in all the games, idk what people are crying about, 2 sticks out for its janky mechanics, but 3 was really good. and pvp is still active to this day

>run away when they all aggro

DkS3 also had framepacing issues on PC even though the average fps appears to be a near constant 60 fps. No surprises there.

Nope. I faced a few mini bosses and eluded the snake.

>linear path
I bet you think there's no upgrades too, at least watch a video before you spout complete ignorant bullshit

Seethe harder soulsbaby

The combat is really satisfying but i'm really bad at the game and can't properly enjoy it.

At least steam has got my back.

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wow Yea Forums is nothing but disgusting casuals
even fucking IGN said this game is piss easy but you retards keep crying it's too hard

I feel like I fucked up my order because most people I ask killed the horsemen samurai before butterfly and he did feel a LOT easier to fight.

And I really like the fact that in Bloodborne you're going through night and end in the morning.

The game is decent enough, but I am starting to get tired of from games.
I also don't get why there is no multiplayer, did they adress that?
Anyway it's a good thing.

How do you kill the carp that are deeper underwater? I tried pressing the shuriken button but it doesn't work.

Sometimes I feel like that's true but other times I just perfect parry 3 times in a row and instakill the fuckers like there's no tomorrow.

Stair Ogre beat you that hard, huh?

Note that I *specifically* said "grabs" in my post, user.

you mean medieval?

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Yeah, the entire Estate feels way harder than the Outskirts. I went there first too, and feel like I went in the wrong order.

>grabs you have to jump or sidestep.
Where do you get this? The game tells you to deflect thrusts, jump over sweeps and to dodge grabs.

>no resins
>no infusions
>no stat upgrading
>therefore damage stuck at the same level
>every boss is a fucking sponge as a result, your katana feels like a fucking toothpick

it feels like trying to finish souls with a +0 longsword
yeah the game is designed around it (i guess?), yet you do next-to-zero damage to most bosses
this gets old pretty fast, as does losing more than half of your hp bar on every missed hit too, those two combined means you basically have to almost perfectly (maximum 3-4 fuckups, counting resurrection and estus) dodge and parry their shit for a couple minutes otherwise you lose
absolutely no way to cheese anything due to very barebones mechanics of the game, even stunlocking ogre with fire only gets you one of his healthbars but he still got second one which is just a big
what to do with that estate dude where you're fighting with some honorabru samurai i dont even get, the best i can do is again kill all the trash mobs while npc tanks the boss and then maybe get one deathblow in right as npc is dying, then i get stomped
i get it, im bad, and they were going for muh hard meme, but this is WAY harder than any souls (finished all of them including demon excluding bb without summs) and im pretty sure that a lot of people are going to think the same, every boss is a major gating, way more so than in souls where really hard bosses were only way later in the game and even those usually died way faster due to damage scaling way harder than their hp bars, and you could dodge way easier too (here dodge sucks and you're supposed to parry which has way more unforgiving timings)
i dont even know what's going to come next, I suppose more healthbars, and i suppose no damage upgrades.
im really not a big fan of the whole "have reflexes to parry every hit or get rekt scrub" gameplan, this game has it in retarded proportions and there is not that much else going on really combat-wise, im not that young anymore and I don't want to play sober either.

I did mean literally you autist.

i like how fire looks in this game

Didn't even get to that part, the combat is just really really bland and repetitive. Not my cup of tea I guess.

Didn't see the game got cracked yesterday, huh?


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I just got banned from the steam forums for saying git gud.

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I beat her first. She fucked me up hard now i got a few rotting friends. The horseman was cake compared to her and i 1-shotted him. The fact that his fatigue meter hardly drops was made it ez.

I could actually hit it with shuriken and I saw the HP bar going down, but the damage was minimal and it just ran away. Maybe I'll go back there once I got upgraded shuriken arm.

I don't even like Souls game.
You have to like the formula I guess. I was looking for an action game, and Sekiro gave me that.

At an hour? I'd wager it was seeing that an hour into the game showed it had poor gameplay.

>reach boss fight
>ok he has 2 lifebars no problem
>win the fight
>regains all health after cutscene
>if you die you have to start all over again

this game is just bullshit, pure bullshit, when I kill a boss it should fucking die you can't pull shit out of your ass like this, fuck this trash not even dark souls 3 did it more than once in a boss fight, this game is fucking stupid

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>waah no gimmicks to make the game easy!

Shit was getting annoying because they just kept adding more and more bullshit in every new entry. Bloodborne had the right idea and Sekiro perfected it

The lone shadow longswordsman is harder than any "actual" boss I've fought so far

Sorry I was thinking about a different tuturial pop up earlier in the game. No idea why the game tells you to side stop though, since jumping seems to work better.

>no resins
You can get skills that let you set your sword on fire and other stuff
>no stat upgrading
Prayer beads, nigga.
>damage stuck at the same level
Memories, nigga.

My same exact experience. The whole grappling across an entire battlefield to fuck him in the face also contributed to making it very easy while butterfly made me fucking work for the W. Guess we really did fuck up the order.

I'd say bloodborne had the right idea and sekiro butchered it, but to each their own I guess

>im not that young anymore and I don't want to play sober either.

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I found it easier to jump away from grabs.

stay mad that you're bad
plenty of games have bosses with multiple forms

The katana feels great and powerful I don't know what you're on about, you absolutely brutalize opponents if you know what you're doing.

>this game isn’t hard, I just don’t like it is not like I’m struggling with the first boss I swear!
This is the Dark Souls PC release all over again

If I remember correctly everyone was pissed off with bloodborne in the beginning as well. Also bb can be cheesed like no other, that game along with it's predecessors are good but the gameplay is pretty static dodge and hit. Sekiro has much more going on.

So bizarre to see ppl calling the combat boring

Beating bosses in this game is boring. I don't feel like I'm learning anything as I play. I just get to a boss, die about 5 times because I don't know what their LOL FINAL FORM TIME FOR 10 HIT COMBOS IN RAPID SUCCESSION is going to be then I just throw ash or fire at them and button mash R1 until I win.

normal enemies yes, absolutely, they're wet paper, bosses though? i land a full combo or a couple charged strikes in an opening and don't even get through a sixth of their healthbar, of which there is multiple. 60+ hits to get a boss down is way too much, in my opinion.

Holy fuck. these threads and people like you are why I NEVER trust the opinion of Yea Forums
Goddamn. Truly retarded people out there

>the way i choose to play the game is boring
are you pretending to be retarded for (you)s again user?

>he focuses on the healthbar

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