Every game in this image is Steam exclusive.
Why is it ok when Valve does it?
Every game in this image is Steam exclusive
Because they developed them. Also, I would unironically like a (downloadable with browser) DRM-free release of all those titles.
epic bait my guy, Reddit gold for sure.
They didn’t advertise the games on the Epic store months in advance.
Hehe, upboat this post!
What difference does it make?
They are still exclusive to Steam.
Nice argument, pcbros.
Its because they made the games themselves meanwhile Epic buys their exclusives
FPBP. You is retarded if he doesn't see the difference between first party exclusives and shitty EPIC practices.
Its because everyone makes their games exclusive to their own platform its just how things are. What you don't do is let a game be hyped up and then buy it before its released so people have to go to your store
>Every game in this image is Steam exclusive.
Don't you own the Orange Box for PS3 or XBOX 360?
HL2, TF2, Portal 2, L4D2 and even CSGO have console ports.
this. OP BTFO
>What difference does it make?
Metro Exodus, Phoenix Point and The Outer Worlds were meant to be distributed in Steam since day 1 until Epic Games cockblocked that.
Even worse with Phoenix Point, since it's a fucking crowdfunded game.
>Half Life 2, TF2 and Portal are on the Orange Box
what did Zheng mean by this?
They're not. They're all also on PS3 and xbox360.
I don't really have a problem with publishers/developers having their games exclusive to their store desu. Haven't played a Ubisoft or EA game in years. But Epic getting all these third parties to move exclusively to their store is just annoying.
>epic payed for them
umm does valve not pay thier devs or programers?
Most Epic Store exclusives have console ports too.
They own the IP, that's the point.
Said this, I don't mind the exclusivity of ports of console exclusives that quite probably wouldn't have made it to PC without Epic's money, such as Quantic Dream games and Journey.
Are you retarded? Thoes are all made by valve meaning 1st party exclusive. They have never dished out cash to try to grab exclusives from third party developers like epic does.
literally noone who be upset or throwing a fit if fortnite hadn't rustled the jimmies of boomers everywhere
>implying this isn't viral marketing
>i was merely pretending
lick my scrotum
And most of them are dead except TF2 and Dota 2.
I want steam to have offline downloadable games like GOG, so i could save up my whole library and delete it. Im afraid of losing every 1400 games i own and want to backup it, because i know most shitty games are not gonna be saved if im not doing it
>Make game
>Sell game through your platform
>Pay publisher of game scheduled for being sold on another platform to not release on that platform
Search "Using the Steam Backup Feature".
Pretty worthless since apparently you can't activate them in offline mode.
but epic also makes games
And they have every right to sell the games they make themselves on their own platform. Your point?
out side of dota 2 and cs go every other game was sold physically whit out the need of going true steam to get them
most of those games got sold on consoles dumb-dumb.
some epic games are sold on steam
I was thinking more like cutting all ties, standalone runnable installer/player. Thanks for the info though
That is their choice. What does this have to do with Epic paying companies not to release on Steam? And what does this have to do with Valve selling their own games through their own platform?
>What difference does it make?
They chose to make it exclusive on their own, weren't strong-armed into it, and didn't mislead the consumers since there's an obvious expectation for first party games to be exclusive by default?
Seriously how dumb are you
just pirate the games you own that the only solution
OP can't be serious, maybe because he isn't.
Welcome to the fifth EGS vs Steam bait thread. Tell me your finest bait.
Then it wouldn't be Steam, it would be any DRM-free capable store.
Hes grasping at straws at this point hes so desperate to be proved right that he is going in circles like a dog you are what you eat after all
You guys know that it's only going to get worse right? Fortnite is making somewhere around 300 MILLION dollars EVERY MONTH, now when you think about all of the costs that go back into development, paying staff salaries, etc. it's probably quite minimal, a small fraction of the total made.
Just think about that, every month they are raking in hundreds of millions. Do not expect this shit of Epic buying exclusives to end anytime soon. They have a massive pile of cash, and it doesn't even matter if the games don't sell well on their store, they don't care about that. They are rolling around in cash right now. All they care about is long-term, buying all of these exclusives and increasing their userbase and diminishing / shrinking steam's userbase to the point where devs don't need to be bought to make their game exclusive to their store, they will willingly do it because there is a large enough userbase to justify it.
I fucking hate what Epic is doing, I really do, but it's pretty smart in the long run, and they will likely win this battle as long as Fortnite money keeps rolling in for them.
If they limit themselves to just port console exclusivities from Sony and Nintendo, I wouldn't mind at all.
I believe it
thanks for the (You)
yeah but the shittiest of asset flips are not there. Or the really hidden gems. Im thinking about in those lines, I already pirated everything thats famous.
addendum: how about good f2p games that not get cracked because, well free? Those have the biggest chance getting lost forever because nobody bother saving them
They aren't, and won't. They are trying to dethrone steam as the primary platform for PC gaming. They don't care about the lack of features that their platform has, that can all come later. Right now they are basically approaching publishers and devs, saying here's this massive pile of money, which will likely pay for all the costs of their development of the game they want to be exclusive, so of course they don't pass up this offer. They literally have to do nothing but sign a contract and boom the dev / publisher is in the black on their game, and they will still make profit even if it's less than what they would have made on steam, it doesn't matter because they're still making more in the long run without the risk.
Good luck.
>In the 2018 exemptions, the Library allowed for preservation and fair use of server-based games like MMOs, permitting preservationists to offer such games where they have legally obtained the game's code within museums and libraries.
This article may interest you, bi the way.
It’s smart, you think Valve was dumb to spearhead a platform desirable for distribution? Epic has more aggressive tactics because they have more money to do it.
This is indeed sounds interesting. I highly believe steam gonna disappear and making a lot of games unobtainum. My problem is that the high profile games will survive and the niche not.
>and it doesn't even matter if the games don't sell well on their store, they don't care about that.
>All they care about is long-term, buying all of these exclusives and increasing their userbase and diminishing / shrinking steam's userbase to the point where devs don't need to be bought to make their game exclusive to their store, they will willingly do it because there is a large enough userbase to justify it.
There is where you are wrong buddy and the fact that subanutica was downloaded more than 4 million times FOR FREE in a store with more than 80mil users doesn't help. EGS will be a fortnote launcher forever, only kids care about it.
You're only thinking short term, yes right now that's essentially what it is, but they will continue to use fortnite cash to buy exclusivity, and slowly the people that hold out on using their platform will eventually just succumb and use it to play whatever game they want to play now instead of waiting.
Steam will eventually disappear, but by the time it does we'll either all be dead or virtually everything on it will have been ported to some other storefront or archive.
It will. Everything does.
Hell, look what happened with Actua Soccer 3.
Available on Steam and Amazon and DRM-free on GamersGate.
Now it's delisted.
Luckily, I have my local CD release.
300 Million dollars a month isn't a whole lot, when you have an army of programmers, HR, janitors, CEOs, CFOs, managers, accountants, all who want decent pay with benefits just to sit around an office.